Media Server :: Passing Variables In URL For Start Points

Aug 30, 2011

I have installed FMS 4 and have set up a player (longtail) on my website and I am currently streaming videos for my school district using RTMP. Things are working OK, but I do have an issue I have been unable to resolve. I want to allow the user to jump to certain segments of the long video using a hyperlink that specifies the timecode of the start point. In the hyperlink, I pass a variable called 'VidStart' which is the timestamp in seconds. This system works flawlessly within my school district's firewall, but outside the firewall the video loads (slower than within the firewall), but the start point links do not work. Instead of going to the specified timestamp, the video just always from the beggining.


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Media Server :: Slow Stream Start Times / Or Server Not Found With FMIS Upgrade

May 7, 2010

I recently upgraded from FMS 2 - FMIS 3.5.Over our internal network videos stream like a dream!However, accessing them from outside our own network means that they take about 20 seconds to load, or sometimes just get a message saying the server isn't found.This wasn't a problem with the FMS2 and there have been no changes to firewall settings or anything like that since the old server was up and running without problems.I have the new server set to use exaclty the same ports, but wonder if there are some other settings which could be causing this?Networking isn't really my area of expertise, and I have no idea where to start looking to improve things.

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Media Server :: Points Stored For The Whole Video?

May 28, 2009

I was just wondering whether or not actionscript cuepoints created via the default cuepointManager on a FMS stream be seen by other clients viewing the same video? For example if I were to do this: (where vidVideo is an instance of VideoDisplay in flex 3) vidVideo.cuePointManager.removeAllCuePoints(); var cuePointArr:Array = new Array(); cuePointArr.push({name:"stopClip", cuePointTime, type:"actionscript"}); vidVideo.cuePoints = cuePointArr; Will other clients viewing the same video be affected by these cue points? or are Actionscript cue points maintained only on that stream?

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Media Server :: Add Cue Points To A FLV Recorded By Webcam?

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I am wondering if it is possible to add/inject a cue point to an FLV server-side that has been recorded/published from a users webcam using FMS3.5.

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Media Server :: Embed Cue Points Into A Live Stream?

Sep 26, 2011

Does anyone know how to embed cue points into a live stream?I have been searching around and trying to figure out how to make it work properly.I have played around with stream.send functions and onmetadata.It works just fine for pre-recorded files with embedded cue points.But I am having problems getting it working with a live dvr stream.It also seems if you modify the metadata keyframe using the stream.send("@setDataFrame"... while you are appending to a file, that the metadata change is only in memory, it does not get flushed to the file.If you stop and restart the stream and start appending the new metadata is not retained.

I am using the dvrcast application to serve and record the streams.The stream is recorded over a period of time, but recording is started and stopped.So the file is actually appended to instead of just over writing.So the problem lies in the metadata, if you actually want to know the exact time something happened and there is a break in the stream there is no way to calculate the actual time.So my thought was ever time the stream is appended to add a cue point that contains a date time stamp when recording began, so the actual time can be determined by calculating the difference between the last time stamp/cue point and the time elapsed.

Also I believe all of this only applies to flv files for f4v files the process would be completely different.

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Media Server :: FMS 3.5 - Can't Start Admin Server

Aug 30, 2010

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Media Server :: How To Start Broadcasting

Mar 19, 2010

When user first time log into site camera start the capturing and stream is saved in application folder with the streamname(straemname.flv). then user logout and then logged in then i have to append that stream in same straemname.flv filey this code i have done that task

camera = Camera.getCamera();
camera.setQuality(0,80);  camera.setMode(videoWidth,videoheight,15,true);camera.setLoopback(false); 


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Jun 11, 2010

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Media Server :: FMS Doesn't Start Properly?

Dec 6, 2011

I have some problems about installing FMS 4 on a CentOS 6 x64. After installing, FMS doens't start properly. I don't see the videos on the web interface. In the log file master.00.log, i can see these errors messages
2011-12-0608:38:461675(i)2581226Edge (1748) is no longer active.- 2011-12-0608:38:461675(w)2581255Edge (1748) _defaultRoot__edge1 experienced 1 failure[s]!- 2011-12-0608:38:461675(i)2581224Edge (1798) started, arguments : -edgeports ":1935" -coreports "localhost:19350" -conf "/opt/adobe/fms/conf/Server.xml" -adaptor "_defaultRoot_" -name "_defaultRoot__edge1" -edgename "edge1". 


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Dec 28, 2011

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Media Server :: Flash - Unable To Start Setup On OS X 10.7?

Sep 19, 2008

When I downloaded a developer edition from Flash Media Server page (11 Oct 2011). I tried to follow the setup instruction in readme.htm which comes in the zip of Linux version.I logged in to terminal as root user and call './installFMS' and then the terminal show me:
ERROR: Your operating system is not supported by the Adobe Flash Media Server installer.
Does it mean Flash Media Server Developer Edition cannot work on OS X Lion (10.7)?

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Media Server :: Start Streaming Only When People Are Watching?

Aug 26, 2009

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Media Server :: Connect To Client With RTMP, But It Don't Start?

Sep 30, 2010

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 2010-09-30      13:11:53        4984    (e)2631504      RTMFP could
not start on edge process for _defaultRoot__edge1. Famille d'adresses non support par le protocole  -

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Oct 4, 2010

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Nov 8, 2010

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Media Server :: Any Way To Get Application To Load Automatically On Start?

Aug 10, 2011

We're trying to implement a load-balancing mechanism between FMS hosts in a virtual "farm". The mechanism we're using is to have the FMSs periodically send "load" data (along with a timestamp) to an application server. That server will then use that load information and timestamp to detect when an FMS server has gone down and to make stream assignments to FMSs. Right now, I've implemented this code via a setInterval() in live/main.asc.

I've added a "return false" to Application.onAppStop() to (according to the docs, I haven't tested this yet) keep the server from shutting down an idle instance. How do I get the interval running before the first request hits the application (and forces the load of the application)? I've tried putting the setInterval in onAppStart() and as a global. In both cases, it only gets executed after application is loaded. Any way to force an application to load (via a config file parameter or local command-line)?

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Oct 11, 2011

When I downloaded a developer edition from Flash Media Server page (11 Oct 2011). I tried to follow the setup instruction in readme.htm which comes in the zip of Linux version.
I logged in to terminal as root user and call './installFMS' and then the terminal show me:
ERROR: Your operating system is not supported by the  Adobe Flash Media Server installer.
Does it mean Flash Media Server Developer Edition cannot work on OS X Lion (10.7)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stream Video - Where To Start Flash Media Server And Flash Comm Server

Jan 24, 2007

i'm wanting to stream video or even just load it into my flash sites and not lag them....anyway i have had a few people tell me to look at flash media server and flash comm server. i have but i am really confused with it all...WHERE DO I START?? WHAT TO KNOW?? HOW TO DO IT??? etc

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Media Server :: Access Server Variables In C++ Plug-in

Mar 3, 2010

Is there any way to access a Flash Media Server server-side script through a C++ plugin? I know you can call server-side functions, but I want to use the plugin to do image processing, so I need to get bitmap data from the client to the plugin. I've been poring over the documentation and the forums and there doesn't seem to be any way for the plugin to communcate with the server other than to read Event properties. If this is the only way for the plugin to recieve data from the server, is there any way to override an event property to send custom data?

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Media Server :: Passing Data Through Connect()?

Jan 2, 2011

I found this example of a lobby in my flash media server book. But there's a little

var nc:NetConnection;
var rtmpNow:String;
var userName:String;


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Media Server :: Fmscheck Passing Token?

Mar 31, 2011

rtmp connect takes a token. My connect looks like below.


Using fmscheck I am not able to pass token in the query string so that in my connect I can access the token.How would I use fmscheck to pass a token so that my connect so that onConnect will have a token.

application.onConnect = function(new_client,token) // token -> 123456789

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL() And POST - Passing Variables To Server

Feb 15, 2005

I am having trouble passing variables to my server. The following code is on a button:


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Media Server :: RTMP And Streaming Not Working For Start Screen

Apr 30, 2009

I've freshly installed the FSM demo on a redhat linux box, and have everything working. From that start screen running on Local Host, I click the "Play video (HTTP)" and that video of a train shows up. Cool. But when I click the link above it ("Play Video (RTMP)") I get an error message: "Connection Error. press Play to try again." and no matter how many times I hit play, I get that same message. The Dynamic stream doesn't work either, and the Interactive sucessfully displays webcam feeds, but doesn't show the "Play Live Stream" button thing. Is there anything special you have to do to get the RTMP stuff working? Some special command or server you have to run?

Would firewalls intefere with things (I'm pretty sure there isn't one on the machine, but I'm flailing wildly here) or would permissions mess things up? I'm completely lost ^_^;; I guess I should also add that there doesn't seem to be any log files. I'm looking under the server install directory, and there isn't even a "log" folder. There isn't one under Apache, either. It confuses me. So far all I can find on the internet is instructions to look at the log files...but if they aren't there... Am I just looking in the wrong places, or are they just not being generated yet? I did a tcpdump with wireshark, and the web app IS pinging port 1935 (for RTMP), but the packets are failling the checksum and are refusing to be reassembled because of that. Is this making sense to ANYBODY?

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Media Server :: Can't Start Recording Video From Browser Webcam To FMS

Jan 14, 2010

i'm developing a web site, and i'm trying to let the user record some video from his webcam. I'm using actionscript and flash media server. I got it work in my delevoper enviroment, but when i deployed it to the production server, the webcam can't get connected to the FMS. I'm afraid this is because of port blocking from the firewall. Does anyone knows wich ports are userd for recording from a browser by the Flash Media Server? I open the 1935 port in the Flas Media Server, but it still doesn't work.

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Media Server :: Start Broadcasting - Show Camera Control?

Mar 19, 2010

When user first time log into site camera start the capturing and stream is saved in application folder with the streamname (straemname.flv). then user logout and then logged in then i have to append that stream in same straemname.flv file .By this code i have done that task
camera = Camera.getCamera();
camera.setQuality(0,80);   camera.setMode(videoWidth,videoheight,15,true);camera.setLoopback(false);
video.attachCamera(camera);ns.attachCamera(camera);ns.publish(stream, "append");

when user again logged in ,the video which is saved previously start playing,I dont want start that video.I just want to show camera control

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Media Server :: Start With FMS For Implementing Web Conferencing In A Web Based Application

Jun 7, 2010

I have requirement of web conferencing for my website. for implementing that I have gone through google.Many suggested that go for FMS. I have never worked with FMS earlier.And requirement is urgent.Some people write that u hv to coding in Action Script 3 and I dnt knw Action Script. currently i need one to one to many can be done in later phase.
I m working as a developer from last 4 yrs on Microsoft Technologies. how to go about and is it right decision to start with FMS or any other alternative is there. What tools and which edition of FMS will be required?

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