C++ :: Check If A Swf File Loaded Correctly Since Put_Movie Always Returns S_OK?
Jan 19, 2010
I am using the latest flash player and have a swf file served locally from my dev machine.In one container test app I am able to play the swf and make calls to it, but in my "Real" application the same code path results in com errors (basically it looks like the swf isn;' loading properly)Additionally this is made more challenging because no matter what nonsense I put in the call to put_Movie() the return is ALWAYS S_OK. This is confusing.How am I supposed to determine if the swf file loaded and is working?As a follow-on, what would cause a swf file (the same one) not to load in a different app? The code paths are the same (from what I can tell).Obviousl something is going on, but I am not sure what.How to know when swf file doesn't load rightWhy might it fail in a different container application?
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var MCL:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
MCL.loadClip("1.swf", "loader");
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"1180: Call to a possibly undefined method MovieClipLoader" and
"1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MovieClipLoader."
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_y = 20;
speed = 3;[code]...
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private function save():void
//File name for the recorded audio wav file
var recordAudioFileName:String = generateRecordAudioFileName();
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Error opening URL '
httpStatusHandler: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus"
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Sep 19, 2010
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--edit--for some reason it works in the swf file, but not the fla file.
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i know this has proberbly been covered before, but how do i do this:i want my script to run a function only after an image has loaded using loadMovie
is that possible?
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Apr 15, 2009
I am building a website in which the nav bar has an animation on the "home" frame and not on the others. It works all nice until I come back to "home" and then my nav bar bugs. So I am thinking the best way to "refresh" the nav bar would be to removeChild(); and then add it again... but then when I go to the other frames (pages) it disappears. If I run addChild(); to every pages.. then it duplicates it and becomes buggy. Is there a way to run an if() function that would check if the nav bar is already there and addChild only if it is not there?
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May 31, 2010
I'm loading an external .swf via typing the swf name into an input text field and hitting a submit button.
The swf loads fine, but I'm trying to incorporate updating a status text field on a successful load or if there is an error during loading.
I can't find my mistake in the code - to me it should be making load_status_txt display "ok", but the swf just loads with no status update. All the text fileds are fine, because if I code load_status_txt.text = "hello" straight after addChild(loader); - load_status_txt displays "hello"[code]...
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Aug 6, 2010
I wonder if there is any way (in AS3) for checking whether the text is loaded into dynamic text field (from the external file).
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Jan 26, 2011
Here is what is happening:
1. click on a thumbnail and an image loads from the library
2. click on a different number and another image loads from the gallery
I don't know how to remove the first image that is loaded.
The images load on top of each other. How can I check if there is already an image loaded? and if there is an image loaded how do I remove that image and load the next image? I'm sure it is a boolean thing but I can't figuare it out.[code]...
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