Media Server :: Start With FMS For Implementing Web Conferencing In A Web Based Application

Jun 7, 2010

I have requirement of web conferencing for my website. for implementing that I have gone through google.Many suggested that go for FMS. I have never worked with FMS earlier.And requirement is urgent.Some people write that u hv to coding in Action Script 3 and I dnt knw Action Script. currently i need one to one to many can be done in later phase.
I m working as a developer from last 4 yrs on Microsoft Technologies. how to go about and is it right decision to start with FMS or any other alternative is there. What tools and which edition of FMS will be required?

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Media Server :: Video Conferencing With Flash Media Server And Flex?

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Media Server :: Any Way To Get Application To Load Automatically On Start?

Aug 10, 2011

We're trying to implement a load-balancing mechanism between FMS hosts in a virtual "farm". The mechanism we're using is to have the FMSs periodically send "load" data (along with a timestamp) to an application server. That server will then use that load information and timestamp to detect when an FMS server has gone down and to make stream assignments to FMSs. Right now, I've implemented this code via a setInterval() in live/main.asc.

I've added a "return false" to Application.onAppStop() to (according to the docs, I haven't tested this yet) keep the server from shutting down an idle instance. How do I get the interval running before the first request hits the application (and forces the load of the application)? I've tried putting the setInterval in onAppStart() and as a global. In both cases, it only gets executed after application is loaded. Any way to force an application to load (via a config file parameter or local command-line)?

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Media Server :: Implementing IP Multicast On An MPLS Network?

Mar 2, 2011

I work for a carrier, and am looking at implementing IP Multicast on an MPLS network to support enterprise executive webcasts. As your probably aware, there are multiple multicast methods available.
Anyways its down to two multicast methods. PIM-SM  ( which our engineering group will probably reject to complexity)
PIM-SSM ( Which not every application supports Can anyone advise on whether Adobe flash media server ( and player ) support PIM-SSM multicast?

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Media Server :: RTMP & Flash Media Streaming Server Live Application?

Feb 3, 2010

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I've just started messing around with publishing live streams using Flash Media Live Encoder to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  I have that working without issue but was surprised to find that no authentication is required before a client running the live encoder can publish a stream to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  An authentication module is available however it only works with Flash Media Interactive Server and Flash Media Development Server.

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Aug 30, 2010

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May 7, 2010

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Mar 7, 2010

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Media Server :: Application Is Not A Valid Signed Application Loading Access Denied

Oct 29, 2009

We have an application that works no problems on our server with FMS in test mode. As soon as we enter our FMS license key we get this error: "application is not a valid signed application loading access denied".We removed the license key and it works again, but with user limits obviously, so this is not an acceptable fix.

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Aug 30, 2010

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After i could take the Live HDS, i made these settings as described at [url]

My application.xml and event.xml files are:

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Media Server :: Application Doesn't Have Permissions For Server-side Record/append Of Streams

Aug 12, 2011

I have configured FMS on Amazon EC2 I am trying to capture data from my webcam and push it to the server.For storing the webcam i created a new folder  but as it is recommended in other forums "You need to replace the signed Live application (main.far) with main.asc in[FMS-Install-Dir]/samples/applications/live/ ;(For more Info: refer to documentations & live/readme.txt) "I am not able to locate samples folder from where i can get my main.asc file

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Jan 20, 2012

I want to use RTMP based HTTP DVR functionality and HLS based IOS functionality, So I need to know how to MPP from my existing DVR app to the livepkgr app so that the stream being recorded at the DVR app can be used by the Flash and Stream MPP over to livepkgr app and can be used by the IOS HLS.

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Mar 19, 2010

When user first time log into site camera start the capturing and stream is saved in application folder with the streamname(straemname.flv). then user logout and then logged in then i have to append that stream in same straemname.flv filey this code i have done that task

camera = Camera.getCamera();
camera.setQuality(0,80);  camera.setMode(videoWidth,videoheight,15,true);camera.setLoopback(false); 


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Media Server :: Server Always Starts With A Particular Application Loaded?

Apr 4, 2011

The server on which FMS was running crashed due to a power failure. FMS is set to start, and it restarted with the server.Unfortunately it restarted with no applications loaded, including the application, which we need to run continuously.Is there some way to ensure that the server always starts with a particular application loaded? The only way I could find to load it was through the systems console.

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Media Server :: Start Vhost Without Restarting Fms?

Mar 8, 2011

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Media Server :: FMS Doesn't Start Properly?

Dec 6, 2011

I have some problems about installing FMS 4 on a CentOS 6 x64. After installing, FMS doens't start properly. I don't see the videos on the web interface. In the log file master.00.log, i can see these errors messages
2011-12-0608:38:461675(i)2581226Edge (1748) is no longer active.- 2011-12-0608:38:461675(w)2581255Edge (1748) _defaultRoot__edge1 experienced 1 failure[s]!- 2011-12-0608:38:461675(i)2581224Edge (1798) started, arguments : -edgeports ":1935" -coreports "localhost:19350" -conf "/opt/adobe/fms/conf/Server.xml" -adaptor "_defaultRoot_" -name "_defaultRoot__edge1" -edgename "edge1". 


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Media Server :: Java To Start FMS Record?

Dec 28, 2011

I,m a newbie and one of my requirements is to Start the Record of the Stream as soon as the Game Starts. The Game gets the ID from JAVA and our client wants the stream record from JAVA.

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Media Server :: Flash - Unable To Start Setup On OS X 10.7?

Sep 19, 2008

When I downloaded a developer edition from Flash Media Server page (11 Oct 2011). I tried to follow the setup instruction in readme.htm which comes in the zip of Linux version.I logged in to terminal as root user and call './installFMS' and then the terminal show me:
ERROR: Your operating system is not supported by the Adobe Flash Media Server installer.
Does it mean Flash Media Server Developer Edition cannot work on OS X Lion (10.7)?

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Media Server :: Start Streaming Only When People Are Watching?

Aug 26, 2009

I've got a page laid out that houses a nightly live webstream of music at a venue. Every night (except Sunday) the stream turns on from 8pm-2am Eastern Standard Time. Some nights, I notice there is nobody watching the stream, yet the stream plays everyday no matter what. In the interest of saving bandwidth per month, I'm trying to figure out how to only stream if somebody is watching.So basically the camera would be recording locally, and when someone connects to the website something tells the server to start broadcasting. If the person leaves, the server stops broadcasting. Has anyone ever tried doing this? I'm using Influxis for my media streaming and they've assured me I can execute server side scripts.

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Media Server :: Video Doesn't Start From Beginning

Apr 19, 2010

I'm having some problems on some systems (seems to affect mostly 64-bit systems) where videos streamed from Flash Media Server 3.5 doesn't start from the beginning. I'm using NetStream.Buffer.Full to detect when the video starts. Usually this works ok, but sometimes the video doesn't skips a couple of seconds from the beginning even though the value of NetStream.time property is 0 when this happens.

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Sep 30, 2010

i had installed a FMS4 developper in server on my centOs. I can connect to my FMS with client with RTMP, but with RTMFP, FMS don't reply. I looked at FMS log and i saw edge. 00.log:

 2010-09-30      13:11:53        4984    (e)2631504      RTMFP could
not start on edge process for _defaultRoot__edge1. Famille d'adresses non support par le protocole  -

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Media Server :: Connecting To FMS Start Screen Remotely

Oct 4, 2010

Can you access the FMS Start Screen to verify installation remotely? We have a new FMS 3.5.4 installation set up by our IS team, but cannot remote directly into the box to verify the installation per the installation guide. Is there a URL that can be used to access the FMS Start Screen if FMS was installed with Apache?

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