XML :: Loading File In Flex Before Application Start / Initializes
Jul 22, 2009
I've got a configuration xml file that I need to parse for values before a flex application loads. I've created a static class that allows for the values in the xml config file to be retrieved. I'm initializing this class when the application first loads but as the xml file is loaded with a Loader class that loads a synchronously the class is being asked for values before the xml file is actually loaded - so it is throwing a error. Is there a way to load this xml file synchronously. We cannot embed the file as a class variable as we need to be able to change the values remotely.
Problem: An XML configuration file needs to be loaded at runtime and be ready when the application's createChildren() gets called. At the latest, because configuration values are needed to properly initialize child components. Preferably, I would like the configuration loading be complete before the application even gets created. In short, I want to do this: load configuration, then initialize the application using the loaded configuration.
I created a custom preloader to help solve this. But as it turns out, the application's createChildren() method already gets called during preloading, when the configuration is not yet guaranteed to be loaded. That is, before the custom preloader dispatches the COMPLETE event.
I want to use vkontakte's new wrapper feature, that enhances your application abilities by running under SWF wrapper. This is a sample application that uses this mechanism. It uses pure action script to display it's contents rather than an mx:Application.
Using the wrapper on my mx:Application failed due to the following error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at mx.managers::FocusManager/activate()[C:autobuildgalagaframeworksprojectsframeworksrcmxmanagersFocusManager.as:702] at mx.managers::SystemManager/activateForm()[C:autobuildgalagaframeworksprojectsframeworksrcmxmanagersSystemManager.as:2493] at mx.managers::SystemManager/activate()
Unfortunately - it also failed, and the question remains, how to start Application from a simple AS file?
We are using an XML file as an external configuration file for several parameters in our application (including default values for UI components and properties values of some service layer objects). The idea is to be able to load the XML configuration file before the flex application initializes any of its components. This is crucial because XML loading is processed a-synchronously in flex, which can potentially cause race-conditions in the application.
For example: the configuration file holds the endpoint URL of a web service used to obtain data from the server. The URL resides in the XML because we want to allow our users to alter the endpoint URL according to their environment. Now because the endpoint URL is retrieved only after the XML has been completely loaded, some of the application's components might be invoking operations on this web service before it is initialized with the correctendpoint.The trivial solution would have been to suspend the initialization of the application until the complete event is dispatched by the loader. But it appears that this solution is far from being trivial. I haven't found a single solution that allows me to load the XML before any other object in the application.
what I'm trying to do is make a preloader that will preload about 20 external SWF files before it lets you get to my main file. I want to do this because my main file needs the SWFs to be ready to go once its done loading. I have looked around and i found a few ways to do this with the "if (loadedBytes>=totalBytes)" and the code loops back till the files are done loading... this would be just what i need but i cant seem to get it to work. the file just seems to start loading my files but does not loop and just runs the time-line even once i state what frames i want it to loop.
I am using the combocheck example from the following site: [URL]
It's a very useful component and works very well.
Now, I need to set the text property of this combo box upon application startup with certain values (which are defined dynamically according to some criteria). The problem is that although I have no problem setting the text property of the combo box at other times of the application run, setting the property at startup seems to have no effect unfortunately.
For example, I want to set the text property of the combobox to "Bob" (which is one of the items in the dataprovider for the combobox) and the "set text" method is called on the combo box. Performing a step-through shows that the "set text" method is receiving the correct value item but not setting the _text property.
I have tried not doing anything until "ApplicationComplete" but no joy there either.
Here is the code (a combination of the code from the URL above and some other changes to it). However, as I've stated above, the codes does work. The problem is that it doesn't work at the application startup. Whenever an event is fired and setComboText is called as a result, the text of the combo box is set correctly.
private function onComboChecked(event:ComboCheckEvent):void { var obj:Object=event.obj; var index:int=selectedItems.getItemIndex(obj);
I will create a voice chat application with Adobe Flex and I want use the opensource Red5 as a server.But, I confuse how to start it. it's possible just use NetStream and NetConnection?
I'm new to flex. Now I'm writing an flex application. I plan to split my application into some MXML files(Application as the root tag). How can I switch from one mxml to another?BTW, what is the best practice for design large flex application? Just one MXML Application and many MXML component or many MXML Application?
I try to execute a code on my Stage, the problem is when I declare my own class on which they load the file (xml) the code start in the background.I tried to add a listener in the custom class for Event.COMPLETE but it doesn't work because it only affect the custom class, not the whole movie.I tried something like this:
Code: var xmlLoad: XMLLoadData = new XMLLoadData("navigation.xml"); var menuBox:MenuBox = new MenuBox();
I try to execute a code on my Stage, the problem is when I declare my own class on which they load the file (xml) the code start in the background.
I tried to add a listener in the custom class for Event.COMPLETE but it doesn't work because it only affect the custom class, not the whole movie.[code]...
My Flex application is heavily keyboard-oriented. It uses 100% of the browser window and I'd like the user to be able to start using it immediately - as soon as it loads. However, it seems that the application is only first "activated" (i.e. the activate event fires) when the mouse clicks somewhere inside it, which is very inconvenient for my keyboard-heavy app.
Can I force an activation of my app at some point during/after it loads? I hope I don't have to display some silly "click inside to activate" overlay every time the page loads..
In certain browsers ([cough] Chrome [/cough]) the focus is lost whenever the user switches away from the browser (or even touches the address bar) and is not regained when switching back. So the solution has to take in consideration not just the first focus when the page loads but also "re-focusing".
Do you know is it possible to start iPad application from another application that is developed in Flash? I need to create small iPad app with two buttons (and some graphics/animation) in Flash. Clicking on those buttons, another iPad application should be started. My guess is that will use ExternallInterface, but I don't know what to send :)
I'm building an Air application (straight AS3 no flex) that embeds and displays a .swf file. [code]Not only does this not add the .swf file to the display list like I want it to but it seems to run over and over again. "hello" fills up the output window from the trace statement like it's running every frame.The code loads a .jpg just fine so it must be a problem specific to flash files. I would think I would get some kind of security error if there was a conflict not this strange looping constructor. Does anybody have any ideas what is causing this behavior?So I think what was happening is that because both flash files shared the same application domain and they both had "Main.as" as the main class file it was running the constructor over and over again.I've updated my code above to show my unsuccessful attempts to load the external .swf with a different application domain.
I have a flex application which contains different feature that includes google maps, twitter, facebook etc.
Currently I have hardcoded api keys in the code it self but I want to use a properties file/config file where I can put such things and use anywhere I want in the application.
Is it possible to achieve this in flex? I am using swiz framework. Is it possible to achieve this using this framework?
I know there are a lot of questions that have been asked about synchronicity in Flex, but I'm not sure if any cover the same issue I'm having. The title only refers to one possible solution I've been going for with this, but essentially here's my situation:
Say I have a Flex application, and I have an XML file with configuration settings I want loaded into that application, preferably at run-time (Although I would've been fine with compile-time as well but can't find a way to do this as the "-define" command-line parameter will only instantiate strings, numbers, and Booleans and I have some more complex configuration structures - I also cannot merely create these as a bunch of constants in Flex because they are used in numerous other places).
However, some of these configuration settings are also used in the various children of the application when they load, so there's no way to perform and complete the load before these containers are loaded (Because of asynchronicity - these children are loaded while the configuration is still being loaded in and parsed using an event listener and handler; of course, before the handler completes, the children components are already loaded incorrectly).
Is there any way to get this configuration file to load before the application's children do? Or even before the application itself? This approach of synchronizing the application load is only one possible approach, but no other approaches seem to fare any better.
I'm using the file.browseForDirectory() method to make the user browse his computer and choose a folder. It's all perfect since here. But what if I want the dialog box to already show a specific folder opened at pop up?
I want to provides an option in my air/flex application. A user can check an option and the application starts when windows starts.I don't find with google how to do this, someone knows do that ?
Has anyone got any experience will loading SWC / SWZ's at runtime within a Flex 4 / Air 2 desktop application?The very rough idea would be to have a desktop Air app, which is able to "download" additional modules (eg, a SWZ/RSL representing a form) and load these at runtime?
Imagine the App is configured using an XML file obtained over the net. When this has instruction to get a new module (SWZ/RSL), the app will download the module to its App Storage folder, and instanciate it at runtime?The Flex Manual seems to indicate this is possible, but is talking web rather than desktop http:[url]....
I'm building an Air for Android App and I'm having problems loading a flex module. Does anyone know if loading modules is possible???
I built a simple app with just a ModuleLoader in it, which loads a mx:module. The module has only a simple mx:Label with a "Hello World" text.I build a .air with this. Then I build a .apk with the followin adt command.
I am going to write a Flex mobile application which can benefit from loadable modules, but encountered "Modules are not supported for AIR mobile applications." statement here.
Is there any workaround to load swf modules (containing UI with some code) in the mobile application developed for iPhone/Android/BlackBerry?
Possible Duplicate:Custom Preloader in Flex 4?I am working with a flex web application and i want to implement custom loading page on application startup like the above
I am creating an AIR application using Flex. In it I use a file in application directory to store some data in it.Its working very well to read and write data to this file with various OS except windows 7. In windows 7 it is not working. May be its a permission problem.
How can i write file in the application directory with Windows 7 ?
I have a flex application that has a home button. I need to reset the application when this button is clicked. I can't use navigateToURL or ExternalInterface.call("window.location.reload"); as its not acceptable to reload the swf file.
I am creating a Flex application for intranet use.I need the application to execute files, with different file types (txt, emails, etc.) at specific known locations on the clients computer.Is it possible to give permissions to the Flex application to execute local files? (I have administrative rights on the clients computer)
I have a custom AS3 component in a very simple MXML file. The custom component just loads an external SWF using SWFLoader.If you look at the output (below) you'll see it's actually loading the SWF only once, but it instantiates it twice!! What the?Main.mxml is just the Application tag and then this:
Code: <myComponent:SlideViewer title="SlideViewer" swfName="slides/productInfo" /> SlideViewer.as has this:
i'am developing a flex media player that will be include in a simple html file. my project plane is:
1-loading a xml file (using HTTPService) 2-find the sound address in the xml (Using E4x) 3-load the sound 4- ...
when i run it with adobe flash builder or generate a release version, it works fine. but when i use the flash file in my html file it's xml loading process doesn't work!
after some try , i realized that if the swf file be in the flash builder workspace directory, it work , else it doesn't work.
note that my OS is Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit
what is the different between the workspace directory and usual directories?
Is it possible download a file in an AIR application, store it on the user's system, and prohibit access to the files by applications other than the one with which it was downloaded?