Flex :: Load A Swf File After Application Creation?

Mar 22, 2011

Is it possible to load a swf file after application creation in flex? If so how?

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var file:File = new File(fullPath + "\" + currentFolder + ".txt");
if(file.exists) {
var byteArray:ByteArray = file.data;

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Feb 25, 2010

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I'm a Flash MX action scripting newbie. I'm trying to create a dynamic drop down menu system that reads a text file to create the items listed in the menu. I've been reading tutorials and trying to break down source fla files to understand how things work. I'm stuck on what the following block of code means.Would it be possible for someone to break down the following code for me? It references menudata.txt to create the drop down menu. I can successfully modify menu.data.txt to create more menus and change the titles in each button, but creating sub-nav is totally kicking me in the arse.

The code follows:
item_spacing = 18;
x = 1;


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Flex :: Load Multiple Modules In One Application?

Sep 1, 2010

I don't know if I can do what I want in flex, so imagine this in ASP: I have an aspx page that loads a Login.ascx control, the control checks if login is correct, and if so the aspx page loads the XXX.ascx control (so there is only one control visible).

I want to do more or less the same in Flex: I have the main application with the code that connects to the database, check the login, and if its correct it loads a new module. I have made everything until the module load, I mean, I have the main application (Login.mxml) associated to a Login.as, and a Module.mxml associated to a Module.as. When the user press the login button (in Login.mxml), a method is fired and checks the login. If it is correct, it shows the new module.

My problem is that it is shown in the same page that the login page, instead of "changing" the page. I have used two ways to do that: ModuleLoader and PopUpManager, and both load the new module in the same page.

QUESTION: How can I load, inside an application, a Flex module in a different page?

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Flex :: Make Web Application Load Faster?

Feb 24, 2011

I made a Flex 4 web application. Upon testing locally, I already got satisfied at how it looks like. However, the swf's file size grew to around 6mb in size so when I uploaded it to my website and viewed it, it takes forever to load on a computer with quite slow internet connection. So my question is, how do I make it load faster? Should I:

separate it into chunks? If so how do I do it.

not put the embedded images inside the SWF but instead, store it outside in a folder? If so, how do I make it load on the background while the user is interacting with the primarily loaded parts of the web app?

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Flex :: File Write Permission To Application Directory In Windows 7 In Flex?

Aug 11, 2010

I am creating an AIR application using Flex. In it I use a file in application directory to store some data in it.Its working very well to read and write data to this file with various OS except windows 7. In windows 7 it is not working. May be its a permission problem.

How can i write file in the application directory with Windows 7 ?

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Flex :: Reset/reload A Flex Application Without Refreshing The HTML Page Or Reloading The SWF File?

Jan 12, 2011

I have a flex application that has a home button. I need to reset the application when this button is clicked. I can't use navigateToURL or ExternalInterface.call("window.location.reload"); as its not acceptable to reload the swf file.

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Flex :: Load A Big Picture Or Swf File By Calling Loader.load() In Flex?

Nov 17, 2009

I get a ActionScript class for loading the content:

public class LoaderContainer extends Sprite {
public function LoaderExample() {
loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);


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Flex :: Executing A Local File From An Intranet Flex Application

Apr 12, 2010

I am creating a Flex application for intranet use.I need the application to execute files, with different file types (txt, emails, etc.) at specific known locations on the clients computer.Is it possible to give permissions to the Flex application to execute local files? (I have administrative rights on the clients computer)

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Css :: Load And Apply A Stylesheet At Runtime In A Flex Application?

May 26, 2010

I'd like to load CSS stylesheets from a URL and apply them to my Flex 3 application at runtime.

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Flex :: AIR: Load Local Xml Files Outside The Application Folder?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm building an AIR application which will be used to edit slideshows for another app (also built by me, but not in AIR). The slideshows and other data are defined in several xml files which are in the other application's program folder. When trying to load these into my AIR app I get the following error:

body = ""
clientId = "DirectHTTPChannel0"


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Flex Application (SWF) Initialization Takes 25 Second To Load 1.6mb SWF In Widescreen Monitor

Mar 3, 2011

My Flex application (SWF) initialization takes 25 second to load 1.6mb SWF in widescreen monitor. The same SWF loads pretty fast (3 Sec) in Flat panel monitor 1024x768 resolution. What is the reason for +/- in rendering speed , +/- in CPU utilization on different monitors , screen resolution.

note: my internet sepped is 10+ mbps broadband.

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Xml :: Adobe Flex XML Creation And Checking?

Aug 25, 2011

I am working on a game in flex, and I am trying to create an xml file for each user if it is their first use, and then after that just access that file and edit it accordingly.Is there anything that could do this same thing first off, basically create and edit some sort of save state? I assume that flex would have some kind of saving state type of thing, but I am not sure what to look for in that respect.If not, does anyone know how to do this with xml files?

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