Flex :: Get A Servicemark Into Property File?

Feb 22, 2010

I have an existing project using Flex SDK 3.3 which uses a property file for all the static text in our Flex application. There's one specific tag which has a copyright symbol but it needs to be changed to the servicemark symbol. I'm aware that some fonts may not have support for the service mark.The existing text looks like this:header.productName = Acme?The text gets assigned to an mx:Text tag.I'm now sure of is how do you get the servicesymbol into the property file? I'm not sure how/why the copyright symbol looks like that in the property file either.

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Mar 18, 2010

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//this theSkin variable is dynamic in my app, but for this example it's a simple string
var theSkin:String = "http://www.mypicturedomain.com/images/myimage.gif";
var navBtn:Button = new Button();
navBtn.id = "thumb1";


When I attempt this, I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@3dac941 to Class.

How do I skin this button with my image dynamically? A couple of things to consider:The upSkin image must be remote. It can't be local.The button must be generated dynamically (it's in a for loop).

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<html lang="en">


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if (myTarget[i] is String) {
trace("prop is string");

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var xList:XMLList = xData.channel.item.description.(@src);


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Or is this a list of styles that have been set inline or in code so the component is just telling me that they are NOT inheriting from the container?

If it's the first why are their values set for this properties?

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Jan 11, 2011

I have an AS3 App class e.g (pseudo code)

public class MyApp extends Application
protected function onRender():void
trace("frameRate = "+frameRate);

and this is then extended by the app MXML:


The app appears to be running at the right speed, but in MyApp.onRender(), frameRate is seen as NaN (in the debugger too if I step through). Why is this? How should I be obtaining the application's FPS property?

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Jan 20, 2011

Latest_News_Display is under the Latest_News state. I want to set Latest_News_Display's x property even if the currentState is set to Intro. However, when I try to use Latest_News.Latest_News_Display.x = 10,it returns an error that says 1120: Access of undefined property Latest_News

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Flex :: Datagrid And MinHeight Property?

Jan 26, 2011

I've got a panel, which contains a datagrid (expected to fill up the majority of the realestate fluidly), and a handful of buttons and text fields pinned to the bottom edge of the panel. Its a classic datagrid+search combo. What I'm stuck on, is that while the datagrid will grow into large 'viewport' just fine, after I shrink down to about 600 pixels or so, the height of the datagrid stops shrinking, pushing the bottom-pinned content off-screen. I've played with various settings of minHeight, and while larger settings work (also, curiously, overlaying the bottom-pinned stuff where it belongs, instead of off-screen). the smaller settings are apparently ignored or overwritten for some reason.

It seems as if there must be another setting of some sort that I need to make, but I've been messing with this now for hours, and I'm just hoping one of you knows exactly what the issue is.Here's a few screenshots, first the design preview, second, the browser rendering. You can see how the bottom row of buttons gets cut off, and, if I shrink the window even more, I'll cut off parts of the datagrid as well.

EDIT: here's code to my test app, where all the behavior is what it should be...and the hierarchy exactly mimics whats going on in my test app (copy/pasted directly from) .

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%">


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Flex :: Possible To Set Variable At Property URL (HTTPService)?

Aug 10, 2011

I build an application that need httpservice feature. This application will be deployed at some computer. So, I don't have an idea to set variable at url property.

<mx:HTTPService id="personRequest" url="[URL]" useProxy="false" method="GET" resultFormat="text" result="personJSON(event)">
<mx:request xmlns="">

I already try with block {}, but no use. Can't I set a variable at property url mx:HTTPService?

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Flex :: How To Use ' ' Within Text Property Of Mx:TextArea

Aug 18, 2011

As per my observation this does not work in flex4:

<mx:TextArea id="taMytext" text="
san"/> //use of
does not work here
<s:Button label="Click it" click="Myfun()" />

Using script it's possible:

public function Myfun():void

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ActionScript 3 :: Flex - Get Object Which Own Property

Oct 27, 2011

My problem is to find out the object which owned my property... for example:
My Class :
public class MyClass{
var myGroup:Group; //Spark Component

Now, I add my Group to another UIComponent. Next step in Class XYZ I wan't to get my MyClass Object ... but I can only see the var myGroup
public class XYZ {
public function getObject(group:Group):MyClass {
return group.????;

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Flex :: Bind To Object Property

Nov 25, 2011


The labels text will be "Property", but if object.property is changed, the label isn't updated. Is there any way around this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference - File Doesn't Own CS4

Sep 2, 2010

I'm experiencing a problem that I've having difficulty solving. I built a project in CS4 using AS3. Everything worked fine. Unfortunately, it needed to be accessible via CS3 (the person using the file doesn't own CS4). No problem. I converted it to CS3 - and now I'm receiving this error:


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Flex :: Mobile - Access Of Undefined Property?

Apr 13, 2012

Flex 4.6 Mobile ApplicationI am getting the error "access to undefined property PrepForDisplay"In my Declarations tag I have

<s:CurrencyFormatter id="PrepForDisplay"


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Flex :: TextField MaxScrollH Property Gets Set To 0 On Click

Sep 20, 2009

I am populating a textfield programmatically and scrolling to the maxScrollH as the new text is added so the user can see the progression of text. This works fine, until I click the TextField, which sets scrollH back to 0 and places the caret in the text at the equivalent position.

textField.setSelection( text.length, text.length );
//sets the caretIndex/selection to the end
textField.scrollH = textField.maxScrollH;
//scrolls to max

This is the code that I am using to scroll when the textField text property is updated. I've tried adding a listener to the click event on the textField, which works in a way, but causes a visible jump.

override protected function createChildren() : void {
textField.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleTextFieldClick, false, 0, true);
} protected function handleTextFieldClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
textField.scrollH = currentTextFieldScrollPosition; //stored scrollH value

My guess is that there is a scroll position being calculated or stored someplace that I can't find.

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