Flex :: Use A Base For A Custom MXML Component?

Aug 26, 2011

I'm using several custom MXML components in my Flex 4.5 application.They all use absolute coordinates to place Image, Label, Line, etc. components and are currently based on a spark.components.BorderContainer:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" [code]....

Then I've realized, that I probably don't have to use BorderContainer, because I don't draw/need any borders around my custom components.But I don't know, what to take instead of it.I've tried taking <mx:UIComponent> (and removing <s:Layout> tag above), but then I get the error:

'Image' declaration must be contained within the <Declarations> tag since it does not implement 'mx.core.IUIComponent'.

'Label' declaration must be contained within the <Declarations> tag since it does not implement 'mx.core.IUIComponent'.

Is there some simplest possible spark "container"? And do I need a "container" at all if I use (and want to use) absolute coordinates?

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When using the component in an MXML document, I would like to have the "(HEADING TEXT)" replaced with a parameter (should be easy) as well as the "(INSTANCE MXML)" with several labels, text inputs, check boxes, etc. (maybe harder). I have found this script-based method, but I would like a cleaner compile-time solution if one exists.

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<mx:String id="result" />
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" [code]...........

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Aug 12, 2009

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:BorderContainer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4 Disptaching Custom Event From Custom Component (why Flex Converting Custom Event To Mouseevent)?

Mar 2, 2012

This is NOT duplicate of my earlier post (its is slightly different)But this is similar issue with similar error but its not the same error The error I am getting now is below while dispatching the custom event from my custom component

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert events::MapEvent@a74ab51 to flash.events.MouseEvent.
dispatchEvent(new MapEvent(MapEvent.CLICKED_ON_MAP));

Note: The error in my earlier post is giving below error message

Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::Event@81ecb79 to com.events.ShopEvent

The difference here are two things, the earlier error is while converting flash event to custom event and now this one is while converting custom event to flash event and secondly, I have no clue why it is trying to convert to the mouseevent where I am just dispatching my custom event with proper listeners.

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package events
import flash.events.Event;
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But I'd like to be able to catch when the children are added so that I can control stuff like when & where they're added. I tried overriding addChild(), addChildAt(), addElement(), addElementAt(), (extending the Group class) but they only fire when you add elements specifically with those functions - the application launches and the label, button, etc, end up in MyContainer without calling these functions. How do I control the addition of sub-components via MXML?

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In the main file, I would write[code]...

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<mx:DataGrid id="taskDataGrid" dataProvider="{initDG}" variableRowHeight="true"
editable="true" width="100%" paddingBottom="1" paddingTop="1" height="55" >


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Dec 21, 2009

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Apr 6, 2010

I am confused with how component life cycle goes when component build in MXML. and if MXML calls methods automatically then how to call any method in life cycle explicitly.

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Oct 22, 2010

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I need to call RegionExperienceDetailPopUp.generateData(passIntArray);

What is the syntax to do this?

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Flex :: Modules Over MXML Component Architecture?

Dec 2, 2010

I am actually in the process of Architectural of our project. We have choosen Mate framework. The project is not so quite complex, but what advantages i would get over MXML when i choose Modules.

Main App - > Views - > Events - > Maps - > Services [PHP or Java]

When i come up with Modules based Architecture, it seems to be good but i doubt it should not end up with tight coupling and unwanted issues which may break the head later to solve.

Main APP - > Modules - > Module Interface -> Events - > Maps - > Services
[PHP or Java]

What advantages i do get if i choose Modules over MXML Component? What is the prefered and the best way to Architect an FlexApplication? Since the Application is going to communicate with Backend, do we need to make the frontend more complex?

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Flex :: Opening A New Tab And Adding An Mxml Component To It?

Feb 12, 2011

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Home / Tasks / Admin etc...

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context.getObject(id of component) as DisplayObject and adding it to the tabNavigator...

But i am getting exception when i try to grab an instance of a view using parsley context. How do i get an instance of a view or component that is configure through parsley using the parslye context.Also the problem is occuring becuase of the view injection..because i get a parsley excepiton on startup of the application stating that there is some problem in the context.

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