Flex :: Jsp - Caching Of Swf Files In Application

Aug 21, 2009

I've created a Flex application and the size of the swf file is ~900KB. My trouble is that the files are not getting cached. When I launch the application for the second time, the swf file is fetched again from the server. I'm including the swf file in a jsp, and I'm not modifying any HTTP Caching Headers. I assumed that the swf files will be cached automatically. Isn't it so? How do I forcefully cache the file? Do I need to provide anything in the MXML code or just a response.setHeader("Cache-Control","max-age=100"); is enough? Can anything be done from the flex side itself?

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Flex :: Caching Work In Web Application?

Jan 26, 2012

I'm new to Flex and want to learn about how to implement client-side caching for data that is repeatedly requested from the server.

Let's focus on a simple example to discuss caching. Take a Flex application having several screens, where each screen plots a line series (of x and y data). The user can switch between the screens, and each time a screen is visited or re-visited, numerical arrays for both x and y data are requested from the server. The values of the x and y data on the server, of course, never change.

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Flex :: Caching - Google Chrome Does Not Refresh Application?

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I have an online flex app that is served via an html page. Its critical that the flex app is refreshed in the user's cache every time that it changes. To help ensure that this happens, I change the name of the swf file every time that it changes. In addition, the html page contains the following lines of code:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">

Using these techniques, FF and IE always seem to grab the latest swf file every time. Google chrome, however, NEVER gets the latest swf file - the only way to get the update is to hit shift+refresh in chrome.

Is there a fail-safe way for me to ensure that the latest swf file is always delivered to the browser?

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May 3, 2011

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I am wondering if the best approach is to reconfigure BlazeDS to create these files so it spits out local files?

Or if is possible to use as3 itself to create the files.

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Safari On Windows Not Caching Files?

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Why on earth doesn't Safari on Windows use cached files...

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If it does, where the hell in Settings can you set it so that it'll favor cached files if they exist, rather than downloading a fresh one from the server...

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How to prevent caching of swf files?Have somebody any link on tutorial.I read this page hurl...but | know is it possibilitity to generate somehow every time a new SWF name.

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input_xml.load(xml_file + "?uniq=" + new Date().getTime());

could someone please explain why this would work, and whether this would prevent the problem that I'm having. I'm presuming that this unique number is never used in any way, it just forces the new file to be loaded, but I'm just a bit unsure why.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Caching Of Files Loaded By Flash?

Nov 21, 2004

When not cacheing an HTML page, any movies or anything you load INTO that flash file through loadMovie or loadVars still gets cached... I use senoculars script to prevent this...


and 2) Yes you can stop the cacheing of your page...


Use this information wisely my friend

i came across this post by lostinbeta to stop cacheing, but the link for the one to stop cacheing files loaded through loadMovie and loadVars doesn't work. know how to get to it, or what the as was?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Caching Of Swf Files Loaded Into Main Movie?

Apr 28, 2005

In my main movie I am loading external swf files. The proplem is that these files are cached so when they load the updates aren't shown. I've read some stuff about loading vars or xml with a random function to prevent it from caching, can that work with swf files? Maybe something like:

loadMovie ("news.swf?="+random(1000),_root.dropPage_mc);

I've placed the meta tags in the main html to stop that from caching; which doesn't really work. Could the same be applied in the html? Or maybe a php function when loading the main flash movie?

The files that are loaded are only a few kb so I'm not worried about the user having to load the files everytime.

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Flex :: PenWithDefaultApplication Fails On Files In Application Folder

Oct 29, 2010

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private var file:File = File.documentsDirectory;
public function download():void{
var pdfFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("PDF Files", "*.pdf");


When i try to get the same file and copy it to another place it's doing fine.

Why that? Something special to do if i wanna open files which are inside the appfolder? It also don't work in debug mode - bin-debug.

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body = ""
clientId = "DirectHTTPChannel0"


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I am trying to integrate these into a new Air-based app (written in either AS3 or Flex). However, loadMovieNum doesn't seem to work within the Air app.

For example, an AS2 SWF (file1.swf) may try to load another AS2 SWF using:


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Flex :: Build - Including Configuration Files While Compiling A Application With MXMLC

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I'm using:

- Flex SDK 3.5.0
- Parsley 2.2.2.
- Flash Builder 4

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Java :: Avoid Flex Application Store Temporary Internet Files?

Jan 12, 2012

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Flash :: Adding New Files To Application Storage Directory With AIR Application Installer

Feb 4, 2011

I have an AIR app that gets bundled with XML files that the app needs. These get put into the APP Storage Directory, of course. Works great. But when I install a new version ( which includes new XML files) , the new files don't get added or overwrite the ones from the previous version. It seems that if that directory is there from a previous install, the installer will ignore the part where it moves included files.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click On Another Greeting The Original Greeting Still Plays In Ie - Swf Caching Or XML Caching?

Dec 30, 2009

I have this PHP page that lists several people. When someone clicks on one of the people they are sent to another PHP page that has their video greeting in a .swf embedded into the page. This works by the php writing the path to the greeting video to the xml file that the .swf loads and plays.

Well in firefox it works perfect, but in IE when they try to click on another greeting the original greeting still plays. Its like the swf is caching the first greeting and refresh of the page does nothing to alleviate this. Is this a problem with the swf caching? or XML caching? or am I totally clueless?


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Flex - Caching - Non-cached RSLs In Flex?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a project that is for several customers, the only difference is in the DB, everything else looks the same, except for the main page's text. That is loaded from an external swf file. I created a library, compiled it as an swc, imported it and using it as an RSL. The problem is that if once I've opened the page, and afterwards update the rsl (because changes in the text are needed), than it's already cached by the browser (not the flashplayer's cache but we shouldn't discuss this please!) and the updated swf won't be loaded. If I use it as an external, the page won't even start up (the browser says it's loaded, but it's blank, not even the loading progess bar of flex appear)

<local:MainPage includeIn="default" currentState="{MainPageState}" id="Page"
width="100%" height="100%" />

this is the code on the main page, if I comment this out, than the whole thing loads, even with the use of the "external" link-type. in the design view, I see the component, but I get a warning for the library:

Design mode could not load MainPage.swc. It may be incompatible with this SDK, or invalid.DesignAssetLoader.CompleteTimeout)

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Flash :: Flex 3 And Player Caching?

May 7, 2010

i pass text strings from a configuration file into my Flex app, one of the strings i pass in is a mailto link which i use to allow users of my app to send me feedback. I recently needed to change this link however when i updated the link in my config file the change did not happen instantly in my Flex app. In fact i had to clear my cache (both browser and flash player) before the change showed up. This of course is fine for me but how can i be sure that users of the application also get the updated content? Is there a way to force a refresh of data loaded into my swf on other users browsers?

Finally is this an issue with my browser cache or the Flash player cache? Does the flash player only keep such data, like my email address, in memory while the app is in use and then clear once it is closed or does it cache this data for the next time the user wants to use the app?

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Flash :: Caching Flv Data In Flex?

Sep 9, 2011

I am developing an eLearning application in Flex which shows flv movies hosted on a webserver. If the app has many simultaneous users the download demand is quite high because a lot of users need to download the (same) movie(s). Is there a way I can precache this data in my flex client like storing it in the browsercache or something so that for later sessions the bandwidth demand is less high?

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Flex :: Enable The Caching Also When I Open It In The Browser?

Jul 8, 2009

I have the following problem, I have a flex application that works as a frontend in a client-server-application. In my application I have two sliders and a chart that moves when I drag the sliders, now when I have the following positions

slider 1: 10
slider 2: 20

a request is sent to the server and the response back to my flash. When I now change the sliders to

slider 1: 10
slider 2: 30

another request is sent to the server, because we have changed the position of slider 2. When I now turn the sliders again to the first position.

slider 1: 10
slider 2: 20

no request is sent to the server and the chart is moved correctly because the flash seems to know what he will receive, I think the application has cached the result. This effect only works when I open the flash application in the flash player. When I open it in the browser every slider position leeds to another request to the server. Is there a way to enable the caching also when I open it in the browser?

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Flex :: Caching - Get Builder To Use The Selected Framework?

Sep 2, 2009

I'm attempting to create a Flex Project that will cause the Flash Player to cache the Flex framework. Flex Builder comes with Flex SDK and setting the Framework Linkage to use Runtime shared Library (RSL) under Project Properties -> Flex Build Path will separate the framework from my main application and I see that my project's bin-debug directory contains framework_3.2.0.3958.swf and *.swz for distribution.Flex SDK 3.4 fixes a few bugs, so I configured it as another available sdk and set it as the default SDK. When I compile, I expect the bin-debug directory to contain framework_3.4.0.9271.swf and *.swz; however, Flex Builder is still writing framework_3.2.0.3958.swf and *.swz.

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Flex :: Javascript - Caching Video Player

Jul 30, 2011

I've got the following Javascript for creating the HTML of video player. I use Javascript because this is the only way I can tell the player which video to play.


The problem is FlexPlayer.swf is loading every time and I need to cache this SWF file. Maybe I should use Javascript constructor but don't know how in this case.

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