Ruby :: Any Way To Automate Testing Of Flash Within Webpages?
Sep 15, 2011
I am attempting to test several web pages built in Flex, and need to automate clicking on several videos through the Flash interface. I'm using Ruby and Watir-Webdriver, but I'm not sure how to interact with Flash using them.
Possible Duplicate: automate testing in Flex I want to automate testing of flex application. I have heard that Flex provides with classes that help you automate the testing. But I don't know where to find them and how to use them.
I'm looking for a good solution to automate testing of a website, major parts of which are in flash/flex.
The preferred language is c#, but I wouldn't mind java, python or php if the solution on any of those languages is better (meaning, easier to write on, less bugs and more tutorials and samples).
What is the best framework around for flash automation in my case?
I have a website , which uses rich flashes . I want to automate the testing of various UI navigation/features - so that for each build/release , I can quickly validate the integrity of UI with these tests. I do not want to do the unit testing of action script APIs , instead I want to simulate the user events and assert the response against the known good results. I tried with Selenium, [URL] but if fails to record/recongnize the events fired in the flash component. Is there any tool (preferable Java based) available?
I want to automate testing of flex application. I have heard that Flex provides with classes that help you automate the testing. But I don't know where to find them and how to use them.
Scenario: A compiled swf. It has lots of button interactions. We want to automate the testing of these buttons by triggering events in the SWF. There is no localConnection method we can use. Is there any way to sift through a SWF and check for hasEventListener or willTrigger flags and then manually, through code, trigger events?
An actionscript way? or is there some kind of other non-Adobe application (maybe a browser plug-in) that can do this? Is there some kind of automated SWF testing app out there already? We've got 100's of SWFs that we don't have access to the code to but we need to check for bugs, and instead of having someone sit there and repeatively click buttons in the swf, we'd like to set up some kind of way where all eventListeners (or at least specific ones) are found and then triggered upon intervals.
I basically need to scale an object up when the user rollsover the button which I have created dynamically already and I need to make sure the object is fully scaled up before I can allow the user to scale it back down again.Ive tried putting 2 tweens (x and yscale) into a function but not sure how to check if the tweens have finished. Im assuming if I check the function is complete it wont take into consideration the tweens may still be running.
I'm working with Flash CS4 / ActionScript 3.0I just wanted to know how to link my finished flash ad to its corresponding webpage.-->Click anywhere on the banner and it links you or whatever :]
I am trying to create a personal portfolio website using Flash CS4. Understand that there are a number of ways to create web pages using Flash. One way is to create separate swf files for the web pages and load them when the web page is requested. Another way is to put the pages in separate frames in the same swf file or to use scenes and use gotoAndPlay(). Another possible way is to create separate movie clips for the web pages.
I posted this on the Apache board, but after 4 days with no reply am still needing an answer so I thought I'd try here.
Needing a testing server I installed Apache 2.2 and PHP onto my Windows XP Laptop. That went great. However I can't run flash modules, like, for example, a video player streaming an FLV.
I was only able to install Apache and PHP by following directions, but don't really know much about such installs.
What do I need to do to make Apache run (display) flash?
I'm writing a small game app in Flash, and I'm wondering what the benefits of having one giant SWF loading everything vs multiple webpages and multiple SWF's.
The thing is I'm using a script I bought from which is awesome and works great for displaying external webpage's within you flash site.
However, there are a few issues. If you visit the link above (WEMI) and navigate to either "Till salu" or "Frmedlade hem" you'll notice that the popup is not positioned in the middle. Also, the popup only goes away if you interact with it, such as scrolling down or something like that. You can't just click on another button, say "Kontakta oss" and continue navigate. I just won't go away.
"You can call setInvisible(); through the popup reference (in the example called p) and to center it you can add a resize event listener to the stage and in the callback function set the x and y of the popup"[code]...
I was wondering if its possible to automate games and apps that have been written in flash.
For example.
Suppose a simple card game was written in flash. To automate it I would need to -read all of the values of all labels on the screen. -figure out the location and identity of active objects like buttons and text boxes.
I suppose these values could be passed to some kind of executable flile running outside the browser which would then move the mouse and click the buttons as desired.
Mabey there is a better way of doing this ?
I tried running flash apps in Firefox with firebug and fireflash installed to see if I could see what was going on inside the flash files. It didn't work. Mabey debugging has to be enable inside the files themselves which is no use if they are owned by somebody else.
Is it possible to automate a gmae somebody else has written in flash ?
Is it true that Google cant recognize text paragraphs etc within a flash website ? Theres been mixed opinions about this whereas im able to see it identifying text within flash homepages that ive made. Is this because the text is also stored into the html counterpart when we hit publish ?
Of this is true then google cant see text in .swf files that contain text but load into a container flash file. Eg. the home page contains the html counterpart. But then hitting enter loads another swf into the original html home page. In other words the file thats been external loaded doesnt have a html counterpart. Then google cant see text thats within those loaded .swf files ?
Im trying to show a flash animation in my QT application, I'm doing it by a QWebView. This is my code:
webpage = new QWebPage(this->window); webpage->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true); webpage->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled, true);
So, Im able to show regular pages, but the pages that got a Flash animation doesnt appears. I receive a blank page and a symbol from adobe, like "Get flashplayer". I already have it, those pages load ok in Firefox and Chrome. I have put the NPSWF32.dll e my project folder and in others standar paths, but it Didnt work. So I do not really know what to do now. Hope you guys can helpme, I couldnt find the plugin file in Firefox or Chrome folders, so I downloaded another NPSWF32 to put in the project folder, maybe is that?
I would like to be able to click a button on a flash menu, programmatically.
This means, unfortunately, that tabbing over to it or hard-coding the X and Y coordinates of the button will not work (due to using multiple threads, neither of these approaches works while running in the background).
I tried doing this with Javascript, but automating it that way does not work because the individual items are inaccessible in Flash.
The reason I'm asking is because I'm attempting to load-test our application which interacts with a flash menu in order to build a report. From what I can tell, the low-end or open-source load-testing utilities don't offer much support in the way of flash navigation.
Is there way to simulate click on a flash application using Greasemonkey script? I need to test a flash app with lot of permutations and combinations. Traditional approach of using ExternalInterface wont work because it is too cumbersome to add the callback.
I would like to be able the batch a bunch of JPGs and turn them into simple 1 or 2 frame vector swf files. I would like to be able to use the flash trace bitmap option as it does the best at what i'm trying to do. If i where using in photoshop i would use a script to do but i don't know how for flash.
So here is an outline of what i am ultimatly trying to do.
I have a swf called "page" page has two layers to it. layer one has some buttons and AS and Layer two is empty. I would like to batch a collection of 3000 images, all jpgs, and convert them into 100% vector and insert that vector in to layer two and save that swf as "original jpg file name.swf"
I am trying to get buttons to link to internal web pages and the flash to stop at the end but I am having difficulties. I put the correct action script in the actions tab, but it seems that they aren't working. The website is [URL]
I was wondering if there was a scripting language that one could use to to interact with a flash object on a webpage? I am trying to automate some tasks but the webpage uses flash. Edit: I am trying to fill out a form basically click a few "check boxes" and then a submit button but I would like to know if its possible to automate this task.
The code that u have recommended is not working properly... What i meant is that the function of the back button is to navigate where the users has last viewed the webpages..
Is there a way to automate authentication via adding the username/password in the profile XML of flash media encoder live (3.2)? I'm not referring to the command line parameters, but placing a tag in the xml file that contains the username/password for both the primary and backup server.
I'm running a rails3 project with an external asset host for all javascript, images, swfs etc. This is on a completely different domain. So know I tried to embed some SWFs using swfobject. In development (same host) everything works fine, but in production (different hosts) it doesn't start the flash (firebug shows the file is loaded but nothing appears on the page). I already put this crossdomain.xml file in the root of the asset host but it does not change anything at all.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ""> <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain="*" />
What can I do to make it work? The SWFs I'm using are not developed by me, so I cannot change them. Some are simple sounds, others are videos and small "apps". I don't want to have to make rails serve the swfs.
i am trying to build a site using ruby on rails and flash. i am trying to build a login page and i have my flash component with two text fields for user name and password. when the submit button is pressed, it sends the login info typed in to the text fields to the ruby controller via xml through a URLLoader. the controller then looks at this info and determines if it is correct or not and if it is, then it attempts to redirect the page in the view to another part of the website.
this is where the problem comes in. when the page is being redirected, it gets stuck and just says "transfering data from host" at the bottom but never redirects the page. this is all still on a local machine so it is not some sort of communication problem with the server. also if i replace the flash component with plain html it will redirect just fine. in addition to this, if i make it redirect from withen the flash component using navigateToURL that will work as well. the information is also getting sent correctly because it is setting off a COMPLETE event.
We have created on-line game that uses Ruby on rails for the server part. SWF client works well under browsers on Win&MAC. Windows stand-along client also works well but the MAC client runs down just after start. Analysis of the LOG file on the server shows a problem with a cookie for the session id. The server is not able to create the cookie on MAC to store session id.
We have created an on-line game that uses Ruby on Rails for the server part.The SWF client works well under browsers on Win & MAC. Windows stand-along client also works well but the MAC client runs down just after start. Analysis of the LOG file on the server showsa problem with a cookie for the session id. The server is not able to create the cookie on MAC to store session id.
I am currently working on a project that embeds a flash game, that uses Smartfoxserver for the flash communication. That communication is mostly just synchronizing the cursor and object movements between the two players.Since I am not a flash guy, but a ruby programmer, I got curious: What kind of communication options does flash offer for this kind of time sensitive data exchange? I was thinking of writing a ruby-eventmachine based communication server to minimize the dependencies on external programs.
I have been using the default built in flash all over my app, but now I realized that I need to have some more functionality with it: - I need the messages to auto hide avec a given number of seconds (specifiable for each message would be great) - I need to have a little closing button, so the customer can get rid of it whenever - I need to be able to add a simple href link in there that the user can click if he wants.