ActionScript 3 :: Custom MXML Container In Flex 4

Jul 22, 2010

I want to make a custom container, usable in MXML like:

But I'd like to be able to catch when the children are added so that I can control stuff like when & where they're added. I tried overriding addChild(), addChildAt(), addElement(), addElementAt(), (extending the Group class) but they only fire when you add elements specifically with those functions - the application launches and the label, button, etc, end up in MyContainer without calling these functions. How do I control the addition of sub-components via MXML?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx=""


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:BorderContainer xmlns:fx=""


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Feb 11, 2010

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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Flex :: Adding Children Declared In Mxml To A Lower Level Container?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a custom component extending Group and containing a viewstack child. The component is coded in actionscript.

When instantiating the component in mxml like so:

<components:CustomGroup width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:HBox backgroundColor="0xDDFF11" width="100%" height="100%" />
<mx:HBox backgroundColor="0x22DD63" width="100%" height="100%"/>

...I would like to override whatever function that adds the children to the parent Group and add them to the child viewstack instead but I can't seem to find where the adding occurs. Breakpoints in addChild and addElement shows that they are not called during the add.

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Flex :: Use A Base For A Custom MXML Component?

Aug 26, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:fx="" [code]....

Then I've realized, that I probably don't have to use BorderContainer, because I don't draw/need any borders around my custom components.But I don't know, what to take instead of it.I've tried taking <mx:UIComponent> (and removing <s:Layout> tag above), but then I get the error:

'Image' declaration must be contained within the <Declarations> tag since it does not implement 'mx.core.IUIComponent'.

'Label' declaration must be contained within the <Declarations> tag since it does not implement 'mx.core.IUIComponent'.

Is there some simplest possible spark "container"? And do I need a "container" at all if I use (and want to use) absolute coordinates?

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When using the component in an MXML document, I would like to have the "(HEADING TEXT)" replaced with a parameter (should be easy) as well as the "(INSTANCE MXML)" with several labels, text inputs, check boxes, etc. (maybe harder). I have found this script-based method, but I would like a cleaner compile-time solution if one exists.

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Dec 9, 2009

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I would like to use this component to assign objects like this:


Unfortunately, this does not work. I get a compiler error saying: In initializer for 'left': multiple initializer values for target type mx.containers.Canvas.

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Oct 5, 2010

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My Event:In the events subdirectory, I've got:


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<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" width="250" height="30">
<mx:String id="result" />
<mx:Label x="5" y="7" id="titleLabel" text="{label}" width="120"/>
<mx:Label x="125" y="7" id="resultLabel" text="{result}" width="120" textAlign="right" color="#A41D00"/>

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Aug 21, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:fx="" [code]...........

and it would work well, but here in Flex 4.5 I don't know how to do this.Also I've noticed that there is a dropShadowVisible="true" attribute, but not sure if/how it can be used for my purposes.And I'm not sure if scaling up/down a custom component is allowed in flex or I probably should use "Flex Effects" (but how?) and also set disableLayout="true"?

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Apr 16, 2010

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It seems to be related to the fact that my composite component has a child and I'm trying to add one in the place I'm using the component. So how can I do this correctly? omponent code looks like this (EditableCanvas.mxml):


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Oct 21, 2010

With MXML components, I've seen a pattern used where you have an AS3 class, then the MXML subclasses it, to have a separation between view/code (anonymized from real code):

package com.john
public class MyComponent extends Canvas


At least I think the MXML component is subclassing the AS3 class?Anyway is it possible/advised to do this with my main MXML application file, so I can put manager instances and things in the AS3 MyApp class, which is subclassed by Main.MXML?

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Jul 28, 2009

In AIR application i have link button like winner statistics . if i like this button then show winner statistics (canves) reports full page on my application . I Already created winner statistics using canves component .Which container is mostly used for view data ?
Please refer me ? i tried viewstack but it will overwrite Main page ?

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Mar 31, 2010

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Css :: Add Custom Style Property To MXML Custom Component?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a Custom Component that has a couple of Canvas with some background colors assigned to them. Now i have hard coded the colors, i want to move them to an external css file. So i would like to have the css declaration like this :


My question is if i can define custom style names like dividerRightColor and if so, how can i use that value inside my MXML Component? I have seen examples of using them inside Pure AS components.

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Flash :: Flex :: AS3 Vs MXML - Compilation Speed Difference And How Does The Mxml Compiler Work

Sep 24, 2009

Does MXML get compiled down to as3 and then converted to flash bytecode? Also, is there a significant performance penalty to compiling mxml vs compiling as3?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex When Mxml Described Component Initialise It's Mxml Described Properties

May 28, 2011

I am trying to override a Button class, i have a few properties which i wish directly initialise with the mxml description of the component, like :[code]which function is triggered ( in order to override it ) when all properties with mxml description is fully initialised with their values ?

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Flex :: Calling Another Mxml Function In Other Mxml File?

Sep 27, 2011

i have defined some functions in a component mxml file let us say addbutton() now i want to call this function in main mxml file.

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Flex :: Retrieve Value On Main.mxml From Other .mxml?

Apr 23, 2010

private var _dp:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([


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Flex :: Prevent Container In ItemRenderer From Exceeding Width Of List Container?

Jul 2, 2011

In a Flex Mobile project I have a simple itemRenderer where I'm trying to create an "bubble" texting effect, similar to ichat or iphone (just so you get what im going for). But if the text is longer than the screen it runs off, rather than just going down a line.

If I set Group thats holding the rectangle(to create the bubble effect) and the label to 100% it works and keeps it from exceeding the list containers bounds, BUT the group is always at 100% and looks bad, I'm trying to keep the "bubble" JUST AROUND the text.

Anyway so, at the top of my itemRenderer I tried specifying:

<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:s="library://" width="100%" height="100%">

And here's my layout I figured since msg_container has a width of 100% I was hoping bubble_lable_group would just not exceed that just runs off. I tried setting a max width but that does not allow you to input percents. And just to say it 1 more time. I know if i set bubble_lable_group width to 100% it works, and keeps it from going off the edge, but then the rectangle "bubble" stretches all the way across and just looks bad.

<s:VGroup id="main_container" horizontalAlign="left" paddingBottom="10" paddingTop="10"
verticalAlign="top" width="100%">


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Flex - Define A MXML Component And Update MXML Component In Flex Application

Aug 12, 2009

A Flex components values are initlized by init methord. In an application flow, How to refresh a mxml component data value ; as init is callled at the start up it self only.

eg. of mxml componet may be as simple as button label or text as complex as repeater whose data provider is a web service ( means a fresh quesy should be made to pull the data and refresh the dataprovider of repeater )

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Apr 27, 2011

I'm writing a Flex application using Flash Builder 4 and I'm having a bit of trouble with an AS3 object.Essentially, it is a BorderContainer, with a few buttons and images, and programming logic that determines how these interact with eachother and a database.

What I want to be able to do is configure the layout/style of the inner components using MXML and CSS. I can configure the inherited objects, but not ones that I have defined.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Class Setting Properties Through MXML

Mar 10, 2009

I have just created a custom AS3 Component to use in an MXML project.[code]but then i lose some re usability.What do i need to do to be able to set properties from mxml?

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