Xml :: Adobe Flex XML Creation And Checking?

Aug 25, 2011

I am working on a game in flex, and I am trying to create an xml file for each user if it is their first use, and then after that just access that file and edit it accordingly.Is there anything that could do this same thing first off, basically create and edit some sort of save state? I assume that flex would have some kind of saving state type of thing, but I am not sure what to look for in that respect.If not, does anyone know how to do this with xml files?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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{"location" : "path/to/image1.jpg"},


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Dec 23, 2010

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Company Model Year No
GM Chevy 2010 10
GM Chevy 2009 5
GM Pontiac 2010 12
Honda Civic 2009 12

and there will be a link next to datagrid to get Pie chart based on the data displays in the data grid . The pie graph should display grouping by company and the count . I mean for the above example that should give with two pie items , one for GM showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 3 ) and Honda showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 1 ).

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navigator.pushView(views.view2, {response:"BLAH"});


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