I just want to lock or set a default font size for the rich text editor. I tried setting font-size = 16, which although it did set the default to 16, also made all the labels etc... in the editor to font size 16.
I get the following warning when I run my application:
warning: incompatible embedded font 'Arial' specified for spark.components::Label (Label104).This component requires that the embedded font be declared with embedAsCff=true.
The application I am working on is a mix of Halo and Sparks components as I am migrating it to Flex 4. The text that is showing in the text fields is defaulting the systems serif font. There are a few problems with this warning.
1) I am not embedding any fonts in the application. I am not even assigning the Arial font to any of the components.
2) If I check the "Use Flash Text Engine in MX components", then all the text fields in the app throw the warning. Not just the sparks text fields.
Why does flex 4 think that I am using an embedded font with the sparks components? Is there any way to get around this warning and have the text fields use a non embedded font?
The examples I've seen seem to show how to change the color that shows when the user actually hovers over the textinput field.
However when the validation fails, a generic textInput border qill have a red line over it. My CSS file uses a border skin for the textInput, so I can't see this line.
I was hoping there was a way to highlight the text box when it failed validation, or re-enable the red line feature. I don't want to get rid of my CSS cos it'll totally blow my color-scheme, but any tweak allowing the error line
I was trying to get the COPY cursor using DragMananger and event.preventDefault()- but got a very weird cursor behavior (the items' drop indicator was wrongly presented - etc.) Therefor i am trying to stick to default - this works fine - but my cursor now on copy is a simple arrow, and i would like to get the arrow with the grin plus on it
I've recently had the need to use the managers compiler argument, because the project had an Open Type font embedded, and was generating errors at compilation. Now I need to use the same argument in my ant task, but for some reason it doesn't work. I'm using Flex SDK 3.2.
I've tried different variations, from using manager as a child element of mxmlc, to using it as an attribute, and combining it with prefixes (fonts, compiler.fonts). I've also tried to use it as sub-element of the element fonts, but nothing worked. I've considered using a shell task instead, but I'd rather not. For now I've changed flex-config.xml in the frameworks directory of the sdk, and it seems to do the trick, but I'm thinking there's got to be a way to do this in the task. Any exact elements I need to add to the task to make it work, without having to modify "flex-config.xml"?
I'm not familiar with actionscript, so I need help for this flash file... I want to change the font color and font style for the sentence that display...
I'm trying to embed a font in my project by using url("font.ttf") rather than local("Font Name"), but it doesn't seem to pick it up. The font in question is called "Gotham Bold". When i view the details of the font, the font weight is regular, however when i use local("Gotham Bold") in the css i have to specify fontWeight: bold or else it wont pick it up. But when I use url("folderGotham-Bold.ttf"), and specify fontWeight: bold, it says that font weight is not found for that TTF. If i remove the fontweight, there's no errors, but the font is not applied to the text.
what the default label font that flash uses when you add a component? Ive searched around Im trying ti match it as it looks much better than other fonts?
I've installed a couple of fonts on my Mac that I want to use in Flash CS3, but they're not showing up in the font list.how do I install them so that Flash will pick them up?
Whats the default font for components? I don't need to change it. I like how it looks but I want my other fonts to match it and I dont know what font it is.
My musical notes in my swf no longer display but are replaced by letters of the alphabet or the amphersand.
How can I get the notes to display? when I to to the symbol it shows the letter of the alphabet but in the fla when I look at the Text, Font it has the (Musical Symbols) Default Font selected as it should.
I want to know how to change the default colors of a pie chart. I want the flex actionscript code not the mxml code. I have drawn the pie chart and populated it but have no idea how to change color.
I got Adobe Creative Suite 5.5, and all the projects in company are made in 5.0. And i can't simply save by ctrl+s because Flash (thats concrete program i am asking about) want to save in 5.5. So every time i have to push file-> save as-> change from 5.5 to 5.0. I was trying to find somewhere, where to change it, but i didnt manage to.
I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. I've looked all over here and other websites and can't find the answer. Here's the situation: I have a movieClip that has an animation inside of it. When the movieClip is hovered over, it changes to the hand (indicating it's clickable). What I need to be able to do is change the hand back to the default cursor. Every single article I've read is about how to change your cursor to something else (using mouse.hide() and replacing it with an image), which is not what I want.
Actually I am the application is for recoeding live stream. The recorded videos are placing in the folder named live_test as specififed above.But I want to change this path. There is a folder named public in the root directory. In the "public" folder we have a folder named Recorded_Videos, I need to place the recorded videos on this folder. How can I do this.Another issue that occurs while recording is NetStream.Record.noAccess. This is occuring while the recorded video is placing on client's flash media server with the path that i specified above. But when i running it in the local flash media server(developer version), its working well. The recorded files are placed on live_test folder. In the client's server the stream is not recording, instead its showing an error like "NetStream.Record.noAccess". The code that I am using for recording live stream is follows:
stop(); var nc = new NetConnection();var CommPage = '';System.security.allowDomain(CommPage);
Ive been editing a template for a photography website (in flash) but she wanted the font changed through out the site and the colour of this font changed to. Ive been playing around with it and managed to chage the font but only for some of it, but what ever im doing is having a knock on affect with other parts of the site.I have a index page and various other files and folders but dont know if im looking in the correct place.When i look at the libary of contents its not very clear what is what and cant see anything reffrencing the text.
I've loaded content from an xml document to create a sub menu. However, I'd like to change the font to match the menu and am having trouble with the proper code:
I experienced a very strange problem today. As I was working on my FLA file, I tried to paste some text into a static text field using CTRL+V (I am using Vista Home Premium). However, at the time the focus was on the font field in the property window instead of on the text field and all the text I wanted to paste replaced the font name. As I tried to open the font drop down list to select the correct font flash crashed.
Since then I have not being able to open any FLA files. Flash starts without a problem, but if I try to open any FLA file it crashes again. I also tried creating a new FLA file but without success. I copied the FLA in question to another machine and there the file opens without a problem, so the file itself is not corrupted.
I'm trying to change the font within the flash file of this site. Its one single swf, with a series of .txt files loaded through actionscript 2.0. How do I change the font of the text within the scrolling box at the right?
I have created an animation where I have pictures and text accompanying the pictures sliding in and out. However, I want to change the font of the text across the entire animation. What is the easiest way to do this? I have found when I have tried it, (changing the font in the text box) that sometimes it throws the whole animation out for each key frame that has that text (if this makes any sense). In other words, suppose I change the font in keyframe 1, the change it at the next keyframe, sometimes the second keyframe is no longer consistent with the first, perhaps only slightly and therefore the animation can run a bit choppy as it goes from keyframe to keyframe.
Code: format = new TextFormat(); format.bold = true; tfield.setTextFormat(format);
into something like this:
Code: var col = new Color(this.background); col.setRGB(0xf4faff);
I'm no AS expert but i think the first example changes the font from outside of the object and the second example from inside the text object.how to make the "this.background" in the second example into "this.whatever points to the font".
I was working on my FLA file, I tried to paste some text into a static text field using CTRL+V (I am using Vista Home Premium). However, at the time the focus was on the font field in the property window instead of on the text field and all the text I wanted to paste replaced the font name. As I tried to open the font drop down list to select the correct font flash crashed.
Since then I have not being able to open any FLA files. Flash starts without a problem, but if I try to open any FLA file it crashes again. I also tried creating a new FLA file but without success. I copied the FLA in question to another machine and there the file opens without a problem, so the file itself is not corrupted. I am assuming that the long text I copied in the font field somehow had corrupted Flash and maybe I have to reinstall it.
I created a contact us form for my landing page. I draged few components such as "textInput" "radioButton" "comboBox" and "checkBox" into a movie clip.
Now the default font size of Flash is 10 and I would like to enlarge it.