Javascript :: Call MouseEvent Function?
Jan 9, 2010Is there any way to call MouseEvent function in as3 from JavaScript?I have HTML button and swf object, I need to sent a POST request from swf by clicking on HTML button.
View 1 RepliesIs there any way to call MouseEvent function in as3 from JavaScript?I have HTML button and swf object, I need to sent a POST request from swf by clicking on HTML button.
View 1 RepliesI'm trying to use ExternalInterface.Call to call a JavaScript function to launch a lightbox window. So far I have this:
AS3:"launchLB", "" + aUrl + "");
function launchLB(url) {
I get the alert but I can't get the lightbox window to display. When my as code makes the ExternalInterface call I get what looks like a page refresh and a blank browser window.
I have a function defined in JavaScript like so:
function fadeBack() {
alert("fadeBack called");
I call that function from my Flash file like so:
import flash.external.*;"fadeBack");
This works in both Safari and Chrome, but for some reason Firefox won't ever call the function. Still, I can't figure this out. How can I fix it?
I'd like to call a javascript function from an embedded .swf file. Specifically, I'd like to call a function in one of my externally linked javascript files from within: function loadTrack(){
which is in an .as file which I assume somehow becomes the swf file. How would I go about this and 're-compile' the .as file?
I have several stage event handlers to enable mouseovers over several dynamically generated moviecilps on the stage that then change their alpha to indicate the mouse is over that particular mc... fairly trivial (mcOver handler). Additionally, I also want to know what MC is clicked, so I update a public variable (public var activemc:Number) with the ID of the dynamic movieclip when the mouse is over it (using a hitTest to check, which is why the EventListener is added to stage and not to the MC), which is checked in the mcClicked handler:This is in the constructor:
//stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDrawing);
//stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDrawing);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mcOver);[code]....
However, the mouseover behaviour (alpha 0 when over, alpha 1 when out) stops working as soon as I click on any movieclip on the stage, and the mcClicked ID checking (below) stops working completely. I don't know if this is to do with focus:
private function mcClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
myTextField.text = String(activemc); // activemc is a public var:Number with the movieclip //ID
I then tried adding the event handler for the stage mouse_move again and this gets the mouseover working again but only for 1 more click, after which it stops again:
private function mcClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
myTextField.text = String(activemc); // activemc is a public var:Number with the movieclip //ID
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mcOver);
I'm using this code to call a actionscript 3 function through javascript
and I want to call the acrionscript 3 function from a javascript function, but not on a button action.
actionscript code:
//call to javascript"sendToJavaScript");
//call from javascript
I want to display a Flash video in a popup window, and when the video has finished playing, close the window using a javascript function "closeIt":
function closeIt() {
alert("About to close...");
How can I achieve this? I have imported a video into Flash (choosing "load external video with playback component"). This is in frame1. I thought that in the second frame I could make a call to"closeIt") in the Actions window. I have tried this, but when I publish and view the flash movie in a web brower, I never see the javascript alert.
I have an ActionScript program that I want to access some external JavaScript functions. By external, I mean that the ActionScript/swf aren't going to be loaded via the HTML/JavaScript. Everything I see recommends ExternalInterface, but that seems to imply that your JS loads your swf. Is there a way to call a JavaScript function by URL?
View 2 Repliesthis is my actionscript function code:
function sayWhat(){
var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
mySound.load(new URLRequest("test.mp3"));;
txt.text = "loaded!";
and i want to load the function when the user click on the link "LOAD"
how to put some kind of onClick listener on a movie clip within an swf. When it is clicked, it calls a JavaScript function within the html document. I am creating an image galery, I just want to creat the thumb viewer in flash and have everything else working through javascript and html.
View 1 RepliesI need to call the PopModal function within actionscript. Just wondering how I would do that? [code]
View 1 RepliesIt took me a while, but I was finally able to get my flash file to call a javascript function on my webpage. I had to add this as2"*");This fixed my problem, but it causes a compiler error:Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 1', Frame 1, Line1119: Access of possibly undefined property security through a reference with static type Class.How do I do allow my domain with as3? I tried Security.allowDomain('*') but that doesn't seem to fix my orginal problem.
View 2 RepliesI have a test where I have to check that when a particular item is selected on a web page, the item is loaded into a flash object on the same page. This being done via Javascript. I have to check whether the parameters being passed to flash by Javascript are correct(i.e. the right item is being passed to flash). The only way I can imagine as of now is to intercept these javascript functions and somehow read their parameters.
View 1 RepliesI can't call a javascript function from flash, when the flash object is added within an OOP structure in javascript. In short the code:
In flash:
if (ExternalInterface.available) {"flashMessages", "ready");
Flash gets loaded, but the call to the javascript function isn't received.
I'm trying to call a function in an action script using the ExternalInterface.addCallback API, but I can't seem to get it to work. Here's what I have:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;[code]....
The Error I'm getting is: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLObjectElement> has no method 'getStringJS'
I also tried adding in a timeout in case the swf file wasn't loading, but I didn't have any success with that method either.
How to call a javascript function in the press event ? in as3.0 there is mouseevent but in as1.0 ,
I have trying to call javascript function through ExternalInterface. But flash player recomonding to have internet connectivity. i have allredy used allowscript="always" .
View 3 Repliesusing ExternalInterface to call JavaSript function on other html site. (because most of the examples show only how to use it within the same domain).
View 1 RepliesI'm making numerous ExternalInterface calls to JavaScript methods and have a helper function for doing so:
However this means the JavaScript method will only be passed one argument - the array of arguments - meaning I have to change the JavaScript to accomodate this, e.g. instead of:
I am trying to call a Jscript function from a flash object. I want the function to be called when the animation ends.
Here is the embed code
<h1 align="center">
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="360" HEIGHT="250" id="Yourfilename" ALIGN="center">
here is the action code I add to the last frame of the flash object
The object loads but the function is not called. I can call the function other ways such as using an "onclick = mainFunction()" event on a button for example.
I have some actionscript that plays a movie clip. When the movie clip is over I want Javascript to remove the Flash object from the page. I can't seem to get it working. When I test the actionscript in Flash I don't get any compilation errors, and my Traces all execute when I expect. I also don't get any javascript errors thought the RemoveFlash() function never gets called.
I'm trying to build an API in JS that will perform some operations and then execute the callback that's registered in AS when it's done. Because it's an API, I am just providing a JS method signature for another developer to call in Flash. Thus, the callback name that's registered in the AS part of the code should be a parameter that's passed in to the JS API in order for JS to communicate back to Flash.
For example:
[AS3 code]
ExternalInterface.addCallback("flashCallbackName", processRequest);"namespace.jsFnToCall", flashCallbackName);
function processRequest(data:String):void {
//do stuff
[Code] .....
Because the definition of the function is in AS, I can't use the window [function name] approach. The only way I can think of is to build the callback in a string and then use the eval() to execute it.
I have a slider that is working perfectly, only thing I am trying to now call a javascript function when I click on the thumbnail. I cant seem to get the array to work with the xml file...
How can I call a flash function from a javascript action?
Like : onClick="ChgType(Type1)"
function ChgType(args){
How to call a JavaScript function written in a .js file from action script in MX.
View 1 RepliesI have a sprite,like follows:
var _sprite:Sprite=new Sprite();..._sprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onClick);addChild(_sprite);private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void{ //how to make mouse shape into handCursor here and
I want to be able to call a JavaScript function from a Flex app using ExternalInterface and pass a reference to a different JavaScript function as an argument.
I'm using the following script on my website to play an mp3 in flash.To instantiate the flash object I use the swfobject framework in a javascript function. When the function is called the player is created and added to the page.
The rest of the website is in php and the page calling this script is being included with the php include function. All the other used scripts are in the php 'master'-page
I have a play-button with the id '#play1' and a stop-button with the id '#stop1' on my page. A div on the same page has the id '#status1' and a little image of a speaker is in the div.When you push the playbutton, the div with the speaker is fading in and when you push the stopbutton, the div with the speaker is fading out, very simple. And it works as I want it to do.
But the problem is, when a song is finished, the speaker doesn't fade out. Is there a simple solution for this? I already tried using the swfobject framework to get the flash player from the page and call the 'IsPlaying' on it, but I'm getting the error that 'swfobject' can't be found. All I need is a little push in the right direction or an example showing me how I can correctly get the currently playing audio player (in flash), check if it's playing and if finished, call a javascript function to led the speaker-image fade-out again.
I'm loading from my main page an external js file, with a function.
I have a flash file in the main page invoking the javascript function.
Everything worked very well until when the javascript code was in the main file, but when I moved javascript to an external file the function seems not called anymore.
So... there is no way to move the javascript code to an external file ? Or any other solution ?
I click on a button (or any object where I can write Action Script) and It should call a javascript function which I wrote in my functions.js
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