C++ :: Display Flash-based Webpages In A QT Application?

Dec 9, 2011

Im trying to show a flash animation in my QT application, I'm doing it by a QWebView. This is my code:

webpage = new QWebPage(this->window);
webpage->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true);
webpage->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled, true);


So, Im able to show regular pages, but the pages that got a Flash animation doesnt appears. I receive a blank page and a symbol from adobe, like "Get flashplayer".
I already have it, those pages load ok in Firefox and Chrome. I have put the NPSWF32.dll e my project folder and in others standar paths, but it Didnt work. So I do not really know what to do now. Hope you guys can helpme, I couldnt find the plugin file in Firefox or Chrome folders, so I downloaded another NPSWF32 to put in the project folder, maybe is that?

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WebPages Won't Display Flash On Apache 2.2

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Display A YouTube Embedded Video In Flash Application?

Jan 24, 2010

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var plr:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


I cannot load more than one of those in my app. As soon as I load one youtube vid like that, any others will fail to load UNLESS it was the same video as the first one loaded, in which case there seems to be a 50% chance that it will load. And even when the second one (the same as the first) does load, there are issues with the player loaded.... it seems they are connected somehow and get confused with each other. The trackbar will flicker between the play time of the first one and the play time of the second one.

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the player does NOT close its streams and you can hear the audio still playing (assuming it was closed before it was finished playing)...

In my eyes, this is horribly bad programming on YouTube's part. They claim that you are allowed to embed their videos in AS3.0, but if that's true then why does it have such a horrible time as a child SWF? Proper children SWF files should be listening for an "unload" call and close out anything they need to when unloaded.

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- loading at different times

- Allowing security access from YouTube

How can I load more than one YouTube video into my Flash App without causing problems between them? I'm at my wit's end.

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I developing an AIR application in Flex that would be dealing with playing different SWFs. I am finding some issues as these SWFs that I am playing are heavy. I find that the animation is not smooth and is causing the graph of CPU usage to go high (my be because single thread architecture of Flex). I am therefore planning to have a multi process architecture for my application. Something like Google Chrome. I have one main application as one process and other SWFs would be playing in separate process but should be seen inside the main application window. How to make it possible in Flex?

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