ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop From List?

Jun 2, 2007

I'm looking for a way to drag names from a scrollable list and drop them into another area.From what I've read, it doesn't seem like I can use the List component if I want to achieve this, but I'm having trouble thinking of a way.Basically, I'm going to have a input text box that will be used to be populate the list. Then I would like the ability to drag the names from the list to a blank area.I was able to get it working with the input text box to populate the list, it was just the dragging part that caused me trouble.

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Flex :: Enable Drag And Drop In List?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a Spark List with a TileLayout. I want to enable moving itemRenderers around to be able to order items.

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Flex :: Drag-and-drop Onto List Item?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a List with an item renderer and would like to enable drag-and-drop onto the items in the list, rather than adding the data to the list. Is it possible to find the item that is being hovered over when dragging?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex List Drag And Drop?

Jan 16, 2010

I have set up some lists (<mx:List>) in Flex... I have drag and drop working fine, in that I can move elements easily from list to list. For some reason though, my DragInitiator and the currentTarget of my event are the same... even though I am obviously moving from list to list... Does anyone have an example of a function that I can call on my "dragComplete" event that will tell me the current target which will give me the id of the List object I am dropping on?This is my current function which is always returning true...

private function _dropped(e:DragEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag & Drop, Call A Method If List Changes?

Aug 8, 2011

I have two spark lists,backed up by Array Collections, both of which accept drag & drop either to move objects between them or to reorder within the lists. I have a method which is called on drop which resets some properties of the object to 0, this works as expected...
protected function list_dragDropHandler(event:DragEvent):void
if(event.action != DragManager.NONE)

What I would like to do is only call this method only when the objects are moved to another list, currently it is called when I reorder within the same list too

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Flex :: Drag And Drop Between List Control And Chart?

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to implement a drag and drop function between a list control and a columnchart in Flex3. List items should, when dragged and dropped on the chart, be displayed raphically in the columnchart.Alas, dropping the listitems on the chart does not seem to result in a proper graph.Here my code till so far with regard to the drop part:

private function doDragDrop(event:DragEvent):void{
var ds:DragSource = event.dragSource;
var dropTarget:ChartBase=ChartBase(event.currentTarget);


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Flex :: Drag And Drop (list Items To Canvas)

Jun 27, 2011

I just started using Flash Builder 4 (yesterday infact).

I have two lists and a canvas. When dropping a list item onto the canvas, i want to trace what item it is (the label and data) and which list it came from. From there, i want to add an image to the canvas according to the dropped item.

Here's my current code

private function componentDragEnterHandler(event:DragEvent):void {
DragManager.showFeedback( DragManager.COPY );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop An Object From A List Of Objects?

Aug 21, 2011

I'm creating an application where the user can select an object from a list of objects, and then put it on the main window.

I want to have the list of objects presented like in the web app : [URL]

The user can select a category, then the list of objects of that category is displayed, then he can drag and drop an object to the main window.

How is it possible to do this, having a list of objects?

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Flex :: DataGrid / List Drag And Drop - How To Avoid Copying

Jul 21, 2011

I'm using drag and drop on a DataGrid to reorder items. However, when the user holds down Ctrl he can initiate a drag Copy operation. How can I disable copying altogether? (not just cancel the drop, but also prevent Ctrl + drag from showing the (+) icon)

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ActionScript 3 :: List Drag And Drop And TextInput Focus Priority

Oct 31, 2011

I'm using a Spark List with a TextInput in the ItemRenderer, with ability for the user to reorder the list rows by drag'n'dropping them. This is how I declared the list :

<s:List id="list" left="245" top="119" width="667" height="433"
dragDrop="insertItem(event)" dragEnabled="true"
dragMoveEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true" focusAlpha="0"
hasFocusableChildren="true" />

Everything works fine, except that it's impossible to select the text in the TextInput with the mouse, instead it's dragging the row...How can I set the TextInput to have priority over drag'n'drop ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Drag And Drop - Get What Value Have In The List When Click On Submit

Apr 14, 2009


1. If i select one and drop it to the next list, then i select two and drop. the value one must be replaced by two.

2. When i click on submit i need to get what value i have in the list.

3. I need to check whether its right or wrong.

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Flex :: Set The "format" Used For Drag'n'drop On A List Control?

Dec 21, 2009

I'm dragging from a TileList to a custom component. I want to know what is being dragged before I accept it. How do I set the "format" that is used for "event.dragSource.formats" in the DragEvent?

Edit for clarification: When you set "dragEnabled=true" on the TileList, it takes care of the drag source stuff, but it uses "items" as the format for the DragEvent. I'm looking for a way to have the TileList use the correct format.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop With Outputs Based On The Drop Positions?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm trying to make a simulation where a person can drag 2 different objects to any 4 predefined targets on the stage.  Based on the position of the 2 objects there will be a different output text.  I hope I described that clearly.  I would also like the 2 objects to snap to the 4 targets.  Im very new to AS.  Im starting to be able to read it a bit but still can not wright it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Release To Drop NOT WORKING On Drag And Drop?

Mar 10, 2011

Release to Drop NOT WORKING on drag and drop? Or is it something else?Can be seen here:


var origX:Number;
var origY:Number;
for(var i:uint=1; i<6; i++){
this["choice_"+String(i)].buttonMode = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop - Droptarget - Make Flash Drag A Ball Onpress

May 11, 2005

i want to make flash drag a ball onpress and if its onrelease and if its on the Suquare movieclip it should stop draggin. my code is like this


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop - Click On The Image ,one Can Hold Down The Mouse And Drag A Copy?

Nov 13, 2010

I want to have an image and when I click on the image ,one can hold down the mouse and drag a copy to where ever on the stage and when one lets go, one can drag another and another with each copy still being able to be dragged after released.this is what i have but its pretty simple and doesn't work....

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,makeA Box);
var i:Number = 1; //i will be the total number of boxes
var newBox:myMC = new myMC();[code]....

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Im having trouble with this and its going wrong. I need to use actionscript 2 and im on flash cs3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop System Where The User Can Drag A Movie Clip Into An Area (Snap & Overwrite)

May 20, 2011

Im trying to do a drag and drop system where the user can drag a movie clip into an area. Although i would like to make it snap to a target instead of just sitting wherever it lands in the area. Problem Two:

The next thing i am trying to do is when the user has a movie clip on a target already, and trys to put another movie clip in that target area, it will replace the one thats in there and go back to its current position. Here is the script of what i have done so far:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop Mask - Mc Drag In The Same Time

Jan 31, 2011

Wen i drag mc2 i want mc1 drag in the same time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop - Drop Not Always Firing?

Dec 11, 2009

I have added drag and drop to some of my custom components.The drag event is fired on mouse down.If you mouse down and move the component around then drop it repeatedly its fine.But if you mousedown and drag the component around drop it and THEN just click on the component it inits the drag but doesn't fire the drop event.Its almost like you have to move the component for it to fire the drag drop event.This is very annoying as i'm removing the component on drag init and adding it again on drop, so just clicking on it makes it disappear.

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Flex :: Using Drag & Dop Into List Get List Items?

Nov 23, 2009

while i using drag & drop from listbox1 to listbox2 ,how can i get all the items of listbox2 in flex

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How To Drag And Drop

Jul 7, 2009

I downloaded a free flash menu component. It's help file said "You can simply drag and drop the menu items wherever you wish".However, I don't know how to drag and drop it in my file. please help me, how to use it?

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Drag And Drop Game

Jun 28, 2009

I am developing a simple drag and drop game..except my draggable items are in a movie clip and my targets are also in a movie clip. My draggable objects work fine, they drag and snap back into place when the mouse is let go, but... they dont snap to their targets.They do snap to their targets when they are directly on the timeline, but inside another movie clip it doesnt work and i can't figure out why.[code]

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Drag And Drop On A Set Scale

Jun 21, 2010

Basically, there will be two images, which participants are to choose between. Below the pairs of images will be a horizontal bar with arrows at both opposite ends. I would like the participant to be able to drag and drop a small rectangle somewhere along the bar to represent their choice (and the degree of their endorsement).Basically, I'm asking how to make an interactive scrollbar on its side (without buttons, just the drag). I would also like it to start in the middle of the bar and be able to be moved in either direction.

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Drag And Drop Without Overlapping?

May 19, 2009

using 'drag and drop' in flash without overlapping?

For example - I have a list of buttons i drag to an area on the stage. I do not want my buttons to overlap.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop From One MC To Another?

Nov 7, 2010

I've dynamically created a bunch of MCs from a single MC in the library.
Inside the MC's timeline, I have written drag and drop code.
The MC's reside in a parent movieclip, that then resides in a scrollpane.
I was wondering if it's possible to write AS3 to drag the clips into another movieclip?
If not the way I have it, is it possible at all to drag MC's from one container MC to another?

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Flex Drag And Drop

May 19, 2009

I am trying to do a flex drag and drop. It is very similar to this first example.url....The problem is that event.currentTarget.mouseX,mouseY is showing the position where I put the mouse down rather than the position where I had finished dragging.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag Drop Won't Go Away

Jun 22, 2009

I am trying to create an elearning exercise and i have a problem with the drag and drop section i have created. The exercise works well but when the user clicks the next button to go to the next frame one of the drag elements from the exercise shows up on the next frame and i just can't work out how to get rid of it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Only Drag And Drop Once

Aug 5, 2010

This is an overly complex way of making drag and drop functions, I know. My problem is, when my item hits the target, it doesn't allow me to drag anymore items?

ActionScript Code:
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag)
function drag(event:MouseEvent):void {


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IDE :: Drag And Drop With Targets?

Apr 9, 2009

I followed kirupa's drag and drop with targets tutorial. I want the clock in my fla file to get bigger when it touches the bar. How can i do this?

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