Xml :: Transitions Between Different Menus In A Flash Based Kiosk Application

Aug 16, 2010

I want to know how to design a Flash CS4(AS3) based kiosk application where the screen changes according to the user events(to change the screens like this). Preferably use xml to describe the application.

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webpage = new QWebPage(this->window);
webpage->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true);
webpage->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled, true);


So, Im able to show regular pages, but the pages that got a Flash animation doesnt appears. I receive a blank page and a symbol from adobe, like "Get flashplayer".
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May 5, 2011

Could tools like SWFAddress be used in some clever ways to alleviate an existing client-server architecture. I see possibilities to even introduce REST-like pattern mapping or something like that.

What I am currently doing is following all the Cairngorm guidleines, which has already led to a bunch of commands which all make sense, but inclusing the business delegates, and all that stuff, I am getting into a hard time extending and refactoring the application Anyway, what I thought of was somehow reducing the number of application events flying around, and the number of commands responding to them. Actualy, I am quite OK even coupling the view with some logic, if I can get rd of some layer complexity.

What I mean by that: perhaps, I could bind a button click to a url pattern (or use SWFaddress to change the url globally). On the other end, I wll be waiting for changes of the url, reformat it, and pass it onto a service delegate, which has the necessary mappings in mind, so it knows what method to call, or it could even pass the url directly to an HTTPSErvice. The delegate will then deal with the server response, and update the model, which through the bindings will update the view.

I am not going to completely ditch commands. I thing that they are good for scheduling of the internal interactions (within the client itself), but I'd like to abstain from using them for communication with the server.

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Sep 20, 2011

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Feb 2, 2010

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Flex - Kiosk GUI Layout?

Sep 11, 2010

I need to develop a GUI for a self-service kiosk. The kiosk will take food orders (i.e pizza, burgers, salads) and provide the ability to pay using a credit card. Can anyone suggest the best GUI layout or approach? I want to make it intuitive and simple. I want to minimize the number of button clicks. If you can provide examples,

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Actionscript 3 :: Reading Tiff Files In Adobe Flex Based Application

Jan 27, 2010

reading TIFF files at runtime in Flex/AS3 based applications?

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Java :: Develop A Browser Based Application That Record The User Screen?

Feb 3, 2010

I need to develop a browser based application that record the user screen, much preferably on flv. Also doing that with java would be perfect.That's exactly what they accomplished at [url].... , with just a javaWS app.

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Professional :: Connecting A Kiosk To Server

Jan 3, 2012

i am self-taught and i have pretty good as3 and mxml skills and have worked with Flash Pro and Flex, but only for my own stuff at home. i have only done local AIR stuff that don't require sending and getting data from a server now someone has asked if i could build him a kiosks/server system, and i want to dive into that the kiosks would be deployed in stores and have touchscreens displaying pictures, movies, banners and accept user control and data.i plan to build his remote controlling software in Flex and the kiosk AIR apps in Flex or Flash pro.the kiosks should periodically connect to the server to see if updates are available  and download swf, jpeg and movie (mp4? flv?) files to the local filesystem (no live streaming is needed)also, user created data (forms only) should be sent to the server - i guess xml.[code]can all this be in as3 alone or do i need stuff like php also?also, would i be able in the controlling flex app to determine if specific kiosks are offline?

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Asp.net :: Mvc 2 - Swf Flash Sits Over Top Of Menus?

Jan 9, 2011

I have a swf file that my graphics designer has created for me that is placed on my intro page of my asp.net mvc website. The problem is that when the site is viewed with Internet Explorer (works as it should in firefox) the flash image sits over the top of my dropdown sub menu's (menu's at top of page that when user hovers mouse over they expand a sub menu).


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IDE :: Add Drop Down Menus In Flash?

Feb 19, 2011

a friend of mine wants me to change up his flash website template a bit. He has a horizontal navigation bar at the top with links but he wants me to change them into drop down menus so he can have additional links, I have the original fla files and everything too.

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Hardware Acceleration For Video On Jugglor Kiosk

May 24, 2009

We are doing our second kiosk using Flash and Jugglor. The system uses a 1024x786 touch screen (15") for user input and a 1366x768 Flatscreen (37") for information display.The program is created in Flash with a stage that is 2390x768 (2390=1366+768) We use a 2-headed nVidia card and their drivers split the info onto the proper screens.Works swell! In this iteration, we are using more full-screen hi-def on the info screen and I can't, for the life of me, get a solid answer as to the best way to take advantage of hardware acceleration for hi-def video playback in the CPU (Intel/XP) or the graphics card.

I know that most DVD players are able to do this, but there is enough stammering on the flash playback to suggest that the video is not getting a full boost from the silicon.


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