Flex :: Osx - Cannot Retrieve The Browser URL For Mac OS Users

Jul 20, 2011

I'm developing a very simple flex application on Windows 7 64 Bits.It retrieves the user url and then show it:

public var bm:IBrowserManager;
protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
bm= BrowserManager.getInstance();
Alert.show("Your URL is : " + bm.url);

On my Windows 64 Bits machine (Chrome, FF), it works fine and returns the URL.But, when I run my project on a Mac OS X machine (Safari, Chrome, FF) : it shows:

Alert.show(Your URL is : Null);

I think that it cannot retrieve the browser instance or cannot init the browser manager.

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<p430:getRoomsResponse xmlns:p430="http://impl.service.com">
<p430:getRoomReturn type="p888:Room" xmlns:p888="http://vo.room.com" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <p888:roomName> ABC


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body = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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private function rendererFunction(item:Object, grid:Object):ClassFactory {
var itemRenderer:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(AudActionDropDownIR);
var FilteredAudActionData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(AudActionData.toArray());


However, rendererFunction runs before the data is fully retrieve from the server! Is there any way to get around this without declaring the AudLogDataGrid in AS?

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