Flex :: Get An Access To A Flash Player`s Events Pool?
Sep 22, 2009I want trace every event on every object, there is way to do it?
View 2 RepliesI want trace every event on every object, there is way to do it?
View 2 Repliessince updating my Flash Player plugin from 10 to 10.1, I'm seeing a weird crash when accessing shared objects. Flex Builder's debugger pops up and prints a stack trace like this:
at flash.net::SharedObject$/getLocal()
at my.code::MyClass$/load()[/my/path/to/my/MyClass.as:27]
This happens when calling SharedObject.getLocal("someString") for the second time for the same string, though it doesn't always crash. When using another browser on the same machine (not configured as the preferred debugging browser in Flex Builder), Flash Player remains silent. The code is wrapped in a try/catch(Error) block which does not catch this error. I'm using Flex SDK 3.5 and Flex Builder 3 on Mac OS X 10.6.3.
does anybody know if disabling the security question in the flash player is ok? I need to know the exact facts by reference whether it is ok or not. I found some answers to this but they were assumptions but nor rigid. for instance a reference to Adobe's documentation that says any workaround is illegal.
View 1 RepliesThere is a Flex app with 7 main views. And there is a memory issue when navigating between views.All these views were in a ViewStack, but due to some involving 3D objects I assumed it was too much to have it all in the display list. I'm now clearing all children from the stack and adding/removing them when needed. This gave a small performance increase, but still becomes unresponsive with use. The strange thing is, with this and the original method, the CPU climbs with use but eventually levels out somewhere. Now I'm creating new instances of each screen when they are navigated to and setting the previous variable to null. Now it looks like CPU is spiking when the view is created, but leveling out to something much much lower than it was. This felt like progress, but now the available memory keeps climbing where it wasn't before....
My understanding was calling remove child or remove all children would mark the object for deletion when the garbage collector next ran. I can't see any other references to the instance. My code is along the lines of [code]I have a function for each button to add a new instance like the above.The only thing I can see and feel silly asking but need confirmation, is each view extends a class called "Screen", this class contains a singleton reference to some core components.[code]Would this trick the garbage collector into thinking it was still needed? General advice on clearing Objects from the memory pool would awesome!!! I've never needed to analyze the Flash Player in such depth.I think it's an error with sound drivers, removing all sound and shes purring like a kitten. Works on my machine fine with windows XP, but not on the touch pad the application is crashing on with windows 7 (unsure of the drivers looking into them now) Now I'm thinking its not the drivers, tried 3 different versions, all with no improvement. I did discover the sound was fading in and out with the TweenLite lib. Doesn't look like there are any memory leaks in TweenLite as it works fine on other machines. Just the use of volumeEasingFunction seems to consume increasing amounts of CPU until it freaks out. It is crappy hardware running windows 7, which doesn't help.
Inspired by this Flex question, is it seen as better practice to dispatch an event back to the parent app, as opposed to calling a method on the instance of the parent app, from within a module? To me it seems that the module shouldn't know what methods are available at the parent, as such approach leads to tight coupling.
View 1 RepliesI am trying to put together a simple game and have been doing really well until I decided I am going to have to create a new class to handle enemies.What I have so far is a player walking around on random terrains and I am up to the point where I have placed x amount of enemies on stage at appropriate times. I have written their class which will hopefully eventually handle their behavior and it outputs simple trace("BOO!").
Where I face the problem is that I obviously would like to make these enemies follow the player to attack. But when I try to access the .x or .y attributes of the player, it throws an error: 'call to a possibly undefined property with static type Class'?I have tried accessing the .x using the following ways (where badger is my player instance and Main is my class definition within the properties of the FLA):
I have also tried to access other vars and still nope..My class code is this:
import flash.display.MovieClip
import flash.display.Stage
I'm working on a prototype that would require me being able to read and track the mouse movement over a playing youtube video. The basic code to replicate my problem boils down to this simple test case:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
Expected behavior is:
Youtube player loads The label on the top right tracks the X coordinate of the mouse The number should update even when moving the mouse over the Youtube player
So far the program behaves as expected when running from the IDE (tested on both FlashDevelop and FlashBuilder) and even when running the file manually from the output folder. But, alas, when I try to run it from anywhere else than the debug folder (be it another location on my computer or up on a webserver), the Youtube player seems to eat the events.
I don't get sandbox security warnings when debugging (thanks to allowDomain("*")) but I'm running out of ideas on why the program fails once you take the file out of the debug folder.
You can hook into the creation of Flex 4 item renderers easily enough (through itemRenderer, or itemRendererFunction) allowing you to pull renderers from a custom object pool, but how would you put those renderers back into the pool?
I understand that layout virtualization does a form of object pooling, but I'd like a way to hook in to that. For example, when an itemRendererFunction has been assigned to a data group with a virtualized layout, item renderer construction is indeed deferred, but the instances are not re-used - I'd like to be able to intervene there, if possible.
But even in the case of normal virtualized renderers (where the instances are re-cycled) it would still be useful to be able to manage the pool manually. Pools could be shared between data groups, for example, to reduce the initial buffer required to populate each group.
Is there any way to know when Flex discards an item renderer instance? I have a sinking feeling that there is just no reliable way to tell - even though perhaps there should be.
I am an AS3 code developer but this time I need to deal with a FLA that has an instance on timeline with complex nesting of movieclips and textfields (that are named via the instance field in Flash). The problem is that events (I put in the Documentclass) on nested movieclips inside that timeline placed instance are never dispatched.
Example code:
// my instance on Stage in all Frames of the timeline
public var thewall:MovieClip;
// event directly on thewall works
// the event is dispatched correctly
[Code] .....
How do I have to access them to get the Events dispatched?
I would like to know if flash events (say clicking a button) can be captured somewhere outside the swf. Say, I click on a button and a popup comes up telling which buttom was clicked. The popup should not be a part of swf.
View 3 RepliesI use a LocalConnection object to prevent being able to run our SWF multiple times on the same computer. The problem is that this connection can remain in place even when the SWF which called it closes.
I have:
1) An External Interface call to dispose() all HTML pages call dispose() on pageunload which closes the connection.... But this is unreliable because if the browser crashes, you are locked out of the SWF
2) I tried some crazy try/catch. If SWF A exists and SWF B tries to be initialised.... SWFB cannot connect so it sends a function to SWFA to dispose(). This should free the connection for SWFB to connect to? But this does not work well either because sometimes a localconnection can be in use but calling "dipose()" throws an error, often because the LocalConnection swf which should be available is already gone.
What this all comes down to, is that I need a way to detect when the player closes, so i can close the localconnection.
stage.addEventListener(Event.EXIT, onExit);
function onExit(e:Event): void
if (localconnection)
When is it a good idea to use an object pool in Flash? For example, is it a good/bad idea with bitmaps, MovieClips (with timeline animations inside of them), video, fonts?
View 1 RepliesI'm having trouble setting up my object pool. I created a "BallPoll" custom class to handle the pooling logic. I first call fillPool() to add 20 Ball objects into my array. Then in my document class when I want to create a Ball, I check the pool array. It isn't working and I'm not sure why.
My movie targets flash player 10, and I compile it with FlexSDK v 4.51. It compiles and plays with no errors. But if I view the swf in Flash Player 10, some sprites that are set to buttonmode do not show a hand cursor or dispatch MouseEvents. In fact, if I play it in the Flash Player 10 debug player, I get an error:
"VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of z in mx.core.BitmapAsset."
So to fix this, I can switch to using an older SDK, version 4.1. Now the error message is gone, but the mouseover problem persists - now for Flash Player version 10 and 11.
There are no flash 11 specific features used. It should be targetable using flash player 10.
I have determined that the mouse event and the override error are not related. The mouse event error seems to being caused by using filters. and I have found a workaround, by applying the filter to a child object, instead of the parent.
The error thrown above, is getting caused by an embedded bitmap. And it seems like a fix to that is to use flex SDK 4.1. Any reason not to just use the 4.1 SDK? Any way to make 4.5 sdk compatible with Flash player 10?
I'm, working on this pool game: [URL] open it in TWO browser windows you will see that the 2 player modus starts. When you make a shot, every shot gets copied to the other player. Unfortunately it is not precise enough. The player makes the shot with this code:
I have a flash player which play mp3 files from xml. at now mp3 files are downloadable with software like internet download manager. if i move mp3 files to out of www and change xml location attribute to '../mp3filename.mp3' player can not play mp3. my question are
1) flash file can access files out of root folder
2) what is best way to protect files from download?
I am trying to access a javascript function through flash player and the code is working for twitter. But in case of facebook, when i post the swf file and try to access the code, the flash player doesn't work. I think there is a problem of script access. But i have set the code:allow script access to alwaysin the php file where i embedd the flash player. But in case of facebook i am unable to embedd my php file. So, is there any way by which i can set allow script access to my swf file in facebook?
View 1 RepliesI am working on a complex application that was originally developed with AS1 for Flash player6. I am trying to update this to Flash player 9 while keeping the script to AS1.
Now my main movie is published in Flash player 6 and the child movie is published for Flash player 9.
I am opening the main movie in Flash player 9 and it works but from my child movie I am trying to acces a method on the root timeline of the main movie.
Can someone tell me how can I acces the main movie root from within the child swf?
I am building a flash app that will asks the client to access their web camera. Users on Windows (Firefox, Safari, Chrome browsers) are able to click the allow button. However, users on Linux/Mac (Firefox, Safari, Chrome) either need to click several times until they can click allow, or they can't click at all. [URL]
View 1 RepliesI have a ActiveX control hosting a flash-player which is in turn running a flash file trying to access data from a web-address.
In an old Windows Application version of my application everything works fine and the flash file is able to access the web-content.
However, in a newer Console Appliction version of the application it can no longer access the web-content.
Is there some kind of difference between a Windows Application and a Console application in terms of security/permissions that might affect an ActiveX hosted flash-player?
I am fairly new to actionscript 3, and coding in general, and I am trying to build a music application with a user account system, using which each different user can access their own music files.
I have found many tutorials online on how to create music players and playlists, user login systems, but nothing that combines these into one application.
I use a laptop which is never connected to the web for customer demos away from base. It does not have the Flash authoring environment installed either. Furthermore, a customer's own system used to run development versions of web sites using HTML with Flash content is not guaranteed to have web access either. Because some of the associated FLV files are quite large, uploading to a web host for such testing is not really viable even where clients have web access at meetings.
I have an AS3-based project which triggers Flash 10 local security protection on systems other those that used for authoring, for which the workaround is to set the source folder as trusted using the Flash Player Settings Manager. but [URL] doesn't seem to offer a useful way to avoid this problem without going on line to the Flash Player Settings Manager via an Adobe web site.
does anybody know if disabling the security question in the flash player is ok? I need to know the exact facts by reference whether it is ok or not. I found some answers to this but they were assumptions but nor rigid. for instance a reference to Adobe's documentation that says any workaround is illegal.
View 1 RepliesI have a flash file located on a web server. When it's loaded, I want it to access the user's PC and display some data (such as file directories, files, etc)I know there are security rules about what a flash player can access, but so far all I can seem to find are rules regarding local flash players accessing the internet, but not much on the other way around, or how do go about doing that.
View 0 RepliesMy aim is to access the FileReference class Flash Player 10 properties,methods and Events using CS3 instead of CS4.For load() ,save() methods needs runtime version of Flash Player 10.I need to include the flash player 10 in CS3 publish settings Version.Otherwise you can suggest how i can able to access the FileReference class new properties and methods without CS4.
View 1 RepliesI had uploaded jpeg file onto the stage using File->Import.Now, how to access the mouse-events using AS3.0. i.e., when we click with mouse on the stage it should display the x and y co-ordinates of the point being clicked.These x and y coordinates must be displayed in text-boxes provided down on the same stage.
View 6 Repliesiam making a game and i almost finish except one error i couln.t get it
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::Event@3738fb79 to flash.events.MouseEvent.
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::Event@3738fb79 to flash.events.MouseEvent.
When I placed this AddEventListener I got this "Type Coercion failed message"
Located above the mouse event:
LinkeSetFx has its own CollectionEvent, but I don't know how to map the LinkedSetFx event to mx.events.collectionEvent(I want use it in ComboBox). LinkedSetFx is in AS3Commons-collection framework.Here is the url, choose the as3commons-collections-1.0.0.zip, you'll find LinkedSetFx in srcorgas3commonscollectionsfx
View 1 RepliesI need to trap keyboard events. My code works OK in test mode (ctrl + enter), but not when I run the swf or projector directly on the desktop. My project is going on CD, not in a browser, and the only thing on the stage is an instance of the FLVplayback component. And while I'm at it....does anyone know the code to simulate clicking the windows Restore button? That's what the keypress is for. My client doesn't want the video running in real full-screen; they want their users to click the Maximize button, so they'll see the title bar, then press Esc to restore the window, again.
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