Flex :: Resource Tag Not Support Localization?

Mar 27, 2012

Some places in my flex app, I use ResourceManager.getInstance().getString, and other places I use mxml @Resource tag to retrieve resource properties dynamically loaded from ResourceManager. resourceManager.loadResourceModule(resourceModuleURL); But only strings from ResourceManager.getInstance().getString show proper locale based values, while the @Resource tag only returns values from en_US resource. I guess it is because en_US is what I compiled with (-locale=en_US ). So I am wondering if I am using a dynamicly-loaded resource, do I have to abandon the @Resource tag and use ResourceManager.getInstance().getString ?

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Flex :: Localization And Resource Modules - Runtime Errors - Unable To Load Resource Module From Portal?

Jan 20, 2011

I've created an application that includes a number of Modules and uses Parsley framework. Ant is used to build the application.Recently I thought of using Resource Bundles and implemented it in the system by creating a locale/en_US folder under the src. I added a portal.properties file with all my strings defined.In my modules, I added the metadata


In the ant build file, I added the below lines within mxmlc.

<source-path path-element="${myapp.flex.app.locale}/{locale}"/>

The build works fine and when I deploy the application and open it in my browser, I'm greeted with many errors thrown by the Flash player.But if I dismiss the messages, its working fine. My strings are replaced with the values in the property file, but how do I stop the runtime errors being thrown up?I get the below error.

Error: Unable to load resource module from portal at MethodInfo-637()at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Implement Localization In FLEX?

Aug 16, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Implement Localization In FLEX

Aug 16, 2011

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Flex :: Localization For Web Service Response Result?

Aug 22, 2009

In my Flex Application I am receiving Unicode result from back end ( web service) an displaying it in Flex Label component Eg. Response string = [u8868u7af9uff5eFulfillment

I am binding response to label component When I am displaying it in label its not showing me Japanese character .Storing this information in properties file works

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Flex :: Localization - Fix An Inconsistent Linkage Error In 3?

Sep 29, 2009

I was excited to find out that Adobe released the data visualization for free so I can use the fancy charts and all with my projects even though I don't have Flex Builder Professional. So I installed the new 3.4 sdk along with the data visualizations. Most all of my projects did fine except for one. This particular project uses localizations. Are there any new compiler arguments that I need to include? I current have -source-path=locale/{locale} -allow-source-path-overlap=true. I get the inconsistent linkage error below:


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Localization Equals Character?

Jul 14, 2011

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#greater value

greater_value = the value must be ( >= ) than the corresponding value

but when the thing is displayed in the ui the text after the second equals is missed.how do you place an equals character in a flex locale file?

edit: I have already used, escape characters, ascci code, html codes and unicode unicodes.

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Flex :: Localization - Use Localized Runtime Framework Resources?

May 10, 2011

By default, Flex uses signed .swz files to hold the Flex Framework classes. I noticed that under Adobe Flash Builder 4 > sdks > [version] > frameworks > locale > [locale] there are multiple languages supported.en_USen_GBzh_CNetc etcThe files in these directories vary in that they contain a "_rb.swc" at the end of each file. Files include datavisualization_rb.swc, spark_rb.swc, framework_rb.swc, etc etc. These are different from the rsls signed framework resources stored as .swz in framework .rsls. Since localized signed versions of the framework don't appear to be available, can I use these locale > [LOCALE] .swc versions instead as RUNTIME SHARED RESOURCES?

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Flex :: Localization - Adobe Alert Title Shows Localized Asian Language Correctly?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm creating an alert popup within an Adobe Flex 4 project using the following:

Alert.show(resourceManager.getString('myresource', 'ErrorMessage'), resourceManager.getString('myResource', 'ErrorMessageTitle'), Alert.OK|Alert.CANCEL,this,onExitSuccess,null,Alert.CANCEL);

When my language is of Asian origin (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc) the title appears correctly on the Alert, but the message does not. I'm seeing the correct localization values EVERYWHERE ELSE in my application except the Alert popup and in one other instance on a mx:Checkbox control.

I've checked my app and the strings are being returned from the resourceManager correctly but just aren't rendering to the screen. Does anyone have any insight as to what might be causing this behavior?

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Flex :: Get Resource ( Image ) By It's Name?

Jun 16, 2011

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I have an resource ( embed image ) which i need to retrieve by it's name. How to do that ?

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Flex 3 :: Load A Local Resource Synchronously In It?

Jul 16, 2009

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Flex :: Can't Find Compiled Resource Bundles

May 26, 2010

I am using Adobe Flash Builder 4.

I've run into this issue with my latest project, but I was able to re-create it with an almost empty project. Here is what I've done.

Created a new Flex Project Created a locale/en_US folder within this project. Added a class that extends SparkDownloadProgressBar. All this class does is attempt to create a Label.

When I try to debug this application, I get the following error.

Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'.
at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()[E:dev4.0.0frameworksprojectsframeworksrcmx


The Flex Compiler/Additional Compiler Arguments section does contain "-locale en_US", but I do not want to just remove this as I am planning to have this load different property files based on the localization region at run-time and how I understand it, I will need to add each locale that I am planning to use on the compile argument line.

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Flex :: Include Resource Bundles In Modules?

Sep 21, 2010

In the simplest of Flex Projects, create an MXML Flex Module and then load it using the ModuleManager.Create an ActionScript class that extends Module and then configure your project to compile that into a Module.Load this new module instead. The project compiles, but crashes when running with the following error:"Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'containers' for locale 'en_US'."I believe the compiler is failing to compile the required class definitions into ActionScript only module, while it succeeds for the MXML module.I can see that my skeleton MXML module is slightly larger than my ActionScript module (66KB vs. 45KB).

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Actionscript 3 :: Compiling Resource Bundles In Flex

Mar 17, 2011

I want to compile my locale, resource.properties file into a swf.The documentation on Adobe site seems to be insufficient.

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Flex :: Load Multi Resource To ResourceModuleURLs

Oct 17, 2011

I use Flex3.0(SDK 3.2).

I have a question Flex(resourceModuleURLs).

I am making loading of the resource using flashVars properties in the HTML wrapper as follows now.

"src", "ResourceModuleApp",
"flashVars", "resourceModuleURLs=es_ES_ResourceModule.swf&localeChain=es_ES",


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Flex :: Http - Prevent From Caching An External Resource

Jul 1, 2009

I'm writing a flex application that polls an xml file on the server to check for updated data every few seconds, and I'm having trouble preventing it from caching the data and failing to respond to it being updated.

I've attempted to set headers using the IIS control panel to use the following, without any luck:

CacheControl: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache

I've also attempted adding a random HTTP GET parameter to the end of the request URL, but that seems like it's stripped off by the HttpService class before the request is made. Here's the code to implement it:

http.url = "test.xml?time=" + new Date().getMilliseconds();

And here's the debug log that makes me think it failed:

body = (Object)#1
clientId = (null)


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Flex :: Access Https Resource If Swf Is Served From Http?

Jan 24, 2011

My swf is being served via http protocol. I don't really see this being easily changed. There's a resource that a website has opened up via their api that I need to access but it is using https protocol. Because of this my swf can't access the resource because of security settings.

Option 1 would be to serve my swf via https. I can't do this at the moment.

Option 2 would be set secure="false" property of the cross domain policy file. I can't do this, I dont have access.

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Actionscript :: List Keys Of Given Resource Bundle In Flex

Feb 14, 2011

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Actionscript :: Flex Embedded String Resource Encoding

Sep 26, 2011

I embed a text file into my Flex project and read its contents using code like this:[code]The contents of the file is abc. The problem is that the string loaded from the file is not comparable to other strings even though when printed or viewed in the debugger (in FlashDevelop) it seems to be perfectly fine.[code]How do I convert it into a proper string? I tried to use the string methods such as substring to create a copy, but that does not seem to be the solution.

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Flex :: Specify Linked Resource Folder In MXMLC Compiler Arguments?

Oct 13, 2011

I've got external folder with resources (graphics, movies, etc) which is shared between a couple of projects. I'm able to link this resource folder in FlashBuilder (as described in [URL]). After that all the paths to embeds are relative to the project, and that's the behaviour I want.

This linked resource appears in .project file as follows:

Note, that it isn't source folder and it is not included in compilerSourcePath tag. The question is how can I specify resource linked folder in mxmlc command line arguments? -source-path is not working here, relative pathes to embeds can not be resolved.

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Flex :: Error : Could Not Load Definitions From Resource FlexTasks.tasks. It Could Not Be Found

Oct 23, 2009

I'm attempting to compile a Flex application from an ANT script, inside of Eclipse (CFBuilder, based on Eclipse), and I've run into this error:

Could not load definitions from resource flexTasks.tasks. It could not be found.

I haven't been able to find anything that gives directions on where this file (flexTasks.tasks) should be copied to, if it's needed at all. Some places indicate that it should be part of the flexTasks.jar file. I've tried two different things:

Copy the jar file into the ant/plugins/lib folder (and restart my CF Builder instance)Specify the path to the jar in the classpath attribute, as suggested by the comment on this page Neither helps me get past this error.Here's my build script, for reference:

<project name="Tagging" default="compile-tagging" basedir=".">
<!-- setup flex compilation capability -->
<taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" />
<property name="flex.src" value="./src" />


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Flex :: Export Table Data To A MIME Resource(Flex3 Component) From Web Dynpro?

Mar 1, 2010

Is there a way to export Table data to a MIME Resource(Flex3 component) from Web Dynpro?

I have a flex3 component(US heat Map) which accepts a arrayCollection (state and value pairs). I need to create a webdynpro wrapper for this to use in Visual Composer 7.2.

What I am trying to do is migrate the flex components I made for Visual Composer 7.0 (using a VCXL wrapper) to Visual Composer 7.2 using web Dynpro. I have managed to migrate components which require simple input data types like integer or string, but I am stuck at those which require complex structures like an array collection.

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Flex :: Flash Channel.Security / Error Unable To Access Remote Resource

Jul 31, 2010

I tried to deploy my otherwise working flex app on a web server (tomcat 6).It threw a Channel.Security.Error.After some research, I became aware that flash movie loaded from flash_movie_domain will not be able to load resource from any other domain.Some suggested adding a crossdomain.xml.However, the crossdomain.xml route doesn't quite make sense.In this case, I am loading resources from a third party web site.My understanding is that I need this third party website to include a crossdomain.xml on their root directory in order for app to function.The third party web service is provided as is. I will not be able to change what's given. Since the third party is providing public access, it already explicitly give permission to the general public. Adding a crossdomain.xml to their root seems to be a redundant act?

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Professional :: Why Flash Plugin Only Support .swf Not Support .flv

Nov 18, 2010

i don't understand flash plugin only support .swf file,not support .flv file? always require load a swf file for play flv file, for exampes:

<embed type="video/x-flv" src="http://www.my.com/test.flv"></embed>
must be use a swf for play

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.my.com/player.swf" flashvars=""></embed>

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Localization For Online-offline?

Jun 10, 2010

i am very new to actionscript,and i am trying to change language of text of label for online-offline button.actually for other label text i am able to change the language but for online and offline button it is getting difficult because it is depending upon network available.Also for the label for online-offline,we can't give separate property for online and offline.Only either online or only offline we can give.

Can you please find any solution for this?

My email id is subhajit.goswami@izmocars.com.........

Please post in this or you can contact me in this email id also.

Below i am giving the code i have written for online-offline.But that one is working only for online,not off line

<mx:Label text="{resourceManager.getString(GlobalConstants.R EADER_BUNDLE, 'online')}" styleName="tahomaPlain" fontSize="10"/>

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Flex :: Compression Support In AS3 / AIR?

Sep 26, 2010

Is there a way to open RAR / zip / 7z in AS3? Is it easy to use compression library in C with Alchemy?

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Flex :: Does 3 Support Threading

Apr 12, 2011

Does Flex 3 support threading? If so, are there any examples or links I could look at?

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Professional :: Flash Localization Compile Error?

Jul 21, 2010

I have a problem and I don't know where to start debugging it.I have some buttons with rollovers and I'm using strings to try and automate localization.All the buttons have two frame with the same text in each frame, but with a different color applied. I use the same ID for each frame as the translations will be the same.When I compile the movie I get this error

butIntroHow, Line 151086: Syntax error: expecting semicolon before rightparen.

from the button. I haven't any action script attached to the button, so I presume at compile time some code is added to deal with localization.

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Java :: Does Flex Not Support Hashmaps

Sep 28, 2009

I have a Flex object which collects a DTO from the server. All the fields arrive filled in correctly except for the one that is a HashMap. It arrives as null.I've tried giving it a type of both ArrayCollection and Dictionary, but that hasn't fixed it.Does anyone know if there's an inherent incomaptability between Java HashMap and Flex?If not, what might I be doing wrong here? I'm looking at my jboss console and I see the data being populated correctly in the server side before delivery to the client.

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Flex :: Adjust NumToChar To Support Any Key (AS3)?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a flash conversion function that I call like this:[code]...

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