Flex :: Drag-and-drop Onto List Item?
Oct 21, 2010
I have a List with an item renderer and would like to enable drag-and-drop onto the items in the list, rather than adding the data to the list. Is it possible to find the item that is being hovered over when dragging?
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Dec 9, 2009
just facing a difficulty with tree control drag drop..Suppose i have tree with drag-drop enabled.I want to which node(id) is droped inside which node. 1]if i drag "Cat1" node inside "Cat3",i want to identify ids of siblings of "cat1",and "cat3".2]in general i want to know the ids of current element being moved along withits new parent and new position and save these postions.3] Also "cat4" when moved outside "cat3",i want know its position and its siblings id.
<mx:XML id="treeDP">
<node label="Categories">
<node label="Cat1" id="1" isBranch="true"/>
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private function _dropped(e:DragEvent):void
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private function doDragDrop(event:DragEvent):void{
var ds:DragSource = event.dragSource;
var dropTarget:ChartBase=ChartBase(event.currentTarget);
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Jun 27, 2011
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I have two lists and a canvas. When dropping a list item onto the canvas, i want to trace what item it is (the label and data) and which list it came from. From there, i want to add an image to the canvas according to the dropped item.
Here's my current code
private function componentDragEnterHandler(event:DragEvent):void {
DragManager.showFeedback( DragManager.COPY );
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Apr 14, 2009
1. If i select one and drop it to the next list, then i select two and drop. the value one must be replaced by two.
2. When i click on submit i need to get what value i have in the list.
3. I need to check whether its right or wrong.
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Mar 30, 2011
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Jun 2, 2007
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May 25, 2010
I have a DataGrid that contains data linked to a server. When I select mutliple items from the grid (using shift-select) and drag some items out from the DataGrid to another component, the array of items being dragged over appears to be in a completely arbitrary sort-order, and are not in the sort -order f the DataGrid as I'd expect.
Therefore, wwhen i drop them on the target (which is unsorted), their order doesnt match that of the DataGrid... what am I doing wrong and how can i fix this?
I'm getting the array using:
var dragItems:Array = event.dragSource.dataForFormat("items") as Array;
Is this the wrong data source on dragSource to look at?
I should mention that the drop target is a nonlist control, and that i am using a custom drop handler...
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Nov 8, 2011
I have a drag & drop activity where 3 of the drags can go into 1 of 3 possible dropzones and be counted as correct. On clicking 'Submit', if only some are placed correctly, there's a 'Show me' option - this is the bit I can't do:if some of those with more than 1 possible answer are correct, I don't know how to check which dropzones are free to place the remainder in. My code for the first bit, checking the hitTest is ok:
for (var i:Number = 0; i<aLabels.length; i++) {
//3 drag items have 3 poss dropzones:
for (var t:Number = 0; t<aNewCorrectDZ[i].length; t++) {
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Mar 1, 2005
I'm having a problem with my dragOver function.The point of my project is that can drag the items that are on the table to the little bag (this is a button) on the left bottom of the screen.The thing is that the dragging works but when I perform a hitTest the item is supposed to dissapear, but it doesn't....
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Jun 10, 2011
I'm creating a mobile app in which I need to show a calendar with months at the top. The months are part of a component that extends from SkinnableDataContainer (and has some custom scrolling/behaviour - which is why I did'nt use a spark list). I need the months to be shown as a 'trapezium' shaped tab and so I'm using a png image as a mask in the item renderer for the component.
When the mask is not applied, it all works well - the months render, the list/data container selection works when I click on a month and so on.When the mask is applied, it renders well, scrolling and everything else seems to work well - but when I click on a month, nothing happens visually. And from the trace statements in my code, it appears list item selection is not changing. Looks like mouse clicks are not working.
public class TopCalendarMonthRenderer extends LabelItemRenderer {
private static var TrapeziumMask:Class;
private static var trapeziumMaskInstance:BitmapAsset;
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Aug 8, 2011
I have two spark lists,backed up by Array Collections, both of which accept drag & drop either to move objects between them or to reorder within the lists. I have a method which is called on drop which resets some properties of the object to 0, this works as expected...
protected function list_dragDropHandler(event:DragEvent):void
if(event.action != DragManager.NONE)
What I would like to do is only call this method only when the objects are moved to another list, currently it is called when I reorder within the same list too
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Aug 21, 2011
I'm creating an application where the user can select an object from a list of objects, and then put it on the main window.
I want to have the list of objects presented like in the web app : [URL]
The user can select a category, then the list of objects of that category is displayed, then he can drag and drop an object to the main window.
How is it possible to do this, having a list of objects?
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Oct 31, 2011
I'm using a Spark List with a TextInput in the ItemRenderer, with ability for the user to reorder the list rows by drag'n'dropping them. This is how I declared the list :
<s:List id="list" left="245" top="119" width="667" height="433"
dragDrop="insertItem(event)" dragEnabled="true"
dragMoveEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true" focusAlpha="0"
hasFocusableChildren="true" />
Everything works fine, except that it's impossible to select the text in the TextInput with the mouse, instead it's dragging the row...How can I set the TextInput to have priority over drag'n'drop ?
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Nov 23, 2009
while i using drag & drop from listbox1 to listbox2 ,how can i get all the items of listbox2 in flex
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Jan 15, 2010
I just read a comment at FlexExamples: One thing to note about the tree is that it is really just a list in which items are displayed. What that means is, you can't really drop somthing "into" folder unless the folder is open. Even in that case the user experience isn't quite right. So try moving everything out of one of the folders and then collapse that empty folder. If you drop something "on" the folder, it actually winds up between the target folder and the one below or above. This is indicated by the black line showing up as you move the mouse over the folders. If you "open" the folder (the only way to tell it is open is by the arrow) and then try it, you end up with an additional drop zone that is basically the bottom half of the opened, empty folder. This is also indicated by the black lines position.
It would be better if the middle section of any item could always be the drop zone for "add to this folder" and the top and bottom edges could be for dropping above or below respectively.I've just come to the same problem. Has somebody already managed this problem? In my case, I have dragMoveEnabled in the tree and offer the ability of dragging the tree items. But it is impossible to drag an item into another item that is empty. You can only drop the dragged item above or underneath an empty item.
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Jun 25, 2010
I have two spark lists and want to drag items from one list to the other. When im dragging an item and over the other list item, i want the target item to change the background coloer.Basically instead of showing the black line indicating that I will drop between elements, I want to see the target item highlight.
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Oct 11, 2010
I have a list of objects containing an icon, a label, and a tooltip. I want to show only the icon and the label. The tooltips should be visible on mouse over an item.
Is there a way i can achieve this without writing my own mouse-over/out functions?
(notice that dataTips are a different thing as they are displayed only when the label is cut)
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Nov 29, 2010
How do I wordwrap in a spark list w/ an itemrenderer? This posting at[URL] works 100% but when I try to set a separate item renderer, I can't get the word wrapping...instead, I get an ugly horizontal scroll bar. HEre is my mxml:
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Mar 12, 2011
When would you want to use removeAll() vs just new ArrayCollection when you want to clear an array collection. Remove all iterates though each item in the list. I can't see a case when I would want to use it.
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