Flex :: Tooltip On Image Element Inside RichEditableText

Aug 20, 2011

I have the following:[code]I want to display a tooltip on the img element - haven't figured this one out - ideas anyone?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Element Is ITooltippable Vs Element['tooltip']

Oct 25, 2010

I've built a rather robust tooltip class recently that attaches and draws a single tooltip sprite to the root, then uses MOUSE_OVER to detect when it is over a tooltippable object, and shows the appropriate tooltip text. At the moment, I'm ensuring that any elements in my application which wants to take advantage of showing tooltips implement the ITooltippable interface, and expose a public getter, get tooltip().


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[code]I want a specific toolTip for "icon". I have read about using HTML and rollOver and rollOut but I'm building this as part of a larger text block; it's difficult to switch from incremental objects to HTML in the middle.If I cannot set an event on the icon, can I create an HTML bit in ActionScript as part (but not all) of a paragraph ?

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Actionscript :: Flex - Looping Over Elements Inside An Element

Oct 21, 2011

I have the following function in Flex 4:


Isn't there a way to loop over each image in the hgroup and add the eventhandler? Something like this:


My teacher told me this isn't possible but in case of 10+ images, I can't imagine doing it for every image separately. There has to be a better way to do this, no?

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Flex :: Check If Clicked Element Is Inside Of IVisualElement (parent)?

May 27, 2010

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Problem is TextArea is made up of RichEditableText so target doesn't actually refer to TextArea. I've tried event.target.parent.id but still not getting there. Anyone knows how to get to the bottom of this?

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Flex 4 RichEditableText With Right Click Menu?

Sep 13, 2011

I need selectable text that can be copied. Some users are used to copy with Ctrl+C (Cmd+C on Mac), and some are used to right click and select "Copy".

Using s:RichEditableText, there is no "Copy" in right click menu: http://d.pr/xWXW. Using mx:Text, there is "Copy" in right click menu, but it doesn't copy anything: http://d.pr/vtiw

Ctrl+C works for both s:RichEditableText and mx:Text.

Is there a property or something to enable "Copy" in right click menu for s:RichEditableText?

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Flex :: Detect Right Clicks On A RichEditableText?

Oct 21, 2011

I am currently implementing squiggly in a flex application to enable spell checking. Due to certain requirements, I can not use SquigglyUI to hook onto my spark RichEditableText.I have successfully used com.adobe.linguistics.utils.TextTokenizer to tokenize and highlight mispelt words.I would like to be able to let the user rightclick on a mispelled word and show a I have tried to attach a listener to my RichEditableText:

richtexteditor.addEventListener("rightClick", showSuggestions);
And this is my event handler:
private function showSuggestions(event:MouseEvent):void{


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Mar 25, 2010

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Flex :: Autosize - RichText/RichEditableText Autosizing?

Mar 21, 2011

In the past, I used the flash.text.textField object something like this:

tf = textField();
tf.autoWrap = true
tf.autoSize = "left"
tf.width = 100;


I'm coding this, so if you have some suggestions, please post them in code, not MXML.

but UITextfield is not a TLF component and the example for RichText does not cause the RichText height to grow with the text. What I need is a component that I can set the width, add TLF formatted text and get the height of the component once it has rendered. Just like a TextField does when you add text.

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Flex :: Set Caret Cursor Position In RichEditableText Control?

Dec 1, 2010

Is there a method to set the caret position within a RichEditableText control? The control's contents can contain errors that the user must fix which are navigated though via Next/Previous buttons, and during the navigation I would like to set the caret cursor to the end of each error within the text.

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Flex :: RichEditableText Component Not Completely Resetting Its View

Mar 1, 2011

I'm experiencing some strange text rendering behavior in the Spark RichEditableText component.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[Code] .....

The above application simply navigates through the five sentences in the DATA array (every time the Next button is pressed). For whatever reason, RichEditableText component doesn't completely reset its view (by clearing the previous text) before setting new content. From what I can gather, this faulty rendering is somehow based on the combination of line count and relative width. I also discovered that if I set the width property of the RichEditableText component to an absolute value (say, 100) as opposed to relative (percentage, 100%) the text is rendered correctly. As far as I can see, this behavior is unintended and is, in fact, a bug.

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Flex - Possible To Select Text Between Multiple RichEditableText Objects?

Aug 15, 2011

For example, say I have 3 RichEditableText objects and I want to be able to highlight them all together:

<s:RichEditableText id="obj_one" width="100%" text="Click and start dragging the highlight here..." selectable="true" editable="false" fontSize="9" />
<s:RichEditableText id="obj_two" width="100%" text="Continue dragging the highlight through this one" selectable="true" editable="false" fontSize="9" />
<s:RichEditableText id="obj_three" width="100%" text="and keep going and finish highlighting them all right here" selectable="true" editable="false" fontSize="9" />

Is it even possible to make it so all three could be highlighted that way someone could Copy all three at once then past all the text somewhere? I should clarify, The reason they would be like this is because there they are in an itemRenderer so they would each be their own object in each line on the list. It would be nice though if the text could be highlighted and copied like it was all together though. Just imagine the way an end user would expect to be able to drag an highlight any other text in a standard html document to paste elsewhere.

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Flex :: RichEditableText SelectionColor - IDE Gives An Error Like This Property Do Not Exist?

Sep 19, 2011

I'm new to flex, actually I'm reading a simple tutorial about Flex 4 (I'm using flash builder 4.5) this is the tutorial.I added a RichEditableText and then I should specify the property selectionColor, but when I add it to the source code, the IDE give me an error like this property do not exist.

<s:RichEditableText x="179" y="95" text="hello" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" color="#E52222" selectionColor="#000000" />

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Flash :: Insert Text At Cursor In A TLF-based Flex Spark RichEditableText?

Oct 8, 2010

I want to programmatically insert formatted text at the current cursor position in a Flex 4 (Spark) RichEditableText control. I could just modify the .text property But that doesn't allow me to insert formatted text. So I believe I need to interact with either .textFlow or .textFlow.interactionManager somehow? However, TLF is quite complex and I can't find a simple way to do what I want.

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Actionscript 2 :: Show Tooltips Inside A ScrollPane Without Letting Flash 8 Hide Tooltip?

Dec 23, 2011

I have the content of a scrollpane that, when clicked, show a tooltip movieclip with attachMovieClip; the problem is that the attached movie clip, for the first rows, goes under the border of the ScrollPane and is partially invisible.

Is there a way to solve this problem (without changing the position of the attached movie clip?)

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Flex :: Spark RichEditableText Word Wrap With Percent Width And Fixed Height?

May 11, 2011

I know this question has been asked before but the other solutions didn't work for me quite well. here's my sample application.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic Button Tooltip And Get Tooltip Data From XML?

Mar 19, 2010

how to create dynamic button tooltip and get tooltip data from XML.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatchevent Image Tooltip Doesn't Work?

Oct 20, 2009

i am quite new to Actionscriot although i have lots of programming background. My application displays an image (with glow effects) via FLEX that has a link on it. Since the user would have no idea that this image is clickable, i want to set a tooltip that should come up after the image has been displayed. Here is my code fragment :


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Flash :: Javascript Element Inside Href

Aug 16, 2011

Using the following code:[code]Triggering play() and stop() works as expected, however the href doesn't do much, as the click event is sent to the flashplayer, and not following the hyperlink.I have several such flashplayers on the page, and I'm trying to find a way to 'activate' the href onClick and honor the url specified in the <a href=""> construct. Specifically, it's in IE8 I'm struggling.How can I do this using html/javascript?After having come across javascript onclick event over flash object I managed to get closer to what I'm after. Using the onmousedown event, I can trigger javascript when clicking my overlay div. What's a good generic way to read the parent href url and issue location.href='/myparenturl';" style="cursor: pointer; ?

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Xml :: Flash - Writing An Element Inside A Another With Code?

Sep 22, 2011

I'm having a bit of problems with simple XML coding. I'm using a simple flash application to write a XML containing customer data (simple stuff, like phone number, name, email, etc).I understand how to write XML manually, but my issue comes when I want to create a element inside another element. I'm using AS3.So, for example, I have the following xml.



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Flex :: Put An Image Inside A Canvas Without It Overflowing?

Aug 13, 2009

I have an Image nested inside a Canvas.

<mx:Image source="@Embed(source='assets/library.swf', symbol='Waves')" />

I'd like the Image not to overflow the bounds of Canvas. But when I set width and height on the Canvas, my Image disappears. Canvas also doesn't seem to respect horizontalScrollPolicy.

Seems easy enough, but as the official Flex documentation is down at the moment, I thought I'd turn to SO.

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Flex :: Resize Image Inside UpdateDisplayList

Jun 24, 2011

I have a custom component which is an HBox & I'm trying to resize a child which happens to be an image. This is image is inside a VBox which is also a child of the HBox. I have a number of these images so In UpdateDisplayList I call:myimageArray[0-5].setActualSize(50,50);but the image is never resized it just stays a large default size. The images source is a url path and I'm wondering if that is what is causing the problem?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When You Need More Values Inside Each Element, It Gets Difficult To Maintain?

Mar 18, 2010

Is there another way to write this array in AS2?:

var img_array:Array = new Array({img:"nav_thumb1", img:"thumb_01"}, {img:"nav_thumb2", img:"thumb_02"}, {img:"nav_thumb3", img:"thumb_03"});

This is pretty simple, but when you need more values inside each element, it gets difficult to maintain.I know I could probably do this using XML, but I'm trying to learn all about arrays

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Flex :: Spark RichEditableText Weirdness When HeightInLines="1"

Nov 7, 2011

Try this:


See the problem when you fill up the RichEditableText with characters? Keep typing the word hello until you cross outside of the first visible area of the RichEditableText. things get weird. Try it out. how to prevent the weirdness? (the text starts jumping up and down)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Position Of The Last Element In A TextField With HTML Text Inside?

Jul 3, 2009

I need to get the position (x,y) of the last char in a textField with html text inside. I try with numlines and getLineMetrics, but that only work for non-html text. If I have a text like

<p>text one</p><p>This is the other text</p><br><br>

I need to have the position on the stage of the last "t".

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