Java :: BlazeDS Not Mapping AS Objects Correctly?

Mar 25, 2011

I have 2 java classes that are the same (imagine the getters and setters):

class ScheduledEvent {
private String eventName;
private List<eventValues> values; [code]....

Now there is a reason why there are two classes that are the same.When something is "scheduled", I should get the ScheduleEvent object and when an event is started, I should get the StartEvent object.And depending on the object I get back, I do different things.My problem is that, on the backend, it will send me the ScheduleEvent object, but once it got to the flex side (via BlazeDS), it becomes a StartEvent....

At first, I thought it's because these two events have exactly the same variables, so I tried changing ScheduledEvent by adding a dummy variable (String foobar) but that didn't seem to make a difference.

EDIT: I'm using BlazeDS messaging system.That's why I am not using "one java method call to one responder" approach. So, in the message.body, I should be getting ScheduledEvent but I keep receiving StartEvent. I'm wondering if it's because the two objects have the same property and BlazeDS doesn't know how to map them correctly... I even put a break point in the java service layer, to make sure that the appropriate object is being sent back and it is... But by the time BlazeDS serializes and deserializes it to the flex side, it is now a StartEvent.

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AS3.0 :: Java - Flex - ArrayList Of Custom Java Objects Over BlazeDS

Dec 7, 2010

Right away i just try to explain my problem: Using BlazeDS i got the following Javaclasses:


Then i got a Flex service class calling BlazeDS and executing the getCategories java method. Since Flash dosn't seem to understand typed arrays, the result from that method which i get back in flex is a simple array of untyped objects (the mapping dosn't seem to work here, even tought the class category exists in flex and has the same properties).
thats the first thing. but however, i'm converting the untyped objects manually into objects of the class. the second thing is that categories have child-categories within the java object, which are also ArrayLists of the type the problem about that: my result event object only contains the first level of categories, looking into them the children are allways null. i dunno why they are empty, since they ARE part of the java object category.

and the third thing (the strangest by fast), you maybe noticed i named the properties of the class strange, like idCat and nameTest instead of simply id and name. why that? because the property names of my flex result objects dont seem to change when i change the java objects properties names (result object properties are named "id" and "name" but the java class object properties are named "idCAT" and "nameTEST"). that it REALLY strange, since if i set the properties, like you see at nameTEST = "TESTNAME" it IS recogniced by flex, only the proertyNAMES dont seem to be recognized at all.


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error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); //error reporting, not needed
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require_once "process.php"; //our test class


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If i try to execute the Feedback.mxml then i am getting "Sorry your feedback is not entered" as output.I dont know where the problem is.I think flex is connected successfully but problem is in java code.

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{ type: "person",
id: 42,
name: "David" }

And I want to turn them into instances of a Person class:

class Person {

(also to be considered: how about some standard way of dealing with relationships between objects? For example, if the Person had an additional "spouse" field:

{ type: "person", spouse: 61, ... } // Where 61 is the ID of the spouse

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Java :: Changing Subtopics In BlazeDS And Flex?

Aug 14, 2009

I using messaging in Flex-BlazeDS. When the AIR client starts it connects to a destination and a specific subtopic. During runtime, the user can use a combo box to subscribe to different sets of live data coming in, this combo box change event changes the subtopic by:

messagingConsumer.subtopic = subtopicComboBox.selectedLabel;
messagingProducer.subtopic = subtopicComboBox.selectedLabel;

A message is then sent to the server with the new subtopic name as well so the server knows to send to a new subtopic. This whole mechanism seems very glitchy and I'm wondering if anyone else has tried this and succeeded? Most times it works the first time and the after that either the messages dont get sent or I get server errors like:

[BlazeDS]Endpoint with id 'my-streaming-amf' cannot service the streaming request as either the supplied FlexClient id 'B07F3285-A408-816E-4697-F13F9B17E32C is not valid, or the FlexClient with that id is not valid.

Also sometimes when I change subtopics it will cause the FlexSession and FlexClient to be destroyed instead of just the MessageClient. Once that FlexSession gets destroyed it messes up all kinds of things including logging out the user.

Perhaps I'm over complicating things by changing subtopics to listen to different sets of live data, if anyone has any other ideas on how to accomplish dynamic changing of destinations or subtopics please list those as well.

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Java :: Flex - Date Not Serializing Using BlazeDS

Sep 30, 2009

When I pass a Actionscript Value Object that contains a Date variable using BlazeDS it is not getting transferring as a java.util.Date object correctly. When the setBaseDatefunction gets called on the Java side the baseDate value is NULL. The weird thing is if I rename the variable on the Java side to private Date date; and create a public void setDate( Date date) function it works. The problem is I need to pass 2 different dates so I can't uses this work around.

Here are my 2 classes:
package com.shua.flex.valueobjects {
public class myVO {
public var label:String;
public var endDate:Date;
[Code] .....

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What is the configuration and code required to use mysql within a BlazeDS turnkey

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Feb 24, 2010

What's the best way to secure a Flex-BlazeDS application? I've googled it an several solutions came up.UPDATE after question from jsight:Flex would login, so on the RemoteObject I'll set Credentials I don't know if there comes authentication and authorization with BlazeDS (WebORB for instance does and WebORB looked at BlazeDS for their product) SSL not needed 've seen some links on the internet talking about spring security, so I'll check that out.

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Mar 23, 2010

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Aug 29, 2010

We have a Flex-BlazeDS-Spring-JMS application. The issue is sometimes we get a Blazeds error: NoSuchMethodException. It is not able to find the Java service. The weird issue with this it does not happen all the item...1 time it goes through and returns the result, the 2nd time it fails, 3rd time fails and so on. Also not all methods fail, only 2 method calls fail.


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Custom Marshalling From Java To Flex Via BlazeDS?

Oct 29, 2010

My team are putting together a proof-of-concept Flex application sitting on top of a Spring-based server using BlazeDS.We do quite a lot of date calculations, so we use Joda Time extensively throughout the code and in our domain model.We're now trying to figure out how we can continue to use Joda Time in our DTOs that are sent back-and-forth with the Flex frontend via BlazeDS.

Our goal is to use the Actionscript 3 data type Date on the Flex side and have that map to our use of Joda time's DateTime, LocalDate and LocalTime types on the Java side.We can solve the problem of converting Actionscript 3's Date type when calling Java with a custom type marshaller plugged into BlazeDS, but this appears to only be invoked for the Flex->Java/BlazeDS direction and not for the Java/BlazeDS->Flex direction.

I'm now looking at custom PropertyProxy implementations for BlazeDS, but this doesn't look like the right thing either.The other idea was to implement Externalizable on our Java DTOs, but this seems like too much work, especially when I look at the BlazeDS rival GraniteDS and that shows plugging in Joda Time support in their documentation with a simple type converter!

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Java :: Create A Dynamic Destination With BlazeDS?

Dec 19, 2010

how to structure the comms of a blazeds/flex game. What I'm trying to achieve is to have x no. of games occuring on the server each of which will contain 2 to 6 players. i think this will involve segmenting a feed, by creating a subtopic. eg game A gets filled with Player A + Player B, a dynamic destination gets created on the server side, and the new destination id gets returned to the clients. Not sure if I have that correct - to give some further background - the main server side code for a 2 player setup is here

Connecting multiple flex clients to a single java class

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Java :: Make BlazeDS Ignore Properties?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a java class which has one field with getter and setter, and a second pair of getter and setter that access this field in another way:

public class NullAbleId {
private static final int NULL_ID = -1;
private int internalId;


(the reason for this construction is that I want to build a way to hande Nullable Intergers)

On the Flash/Flex client side, I have a Class with two properties: id and internalId (the id properties are only for testing, at the end they should return the internalId value)

BlazeDS seams to transfer both values: id and internalId, because both have a complete getter setter pair. I want Blaze not to transfer id, only internalId should be transferred.

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Flash :: BlazeDS Marshalls Java Float To Int?

Jun 20, 2011

I'm using BlazeDS to marshall Java objects to Flex. What I'm seeing is that if a Java Float holds a integer value (whole number, such as 123), then it gets marshalled to a ActionScript int. I would expect that a Java Float always gets marshalled to an ActionScript Number as documented in the BlazeDS Developer Guide.

Is there a way to configure this or is this just a BlazeDS bug? Follow-up: The float is contained within a map. The Java map that is being passed to BlazeDS looks something like:


So it's serializing the value correctly, just as the wrong type.

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Java :: Passing Property Object Using BlazeDS?

Aug 3, 2011

I am building flex application and using blazeDS to pass objects between java and actionscript. I have the following java classes (Property that extends BaseProperty) and their actionscript representation. When I pass the java Property object to the actionscript using blazeDS and trying to cast it as action scipt BaseProperty object I get null. Why? It's important to mention that if I cast it as Property everything is fine.

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Java :: Flex - BlazeDS Not Handling Inner Class DTO?

Aug 19, 2011

I've noticed BlazeDS has certain things it does not support and it is often difficult to find this out. Ex: polymorphism is not.One must create methods with different names as methods with the same name with different parameters create a conflict.I'm trying to find out if BlazeDS does not support Java static and non-static inner classes.

public class UserDTO {
private String name;
private AddressDTO adddress;
private PhoneDTO phone;


The example code above will compile and the getUser method will work. A call to the updateUser or updatePhone methods on the other hand results in a BlazeDS error. Is there a special way to use inner classes in Flex or are inner classes not supported?

Here is an example of the error messages produced:

[BlazeDS]Cannot create class of type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO'.
flex.messaging.MessageException: Cannot create class of type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO'. Type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO' not found.

Example Flex code:

var thisPhone:PhoneDTO = new PhoneDTO();
thisPhone.phoneNumber = "8885551212";
updateTagsResult.token = userService.updatePhone(thisPhone);

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