Javascript :: Error Accessing Class Variables Within An ExternalInterface Callback

Aug 28, 2011

Here's my actionscript (compiled with mxmlc, embedded into html, and the functions are called with js):


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Javascript :: ExternalInterface Callback Not Working

Oct 26, 2011

I'm trying to call a function in my ActionScript from my JavaScript, I've managed to successfully do this with another flash file but in the current one it's failing for some reason. I'm using jQuery SWFEmbed, this is my JS code:[code]The work, and the trace outputs true, I have no idea what's going on.If you could also tell me how I can pass parameters to a ExternalInterface callback.

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Javascript :: Flex ExternalInterface Callback?

Dec 5, 2011


public function callFromJavaScript():String
return "1";
public function init():void {


I have no clue wich one are crossbrowser compatible (cant install IE to test out)I have tried multiple but i cant get them to work(in any browser), im probably using the wrong id, ive been trial & erroring for a couple of hours but i don't have anything working.(i heard there was a problem with ExternalInterface.addCallback on a local file system?, should i upload the swf? < is the flex code right& problem = javascript/html side?)

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Javascript :: Flex - Flash Callback Method Produces Error UNLESS Alert() First?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a flex app and I am adding a callback method like this:

private function init():void
ExternalInterface.addCallback( "playVideo", playVideo );


However if I uncomment and run the alert first. I get no error and it works perfectly.My first thought was that the alert was buying time until the script could execute, so i tried to run the script inside a setTimeout() but did not work.

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Javascript :: Returning A Byte String To Throws An Error?

Jan 21, 2010

I am working on my open source project Downloadify, and up until now it simply handles returning Strings in response to commands.

I am trying to put together a test case using JSZip and Downloadify together, the end result being that a Zip file is created dynamically in the browser, then saved to the disk using However, this is my problem:

The JSZip library can return either a base64 encoded string of the Zip, or the raw byte string. The problem is, if I return that byte string in response to the command, I get this error:

Error #1085: The element type "string" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</string>"

ActionScript 3:

var theData:* ='Downloadify.getTextForSave',queue_name);

Where queue_name is just a string used to identify the correct instance in JS.


var zip = new JSZip();
zip.add("test.txt", "Hello world!
var content = zip.generate(true);
return content;

If I instead return a normal string instead of the byte string, the call works correctly.I would like to avoid using base64 as I would have to include a base64 decoder in my swf which will increase its size.

Finally: I am not looking for a AS3 Zip generator. It is imperative to my project to have that part run in JavaScript

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Javascript :: Run In Flex Mobile Project - Error #2067: The ExternalInterface Is Not Available In This Container

Dec 21, 2011

From what Ive seen, most of the examples of using Javascript in Flex are designed for for the full desktop version (or for the browser) and not Flex mobile. For example using ExternalInterface in a Flex mobile project gives the error: Error: Error #2067: The ExternalInterface is not available in this container. ExternalInterface requires Internet Explorer ActiveX, Firefox, Mozilla 1.7.5 and greater, or other browsers that support NPRuntime. Is it possible to call Javascript (such as the Google Maps Javascript API) in a Flex mobile project?

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ActionScript :: ExternalInterface - Cannot Access MovieClips From Callback

Dec 4, 2010

Basically, I have some functions in my as file. Some of them play with a mc instance. The instance is not available when calling the function that uses it as callback.

function B(){'console.log','ok')//OK!!!
} //italy is a MovieClip on the Main timeline
function A(){ B();'console.log',italy)//Error!
} ExternalInterface.addCallback('test',A);

$('flash').test();//flash is my html swf object

The error I get trying to reference italy from A (only) whem called from javascript:
Uncaught exception: Error in Actionscript.
Basically, the italy movieclip is available through the AS functions. But it isn't available if I call an AS function from javascript. As you can see though, I see B from A. It's only Italy that I can't see. why?

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Actionscript 3 :: Accessing Variables In Another Class?

Jul 25, 2010

First off I don't understand classes, how to "call" or "initiate" them. I'm class ignorant.

I have two .fla files. One of my .fla files consist of 15+ .as files; we'll call this one XML editor. The other .fla file consists of 10+ .as files; we'll call it the interface.

The xmleditor.swf loads the interface.swf. Within the xmleditor.swf, a login screen appears and the enduser logs in as either a "user" or an "admin". The "user" or "admin" is stored in a public variable called "userType". The userType variable is created in one of the many xmleditor.fla .as files called

Once logged in, xmleditor loads the interface.swf. interface.fla uses 10+ .as files. one is called I need an if statement in that is something like this:

if (Login.userType == "user"){
trace("do something");

I have the following file but I have no idea what the steps are to make it work.

package extras.utils {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.LoaderInfo;


Should I use this FlashVars? and if so, how?

Or is there an easier way to access the variable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Variables Within Class File?

May 4, 2010

Say I define a variable in a  class file:
public var container:sprite;
I add the sprite to the stage and define it's x and y in the class file. How would I go about changing the x and y of the container within my fla file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing Variables In MovieClip From A Class

Feb 16, 2006

I'm writing a little application to run a course, and the engine creates the navigation menu putting labels in the button etc...

So, as far as I change things like a dynamic text that's on the stage with something like

mybutton.itemText.text = my_xml.childNodes[0].childNodes[index-1].attributes["Label"];

this works, but what If I want to change a variable declared in the button?

I would like to retrieve from an XML the movie I want to load pressing this particular button, but seems like the scope of the "designed" objects and the programmed object is a little different, since with


I've included a simplified version of the interface, the classes and the code is not 100% functional...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Static Variables Using The Class Name Itself

Jun 18, 2009

Say I have a class called Ball (movieclip) and I create a number of instances of it. There is a static variable, say, ballArray and need to access that from a different class, say, Bat. How do I go through with it? Can I access that using the class name itself (Ball.ballArray like in Java)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Variables Form Within A Class?

Jan 19, 2010

having trouble accessing variables from the main timeline from within my class...this is a function within my class...(not the constructor function)

public function createPanorama():void {
var url:String = "../../../panorama/panoramaImg/fenway.jpg";


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Actionscript 3 :: Accessing Variables Of Parent Class From Child?

Apr 11, 2010

i'm trying to assign a parent's variable from the parent's child

public class Main extends Sprite
public var selectedSquare:Sprite;


i'm receiving this error, but i'm casting parent from displayObjectContainer to a Sprite so i have no idea why it's not working.

1119: Access of possibly undefined property selectedSquare through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite.

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Flash :: Accessing Super Class Variables From Subclass?

Aug 16, 2010

I am hoping someone can explain about subclasses accessing variables from the super class. I found that the subclass can only access variables which are set in the constructor of the super class. Is there any way around this?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing The Private Variables Of One Instance Of A Class?

Aug 18, 2010

Currently I have two classes which are "bullet" and "enemy".There are two instances of the enemy class.Code from an ENTER_FRAME event in the Bullet Class:

ActionScript Code:
for(var k:int=0; k<getEnemys.length; k++)


The Enemy Class has a private variable called "hits".What do I have to do in order to reduce the hits of the instance of the enemy that was hit by the bullet?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing Class Functions/variables In OnLoadInit?

Jan 27, 2008

class fial
public var num = 5;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Stage Variables From Class Object

Oct 11, 2010

I was wondering if there is a simple way to access variables from a class object, where the variables are not actually a part of that class. So if you had an array defined on the first frame of the stage, and added some elements to it, you could use the methods of the custom class to manipulate the array's data.

Stage Frame 1
var myArray:Array = new Array( "apple", "banana", "pear" );
var myClass:someFunctions = new someFunctions();
myClass.addValue( "orange" );
[Code] .....

It might not seem logical as to why you would ever want to do that, but it's a very simple example, and it's the means I'm after, not the result. I'm creating a list of functions available to execute by a user via an input field. To keep things simple I made them the methods of a class. The issue, however, is that these methods need to manipulate objects which are on the stage, added and removed by a separate controller class. Passing the objects by reference to the class as a parameter would not be viable with what I'm trying to do either.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Static Variables Of A Super Class Through A Subclass?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying access a static variable located of a super class through an instance of one of it's subclasses and I'm receiving an access of undefined property error (example of which below).&nbsp; Creating another static variable in the subclass and assigning the value from the super class will allow me to dot operate to it.&nbsp;


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AS3 :: Calling A Flex Callback From Javascript

Sep 28, 2009

I have a Javascript API, which should be usable with GWT and Flex. Using the FABridge it is really easy to call Javascript methods from AS3 and vice versa. But when I try to register a callback to an AS3 method in my Javascript API I get stuck. Here is a short code sample:


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Javascript :: ShowSettings Callback In Flex?

Mar 24, 2010

I am pretty new to flex, so forgive me if this is an obvious question.Is there a way to open the Security.showSettings (flash.system.Security) with a callback? or at least to detect if it is currently open or not? My flex application is used for streaming audio, and is normally controlled by javascript, so I keep it hidden for normal use (via absolute positioning it off the page).

When I need microphone access I need to make the flash settings dialog visible, which works fine, I move it into view and open the dialog. When the user closes it, I need to move it back off the screen so they don't see an empty flex app sitting there after they change their settings.

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Actionscript 3 :: Javascript Callback In Chrome

Jun 18, 2011

I'm making a callback from javascript to a method on my swf. It works in Firefox with no problems, but in chrome the second parameter that's passed is always received as null? I've debugged my javascript and found that everything is working fine and the two values that are passed to the swf are correct at the point where the callback to the swf is made. At first i thought this might be a cross domain issue, but have ruled that out as if it were the case then the method on swf would just not be called at all. The second value is a binary string representation of an image and the length of the string that is passed is 101601, so i'm wondering whether there's possibly a limitation on the amount of data that can be passed? The first parameter is a much smaller string representing the file type and this always gets received successfully.


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Javascript :: IE Onbeforeunload Not Firing ExtenralInterface Callback

Feb 12, 2010

I have a Flash movie embeded with swfobject in a html container. Through ExternalInterface I have registered a javascript function to fire callback to my flash app.

ExternalInterface.addCallback("notifyClose", notifyOnClose );

The javascript function is added as an event listerner to fire onbeforeunload.

<script language="JavaScript">
function getSWF(movieName) {
if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1){


I have tested in FF and IE. Firefox works as expected but not in IE. In IE I get notified in Flash with the onload message, but not onbeforeunload.

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Javascript :: External Interface Callback Not Listening?

Jul 14, 2011

I'm trying to get javascript to talk to flash, but I haven't been able to get it to work.I've gotten flash to talk to javascript, but not the other way around. It seems as thought flash isn't listening to the javascript, or I'm doing something wrongPart of the AS3 to initially call the js:"showGal", slastSelectedNumber);

The js i'm trying to use is:

function showGal(dPicture) {
document.getElementById('fullsizegallery').style.display = 'block';


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Javascript :: Reinstate Jquery Features After Flash Callback?

Dec 20, 2009

I have a page that uses the jQuery.swfobject plugin to embed 5 flash items into a page and each flash item has a callback using externalInterface. The callbacks work when I have the js function outside of $(document).ready(function() but the jQuery animations do not fire - the ajax load however does. Does anyone know how to get the animations working too, code below:

function pageLoader(galID) {
$('#holder_gallery').load("feeds.php", {gallery: galID}, function(){


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Javascript :: Exactly Are Flash External Callback Methods Triggered?

Jun 6, 2010

I have a flash application using callbacks to javascript functions (eg. when it receives some data over a socket, it'll call a js script which would change the content of a div according to that given data).

Afaik, there is no actual mutual exclusion in javascript so I'm not sure if I can/need to simulate something like :


So, the question is, when are those callbacks called ? Are they simply queued to be executed right after the browser finishes its task or are they triggered randomly ?

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JavaScript :: Passing Object To Flex Using Callback Function

Jul 11, 2011

My web application pass a javascript object to flex application using addCallback function.
when the flex application is in modal dialog in safari browser, the object in the flex application is null and when I open the flex application just in a new window, the object is passed correctly. But, I need the showmodaldialog to show the flex application.

The flex code:
ExternalInterface.addCallback( "handleEvent", handleEvent );
override public function handleEvent( event:Object ):Object {; .....

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Actionscript :: Call Flash Callback Method From Javascript?

Oct 5, 2011

I tried to call a flash callback method from JavaScript. But it seems not working. The flash action script example code is like below [Simplified]:

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

var test_var = ExternalInterface.addCallback("js_method_to_call", flash_method


It is always display the error in fire bug console "flashFile.js_method_to_call is not a function".

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Javascript :: Soundmanager2 IE Playback - 'onload' Callback Function Is Defined As Null

Apr 5, 2012

I'm currently working with soundmanager2 in an IE/flash context (not html5). The issue is that audio playback of mp3 content does not occur for the following case where the 'onload' callback function is defined as null OR as a function that does almost nothing.


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Javascript :: Flash - Get A VAR With ExternalInterface?

Nov 5, 2010

I am trying to use the function in my ActionScript(2.0) to get a javascript var value set in the wrapping document. The following seems to work in FireFox and in Chrome but, naturally, it does not work in IE(8). getting the value stored at this variable?

var linkPath ="function(){return window.customLinkLocation;}", null);


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Javascript :: ExternalInterface Not Working In Ie9

Feb 6, 2012

I am having problems with External interface and IE9. The swf objects play fine but none of the information input is transferred to the cookies that should be set. I have seen that there are other questions similar to this but have not been able to solve my problem using them. THis is the html we are using

<div id="flashcentre">
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"data="http://workingflashlink" width="600" height="450">


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