Flex :: Alternatives To Create Swf Files (which Has External Content Loaded Into Them) Dynamically?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm about to start a project where there will be a Flash application where the visitor customizes a profile with externally loaded images and texts. Then the visitor needs to be able to download that profile as a dynamically created swf with all that external content baked into the swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alternatives To *_exclude.xml Files, Loading Class Definitions Dynamically?

Jul 15, 2011

Working in a very large Flash application, previously in AS2/CS3 I would have a setup like the following:

root.swf-- modules---- code_a.swf---- code_b.swf-- views---- view_a.swf---- view_b.swfUsing _exclude.xml files, I could exclude the classes defined in code_a and code_b from the ouptut .swf of view_a and view_b. root.swf would be responsible for loading the code modules before view_a or view_b, ensuring that class definitions that view_a and view_b depended on existed.

The Problem:We've recently migrated to using Actionscript 3/CS5. *_exclude.xml files no longer exist. To get the same functionality as above, I've tried the following: My setup now looks something like:

root.swf-- modules---- class_a.as---- class_b.as-- views---- view_a.swf---- view_b.swfUse mxmlc to compile root.swf, view_a.swf and view_b.swf, passing it -externs option to specify classes that will be loaded externally (the two classes in modules).

This ensures that the class is excluded from the compiled swf.Use compc to compile class_a.as and class_b.as into classes.swf, using -directory=true to access library.swf for external loading.However,when I try running one of the two view files which depend on classes.swf, I get runtime errors telling me that a class definition is not present.

Current Workaround

I've devised a workaround which I'm currently not happy with as it's backwards to the modular approach that I was previously using:Rather than loading the code modules, I statically link all class definitions required by child movies intoroot.swf. When building root.swf, I use the -link-report option of mxmlc to provide a list of included classes. When building child swfs, I can the use -load-externs to ensure that class definitions that already exist will not be included in the compile output.
Is there a way that anyone is aware of to replicate the AS2/_exclude.xml solution that I had using AS3/CS5?

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Flex :: Impossible To Resize External Loaded SWF Content

May 11, 2011

I have an application where I try to load an external SWF. So, we have:
My application: The Stage's dimensions are 768x1280. ScaleMode = EXACT_FIT.
External SWF: It's another application where its stage is: 800x600. ScaleMode = EXACT_FIT.

The problem is that the external SWF does not modify its size although I apply "scaleX, scaleY", change its width and so on. I also tried to insert it into a Canvas container (as "How to resize an external SWF to fit into a container?" ) but it didn't solve my problem.

The interesting piece of code is when the external SWF is loaded by my application:
private function onLoadedApp( evt:Event ):void{
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
trace("Loading Application..");
var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = evt.target as LoaderInfo;
loaderInfo.removeEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onLoadedApp);
[Code] .....

I also tried to do it through SWFLoader, but the external.swf's content doesn't change its original size although I add the "scaleContent" parameter.

Visual results I got:
The external SWF is loaded on the suitable position and it "seems" to have 320x240 dim. But its width is a bit cropped, since if I stretch the Flash Player I achieve to see the rest of the external swf's stage. Besides, the external SWF never is resized although I shrink/stretch the Flash Player. It always remains fixed (if I trace its dimensions, I always get 800x600, although I visually see 320x240)- If I increase the stage's width of the main application, this little clip disappear.

I know the original Stage's dimensions are 800, and this is greater than the original stage of my application (768), but I think, when I do the resizing, external SWF's Stage have to be fitted in the container. It is fitted, but a part of the external SWF is not seen. It's like Flash Player remembered that the external SWF Stage's width were greater than my application's one...

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Impossible To Resize The External Loaded SWF's Content?

May 11, 2011

I have an application where I try to load an external SWF. So, we have:My application: The Stage's dimensions are 768x1280. ScaleMode = EXACT_FIT. External SWF: It's another application where its stage is: 800x600. ScaleMode = EXACT_FIT.The problem is that the external SWF does not modify its size although I apply "scaleX, scaleY", change its width and so on.I also tried to insert it into a Canvas container (as "How to resize an external SWF to fit into a container?" ) but it didn't solve my problem.The interesting piece of code is when the external SWF is loaded by my application:

private function onLoadedApp( evt:Event ):void{
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
trace("Loading Application..");


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get Content Of Dynamically Loaded Movieclip

Nov 18, 2009

After trying to no avail to get the totalframes of a dynamically loaded .swf in AS3 I've regressed to AS2.
Now I can add the clip and get the totalframes of the content, no problem.
THe problem is I cannot resize the content at all.I have no idea how to target the loaded content.
Here's the code I'm using:
var myXML:XML = new XML();
var path:String;


I need to resize the content both for the main holder_mc as well as for the menu elements.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Updating Dynamically Loaded Content?

Aug 5, 2004

I set up empty movie clip containers to hold my external .swf files when i load them in. I have 9 different external files that all load correctly. My issue is that when people view my website and cache the files after dynamically loading them, my changes that i make and upload dont take effect because their computers just pull the cached files from the last time they viewed it. This is critical for my site to work because of the amount of text updating and news that i do on it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader For Dynamically Loaded Content

Oct 8, 2005

I've just started to learn about how xml and flash can work together and how to load external files into a swf. Right now im somewhat stuck though. I need to load a jpg into the swf, show the load status and then load another jpg right away.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Height Of A MovieClip With Dynamically Loaded Content?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a movieclip that contains TextFields containing XML data, when I trace the height of the MovieClip externally, the original height (before the XML is loaded) is returned.How can I get the new height of the MovieClip, (I am trying to align the Movieclip vertically to the centre of the stage)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag Dynamically Loaded Content Beyond Stage Borders

Jul 28, 2010

I have simple file 550 x 450, in it there is one container 400x300, x:75, y:78. In the container I am loading images and there is drag and drop function for them. I also have added mask with size that matches the size of the container because when i load larger images i could move them. Everything is working fine, but If I set scaleX and scaleY to the container image, the drag and drop functionality is not working fine - I can't reach the edges of the picture.

with ( m_mask.graphics )
beginFill( 0x000000 );


It behaves like there is not enough space to move the image right, left, top or down.

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Html :: SWFUpload Alternatives - Allow The User To Upload Multiple Files?

Aug 12, 2010

I've developed a system that uses SWFUpload to easily allow the user to upload multiple files with a progress bar showing them the upload progress. It all works fine in my development environment, but is failing for some users in the wild with the Flash movie not loading. I can see the Flash movie is there, if I right click it a window appears saying Movie not loaded... (Then on the next line) About Adobe Flash Player 10...So far I've not been able to determine what was causing the failure.Are there any other alternatives to SWFUpload that will allow for:

Upload progress bar
Allow multiple uploads

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Flash :: Loading / Unloading External SWF Using Buttons From Loaded External Files

Feb 23, 2011

I spent almost a week trying to figure out how to unload a currently loaded swf using its button and loading a new swf... I have three files, a main.fla, file1.fla and file2.fla. In my main.fla, I have a code which loads the other two files. If i will click the "unload" button in the file1.swf, I would like the main.fla to unload the file1.swf and load the other file, file2.swf. Here is the code to load the file1.swf:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Swf. Files To Load Content For Portfolio.

Aug 9, 2009

I am having a strange problem with frame labels.I am using external swf. files to load content for my portfolio.The Work section contains thumbnails and once you click them they fade in at a larger size using Frame labels with AS2.[code]If you open URL... and click the thumbnails you can see it works perfectly fine. However if you go to the work section from the index URL... it no longer works. I have been trying at this all day but it does not seem to work once i upload to server :/all files (FLA , SWF, HTML )

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Dynamically Loaded Swf Files?

Sep 7, 2004

I am trying to preload dynamic swf files from an asset folder into a blank movie clip within my main swf file. Some of the files are 2+ mb and need to preload.

I am dynamically importing the swf files from an external asset folder into a blank movHolder movie clip on the stage of my main movie. I have this working fine. I am having a hard time knowing where to place the preload script (in the asset swf or in the movHolder clip), and whether or not my script is accurate for this procedure.

Inside of the movieHolder clip, I placed the preload script script on frame 1:

totalBytes = Math.round(getBytesTotal() / 1024);
loadedBytes = Math.round(getBytesLoaded() / 1024);
percentDone = Math.round ((loadedBytes / tatalBytes) * 100);
framesloaded >=100) {

On frame 15 I have a looping action that tells flash to gotoAndPlay(5); as it loads the asset to frame 100.

On frame 20 I have inserted the label "start".

Obviously my approach is flawed and does not control the dynamically loaded asset. I am assuming that the asset swf if loading on frame 1 and ignoring my code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomizing Few Dynamically Loaded Swf Files

Dec 2, 2009

I'm a flash noob and I'm having trouble randomizing few dynamically loaded swf files.

1. I have a UILoader on the stage with an instance name of bg_ldr. It is working properly.

2. I have (attempted) to set up a function called getRandomNumber (see code below) and I believe it is correct.

3. BUT... specifically I don't know what I should put in this part of the code: bg_ldr.source = bgArray[?????]; and I think this area is the problem. I thought I could just call my function, like this:bg_ldr.source = bgArray[getRandomNumber];But it's not working.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Dynamically Loaded Swf Files

Sep 7, 2004

I am trying to preload dynamic swf files from an asset folder into a blank movie clip within my main swf file. Some of the files are 2+ mb and need to preload. Let me tell you what I have done so far, and hopefully someone can put me on the right path.

I am dynamically importing the swf files from an external asset folder into a blank movHolder movie clip on the stage of my main movie. I have this working fine. I am having a hard time knowing where to place the preload script (in the asset swf or in the movHolder clip), and whether or not my script is accurate for this procedure. Inside of the movieHolder clip, I placed the preload script script on frame 1:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Swf Could Not Use Loaded Content

Aug 23, 2010

I have main preloader that loading external swf into it. external swf call method load picture from url. when event complete picture does not appear. but if external swf is the main swf it will appear nomally. I tried to use init but it still not working When I debug loader.contentLoaderInfo.content that call from external is gone.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using The 'new' Keyword To Create New Instances Of Loaded Content?

Aug 6, 2009

I've been testing what you can do with loaded content lately and I'm trying to use the 'new' keyword to create new instances of a loaded swf. For example...

ActionScript Code:
function onLoadComplete(e:Event):void{
var loadedSwf:MovieClip = e.currentTarget.content;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Two Different Speeds On Dynamically Loaded Multiple Swf Files

Feb 22, 2012

I have created a galley with dynamically loaded multiple swf files. Half of them contain animations running at 60fps. The other half are flash movies at 30fps. If I select the speed of my gallery file to be 30fps animations play slow. If speed of gallery file is 60fps flash movies play too fast. How can I override the speed of the individual .swf's so they all play evenly.
some AS3 script for each individual movie? i.e. animation speed (individual file) speed: 1/2?..

View 27 Replies

Flash :: Utility To Create Static SWF From SWF With Externally Loaded Content?

Dec 17, 2010

For example, If I have a SWF that loads XML and images, and displays them, is there some kind of 3rd-party tool that will take this SWF and re-render it as if all the text and images were embedded and not external? So I could just use the same SWF without it relying on image and xml data files?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomizing Dynamically Loaded Text Files (on Reload)?

Jun 3, 2004

I am interested in designing a web-site with the primary purpose of displaying various poems and songs I've written over the years. The premise is simple: I need some actionscript which will detect the number and names of text files in a certain directory, and randomly pick one of them, then load it into a text field and format it with CSS. The user should simply have to reload their browser to get another randomly loaded poem. I've only taken one Flash class (very light on AS) and not at all knowledgeable on making 'universal AS' and usually hard-code everything. My apologies if something similar has been asked before..

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Created Buttons Are Not Working Externally Loaded Swf Files?

Aug 4, 2010

i have a swf file which is a framework file done in puremvc and i m loading multiple swf files. one of the swf file loaded into the main swf file loads multiple sub swf files in it. works fine but in the loaded swf file which loads multiple swf files in it.. button dosent work at all. i m not able to click on any button. i m jst making a tree structure so can be easily understood..

container swf -> external swf -> miniSwf file and in miniSwf dynamic button are not clickable but they have all the Mouse eventListeners.

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Xml :: Create Flash Banner Which Loads Content From External?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to create banner and do exchange with others.Banner will be flash because it will load just entry titles with URL's from XML, which is on my site.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create XML File Dynamically By Selecting The Music Files Using The Player?

Nov 23, 2010

I was trying to make a media player with AS3 coding.. I know how to make play, pause, next buttons etc.. And i also learned to load playlist from a XML file (created mannually)..What i actually need is to browse the computer and select multiple files and add those files to a playlist.. All these must be done with the media player itself(not manually typing the XML data).. XML file dynamically by selecting the music files, using the player.. Or is there some other method to create playlist without making the XML?..

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Flex :: How Content Dynamically Updated?

Jul 16, 2009

problem-1:In php we can easily move one page to another and easily use different type of function from those pages.In flex3 how i can use different type of .mxml pag

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CSS For Dynamically Loaded External Text?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm externally loading text from a .txt file. I need to format that file using CSS. I've got the CSS file set up and everything. I've tried every tutorial I can find to try and load the CSS, but nothing is working.Here is the script for loading the text:

var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();var textReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("content_files/commissions.txt");
textLoader.load(textReq);textLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, textLoadComplete);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Duplicate External Swf Loaded Dynamically?

Aug 16, 2010

I am working on an isometric engine called IsoEngine in AS3. I need to duplicate an swf externally loaded. The problem is that after being loaded and duplicated the resulting movieClip lose all its embedded actionScript. Therefore a clip containing 2 or more frames will loop infinitely regardless the stop() that you would have put on the targeted swf fileI am using the following function to duplicate my swf loaded:

var targetClass:Class = Object(loader.content).constructor;
var duplicateisplayObject = new targetClass();

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loaded External .swf's With LoadMovie();

Feb 3, 2006

i have a button that when pressed passes a variable:

_root.movieToLoad = "testAni";

then the next movie clip thet "receives" the variables needs to play the external .swf in an empty movie clip... i have the code like so:

movieToLoad = eval("external_" + _root.movieToLoad + ".swf");
emptyMovie_mc.loadMovie(" + VARIABLE_GOES_HERE + ", "_self", "GET");

of course it doesn't work... how do i place a variable in that loadMovie?

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Loading External JPEG Files And Keep Them Loaded

May 19, 2009

I have a flash file that loads jpeg files and runs through each on the timeline. I have nav buttons to go back and forth. Here is the problem, all images load on frame 5 and I do this while another image is displayed so that they are loading in the background. I do this so that my initial file size is small, but I can load images in the background making the flash file appear to load quickly and loading other elements after it starts.

So all images load on frame 5, then I go frame by frame until I hit frame 11. If I click one of my nav buttons to go back to say, frame 7, the jpeg is gone and is no longer loaded. How to load jpeg files into the library, or at least, keep them loaded after they have loaded once? I have attached my fla file for reference. I had to rename the extension to eps, but it's a fla file, just rename the extension.

Attachments: hm-slideshow2.eps (1.1 MB)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Listeners For External Loaded  Swf Files?

Jul 25, 2011

Iam loadingexternal .swf file into main.swf file.Iam dispatchEvent(new Event("loaded")) from external .swf.How to add Listener for "loaded" event?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Create Some Sort Of Typewriter Which Loads Its Content From An External File?

Oct 31, 2011

I wanna create some sort of actionscripted typewriter which loads its content from an external file, but i can't seem to get the code to work properly!

This is what i got till now:

2 layers:
- one with a textfield called 'textbox'
- one with the actions

A textfile which contains: waarde=Wannaloadtextfromanexternaltextfile!

4 frames, in the first frame i load the textfile this way:

[AS]q = 1;
loadText = new loadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function(success) {


The problem is that when i assign the value of "text" in the first frame this way : <-- text = "Wannaloadtextfromanexternaltextfile!"; --> (witout the comment tags ofcourse) the typewriter works fine but when i load the var from the textfile nothing happens, the trace works fine and displays the contents of the var but the typewriter displays nothing.

the weird this is that when i add this after all the code in frame 1 it works fine: text = "azerty";
But when i add this it doesn't: text = "a";

So when i overwrite the var with the azerty value suddenly it contains the correct value in the next frame, when i assign only one character to it the script doesn't work anymore.

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