Java :: Flex Socket - Can't Receive The Command From Server
Aug 20, 2010
I am writing a online game with flex and java server and I have a big problem. In normal case, my game run smoothly but some time the clients can't receive the command from server. I found that if server send message too fast or client is doing something when server send message, the game client can't detect for a new message so my game is freeze. I only tested with 4 clients and I don't know what happen when thousands clients online in the same time. So terrible :(. In the game client, I use one EventDispatcher class to dispatch any command from the server. Do you have any solution to warranty that client must receive any message from server when the connection is still alive or server must know if client received the message or not. I use flex 3 with Socket (binary) and Java QuickServer.
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socket = new ServerSocket(port);
client = socket.accept();
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[Code] .....
After that - EOFException happens on the server and that's it. So the question is, am I approaching whole streaming data issue wrong when it comes to Flex? Am I sending the policy file wrong? Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a good solid example of how to do it. It seems to me that Flex can do binary Client-Server application, but I personally lack some basic knowledge when doing it. I'm using Flex 3.5 in IntelliJ IDEA IDE.
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i startup my apache tomcat 6.0 and in ROOT folder i have:
policyFile.xml and crossdomain.xml
(i had a doubt about what is the correct filename so i created both)both files contains:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
<allow-access-from domain="*" />
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xmlsock = new XMLSocket();
// add all listeners
// also tried "xmlsocket://alucardeck.m....
i also notice when i start my Java Server application with 2 sockets listening ports: 843 and 19809, i notice Flex first try to connect to 843 and then 19809, and in both sockets i reply with that String from before.
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Jun 29, 2011
I'm creating a client-server game. My client is a flex based game, and my server is erlang server. At the beginning, when I test directly my flex client in flash player, I can establish a connection easily to my erlang server through socket connection. And both can exchange data with no problem. The problem rise when I deploy my flex app at Apache http server, and running it using a browser by calling [URL] my flex socket sends message requesting for a crossdomain policy to my erlang server. So I create an xml message that represent a crossdomain policy, and send it back to my flex app as a response for that request.
Yet still I can't establish any permanent socket connection between my flex client and my erlang server. I know this because I add listener on my flex socket that will modify its internal state to CONNECTED, if a connection between client-server has established.
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