Flex :: Calculate The Height Of Parent Element?

Jun 3, 2010

I have three datagrids inside VBox container. Since I don't want scrollbar in my flex widget i am increasing the height of SWF through javascript, which increases with each addition of row in my datagrid. My query is how can I get the exact height of my VBox which is the parent element of datagrid. I am not able to get the height of VBox. I have tried to use measuredHeight,height with no success.

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Flex :: Calculate Absolute Height Of Dropdown?

Apr 5, 2012

I have many dropdowns in my flex application. Now I want to set rowCount property so that as many rows as possible so there is less scrolling when see the dropdown items.The flex application was running on a popup window. So I think I have to know the distance from dropdown to bottom border of window, and then calculate what number should be for the rowCount. Like Height/per row height.As I known, the dropdown.y is the relative y coordinate of itself. But my dropdown has many parent UI layout component, and also I have many dropdowns, it is hard to calculate one by one.

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Flex :: Calculate Height Of Text (width Fixed)?

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Flex :: Actionscript 3 - Detect The Child Element Of A Variable Parent In E4X?

Jul 20, 2009

I have XML that looks like this:

<opt_out_flag />

type_elt is not an element name; it might be <single>, <multiple> or something else, determined at runtime. How, given this, can I detect the presence of the opt_out_flag element?

I tried this (where xml refers to the question element):

if (xml.*.opt_out_flag) {

but even in cases without opt_out_flag the above expression returns true. Obviously I'm missing something, but what is it?

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Flex :: Check If Clicked Element Is Inside Of IVisualElement (parent)?

May 27, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Element Wrongly Keeps Properties From Previous Parent - Reset It?

Oct 14, 2011

I want to put an element into another component (in this case a print template), print it, and then return it to its place. The problem is that when I return it, it has the properties of the print template! Here is a simplified example. When you click print, the label is removed and then returned but when returned it is affected by the padding of the print template! Why? How can I somehow refresh it to its proper properties? I tried all the invalidate... methods and parentChanged() but nothing worked.


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Flex :: ClipAndEnableScrolling When Parent Doesn't Have Fixed Height?

Nov 21, 2010

I am having some problems with clipAndEnableScrolling, it works fine for VGroup when the parent has fixed height, but if the parent doesn't have a fixed height then it doesn't work and the content spills over. e.g:

<s:TitleWindow width="500" height="500">
<s:VGroup width="100%">
<s:Group width="100%">


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Flex :: VGroup - (Parent) Container Does Not Change Height With Children?

May 13, 2011

I have code like the following:
<s:VGroup gap="10" id="group" height="100%">
<s:Label text="This is page 2" />
<s:Button content="Resize Canvas" click="resize(event);"/>
<mx:Canvas id="photoCanvas" color="#567898" backgroundColor="#125567">

I don't understand why the following does not work:
Pushing the Button resizes the photoCanvas's height (gets taller or smaller). Since the photoCanvas control is a child element of the VGroup shouldn't the container update itself to the new height? The Vgroup has ALWAYS the same height, no matter what the (total) height of the children is! I would like the VGroup to adjust itself and get a height value equal to the sum of its children heights. Is this not possible??

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Html :: <object> Height Ignores Parent Div Height?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a problem with an flash object. The object is an expanding topbanner, but when retracted, the on mouse over effect still appears on the invisible part of the banner. The code is the following:

<div id="exp_banner" style="width:930px; height:180px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; z-index: 100;">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="test.swf" width="930"


I have tried to add a style height to the object with an height of 180px, but then the banner scales down.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parent.height Vs Parent.stageHeight?

Sep 15, 2009

I want to place an object either directly on stage or in some other movieClip but I need to read parent height to align it properly from the bottom.I thought I could use this and it will work for both the stage and the movieClip and I could get away with one line of code:

//[Object Stage]

but this doesnt work for stage, I need to use this:


which is the same as this: so obviusly I need to ask first whether the parent is the stage, so I can find the height...So what is parent.height actually outputting?

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Nov 23, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculate Width And Height After Object Rotation

Jul 31, 2009

I am tweeing a bunch of rectangles randomly on stage.

x:Math.random () * (stage.stageWidth - thumbArr[i].width),
y:Math.random () * (stage.stageHeight - thumbArr[i].height),
rotation: Math.random () * (60) - 30});

the problem is that after I added random rotation (between -30 and 30 degrees), the corners of my rectangles are still sticking out of the stage at the end of the tween.

If I trace objects width and height after the rotation I get the new values but this still doesnt help me because I am tweening to that rotation.

mc.rotation = 20;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculate Width And Height After Object Rotation?

Jul 30, 2009

I am tweeing a bunch of rectangular shaped objects randomly on stage.

x:Math.random () * (stage.stageWidth - thumbArr[i].width),
y:Math.random () * (stage.stageHeight - thumbArr[i].height),
rotation: Math.random () * (60) - 30});

the problem is that after I added a random rotation between -30 & 30 degrees they still stick out of the stage a little.how could I calculate width & height of the these objects based on their final rotation so they dont stick out of the stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 3D Zoom Effect - How To Calculate Width / Height

Oct 25, 2005

I am working on a 3d zoom function. How can I calculate it it best? I have a placeholder_mc:
width: 400

In the placeholder_mc I have 10 obj_mc's:
orig width:400, scaled in placeholder_mc: _xscale=20
orig height:400, scaled in placeholder_mc: _yscale=20
the _x and _y are random positions

Now I need a formula that make the placeholder_mc zoom into obj_mc inside and the placeholder_mc must be _xscaled, _yscaled so that the width and height of the clicked _mc are exactly 400x400.

for the _x and _y I use.. onEnterframe=
placeholder_mc._x=placeholder_mc._x+(placeholder_m c.obj_mc._x-placeholder_mc._x)/8;
placeholder_mc._y=placeholder_mc._y+(placeholder_m c.obj_mc._y-placeholder_mc._y)/8;

So this makes the placeholder_mc move to the correct position of the clicked object but how can I scale it now the placeholder_mc so that he moves and scales correct?

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IDE :: Calculate Textarea Height Based On The Text Length And Fontsize

Jul 2, 2009

calculate textarea height based on the text length and fontsize in as2?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parent.removeChild(child) Doesn't Update Parent Width / Height When Child Was Rotated

Jul 29, 2011

I got a Parent Sprite, let's name it SpriteP, which holds inside it two other Sprites. Sprite1 and Sprite2.[code]Sprite2 is a rectangle. When I rotate it, of course, the height of its parent, SpriteP, GROWS. But I would expect that height to go back to what it should be when I'm removing Sprite2!And it does! If I remove Sprite2 while NOT being rotated, the height of the parent drops back to normal, 200.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parent.removeChild(child) Doesn't Update Parent Width/height When Child Was Rotated

Jul 29, 2011

I got a Parent Sprite, let's name it SpriteP, which holds inside it two other Sprites. Sprite1 and Sprite2.

When Sprite2 is NOT rotated:

trace(SpriteP.width + ' ' + SpriteP.height); //100 250.
trace(SpriteP.width + ' ' + SpriteP.height); //100 200. -> works, 200 is good.
When Sprite2 is rotated at 90:


And it does! If I remove Sprite2 while NOT being rotated, the height of the parent drops back to normal, 200. But if I rotate Sprite2, the Parent won't update its bounds.

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Flash :: Calculate The X & Y Coords - Width And Height Of Specific Piece Of Text Inside A PDF Document

Oct 28, 2010

On my website, I display uploaded PDF files in a flash player for my users to read. I already use various tools to extract the text and produce a serious of high quality images from the file and the system works well. The last piece of the puzzle is to be able to highlight specific parts of the document to help users with accessibility issues.

However I cannot figure out how to calculate where the specific text is positioned on the page? Notes: The documents uploaded to the system are from 3rd parties, so fonts may be embedded. Meaning that I cannot be sure of the width of specific letters. The text to be highlighted may not be unique, the same text may be repeated How can I calculate the coordinates, height and width of a specific piece of text on a PDF, so that I can then draw a box around it?

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Professional :: Element Width Vs Height

May 1, 2010

I'm writing jsfl script where I'm setting an element width and height. When I go to run the script, my element's width and height are off by what I set it to. For example, I set the width and height to 800, the results I get for width and height are 799.4, 799.0 respectively. I'm not understanding why my element's width and height aren't exactly what I typed in?Btw, I can go into the "size and position" property UI and set them to 800 x 800 and those values stick. It's only when I set the width and height via the element.width and element.height that my values change on me.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Height And Width To Set Each Element?

Sep 30, 2009

Here's what i am trying to do

I have x amount of elements (1-16)

I don't know how to get the height and width to set each element so that it fits in the stage area. The math is just loosing me

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Actionscript 3 :: Propagate Custom Event To Parent Swf From Element Inside Child Swf

Jul 19, 2011

I have two swf file, A.swf and B.swf, each with its Document Class: B.swf is loaded in a MovieClip of A.swf. When loaded, B.swf creates an instance of CSDragger (it is a library object with its class extending MovieClip) and sets an ID property of this instance to a certain value. When this dragger is dropped by the user upon a MovieClip it sends a custom event containing the value of ID too. The custom event regularly reaches B.swf but never reaches A.swf. Aside from refactoring the CSDragger class (eg moving its handleDrop method in the B.swf document class), is there any way for the event to reach A.swf? I know I can intercept it and dispatch another event, but I was looking for a different solution (if any).[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parent MC Inherits Child MC's Height?

Oct 16, 2009

I have a SWF that I am making Full Screen.

In one of the children I have a drop down tween that tweens from outside of the Full Screen Dimensions... the problem is this Child Clips height effects the height of the whole entire movie; so that it messes up the dimensions of the whole project --- ie making everything smaller because it is expanding the height of the parent clip.

I'm not sure how to fix this; I've looked through all the movie clip properties and stage properties and can't find a way to make it so that this child height doesn't get added to the whole size of the SWF.

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Bind A Flex Component's Height To Height Of Browser Window?

Nov 10, 2009

I want to constrain the height of a flex component to the height of the browser viewport.

The component's children are populated from a database table using a repeater, and are basic checkboxes. There are enough of them that the flex app ends up being about twice the height of the screen, which means some of the rest of the layout goes crappy on me. How can I force the component that contains these to limit itself to the size of the viewport?

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Flex :: Setting Spark List Height To Its Content Height?

Apr 1, 2010

How to set a Spark List height to the height of its content?Tried this:

var lastRow:IVisualElement =
myList.dataGroup.getElementAt(myList.dataGroup.numElements - 1);
myList.height = lastRow.y + lastRow.height;

It works in case of a single item, but lastRow is null in case of more items.

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Flex :: Layout - Set Height Of Accordion To Height Of Tallest Child

Apr 5, 2010

By default the height of an Flex Accordion container is the height of the initially selected child. I'd like to be able to set the height to the tallest child so that no resizing or scrolling is necessary when other children are selected. I do not want to use the resizeToContent property. I want the size of the container to stay constant no matter what child is selected.

My current thought is to extend the accordion class setting the creation policy to "all" and then override the measure function to loop through all the children and find the tallest one and use that for the height. This seems a little kludgy though, so I'd like to know if there is a better approach. Ultimately my question is: is there a way to set the size of an accordion container such that the container never resizes and scoll bars are never necessary to display any of the children?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent A Child Swf From Referencing Its Parent Swf Stage Width/height?

Oct 11, 2010

I would like to know the way to prevent a child swf from referencing its parent swf stage width/height?

for example, i created a child swf that loads image and center it on it's stage. As a stand alone its fine but i loaded it with parent swf, it centers on the parent swf instead.

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Flash - Children Movieclips Doesn't Show Its Width And Height According To Parent Movieclip

Jul 19, 2011

I have placed 3 movieclips named mcParent, mcChild1, mcChild2 and 1 textbox in flash. child are childrens of parent movie clip. child1 and child2 both are of sizes 300 whereas parent movieclip is 600px, textbox is placed inside child2 movie clip .

I have made the flash to auto resize according to the screen area. Everything works well, but after resize it resizes parent and all childrens and textbox which is correct. The problem is with the correct placement of textbox on mcChild2. I have seen that after resize, mcParent width and scalex both changes but the child clips doesn't changed its sizes even they are stretched but there sizes are not updated due to which I am unable to get the exact location of where to place the textbox.

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Flex :: Make Height Of SWF == Height Of Content?

May 26, 2009

I am going to embed a Flex app on an html page. The html page is already going to have a scroll bar to scroll up and down. The contents of the flex app are very dynamic, and I don't want to have an extra scroll bar when there is already one. So is there a way to make the height of the swf match the height of the contents of the swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculate Age From XML Data; Calculate Dates

Jul 1, 2011

I as this working in AS2 and need to update to AS3...shows that AS3 doesn't like sloppy coding. Here's what I need: I pull data from an XML and that works when I put the data into a dynamic text box. However, I can't seem to get the date of birth into a variable. I have some code that calcs age in years but uses a string literal that I thought I could just replace with a variable from my XML...ain't a workin'. Here's the code I have:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.events.*;


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Flex :: How To Calculate The Xmldata

Aug 18, 2010

i'm getting the xmldata from the httpservice (using cgi) and i have not set resultformat(it is coming as an object only),the xml data in this format


when i was tried to count the employee tag,i getting the problem, my code will like this:


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