I have some problems about installing FMS 4 on a CentOS 6 x64. After installing, FMS doens't start properly. I don't see the videos on the web interface. In the log file master.00.log, i can see these errors messages
I'm having some problems on some systems (seems to affect mostly 64-bit systems) where videos streamed from Flash Media Server 3.5 doesn't start from the beginning. I'm using NetStream.Buffer.Full to detect when the video starts. Usually this works ok, but sometimes the video doesn't skips a couple of seconds from the beginning even though the value of NetStream.time property is 0 when this happens.
What would be some top reasons an FLV will not stream with Flash Media Streaming Serve 3.5? I ran the FLVcheck.exe on the FLV and it passed; however, the FLV will not stream. If I could just get some good reasons that would cause an FLV from streaming I think that will give me a good starting point for troubleshooting.
I recently upgraded from FMS 2 - FMIS 3.5.Over our internal network videos stream like a dream!However, accessing them from outside our own network means that they take about 20 seconds to load, or sometimes just get a message saying the server isn't found.This wasn't a problem with the FMS2 and there have been no changes to firewall settings or anything like that since the old server was up and running without problems.I have the new server set to use exaclty the same ports, but wonder if there are some other settings which could be causing this?Networking isn't really my area of expertise, and I have no idea where to start looking to improve things.
So I have a FMS 3.5, which I want to do live streams. The thing is I want several different people to be able to do the live broadcast, and I would like the server locked down at least a little and not allow anyone that wants to, to start a broadcast. With that said, I have FMS 3.5 installed, and I installed the Authentificaiton Add-In (3.0). I added a user to the authentification add-in, but it's still doesn't require a username / password, doesn't even prompt me.
I'm a C++ programmer, but I'm a newbie in Flex. I'm developing a Flex 3 application for a social network using the FlashDevelop. For debugging I'm using the stand-alone FlashPlayer (10.3 debug) downloaded from Adobe. The application is a simple audio player which shows artist/album images.
The application worked properly on both local computer and remote server until I made some layout changes in Main.mxml. I added some HBoxes and changed Image placement. After that the application still works on my local computer, but it doesn't work properly after I upload it to a server.
Application buttons are not highlighted on over/out/click events, images loaded from the Internet are not displayed, text changed dynamically is not displayed, but when I click buttons a sound file is loaded from the internet and starts playing. It looks like some events which are responsible for components displaying are not dispatched, because some part of functionality not related to displaying still works.
To make sure that this is not a server problem, I rolled back to the previous revision. All works fine.
I suppose that this is a known issue, but I have no idea what is the reason.
We have one video application in this application an user can record a video of 30 seconds. Timer is not getting fire after 30 seconds only on one computer on other computers it's getting called except that computer. Frankly speaking we don't know about the computer configuration on which timer is not fired after 30 seconds. Can any body suggest us what's the problem? Where we are lagging?
We are considering this is due to older version of flash. Correct us if we are wrong. May be due to browser dont know what's the problem.
We have a webcam/chat application that is having bad issues with the video display of a live stream. The application is a bit old (Flex 3.2 recompiled to FB 4.5) and uses FMS 4 which gets it`s encoded streams from FMLE 3.2. The problem is that when a stream is sent using H.264, the playback in Flash is quite bad. Visually, it basically looks like Flash does not always display the "in between keyframes information" properly. Big square pixels from the last keyframe appear instead.
I carefully read forums for phpmyadmin before posting here and none really had the answer. I am able to install phpmyadmin on stand alone versions of Apache, but unable to do so on the FMS version. I previously read this post [URL] and it doesn't seem to answer the question although it looks like part of the question may have been answered offline. The problem is that phpmyadmin installs and I know that PHP is running fine because I can run a couple of test scripts with no problem. However, when I go to login to phpmyadmin, I get the dialog box asking me "do you want to open or save this file" and the script itself never executes. I checked the the server log, and here's what's going on:
Based on the post noted above, I'm assuming this may have something to do with either POST variables or maybe proxying unknown requests, however the forum post didn't appear to resolve the problem. I also posted to that thread, but I wasn't sure it was still being monitored.
I am developing a flash media encoder. Encoder is sending 'publish' command in 'record' mode to FMS. But FMS is not giving any response (I am catching responses in wireshark) but creating the related folders in its application directory. So, I assumed that FMS has received the publish command and reay to receive the data. Then I sent some 20 media messages each of soze 500 bytes. FMS is sending 'onStatus' response for the publish after receiving the 8th media message and writing only contents of media messages from 9th to 20th.
I am using remote Win Server 2003 R2 via rdesktop. As an "administrator", I installed FMS 3.5 - Developer version using default options. Media Server starts, runs, and appears to work. Admin Server is not running. When I attempt to start it (from Win admin services tools), I get error 1067 (Error registering class: name mismatch (%1$S, %2$S)). Everything done remotely as an administrator.
I have configured FMS on Amazon EC2 I am trying to capture data from my webcam and push it to the server.For storing the webcam i created a new folder but as it is recommended in other forums "You need to replace the signed Live application (main.far) with main.asc in[FMS-Install-Dir]/samples/applications/live/ ;(For more Info: refer to documentations & live/readme.txt) "I am not able to locate samples folder from where i can get my main.asc file
I've read the reference here,but it seems to me that I can only make it work with live OR recorded videos.How can I make it work with both live AND recorded videos?
When user first time log into site camera start the capturing and stream is saved in application folder with the streamname(straemname.flv). then user logout and then logged in then i have to append that stream in same straemname.flv filey this code i have done that task
camera = Camera.getCamera(); camera.setQuality(0,80); camera.setMode(videoWidth,videoheight,15,true);camera.setLoopback(false);
FMS does not start in win 7.There were some starts but only when first run after the installation. (i checked it 3 times) After the computer reboot, FMS does not start. Whats the problemm ?
Is there a way to enable a vhost without having to restart the entire fms server?It seems very horrible that you would have to kill everyone using the server to add new vhost?
I,m a newbie and one of my requirements is to Start the Record of the Stream as soon as the Game Starts. The Game gets the ID from JAVA and our client wants the stream record from JAVA.
When I downloaded a developer edition from Flash Media Server page (11 Oct 2011). I tried to follow the setup instruction in readme.htm which comes in the zip of Linux version.I logged in to terminal as root user and call './installFMS' and then the terminal show me:
ERROR: Your operating system is not supported by the Adobe Flash Media Server installer.
Does it mean Flash Media Server Developer Edition cannot work on OS X Lion (10.7)?
I've got a page laid out that houses a nightly live webstream of music at a venue. Every night (except Sunday) the stream turns on from 8pm-2am Eastern Standard Time. Some nights, I notice there is nobody watching the stream, yet the stream plays everyday no matter what. In the interest of saving bandwidth per month, I'm trying to figure out how to only stream if somebody is watching.So basically the camera would be recording locally, and when someone connects to the website something tells the server to start broadcasting. If the person leaves, the server stops broadcasting. Has anyone ever tried doing this? I'm using Influxis for my media streaming and they've assured me I can execute server side scripts.
i had installed a FMS4 developper in server on my centOs. I can connect to my FMS with client with RTMP, but with RTMFP, FMS don't reply. I looked at FMS log and i saw edge. 00.log:
2010-09-30 13:11:53 4984 (e)2631504 RTMFP could not start on edge process for _defaultRoot__edge1. Famille d'adresses non support par le protocole -
Can you access the FMS Start Screen to verify installation remotely? We have a new FMS 3.5.4 installation set up by our IS team, but cannot remote directly into the box to verify the installation per the installation guide. Is there a URL that can be used to access the FMS Start Screen if FMS was installed with Apache?
I have Flash Media Server installed on Windows Server 2007. I configured the Flash Media Server service to Automatic (Delayed Start), using a network logon instead of the local system account. In case you are curious, I use the network logon for the service because I need Flash Media Server to be able to access media stored on a network share. My problem is that, despite the Automatic start, the service does not seem to start automatically. Also, if I log out of that network account, the service seems to stop. what I can do to make sure that Flash Media Server will always start, as well as keep it running even if no accounts are logged in?
We're trying to implement a load-balancing mechanism between FMS hosts in a virtual "farm". The mechanism we're using is to have the FMSs periodically send "load" data (along with a timestamp) to an application server. That server will then use that load information and timestamp to detect when an FMS server has gone down and to make stream assignments to FMSs. Right now, I've implemented this code via a setInterval() in live/main.asc.
I've added a "return false" to Application.onAppStop() to (according to the docs, I haven't tested this yet) keep the server from shutting down an idle instance. How do I get the interval running before the first request hits the application (and forces the load of the application)? I've tried putting the setInterval in onAppStart() and as a global. In both cases, it only gets executed after application is loaded. Any way to force an application to load (via a config file parameter or local command-line)?
I have installed FMS 4 and have set up a player (longtail) on my website and I am currently streaming videos for my school district using RTMP. Things are working OK, but I do have an issue I have been unable to resolve. I want to allow the user to jump to certain segments of the long video using a hyperlink that specifies the timecode of the start point. In the hyperlink, I pass a variable called 'VidStart' which is the timestamp in seconds. This system works flawlessly within my school district's firewall, but outside the firewall the video loads (slower than within the firewall), but the start point links do not work. Instead of going to the specified timestamp, the video just always from the beggining.
When I downloaded a developer edition from Flash Media Server page (11 Oct 2011). I tried to follow the setup instruction in readme.htm which comes in the zip of Linux version.
I logged in to terminal as root user and call './installFMS' and then the terminal show me:
ERROR: Your operating system is not supported by the Adobe Flash Media Server installer.
Does it mean Flash Media Server Developer Edition cannot work on OS X Lion (10.7)?
i'm wanting to stream video or even just load it into my flash sites and not lag them....anyway i have had a few people tell me to look at flash media server and flash comm server. i have but i am really confused with it all...WHERE DO I START?? WHAT TO KNOW?? HOW TO DO IT??? etc
I've freshly installed the FSM demo on a redhat linux box, and have everything working. From that start screen running on Local Host, I click the "Play video (HTTP)" and that video of a train shows up. Cool. But when I click the link above it ("Play Video (RTMP)") I get an error message: "Connection Error. press Play to try again." and no matter how many times I hit play, I get that same message. The Dynamic stream doesn't work either, and the Interactive sucessfully displays webcam feeds, but doesn't show the "Play Live Stream" button thing. Is there anything special you have to do to get the RTMP stuff working? Some special command or server you have to run?
Would firewalls intefere with things (I'm pretty sure there isn't one on the machine, but I'm flailing wildly here) or would permissions mess things up? I'm completely lost ^_^;; I guess I should also add that there doesn't seem to be any log files. I'm looking under the server install directory, and there isn't even a "log" folder. There isn't one under Apache, either. It confuses me. So far all I can find on the internet is instructions to look at the log files...but if they aren't there... Am I just looking in the wrong places, or are they just not being generated yet? I did a tcpdump with wireshark, and the web app IS pinging port 1935 (for RTMP), but the packets are failling the checksum and are refusing to be reassembled because of that. Is this making sense to ANYBODY?