Professional :: Check If File Loaded Ok With LoadMovieNum?

Dec 9, 2010

is there a way to capture the Error loading message as a boolean when loading an external file (AS2)? I wanted to make a decision based on the success for loadMovieNum.
The scenario is that I have a file that I am loading with loadMovieNum and all is working successfully.
The circumstance I wish to cover is if the file is missing for any reason, I want to load a placeholder movie.
I have looked at onLoad and onClipEvent(load) but these appear to only be for movieclips and not external files.

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AudioPath = aPath[current_song-1];
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is that possible?

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I wonder if there is any way (in AS3) for checking whether the text is loaded into dynamic text field (from the external file).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check When Movieclip Is Loaded?

Jan 26, 2011

Here is what is happening:

1. click on a thumbnail and an image loads from the library

2. click on a different number and another image loads from the gallery

I don't know how to remove the first image that is loaded.

The images load on top of each other. How can I check if there is already an image loaded? and if there is an image loaded how do I remove that image and load the next image? I'm sure it is a boolean thing but I can't figuare it out.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check That The 1st SWF To Be Fully Loaded?

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My header swf on load took longer than the hobbies swf. It is surpose to appear only after the header swf is fully loaded. See link below.


Is that any properities/condition I can use to check that the 1st SWF to be fully loaded (return true value) b4 proceeding to load 2nd SWF using do while statement.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop To Check Loaded?

Sep 3, 2004

I am trying to make a quiz work online. At the moment pupils can start playing before all the questions are loaded and it mucks it up. I tried putting a 'loading question' frame in. In this I put a movie clip with only made a continue button appear after 30 seconds. But this is not practical as all servers take a different time to load. I know I need to put in a loop but am having problems and would be grateful for help.

I have the questions saved as 15 notepad files in a folder. The folder is named Women. When they choose this topic they press a button with this code.


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