I have a project that is for several customers, the only difference is in the DB, everything else looks the same, except for the main page's text. That is loaded from an external swf file. I created a library, compiled it as an swc, imported it and using it as an RSL. The problem is that if once I've opened the page, and afterwards update the rsl (because changes in the text are needed), than it's already cached by the browser (not the flashplayer's cache but we shouldn't discuss this please!) and the updated swf won't be loaded. If I use it as an external, the page won't even start up (the browser says it's loaded, but it's blank, not even the loading progess bar of flex appear)
this is the code on the main page, if I comment this out, than the whole thing loads, even with the use of the "external" link-type. in the design view, I see the component, but I get a warning for the library:
Design mode could not load MainPage.swc. It may be incompatible with this SDK, or invalid.DesignAssetLoader.CompleteTimeout)
What is the URL that Flex 4 uses to download RSLs at runtime? I want to check if I have access to this URL and that it is not blocked by the proxy that I am behind and would like to be able to put the URL into a browser to do this.Obviously there are many URLs (one for each swz file), but does anyone know what the basic URL pattern is, or can anyone give me a sample URL?
We are building a fairly complex application that we need to be able to release different parts of at different times. To help us solve this problem we are using RSLs and Modules.so let me describe the projects (names have been changed to protect the innocent)[code]We have one application client that loads the areas of the application as modules. We have a core RSL that does things like login and holds entitlements and provides an API for the modules to access this sort of state and also to communicate with each other.
When we load client we only want the core rsl to be loaded as that is that is currently required. When the groceries module is loaded we want the groceries rsl to load and likewise when the bakery module is loaded we want the bakeryCore rsl to load.In reality this isn't what happens. If we set the projects up like that at run time the core rsl loads at application startup but the module RSLs do not load when the module is loaded. If we run an application from the project that houses the groceries module then he rsl loads when the application loads but not when the module does. We need a way of loading the rsl when the module loads.At the moment we specify groceriesCore and bakeryCore in the client application so they all load when the client loads. This is obviously not a good idea as when we add another 30 departments we don't want all these departments being downloaded at application startup - we only want them to be downloaded when they are required - when the application loads.
how exactly RSLs work with AIR? I have a terminal server that runs several instances of a very large AIR application, which unfortunately has 100M RAM on startup and 200 after a bit of use. This is obviously not really workable, and I'm thinking that RSLs may be a solution if they're cached on the machine. However I haven't been able to find much of anything on this, and I'd really like to know if anyone has.
On a second note, what are some good ways to reduce the initial memory size of an AIR applicaiton?
Does anyone know how to recompile Adobe Flex 4 framework RSLs?
I'm using the compiler directive -dump-config to get the build config file that the FlashBuilder IDE is using for compiling my application. I then pass that config file into the mxmlc compiler so I can build from the command-line. The results of the command-line build are output to a folder other than bin-debug. bin-debug is a localtrust path, and it will an application will run from there without error. A Flash application in any other path requires configuring the Flash Player to trust that path OR that the compile be done with the -use-network=false directive. I prefer latter since I'll be distributing the results to lay users for evaluation, and I don't want to request that they modify Flash Player security settings.
The build config file doesn't specify that framework RSLs be rebuilt using the -use-network false directive. FlashBuilder itself doesn't even compile framework RSLs. It merely copies RSL swfs from the framework directory into the bin-debug. Those swfs apparently were compiled by Adobe with the default -use-network=true.
I've been working on a SWF that will be converted into a Projector file, no particular great shakes but some fun logic driving some aspects. Written Flex 4.5 it has been a doddle until I test the projector on a new / clean machine and without (v important this) a network connection. What happens is the movie fails with an... Error #2032: Stream Error: URL: file:///C:|/mydirectory/framework_4.5.0.20967.swz
after some research I realise this is an RSL (Runtime Shared Library) that is cached on the local machine (WIN7) under the 'C:Users\AppDataRoamingAdobeFlash PlayerAssetCache<8 Char Path>' along with a host of other RSLs. But in my disconnected state it doesn't work, however, if the machine is connected it does work (by downloading and caching the appropriate libraries from Adobe). Unfortunately I need to deploy this Projector file as a single entity and often into disconnected scenarios. Reviewing Flex's build options I've selected 'Merged into code' for the Framework Linkage that I assumed would create my single, deployable object but alas no.
How do you know if the browser is actually using the cached swf RSL/library for Flex projects? I would like to be able to do different things from the preloader based on whether or not the user has never downloaded the library vs. they have it already cached by their browser.
We have a Flex application which doesn't currently use the Flex framework as an RSL. We're considering switching, but we're not sure what proportion of users will already have the framework cached.There's an added complication in that we're using the data visualisation components too, and we may have a choice as to which version of the framework we use.
In my application, I make numerous calls to preload images to brower cache in the background using Loader instances and ignore the complete event. I don't store the results in the application, but rather want to store them in the browser cache. The images have long Expires header dates.
When I want to use a particular image(s), I again use a Loader instance and call the same url and listen for the complete event to load the file to an Image.
The problem is that when I re-request the url for the "cached" image, it is making an http request with response 200 status, which I presume means it is hitting the server. How do I make sure that a request for a cached image never hits the server from Flex? I am finding that any request to a url for a cached image (with a long expires header) is making another request to the server, or at least that is my interpretation of it in Firebug.
I'm currently working on a project that needs to request a url multiple times. Having studied the the HTTP Proxy (Charles) it seems that AIR will cache the first response and then return the same response for each subsequent request.Does anybody know how to know if the response has been cached other than setting the URLRequest to useCache, but this doesn't say if the response was a cached response or not. The digest isn't set on the URLRequest either, although it does mention this is for swz only, so how does it know if the content is the current content or not? Is the responseHeaders used to find out how long to hold the cache i.e.Cache-Control: max-age=900
Also does anyone know how to flush/purge the cache or are we at the whim of the GC and in that case how does it know if to leave it in the cache or now?This makes sense to me, but still I would like to know how to regulate this cache.Further more: I've tested a set up where parallel URLLoaders (10) are made and created which open the same url to see what happens in that instance. It seems that each parallel request is made until a successful response is given, all subsequent calls are then cached. Calls which are sent out before the successful request is then completed. It looks like the items which are already in being processed do not use the cache and return with correct data.Additional The AIR runtime doesn't even send a "If-Modified-Since" header, so the cache isn't even honoring HTTP protocol. So it seems as if Adobe has implemented it's own version of a cache which doesn't even use HTTP/1.1 Header Field Definitions.
On the mxmlc command line, I can include paths to RSL files. I can choose to link these RSLs at runtime by setting
-static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=false What if I need to link to some rsls and embed (static-link) other rsls? Is there a way to set the link settings for each rsl?
I've created a Flex application and the size of the swf file is ~900KB. My trouble is that the files are not getting cached. When I launch the application for the second time, the swf file is fetched again from the server. I'm including the swf file in a jsp, and I'm not modifying any HTTP Caching Headers. I assumed that the swf files will be cached automatically. Isn't it so? How do I forcefully cache the file? Do I need to provide anything in the MXML code or just a response.setHeader("Cache-Control","max-age=100"); is enough? Can anything be done from the flex side itself?
i pass text strings from a configuration file into my Flex app, one of the strings i pass in is a mailto link which i use to allow users of my app to send me feedback. I recently needed to change this link however when i updated the link in my config file the change did not happen instantly in my Flex app. In fact i had to clear my cache (both browser and flash player) before the change showed up. This of course is fine for me but how can i be sure that users of the application also get the updated content? Is there a way to force a refresh of data loaded into my swf on other users browsers?
Finally is this an issue with my browser cache or the Flash player cache? Does the flash player only keep such data, like my email address, in memory while the app is in use and then clear once it is closed or does it cache this data for the next time the user wants to use the app?
I am developing an eLearning application in Flex which shows flv movies hosted on a webserver. If the app has many simultaneous users the download demand is quite high because a lot of users need to download the (same) movie(s). Is there a way I can precache this data in my flex client like storing it in the browsercache or something so that for later sessions the bandwidth demand is less high?
I'm new to Flex and want to learn about how to implement client-side caching for data that is repeatedly requested from the server.
Let's focus on a simple example to discuss caching. Take a Flex application having several screens, where each screen plots a line series (of x and y data). The user can switch between the screens, and each time a screen is visited or re-visited, numerical arrays for both x and y data are requested from the server. The values of the x and y data on the server, of course, never change.
I want to learn what techniques are available that could be used to implement caching in the browser or AIR application such that once the x and y data is downloaded the first time, the application pulls these arrays from cache when re-visiting this screen in the future.
I have the following problem, I have a flex application that works as a frontend in a client-server-application. In my application I have two sliders and a chart that moves when I drag the sliders, now when I have the following positions
slider 1: 10 slider 2: 20
a request is sent to the server and the response back to my flash. When I now change the sliders to
slider 1: 10 slider 2: 30
another request is sent to the server, because we have changed the position of slider 2. When I now turn the sliders again to the first position.
slider 1: 10 slider 2: 20
no request is sent to the server and the chart is moved correctly because the flash seems to know what he will receive, I think the application has cached the result. This effect only works when I open the flash application in the flash player. When I open it in the browser every slider position leeds to another request to the server. Is there a way to enable the caching also when I open it in the browser?
I'm attempting to create a Flex Project that will cause the Flash Player to cache the Flex framework. Flex Builder comes with Flex SDK and setting the Framework Linkage to use Runtime shared Library (RSL) under Project Properties -> Flex Build Path will separate the framework from my main application and I see that my project's bin-debug directory contains framework_3.2.0.3958.swf and *.swz for distribution.Flex SDK 3.4 fixes a few bugs, so I configured it as another available sdk and set it as the default SDK. When I compile, I expect the bin-debug directory to contain framework_3.4.0.9271.swf and *.swz; however, Flex Builder is still writing framework_3.2.0.3958.swf and *.swz.
I've got the following Javascript for creating the HTML of video player. I use Javascript because this is the only way I can tell the player which video to play.
The problem is FlexPlayer.swf is loading every time and I need to cache this SWF file. Maybe I should use Javascript constructor but don't know how in this case.
i am using an itemRenderer in mx:list, it has many text fields and combos, i use this item renderer to edit items in array collection, each item in the arrayCollection is of type Action which comes from BlazeDS remoting as a valueObject.my problem is when i add new item of type Action to the list dataProvider (ArrayCollection) by this code
myList.dataProvider.addItem(new Action());
the new item tooks the same data from its previous item.
I have a Flex 3 application that makes a call to a webservice. That webservice calls returns a 2 Mb file that flex reads and parses. The problem is that it takes sometimes 45 seconds. I was wondering if there is a way to cache the response form the webservice? So the next time I load the flash movie it doesn't have to re-download the full file but just the updated data.
I'm writing a flex application that polls an xml file on the server to check for updated data every few seconds, and I'm having trouble preventing it from caching the data and failing to respond to it being updated.
I've attempted to set headers using the IIS control panel to use the following, without any luck:
CacheControl: no-cache Pragma: no-cache
I've also attempted adding a random HTTP GET parameter to the end of the request URL, but that seems like it's stripped off by the HttpService class before the request is made. Here's the code to implement it:
http.url = "test.xml?time=" + new Date().getMilliseconds();
And here's the debug log that makes me think it failed:
(mx.messaging.messages::HTTPRequestMessage)#0 body = (Object)#1 clientId = (null)
I have a List and the item renderer displays an image. Whenever you scroll the list, and the item renderer refreshes, it redownloads the image. Causing there to always be a delay. Is there some way of caching it so it doesn't have to redownload every time causing a delay in showing the image every time you scroll the list?
I have an online flex app that is served via an html page. Its critical that the flex app is refreshed in the user's cache every time that it changes. To help ensure that this happens, I change the name of the swf file every time that it changes. In addition, the html page contains the following lines of code:
Using these techniques, FF and IE always seem to grab the latest swf file every time. Google chrome, however, NEVER gets the latest swf file - the only way to get the update is to hit shift+refresh in chrome.
Is there a fail-safe way for me to ensure that the latest swf file is always delivered to the browser?
I have 2 Spark List with custom Item Renderers. I'm working on an application that enables users to grag these Item Renders from one List to the other. When one of these IR is dropped in a new position or in another List, I'm updating the dataproviders: remove the object from one list's dataprovider and adding it to other's dataprovider. This si working ok. The problem is that some times the IR is cached and it doesn't show the correct information, based on its data.
How can I force the lists to never cache IRs and all the times I modify the dataprovider, all item renders re-create all IRs (performance won't be an ossue since I have few items on each list)
I have this PHP page that lists several people. When someone clicks on one of the people they are sent to another PHP page that has their video greeting in a .swf embedded into the page. This works by the php writing the path to the greeting video to the xml file that the .swf loads and plays.
Well in firefox it works perfect, but in IE when they try to click on another greeting the original greeting still plays. Its like the swf is caching the first greeting and refresh of the page does nothing to alleviate this. Is this a problem with the swf caching? or XML caching? or am I totally clueless?
I want to have my code/class library stored in an RSL (as a SWF online) which is then loaded during runtime by the host SWF. I learned about this technique from Colin Moock in his book Essential Actionscript 3.0 (Chapter 31: Distributing a Class Library).Now, I know that if you share graphics between SWFs via RSLs, you can update the graphic in the RSL and have all SWFs that access that RSL use that updated graphic.
But I want to store code in an online RSL, that is shared by multiple SWFs, and then when the code needs to be updated, I simply recompile the SWF (do I even need to worry about the SWC anymore?) containing the class library and upload and overwrite the existing RSL on the web. Voila! The code is now updated in all SWFs that share that RSL Class Library.The problem is, I can't get it to work right. CS3 and CS4 aren't updating and CS5 just crashes on export!
The code I'm testing with simply outputs some chosen text to screen.I want to change the string that's output by changing the code. Nothing fancy now, but it'll obviously be used for far more indepth stuff when (if?) I get this going properly.
I thought this was possible, but I seem to have trouble making it work.I want to have my code/class library stored in an RSL (as a SWF online) which is then loaded during runtime by the host SWF. I learned about this technique from Colin Moock in his book Essential Actionscript 3.0 (Chapter 31: Distributing a Class Library).Now, I know that if you share graphics between SWFs via RSLs, you can update the graphic in the RSL and have all SWFs that access that RSL use that updated graphic.But I want to store code in an online RSL, that is shared by multiple SWFs, and then when the code needs to be updated, I simply recompile the SWF (do I even need to worry about the SWC anymore?) containing the class library and upload and overwrite the existing RSL on the web. Voila! The code is now updated in all SWFs that share that RSL Class Library.
The problem is, I can't get it to work right. CS3 and CS4 aren't updating and CS5 just crashes on export!The code I'm testing with simply outputs some chosen text to screen.I want to change the string that's output by changing the code. Nothing fancy now, but it'll obviously be used for far more indepth stuff when (if?) I get this going properly.
There is the following bug in the gallery:Once you open up the gallery you see a container with all small thumbnails.If you start mouse over the main container you can see the following happen:
- shadow filter change
- quality of the thumbs change
There is a rotationY and rotationX on the main container. As soon as i remove that there is no bug and the shadow and quality of images is perfect.So what does flash do to children and their filters inside a container when using transform propertys before a MouseEvent happen to that maincontainer.You should use F5 a few times before you excaly can see it.
My question is about XML loading. I need to avoid xml caching. On a web server, the technique is adding a random param to reload each time the XML file. But on local testing (in Flash CS4 IDE, CTRL + Enter), the following lines are not possible :
var my_date : Date; path = "toto.xml?time="+my_date.getSeconds()+my_date.getMilliseconds();
Is there any trick to bypass this issue ? I've read on different forum about the "delete" method, we delete the xml object and then recreate one new.