ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Loaded Movies Other Than Through LoadMovieNum() Or Creating LocalConnection?

Dec 18, 2006

is there a way to target loaded movies other than through loadMovieNum() or creating localConnection?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovieNum - Navigating Between Different Movies

Oct 27, 2010

I am working on one very big presentation which is made by around 240 different external .swf in AS2. Although I do not work with AS2, only with AS3 and I didn't make this presentation, I need to make changes to it. So every .swf have navigational buttons which are using this method:
loadMovieNum ("example/example.swf", 0);
to navigate between different movies.

Every swf has also a very annoying music, which I can control by putting a on/off sound button in every .swf, but when the user navigate to another .swf the music start again and the user have to push the on/off button again. Is there a way the player to remember the user choice in previous .swf, so not to have to make this choice every time he navigate between the .swfs?

Until now I control the sound like this:
my_sound = new Sound();
my_sound.start(0, 1000);

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FMX- Levels_ Q? Is loadMovieNum the only command wich loads movies into levels?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Reverse Rollover Movies Within Movies?

Oct 25, 2005

I have been having trouble creating a movie clip with a reverse rollover effect within a movie which has a reverse rollover effect. that sounds confusing

In essence I wish to create a panel that rolls out on rollover and rolls back in reverse when the you rollout. I have done this using this script


However I wish to make movies within this movie that have the same effect on them. But when I create another movie or button within this movie it is not registering on rollover. I guess because the script on the main movie overrides it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Position A Swf After It Has Been Loaded Using LoadMovieNum?

Nov 12, 2002

How do I position an swf after it has been load using loadMovieNum???

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Professional :: Check If File Loaded Ok With LoadMovieNum?

Dec 9, 2010

is there a way to capture the Error loading message as a boolean when loading an external file (AS2)? I wanted to make a decision based on the success for loadMovieNum.
The scenario is that I have a file that I am loading with loadMovieNum and all is working successfully.
The circumstance I wish to cover is if the file is missing for any reason, I want to load a placeholder movie.
I have looked at onLoad and onClipEvent(load) but these appear to only be for movieclips and not external files.

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Flash :: LocalConnection Between Swf Sending Delay & LocalConnection Sniffer Tool

May 6, 2011

The first one (FLEX application) sends a message on a dedicated LocalConnection to a second one (Flash application). The Flash then answers by sending a message on another dedicated LocalConnection. This message is not directly received by the FLEX and the delay is at least 30s, up to 1 or 2 minutes! It seems the issue only occurs with Flash Player >= 10 and it never occurs with Chrome.

I didn't find anything on the web concerning a similar issue nor something in Flash Player release notes. Did someone already have this kind of problem?

By the way, is there any tool that can be used to sniffer LocalConnection communications?

Additional information:

swf are located in different frames swf are embed with swfobject I tried to delay the Flash sending, I tried to create another LocalConnection dedicated to this call but I always had same result: for all calls, the FLEX method is called after the same delay. I also put a timer in FLEX to periodically log to see if there is no background process delaying the method processing but everything seems fine

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Actionscript :: LoadMovieNum In Files Loaded Into An Air-based / Flex Application?

Aug 24, 2011

I am working with a very large number of legacy SWFs written in AS1 and AS2. These SWFs use loadMovieNum extensively.

I am trying to integrate these into a new Air-based app (written in either AS3 or Flex). However, loadMovieNum doesn't seem to work within the Air app.

For example, an AS2 SWF (file1.swf) may try to load another AS2 SWF using:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attaching Movies To Array & Target Mc?

Oct 30, 2010

I have my code in the root first frame. I would like to know is it posible to attach movie from the library to array, but tu have that array created in some movie clip so the path to the newly created instance would be _root.some_movie_clip.array[i].

the code goes like this:

for (i=0; i<11; i++){
displayed_icons[i] = attachMovie("my_library_mc"+i, "new_mc_"+i, this.getNextHighestDepth());


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Random Movies Into Target Mc?

Nov 20, 2007

I am in the process of creating a VS Card game in Flash. It is basically a game where you can choose either one card or another, each randomly pulled from one of the eight different sets. The first card (or swf) can be pulled from any of the 8 sets (out of a total of 12 cards in each set))..and will load into a targetMC, and the second must be pulled randomly from any of the 8 sets except from the folder where the first card was chosen and load onto the second targetMC.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Selection Of 4 Tell Target Movies?

Dec 2, 2004

How do I randomly select 1 of 4 tell target movies? (Flash MX Actionscript)

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Creating A Gallery Of FLV Movies?

Jul 20, 2009

I have five 3d animations I did that are in FLV format that I want to put up on my portfolio website. way to do this in Flash CS4? Should I create it as if it were an image slideshow?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Function To Unload Series Of Movies

Nov 16, 2006

I've had to create the following code to get a series if loading movies to work properly. Each loaded movie is basically a series of automatically looping images controlled by external xml. I found that without adding the unload movie on each button action the first movie loaded kept playing over any subsequent movies loaded. However its rather long winded and if the amount of movies increase it really is going to be very large. How to create an efficient funtion that does the job in a more effective way:

intro_mc.onRelease = function() {
unloadMovie ("_root.container02");
unloadMovie ("_root.container03");
unloadMovie ("_root.container04");
createEmptyMovieClip("container01", 2);
loadMovie("deaf_intro.swf", "container01");
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Creating Mini Product Movies In Flash Using Sound Recordings?

May 3, 2010

I have been creating mini product movies in Flash using sound recordings, key frames, and tweens. This is the 5th in the series, and just NOW I'm having problems.I had my frame rate set to 30fps with one long sound bite, about 2.5 minutes. Everything looked fine on my end, but when I loaded it into a landing page in IE, everything was out of sync, but only on other people's computers. It still looked fine to me.

I compressed the sound file more, which helped some, but did not aleviate the entire problem. I noticed the frame rate when I did a quick preview (just pressed enter) would fluctuate from the 30 fps all the way to 9 fps.I then cut the sound bite up into 13 segments,shortened the tweens, and reduced the frame rate to 18fps. In development and in preview, it looked fine. However, when I put it into the landing page, the animation was way too fast for the sound and the sound bites looped.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Checklist For Items Correctly Placed On Target?

Apr 6, 2011

I am a bit new to AS3.0 and I created a fairly simple drag and drop type game based on this tutorial: [URL]. And it works wonderfully with my graphics however I need to add a "checklist" that keeps track of which items have been correctly placed on the targets after they are placed how do i go about this? For example: the square get's placed and in a list the text appears "the square has been added", next the circle gets placed and in the list under the text for the square the text" the circle has been added" etc... I would need the list to be able to be arranged automatically regardless of which item the user is selecting. How do I go about making this happen?

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Keep Multiple Movies Loaded Simultaneously?

Jan 2, 2010

Is it necessary to unload Movies in Flash, or can I keep multiple movies loaded simultaneously? Are there memory requirements that make it necessary to limit the number of Flash movies loaded at one time?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Music In Loaded Movies

Dec 4, 2010

I have a project where I have to load other flash movies into it as a "porfolio".So as of right now the code I have when clicking on the christmasCardBtn is [code]This is working fine to load the movie. I also have a button that appears when a movie is loaded that is coded to remove the myLoader1 child when selected. So the movie dissapears. But there are a few of my movies that have on-going sound clips. How do I make the sound turn off when the button to remove the movie is selected?I tried adding SoundMixer.stopAll(); to the button that removes the movie but this doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Interaction Between Loaded Movies

Oct 23, 2003

i have my loaded .swf buttons loading 'movie1' and 'movie2'. both 'movie1' and 'movie2' have a tween in frames 1-5, which is a box that slides open and is stopped. in frames 6-10 the box slides backwards in the opposite and dissapears. i would like it if 'movie1' is open and the user clicks the button for 'movie2', 'movie1' plays 6-10 and then loades 'movie2' and vice versa. i just don't a script for this function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Communicate With Loaded Movies

Aug 3, 2006

I have a site I am building in AS3. I have a main SWF, site.swf, that loads the subsections as seperate SWF's only when a user clicks on them (to save on initial load time).or my subsections, I need to be able to communicate with the SWF that loaded it. In AS2, this was simple enough - just say something like_parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("something"), and step up enough levels to speak to movie clips in the main SWF.Trying to do this in AS3, however, results in errors such as this when trying to compile my subsection SWF:Code:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.... because it thinks I am trying to communicate with something that doesn't exist. The result is that I can't compile my subsection SWF's.For example, I am unable to reference a variable in the main SWF using this code in my subsection SWF:

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ActionScript 2.0 ::Why Movies Images Or Swf Loaded

Jul 16, 2003

Can someone tell me why images or swf loaded dynamically to an empty MC can't assume button events.I'm tring to build mc that load images or swf whit a preloader, but when it loads I can't put a button event on this mc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Interaction Between Loaded Movies?

Oct 23, 2003

i have my loaded .swf buttons loading 'movie1' and 'movie2'. both 'movie1' and 'movie2' have a tween in frames 1-5, which is a box that slides open and is stopped. in frames 6-10 the box slides backwards in the opposite and dissapears.i would like it if 'movie1' is open and the user clicks the button for 'movie2', 'movie1' plays 6-10 and then loades 'movie2' and vice versa. i just don't a script for this function..

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling Loaded Movies?

Mar 24, 2004

Ive made two simple up/down buttons, that "scrolls" a loaded movie by the following code (lets say the movie is loaded to level 5):

_level5._y += 5;

Very simple.

Well, Id like to be able to hold down the button and have the movie scroll continously, like the scroll++ code does for textboxes

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Communicating With Loaded Movies?

Apr 21, 2003

A problem that I'm having is that any movie I load into my main swf (regardless if I load it into an empty MC or just a higher level) my mouse still recognizes buttons that are underneath the loaded swf. This can be confusing to the viewer as the pointer turns to essentially an invisible button because you can't see the underlying button. Is there anyway to make the Flash player not recognize buttons underneath loaded SWF's or do I have to turn to invisible upon load?

Also, I'm having trouble getting the loaded swf to communicate with the main movie that loaded it. I think I need to use the parent action but I'm not sure how. I'm trying to use code that is created and contained in the movie that it loaded, is this correct?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Switch Between The Loaded Movies?

Apr 16, 2005

i load external movie with loadMovie action.

It loads the SWFs into the movie correct.

I have problem, how simply switch between the loaded movies. The last loaded movie overlay all loaded movies.

How is possible do it the swap of the loaded movies?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating And Deleting Movies - Increasing The Variable This.speed Inside Interval Statements

Jun 14, 2006

I am trying to make a simple game where there are five balls that bounce around the screen and speed up at set intervals. You have to dodge them for as long as possible. Right now I have the game set up so that you dodge for 15 seconds and you win - but I can't delete the balls that are bouncing around, and I don't know how to put in a reset button. I have also tried increasing the variable this.speed inside my interval statements but it doesn't work.

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Flash :: Creating An Instance Of A Movieclip With Information?

Jul 6, 2010

Is it possible to access the type of object being interacted with so I can create a new instance of the same object? So for example in the code below I have the movieclip myItem. After it's clicked it is removed from stage and then moved to the inventory. When I click on it there, is it possible to create a new instance of mcItemToDuplicate using the event information parameters? (while allowing myItem to be where it is).

My code looks something like this:

public function moveclip() {
var myItem:mcItemToDuplicate = new mcItemToDuplicate();


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Automatically Unload Movies When A New Movie Is Loaded?

Apr 30, 2009

Is there a way to automatically unload movies when a new movie is loaded? eg: 5 buttons, 5 bit of art. At the moment they overlap instead of unloading before the new one loads.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control A Loaded Movies Movieclips?

Nov 10, 2011

I have a base move that loads other movies into an empty clip [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disabling Buttons Of All Loaded Movies

Mar 9, 2009

So lets say if you three movies loaded on the stage on top of each other and if I want to disable the buttons for all the movies that under the very top one so this way user is only able to click on the button of the very top loaded movie.

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Actionscript 3 :: Accessibility To The Loaded Flash Movies?

Feb 20, 2012

I need to load a flash-game inside the flash site. The goal is to get information about the winners' score to publish it on the site. The problem is that the game was developed by third-party programmers, so I have no idea if I can get access to any variable of the loaded swf (game) to get the highscores.

How can I retrieve the data from loaded swf?

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