Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Based Chat Application

Jan 21, 2011

I have been asked to develop a generic chat client which can be used as a widget(with fb,twitter) which works fine with all XMPP supported applications. I have decided to use flex along vit java. how the whole chat application works? Also which server to use?openfire or blaze DS?? what's the difference?

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.net :: Flex : Simple Chat Application Using FluorineFX?

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I'm trying to create a very simple chat application in Flex/.Net using FluorineFX but can't get it to work.



It's compiling all fine, and when I try to send I don't get any errors, but also no result. No message is received. Am I on the right path? What's the logic behind the endpoint uri? What port should I use? Should I configurate Web.config? (beyond the flourinefx configs that enable RemotingService?) I don't get any response in the flourine.log.

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May 5, 2011

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What I am currently doing is following all the Cairngorm guidleines, which has already led to a bunch of commands which all make sense, but inclusing the business delegates, and all that stuff, I am getting into a hard time extending and refactoring the application Anyway, what I thought of was somehow reducing the number of application events flying around, and the number of commands responding to them. Actualy, I am quite OK even coupling the view with some logic, if I can get rd of some layer complexity.

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I am not going to completely ditch commands. I thing that they are good for scheduling of the internal interactions (within the client itself), but I'd like to abstain from using them for communication with the server.

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I'm building a website where I hook people up so that they can anonymously vent to strangers. You either choose to be a listener, or a talker, and then you get catapulted into a one-on-one chat room. The reason for the app's construction is because you often can't vent to friends, because your deepest vulnerabilities can often be leveraged against you later on. (Like it or not, this is a part of human nature. Sad.)

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Actionscript :: Combine A Live Stream Subscriber With A Chat Box Based On Shared Objects?

May 5, 2009

The following code is a combination of samples taken from red5. Basically I am trying to combine a live stream subscriber with a chat box based on shared objects. I'm not a flash developer and have a very limited understanding of what is going on here.

import org.red5.utils.Connector;
import org.red5.samples.simplechat.BasicChat;


I don't think that var chat is being initialized anywhere as trace(chat) prints 'undefined'. However var connector and var publish_video seem to collect their instances from the stage.

This sample code included those two and worked fine, but I can't make my additions behave the same way.

I have added an instance of BasicChat to the stage (I'm using Flash CS4) and have spent the past many hours playing with it's various properties, layers and groupings, but to no avail. why my var chat isn't collecting its instance from the stage?

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Make A Chat Application With Smartfox Server?

Jan 15, 2008

When i use this in a htmltext box:

<img src="podimg.gif" width="64" height="64"> Text

THe image appears on the line below the text.Nothing i have tried gets them in line, like this:


I am trying to make a chat application with smartfox server. The chat app is fine, but getting emoticons working in a textbox seems impossible.

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build a chat application in Flash/Flex and Actionscript using XML Socket class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Chat Application - Socket Closing Very Fast

May 4, 2011

I have a web chat application that uses flash in the client side to open connection to the server. When the client connects to the server I want them to be in connection until the client closes the browser or stops the conversation. The problem is that sometimes there is a network problem and the socket in the client is throwing an error and than closing. What I want is that the socket in the client will not close the socket immediately after an error or a timeout, but will try for at least half minute to check if the connection is fine before throwing the error and closing.

The code in my flash object is this :
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
public class jsxmlsocket extends Sprite{
[Code] .....

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May 26, 2009

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Media Server :: Create A Video Chat Application Between 2 People

Sep 2, 2009

I want to create a video chat application between 2 people and I want to record the dialouge between the two people to one audio file, so both of then can play back the dialouge at a later time.

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Media Server :: Incorporate A Graphics Frame / Box In Chat Application

Jun 7, 2010

I want to incorporate a graphics frame in my chat application so that anyone can scribble in that box using the mouse (click and drag), just like a pencil in the MS paint. This would be something like a graphic analogue of the text chat area. Is there is any such Component like TextArea which may be used for this kind of application?

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Media Server :: Call Accept Dialog Pop Up In Chat Application

Feb 23, 2011

I have made an Audio Video chat application in AS3 and using FMS as my server.I want to make the functionality of a call accept dialog box which pops up when one client wants to call another .Giving 2nd client the control to accept call or not like is done in Skype and all.Can anyone explain how will thisbe done using AS3.

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Media Server :: Make Text Chat Application Using Shared Object?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm trying to make text chat application using shared object. I'm using api Shared.getRemote("so",m_nc,true); to make the data persistent. It makes the file with extension fso. I want to save the chat history in notepad for further reference, and also load that data as per requirement.

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Fms :: Run A Flash Based Voice Chat Without The Flash Media Server?

Jun 7, 2011

Its just a quick question: Is it possible to run a falsh based voice chat without using the flash media server and instead using some kind of peer to peer connection? (just one to one connection, one to many connections are not needed)

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