Flex :: Events - DispatchEvent From An Static Var?

Jan 10, 2012

Is it possible to dispatch an event from a public static var in Flex? I'm doing this, and Flex throws me an error:

File board.mxml: public static var actionBar:ActionBar;

<ActionBar:ActionBar id="actionBar"/>
File layerMng.as:

Error -> 1119: Access of possibly undefined property actionBar through a reference with static type Class.

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Flash :: DispatchEvent In Static Class - AS3

Jan 6, 2012

I can't use dispatchEvent in my static class, I was wondering if anyone knew how I can achieve similar functionality or if it's possible at all to call dispatchEvent from my static class? I basically want to inform my action script code in my flash file when functionality in my static class is complete.

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Flex :: Design - Static Functions Or Events?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm working with an application which was originally designed to make heavy use of static-variables and functions to impose singleton-style access to objects. I've been utilizing Parsley to break apart some of the coupling in this project, and I'd like to start chiseling away at the use of static functions. I will explain the basic architecture first, and then I'll ask my questions. Within this application exists a static utility which sends/receives HTTP requests. When a component wishes to request data via HTTP, it invokes a static function in this class: Utility.fetchUrl(url, parameters, successHandler, errorHandler); This function calls another static function in a tracking component which monitors how long requests take, how many are sent, etc. The invocation looks very similar in the utility class:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: DispatchEvent To Send Keyboard Events?

Mar 19, 2010

I am trying to create an on-screen keyboard for a touch-screen kiosk. Does anyone know how to send a keyboard event to a text input component from a button click event? For example, the user will push the on-screen buttons to enter their name, press tab to go to the next field, and so on.
I believe that I somehow need to use dispatchEvent but have not been able to get it to work. For example, pressing the on-screen A keyboard button will fire a CLICK event and call a handler to place an A in the currently focused text input component. The handler needs to be able to dispatch a keyboard event (with the correct keycode) to that text input field and that is where I am stuck.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call A DispatchEvent Call From Inside Of A Static Function?

Feb 3, 2009

Does anyone know if there is a way to call a dispatchEvent call from inside of a static function?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching Events From Static Class?

Aug 3, 2010

However, it seems to me as I've started building this (or trying, rather) that there's no way this can be done, but I'm sure I'm wrong. Since the static class is never added as an instance to the display list, the stage (or any object for that matter) will never hear any events it dispatches.I've searched and found this, but that doesn't seem to be the right solution since I'm listening for my custom LinkEvent event from the stage, and *not* in the class calling the dispatch function in the static dispatcher class.And to reiterate, the goal is to have a single class I can use throughout my application that dispatches my custom LinkEvent event with two properties: linkURL, and linkTarget.The whole reason for wanting to do this is so I can have some control over what happens (to track, or do some other behavior) when someone clicks on a link created within an htmlText TextField with an <a>

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Jan 2, 2010

I would like to dispatch an event from my class along with a url.

I know that I can do the following:

import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
private function thumbClick(e:MouseEvent):void
dispatchEvent(new Event("clicked"));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1118: Implicit Coercion Of A Value With Static Type Object To A Possibly Unrelated Type Flash.events:Event

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Actionscript 3 :: Write An Adapter That Maps All The LinkedSetFx Events To The Expected Flex Collection Events(As3Common-collection)

Aug 25, 2010

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Flex :: Initialization Order Of Static Variables In Flex Causing Bug?

May 10, 2011

I've got a component written for my app by a third party developer and am trying to integrate it, but I've found a bug that seems like it's either a compiler bug, or there's something with how Flex and static variables work that I wasn't aware of.Basically, I have this:

public class ModeChangeController {
public static const DISPLAY_MODE:String = "DisplayMode";

If I use //V2 (i.e. comment out V1), a bug occurs at the startup of the application (some TextFields are uneditable and contains no text), but with //V1 and not V2, it works fine. If I comment out both, that also works fine (I don't get the TextField bug).It took me a while to figure out that it was that static const String that was causing the issue, but I'm still not sure why or if there's something I can do about it except for just moving the DISPLAY_MODE to Events (which is what I've done at the moment, but it's not a particularly nice solution).There are no errors in the log. The order of the includes in my BorderContainer code doesn't matter. I've googled for "as3/flex static initialization order" but haven't found anything.

Clarification: showInitialView() never gets called. It doesn't get there before the other bug shows up. Just having the V2 line there causes the problem.

Update: I've fixed my problem with the TextInput strings not showing: Turns out that adding the component caused the Tahoma font to not show up. However, setting the font-weight to bold fixed that problem, or switching to Arial. With that said, the original question still stands, because when I ran it without V2, it found Tahoma with normal font-weight.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Private Static Properties With Public Static Getters/setters

Oct 22, 2009

how bad is this practice? I am having trouble getting to some stuff so i am taking the easy way out

private static var _interrupted:Boolean;
public static function setInterrupted(value:Boolean):void{
_interrupted = value;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Altering A Reference To A Static Var Alters The Static Var Itself?

Aug 25, 2009

Let's say you have the following situation:

1. Static var(an Array) stored in a class.
2. You create a variable reference to the static class in a separate class.
3. Splice some items from the reference variable in the separate class.
4. Trace the static class and the items have been removed from that too.
5. Verify several times.
6. Get confused.
7. Post on Kirupa.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Function Can't Find Non-static Functions

Jan 6, 2010

Ok, so I have a bit of a mess here (Which I'm probably not doing right anyway, which could be my problem...). I have a document class, I'll call it as Body.as, that creates an object from another class known as Headgear.as. There are also other objects created from other classes, or will be in the future. Now, amoung all this, Headgear.as and all of the other classes Body.as will use to make objects require the use of dragging functions (starting and stopping dragging). On stopping drags, position checks are then made to compare a particular hidden movieclip with the dragged MC.

To try and save myself some hassle (from making the same functions over and over to ensuring that when the objects are created I don't need to send a complete crapload of variables just to ensure the position checking function would work), I had the functions for the event listeners (Which are set-up on the draggable MCs in Headgear.as) just direct to functions in Body.as


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Actionscript 3 :: Does Static Methods Need To Use Static Properties?

Dec 28, 2009

If I created a static method. say I decide to call on other methods within that static method. Do those methods I call on need to be static as well? what If I used some of the properties. Not to store data permanently, but just within that process. Do those properties need to be static ??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Classes And Static Methods?

Feb 21, 2007

Yesterday I found myself wondering, what is the difference between either having a class with methods that are all static, or simply giving your class the static attribute?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Class Needs A Non-static Function

Nov 22, 2009

Alright, so I have a class that is linked (via the linkage panel) to a scrollbox class. I'll paste the class here:[code]Ignoring the formatting, the commented out functions are the ones causing the issue. Adobe says that it's a static class and I can't use non-static functions. The way I wanted to use it was:

1. Call the page button generating function above.

2. In the main code in my program is this line:scrollbox.setClickFunction(historyContent.generate Page);So when the buttons that are supposed to be generated are clicked, the scrollbox class can call the History pages generatePage function and pass it which page to show. (I did this because there was a lot of text and a limit on how much would display, so small chunks sounded logical).

3. In the onClick function (which I haven't finished yet because the rest wont work), when you click one of the buttons it calls the set function. Its that simple.

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Flex :: Static Var In Member Function?

Jun 20, 2011

I would like to know, in Flex 4.5.1, if there is a way to create a static variable in a member function, something like bellow:

public function myFunction():void {
static test:Object = null;

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Flex :: Static Var Or Use FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication?

Jun 22, 2011

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Flex :: Automated Testing Without Static AutomationIDs

Aug 5, 2009

testing a Flex app without static Automation IDs attached to components? All of the elements in the apps are generated .....

We've investigated FlexMonkey but it appears to be incompatible with any app that utilizes the ExternalInterface. RIATest's scripting language leaves much to be desired...

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Flex :: Get A Static Property From Class In Actionscript

Jul 15, 2010

I have this class

package somePackage
public class SomeClass


I want to be able to get those static property given it's name.


public static function getProperty(propertyName: String): SomeClass {
//don't know what goes here


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Flex :: Set Static Constants Using Conditional Compilation?

Aug 4, 2010

I am trying to set some public static constants on a class conditionally by passing variables to the compiler e.g. -define=CONFIG::ENVIRONMENT,'testing_server'


Obviously this means I have to tinker with long command line setting each time. I thought my initial approach was possible given the documentation and various tutorials I have read.

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Flex :: DataGrid And Static DataProvider Attribute

Sep 9, 2010

I'm trying to get this code working:
<mx:DataGrid x="359" y="221" width="623" height="176">
<fx:Object name="Garbage Collection" code="7777" hours="2"/>
<fx:Object name="Road Repair" code="8888" hours="6"/>
<fx:Object name="Lawn Maintenance" code="9999" hours="12"/>
[Code] .....
I even don't have the header text in my columns.

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Flex :: Invoke Static Method Using Introspection?

Sep 30, 2010

While this is similar to another post, that post (does not indicate how to perform this (if it can be done) without instantiating an object. Also, without success I have tried multiple variations on the theme of:

method.apply(class, arg)

I have used Reflection in both C# and Java. BTW, the code that I am attempting to get to work in Flex is mirrored in both those languages and works as expected.

Non-functioning Flex Code:
private function ipMethodTester( ipMethodName:String,
shouldPass:Array, shouldFail:Array):void


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Actionscript 3 :: Use Static Initializers In A Flex Library?

Aug 10, 2011

We are using as3Crypto library in my project. We have downloaded the code, modified a bit and started using it. Initially we have included the complete code as the part of the project. Now we are trying to compile it as Separate Library file(.swc). When we compile the code, we didn't get any errors, but we got one warning saying


When we check the code, we traced it to a code file AESKey.as, especially from a Static initializers code block. I can't simply ignore the warning as it is the critical part of my applications security.

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Flex :: React To Change On A Static Property?

Jun 1, 2009

I'm re-writing an MXML item renderer in pure AS. A problem I can't seem to get past is how to have each item renderer react to a change on a static property on the item renderer class. In the MXML version, I have the following binding set up on the itemenderer:instanceProperty=callInstanceFunction(ItemRenderer.staticProperty)What would be the equivalent way of setting this up in AS (using BindingUtils, I assume)?PDATE:So I thought the following wasn't working, but it appears as if Flex is suppressing errors thrown in the instanceFunction, making it appear as if the binding itself is bad. indingUtils.bindSetter(instanceFunction, ItemRenderer, "staticProperty");However, when instanceFunction is called, already initialized variables on the given instance are all null, which was the cause of the errors referenced above.

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Jun 6, 2009

Is there a way to change private static field of an alien class?[code]...

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Jan 11, 2010

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Flex :: Handle Both CLICK And MouseDown Events In Flex?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a scenario where I am listening to both CLICK and MouseDown events for an object.

On MouseDown I do a startDrag(). And on Click, I perform something else.

But the problem is that, MouseDown event fires first and it initiates a drag. The click event does not fire.

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Flex :: Calling A Static Method Of A Class With Only An Instance?

Jul 27, 2009

If all I have is an instance of an object, can I call a static method of its class? For fun, let's say I don't know what the name of the class is, only the name of the static method.

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Flex :: Static / Private Child Component In Mxml?

Oct 14, 2009

Are there any way to declare a child component in mxml which is private/protected or even static? Sure we can do this inside a script tag, but are there any other way?

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