Flex :: Start Creating Voice Chat Application Using Adobe And Red5?

May 5, 2011

I will create a voice chat application with Adobe Flex and I want use the opensource Red5 as a server.But, I confuse how to start it. it's possible just use NetStream and NetConnection?

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Flash :: Live Voice Chat With Manipulated Voice Audio With RTMFP

Mar 27, 2012

We are building a live RTMFP voice chat application with Cumulus. While the basic voice transfer works pretty easy using NetStreams, we have one big problem:There does not seem to be a way to manipulate the microphone data that the NetStream sends, and also not a way to manipulate the data the listening NetStream receives before it is played.However, this is exactly what we need. We do not want to transfer the normal microphone recorded audio, but first pitch it, then send it, then play it. Or first send it, then pitch it, then play it. But it seems that the whole audio recording, speex encoding, speex decoding and audio playback is completely encapsuled within the NetStream class.The only ways to achieve what we want (and all of them removing NetStream completely) seem to be:Send raw pitched audio data. That does work, but is of course a lot of data to send and will likely not work fast enough outside of our local LAN testing.

Pitch audio data, convert to ogg/mp3 using existing encoders for flash, send, decode ogg/mp3 and play. But this would mean encoding each and every sample packet that is received from the microphone, adding header stuff, etc. So this would likely not even yield that much of a benefit compared to raw audio data.2.1. This would actually be a good way if there was a Speex encoder/decoder for flash. But ironically, there is none other than the built in one (which is used for encoding/decoding audio in NetStreams) that cannot be explicitly used. ot offering it, Adobe...Send the data to the Cumulus server, pitch (and probably convert) there and send to the recipient. This would likely not even be that much faster than 1. and also throw away the exact benefit of RTMFP, P2P communication.

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Flex :: Video Conference/web Chat Using Red5?

Sep 20, 2010

I have performance issues with my test web chat app - video playback is very slow on, around 1 frame per few seconds at 640x480, 15fps, quality: 90. Network usage is low (gigabit LAN), cpu's still have some headroom so it should be the software.

Quick description of my setup:red5 0.9.1; simple flash broadcast and subscribe derived from here [URL] and mr. accattato's videos; using oflaDemo on serverside.

Local image on the broadcaster is good.So far I guess flash broadcaster would be the most likely culprit, but here is my worst since I am new to flex. Red5 should not modify the stream I guess, and it doesn't make much sense for the subscriber to play only 1 frame per second.

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Actionscript 3 :: Make A Simple Video Chat Using Flex Framework And Red5 Server

Mar 26, 2012

I'm trying to make a simple video chat using Flex framework and red5 server. It's an application with 2 video displays. With connection to the server more or less figured out. However, I do not understand how to transfer user1 stream to user2.
Here is functions i use to transfer webcam image to the server and to get the stream.


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Flash :: P2P Voice Chat FP 10 Rtmfp?

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The question with method should I use for the sending of the samples. I tried object repication and the latency is to big.

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.net :: Flex : Simple Chat Application Using FluorineFX?

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It's compiling all fine, and when I try to send I don't get any errors, but also no result. No message is received. Am I on the right path? What's the logic behind the endpoint uri? What port should I use? Should I configurate Web.config? (beyond the flourinefx configs that enable RemotingService?) I don't get any response in the flourine.log.

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Flex :: Develop A Video Chat Web Application In Java?

Apr 19, 2011

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I'm trying to develop a simple mxml Flex application to start Skype from the AIR/Flashplayer runtime. Is it possible to get back events from a native Windows application? In the simple example of Skype, the OS returns control to the Flex app when Skype exits. But what about native applications which have their own event model and wants to communicate with the Flex event model. For example, a Face detection system which shows "Hello" on a Flex app when the camera detects a face. Can this be done in the current Flex framework?

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Mar 4, 2011

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Jan 23, 2011

I know it is possible to run an Adobe Flex compiled .swf from the command-line using the adl command-line tool.

Is there an equivalent way to run a Flex .swf from the command-line using the system installed AIR runtime?

My question applies to OS X, but I'd interested to know about other platforms also.

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Flash - Red5 / Adobe Server Live Streaming

Jun 9, 2010

Is it possible to capture/encode a video file on a slow machine, then upload it live to a Red5 or Adobe Streaming server, and have that server stream to file live to flash clients? If so, what protocol is used to stream the data from the encoding machine to the Red5 / Adobe server? I see a lot of things about RTMP, but am I correct that this protocol is used between Streaming Server and Flash client, but not from encoding machine to Streaming Server?

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Flex mobile project ActionScript mobile project

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Dec 12, 2011

currently I am coding a android mobile app in Flex with the Flash Builder. I am tring to get the Voice Recognition of the Android Platform working but it seems to be complicated. I managed to write a Native Extension that at least displays the Android style voice recognition that asks for speech input. I found out that for the android system the speech input dialog represents an activity where you can wait for the activity's response and overwrite the onActivityResult function. And there is the problem. Since I have to call the Activity "Voice Recognition" in the FREContext the response of the Voice Recognition Activity gets lost.


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Jun 5, 2010

How to be able to start up same Adobe Air applications multiple times? How to make it to my app?

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Windows :: Flex - Adobe Air Start Native Window Hidden?

Feb 16, 2011

How do I open a new window as hidden? (note the visible="false")

<s:Window xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

If I declare a window this way, and then call this.open(false);, the window will quickly open and then hide, and then be reshown when I actually display it, I want to do this to be able to load content and fit the window to that size before showing it.

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Flex :: Start Application From A Simple AS File?

Oct 27, 2009

I want to use vkontakte's new wrapper feature, that enhances your application abilities by running under SWF wrapper. This is a sample application that uses this mechanism. It uses pure action script to display it's contents rather than an mx:Application.

Using the wrapper on my mx:Application failed due to the following error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mx.managers::FocusManager/activate()[C:autobuildgalagaframeworksprojectsframeworksrcmxmanagersFocusManager.as:702]
at mx.managers::SystemManager/activateForm()[C:autobuildgalagaframeworksprojectsframeworksrcmxmanagersSystemManager.as:2493]
at mx.managers::SystemManager/activate()


Unfortunately - it also failed, and the question remains, how to start Application from a simple AS file?

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XML :: Loading File In Flex Before Application Start / Initializes

Jul 22, 2009

I've got a configuration xml file that I need to parse for values before a flex application loads. I've created a static class that allows for the values in the xml config file to be retrieved. I'm initializing this class when the application first loads but as the xml file is loaded with a Loader class that loads a synchronously the class is being asked for values before the xml file is actually loaded - so it is throwing a error. Is there a way to load this xml file synchronously. We cannot embed the file as a class variable as we need to be able to change the values remotely.

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Flex :: Can Adobe Air Application Use P2p?

Feb 11, 2010

I've already built a flash 10 flex application which use the p2p feature (I'm using a developer key to connect to stratus), currently everything works fine. Now I want my application to run on Adoble Air Runtime, but it seems that p2p does not work for Air. I can successfully connect to stratus server in Air application, but after that, when I try to use NetConnection.nearID, an error occurs saying:"ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property nearID not found on flash.net.NetConnection and there is no default value."I've tried flex sdk 3.2 and 3.4, and neither of them works. Does anyone ever developed an Air Application that use p2p and can provide some hints?

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Flash :: Media Server - Voice Conference Application With Many Users

Dec 21, 2010

We need to develop a flash voice conference application with using flash media server. The number of connections can be up to 20,000. is it possible with flash media server. Can it also possible with Peer to Peer. If we use flash media server what configuration needed for.

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Aug 26, 2010

I want to send a html webpage with my application in installation package,is it possible?

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Flex :: Air - Rich Text Data Can Be Used Offline In An Adobe Flex Application

Nov 12, 2010

I am building an offline [URL] application in Adobe Flex. Can we use [URL] Rich Text Area fields in the offline application? I do not see the field returned in a query.

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Flex :: Setting Text Property Of A Combobox On Application Start?

Jul 20, 2011

I am using the combocheck example from the following site: [URL]

It's a very useful component and works very well.

Now, I need to set the text property of this combo box upon application startup with certain values (which are defined dynamically according to some criteria). The problem is that although I have no problem setting the text property of the combo box at other times of the application run, setting the property at startup seems to have no effect unfortunately.

For example, I want to set the text property of the combobox to "Bob" (which is one of the items in the dataprovider for the combobox) and the "set text" method is called on the combo box. Performing a step-through shows that the "set text" method is receiving the correct value item but not setting the _text property.

I have tried not doing anything until "ApplicationComplete" but no joy there either.

Here is the code (a combination of the code from the URL above and some other changes to it). However, as I've stated above, the codes does work. The problem is that it doesn't work at the application startup. Whenever an event is fired and setComboText is called as a result, the text of the combo box is set correctly.

private function onComboChecked(event:ComboCheckEvent):void {
var obj:Object=event.obj;
var index:int=selectedItems.getItemIndex(obj);


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Flex :: Converting Adobe AIR To Application?

Sep 20, 2010

We have a Adobe AIR desktop client which talks to a WAMP server. How can i convert this AIR app to a Flex app to be used in the browser.

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