Flex :: Changing Default Cursor When Executing Copy On An Item List?

Jul 26, 2011

I was trying to get the COPY cursor using DragMananger and event.preventDefault()- but got a very weird cursor behavior (the items' drop indicator was wrongly presented - etc.) Therefor i am trying to stick to default - this works fine - but my cursor now on copy is a simple arrow, and i would like to get the arrow with the grin plus on it

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For example: I have to show INDIA so it should be selected as default from the list.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Mouse Cursor To Default On Hover?

May 17, 2007

I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. I've looked all over here and other websites and can't find the answer. Here's the situation: I have a movieClip that has an animation inside of it. When the movieClip is hovered over, it changes to the hand (indicating it's clickable). What I need to be able to do is change the hand back to the default cursor. Every single article I've read is about how to change your cursor to something else (using mouse.hide() and replacing it with an image), which is not what I want.

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I am currently working on a project in Flex and I am having a hard time having a list's contents ALL be selected by default. Wondering how to do this.

<mx:List id="list" dataProvider="{dp}" allowMultipleSelection="true"/>

I'm just trying to have the list all selected.

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Flex :: Get List Item Selection Working When Using A Png Mask In An Item Renderer In A 4.5 Mobile App?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm creating a mobile app in which I need to show a calendar with months at the top. The months are part of a component that extends from SkinnableDataContainer (and has some custom scrolling/behaviour - which is why I did'nt use a spark list). I need the months to be shown as a 'trapezium' shaped tab and so I'm using a png image as a mask in the item renderer for the component.

When the mask is not applied, it all works well - the months render, the list/data container selection works when I click on a month and so on.When the mask is applied, it renders well, scrolling and everything else seems to work well - but when I click on a month, nothing happens visually. And from the trace statements in my code, it appears list item selection is not changing. Looks like mouse clicks are not working.


public class TopCalendarMonthRenderer extends LabelItemRenderer {
private static var TrapeziumMask:Class;
private static var trapeziumMaskInstance:BitmapAsset;


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Flex :: Copy/modify The Spark Skin For The Default Button?

Jun 20, 2010

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@namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
@namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";


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Css :: Changing The Default Color On Flex Validation Errors?

Jun 4, 2010

The examples I've seen seem to show how to change the color that shows when the user actually hovers over the textinput field.

However when the validation fails, a generic textInput border qill have a red line over it. My CSS file uses a border skin for the textInput, so I can't see this line.

I was hoping there was a way to highlight the text box when it failed validation, or re-enable the red line feature. I don't want to get rid of my CSS cos it'll totally blow my color-scheme, but any tweak allowing the error line

This is the CSS:

TextInput, TextArea
border-skin: Embed(source='/../assets/images/input_bg.png', scaleGridLeft=8, scaleGridRight=20, scaleGridTop=8,scaleGridBottom=9);


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Flex :: Set Spark List Max Height More Than Its Default Value 10000?

Jul 5, 2011

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Now, The problem is when list control exceeds the maxHeight 10000, then it will start clipping remaining data. I think the solution is increase the maxheight.

how I can set maxheight more than 10000.

For Example..

</s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%">
<s:List id="myList" dataProvider="arrData" useVirtualLayout="false" />

In this case assume that I have arrData.length = 9999999, and for that mylist's height will become 10000+ (Lets assume 15000). now mylist will clipped after 10000px height or list's vertical scrollbar will visible and as I adready have scroller of my own It will have two scrollbars at that particular time.

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Flex :: Changing Cursor For Textfield() Mouse Over

Mar 30, 2010

Can I change mouse cursor for textfield to appear as a clickable object?

import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
import flash.utils.*;
import mx.core.*;

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Oct 26, 2011

Is it possible to change default system's 'hand' cursor with some 'my_cursor.png" file in Flex 3 so whenever user points over button he can see my custom cursor? :)

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Flex :: Highlight Item In Spark List?

Jun 25, 2010

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Flex :: Showing List Item Tooltips?

Oct 11, 2010

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Is there a way i can achieve this without writing my own mouse-over/out functions?

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Flex :: Drag-and-drop Onto List Item?

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Flex :: Get Changed Value Of Item From ItemRenderer In List?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a List with textInput as itemrenderer. Initially the list is loaded with data from a data provider. However since the items are rendered in textInputs, I have the ability to change the value of a particular item.

But when trying to access the value of the changed item using the function below, I still get the old value in my trace:

private function addItem(event:Event):void {

what I need to do for the new value to be available. My itemrenderer is shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Insert New Item In Sharepoint List From Flex?

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i m trying to insert new item on sharepoint list from flex using sharepoint-as3-connector


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Flex :: Accessing Value Of Selected Item In A List?

Sep 2, 2011

I'm having a problem with getting the value of an item that the user selects in my mobile Flex application. When I select an item from the list I place that item into an ArrayCollection. But when I check the value (trace()), the value is [object Object] and I can't seem to access the actual value of the object. Here is what I am doing:

private var selectedPlayers:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
private var numOfPlayers:int;
//check if item is not already in selected players list


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Flex :: Changing Space Between Spark Form Item?

Feb 26, 2011

Is there a way to change the space between a spark form item and its content (textinput, combobox)? I already set to 0 the "gap" property of the form, but still there is a lot of vertical space left between the form inputs.

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Flex :: Caching Images In List Item Renderer?

Oct 20, 2009

I have a List and the item renderer displays an image. Whenever you scroll the list, and the item renderer refreshes, it redownloads the image. Causing there to always be a delay. Is there some way of caching it so it doesn't have to redownload every time causing a delay in showing the image every time you scroll the list?

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Flex :: Find The List Item Currently Under The Mouse Pointer?

Feb 3, 2010

I have some List and TileList controls. How can I get a reference to the list item that's currently under the mouse pointer?

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Flex :: How To Set Variable Size For List Control Item

Jun 17, 2010

The following code display a list of comments using List control. The item height set to a fixed value (150), so it seems working: if the content is too long, the scrollbar shows. However, what I really want is not to set the height but let it to change according to the content size. Is there any way to accomplish this?

<mx:List id="commentList" width="100%" dataProvider="{commentSet.commentArrayColl}" rowCount="{commentSet.commentArrayColl.length}" >
<mx:itemRenderer> <mx:Component>
<mx:VBox width="100%" height="150" >
<mx:Text text="{data.commentContent}" />
<mx:Text text="{data.username} ({data.modified})"/>
</mx:VBox> </mx:Component>
</mx:itemRenderer> </mx:List>

To be more clear, I don't want to set the itemRenderer's VBox height to "150" or any other fixed value - but it'll only show one line of the text if I don't do it. So I'm looking for a way out of this. (If the VBox is not inside the itemRenderer, it'll auto adjust height as Text field string length grows - that's what I want.)

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Flex :: Get The Item Renderer That Is At The Top Of The Viewport In A Spark List?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a Flex Spark List (well it's a Tree to be precise but it renders as a list) and as I'm scrolling through it I want to provide information about the item that is currently at the top of the list in context to the viewport. So this could be the 100th item in the list depending on how far you've scrolled down.

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Flex :: Select & Deselect Same Item In <s:List> With A Mousedown?

Dec 14, 2010

In Flex 4, I have a Spark List component with item renderers. I would like to select an item in the List by clicking on it, and deselect it also, by clicking on the same selected item. Like an on/off switch.

My item renderer has the following states:

<s:State name="normal"/>
<s:State name="hovered"/>
<s:State name="selected"/>

so I tried to add a click event listener to the item renderer with:

private function selectUnSelect():void {
if (currentState == 'selected') currentState = 'normal';
else currentState = 'selected';

with an awkward behaviour... where the item stay selected even after clicking it again in the selected state.

Think of using the List component without the Command (on mac) or the Control button on windows.

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Flex :: How To Add Spark List Item Custom Properties

Jan 3, 2011

I'm trying to make a simple flash application providing interface for taking tests as a high school assignment. One of the requirements is to use an XML file as data source.Now, having a List component bound to the XML file with questions consisting of data such as question body, question type (ie. single choice, multiple choice, open, image etc.) and possible answers (where applicable), I was wondering if I could add some additional data (and what is the best possible way to do so) to each question upon its transfer to the List component.

I am trying to achieve two main goals with this: firstly, to mark the questions to which an answer has already been given, like with such code in ItemRenderer class:
<s:Label color="{data.color}" text="{data.label}"/>
Where data.color would be set whenever the user gives an answer to a question.
Secondly, while at it, I thought of such possibility as a great way to store answers given to particular questions. In this case, the Class of the answer object would have been Object, since there has to be many type of questions (where the answer could also be a Bitmap for example).

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex / Using Multiple Item Renderers In A List

Feb 23, 2011

I'm trying to have multiple item renderers in a list, as I have several different types of objects that I want to display. I tried creating a new class that extends ListBase, and adding override public function createItemRenderer with my code within this function. I then instantiate the new class and give it my array of data as its dataProvider, but createItemRenderer is never called within my new class,

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