Actionscript :: LoadMovieNum In Files Loaded Into An Air-based / Flex Application?

Aug 24, 2011

I am working with a very large number of legacy SWFs written in AS1 and AS2. These SWFs use loadMovieNum extensively.

I am trying to integrate these into a new Air-based app (written in either AS3 or Flex). However, loadMovieNum doesn't seem to work within the Air app.

For example, an AS2 SWF (file1.swf) may try to load another AS2 SWF using:


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I am not going to completely ditch commands. I thing that they are good for scheduling of the internal interactions (within the client itself), but I'd like to abstain from using them for communication with the server.

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Professional :: Check If File Loaded Ok With LoadMovieNum?

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Flex :: Jsp - Caching Of Swf Files In Application

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private var file:File = File.documentsDirectory;
public function download():void{
var pdfFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("PDF Files", "*.pdf");


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body = ""
clientId = "DirectHTTPChannel0"


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- Flex SDK 3.5.0
- Parsley 2.2.2.
- Flash Builder 4

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Flex :: Application Interaction With Loaded Flash SWFs

Dec 14, 2009

I am creating a Flex application with a component that displays various dynamically loaded SWFs, one at a time (kind of like a kiosk). These loaded SWFs are created in Flash IDE, not Flex. They will not be created by us (we will provide a .fla template but that's it), so I am loading them into a separate SecurityDomain.

My Questions:

I want the application to be able to call methods inside the loaded SWF. To do this, would I just call Security.allowDomain("domain original app was loaded from") in the startup process for the loaded SWF? I want the loaded SWF to be able to throw events that are caught by the application. Can I accomplish this through the SWFLoader.swfBridge property? I am defining an interface for the methods inside the loaded SWF. But, I don't want to leave the implementation up to the customer. Instead, I want to provide another SWF that contains the interface implementation and have it be a constraint that the customer includes it in their SWF. I am not very familiar with the Flash authoring environment, how would it work so that the interface implementation SWF exposes its methods in such a way to be accessible to Flex? Is there a way to sign the SWF so that the Flex application knows that it is dealing with the original, not a spoof? How would the Flex code pass in arguments, since it is across SecurityDomain boundary -- is there marshalling involved (say if I want to pass in a Dictionary or some kind of object graph)? The Flex application may load hundreds of these smaller other SWFs during its lifetime. How do I make sure it doesn't keep using up more memory? I plan on using SWFLoader.unloadAndStop() and clearing all references in the Flex object that refers to it. Is this enough? Will the AppDomain for the loaded SWF be torn down automatically so that the class definitions are no longer in memory?

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Flex :: Can A .swf Loaded With SWFLoader Propagate Events To The Parent Application

Aug 2, 2010

I am building a compartmentalized Flex application which uses <SWFLoader > to load additional Flex applications inside it. I am currently planning on using the LocalConnection class to have these two applications talk to each other, but I'm wondering if there's any kind of event driven way to have actions in the internal application propagate to the parent application, and/or any way for the parent application to trigger events in the internal application?

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Flash :: Adding New Files To Application Storage Directory With AIR Application Installer

Feb 4, 2011

I have an AIR app that gets bundled with XML files that the app needs. These get put into the APP Storage Directory, of course. Works great. But when I install a new version ( which includes new XML files) , the new files don't get added or overwrite the ones from the previous version. It seems that if that directory is there from a previous install, the installer will ignore the part where it moves included files.

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Flex :: Type Coercion Error When Casting An Object Loaded In A Different Application Domain

Apr 28, 2011

My application currently contains a number of Widgets that are managed by a Widget Manager. When the user clicks on a widget (e.g. a Helper widget), the Widget Manager loads the widget into a separate sibling application domain with the following line of code:

wgtInfo.load(null, null, null, moduleFactory); //wgtInfo = IModuleInfo

However, I am unable to use the widget's variables and functions later on. I attempt to find the Helper widget from the Widget Manager's list of widgets, and I do successfully. But when I try to caste the Helper Widget from type IBaseWidget (the interface all widgets share) to type HelperWidget, I receive the following error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed.....

This is because the application domain of the class trying to use the Helper widget is different from the application domain of the Helper Widget. I tried to fix this by loading all widgets into the same application domain as the loader:

wgtInfo.load(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null, null, moduleFactory);

I now get the following error whenever I attempt to load the Helper widget:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

How can I load my Helper widget into a common application domain that is accessible by the other widgets?

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Flex :: Alternatives To Create Swf Files (which Has External Content Loaded Into Them) Dynamically?

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I'm about to start a project where there will be a Flash application where the visitor customizes a profile with externally loaded images and texts. Then the visitor needs to be able to download that profile as a dynamically created swf with all that external content baked into the swf.

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Can you please tell how can we place ADS (whether Google Adsense or others) on a website completely designed in FLEX?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Retaining Order Of Files Loaded Externally From Large XML Files

Jul 18, 2006

I was messing around with some old examples, and I ran into an unfinished example where several 30k-100k XML files are loaded and stored as a string into an Array. The code looks basically like:[code]Basically, when I trace the 'this', the order of the files that are loaded is off. Out of about 10 tries, about 3 times the order is perfect. The remaining 7 times, the order is a bit off. Does anybody have a suggestion on how to ensure the files are loaded prior to the next file being loaded? I tried placing a while loop that basically delays the clock for a few milliseconds, and that didn't work either. Besides, that is not really a good solution to arbitrarily waste clock cycles.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Socket And Server Based Application

Jul 18, 2011

I am wondering if it is better to write basic "chat" client based servers in java because then you can have multi threaded servers where clients can connect and chat or if you can do this in Actionscript- minus the multi threading because from what I know air and or AS3 do not support threading.

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C++ :: Display Flash-based Webpages In A QT Application?

Dec 9, 2011

Im trying to show a flash animation in my QT application, I'm doing it by a QWebView. This is my code:

webpage = new QWebPage(this->window);
webpage->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true);
webpage->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled, true);


So, Im able to show regular pages, but the pages that got a Flash animation doesnt appears. I receive a blank page and a symbol from adobe, like "Get flashplayer".
I already have it, those pages load ok in Firefox and Chrome. I have put the NPSWF32.dll e my project folder and in others standar paths, but it Didnt work. So I do not really know what to do now. Hope you guys can helpme, I couldnt find the plugin file in Firefox or Chrome folders, so I downloaded another NPSWF32 to put in the project folder, maybe is that?

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Xml :: Transitions Between Different Menus In A Flash Based Kiosk Application

Aug 16, 2010

I want to know how to design a Flash CS4(AS3) based kiosk application where the screen changes according to the user events(to change the screens like this). Preferably use xml to describe the application.

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