Javascript :: Resize Flash Div To Full Browser Height And Width?
Dec 22, 2009
i have a page with swf flash flash with width 300x250
<div id="flashswf"> ...some flash </div>
<div id="maxme">full screen</div>
i have a link called full screen and i need to maximize the flashswf div to fit the current browser maximum height and width
is this possible using jquery?
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Dec 14, 2010
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looked at numerous tutorials online...but no luck with my swf I would like my images to fill the entire browser without the white background on the side and I would like to do it so that my images will not look distorted...
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";
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Jul 23, 2010
I been using a fullscreen resizable script for some time, works great for fullscreen flashes 100%height and 100%width.Now i would like to have an image to only resizing 100% to the browser widthbut have its height as it is, and of course without distorting the image.the code im using is the below
Stage.align = "TL";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
picHeight = new Object ();
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Jan 10, 2011
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i have a question about resize listener for a full browser flash. OBJECTIVEto make some function like "initiateAll()" that will be triggered when Stage is resized.the function should "hide" all the elements and reposition/re initiate them when the resize is completedWHAT I HAVE NOWnow i am moving elements constantly using a function moveStuff() that you can see below.
function moveStuff() {
myBack._width = Stage.width;
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on (press) {
getURL("E-Mail List.html","_blank");
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Jul 29, 2010
I am trying to reference to top level (stage) width and height of the main stage for the placement of something located inside a movieclip on the stage.
My code is:
my_loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - my_loader.width)/2;
my_loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - my_loader.height)/2;
But this seems to just relate to the width/height of the mc that my_loader is nested in...
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Jan 4, 2012
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Jul 10, 2011
I was wondering how to achieve the native scrollbar effect which TheFWA ( has managed to do pretty well (I am not a fan of Flex scrollbars).and implemented the technique, as I am calling a JS function through ExternalInterface every time, when the flash object changes size. This JS function simply resizes the div which holds the flash object, which creates the native bars.Unfortunately, when I resize quite rapidly (from 800 to 1800 height, for instance) the flash object simply gets warped for several milliseconds (as if it hasn't changed its size, but simply got pulled in all directions). After these milliseconds, things get back to normal, but the whole situation is really visually annoying.
Originally I thought that it's simply a timing issue, but after a bunch of attempts to set a delay, the effect was the same ... just delayed.How can I resolve that? I know it's technically possible. Just take a look at TheFWA, and see how smoothly flash and the browser are communicating with each other to make the native scroll bars work, without any flickering, or mismeasurement
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Sep 25, 2009
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So, basically I'm just looking for direction. The liquid layout tutorials seem to work for elements NOT stretched 100%...
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Apr 24, 2011
Most flash-based browser games don't seem to resize properly when the user resizes their browser window (i.e. ctrl+mousewheel). Example of bad resizing: Boxhead The Zombie Wars. Please refrain from playing for a moment, lest you forget about my question.
Some (surprisingly very few) actually do resize properly. Example (at least in Chrome): D.N.8
Is there a simple or standard technique to accomplish proper resizing? How do you do it?
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Nov 30, 2011
I have the following:
var win:Window = new Window();
What about if I want the popup window to be stretched and be 80% width and height from the parent? How do I achieve that?
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Jan 24, 2011
I have code here that allows a user to load an image from their local machine to the SWF (using FileRerence). The movieclip is 500x400 in size and I need the width of the selected image to resize to 500, and crop off any height beyond 400.
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Apr 6, 2010
I have a 100% width and height flash object in my site. Activating and exiting browser full screen mode with F11 only works as long the user didn't click the Flash movie. And I doubt many users know they have to click the address bar to enable F11 after using a (browser) full screen Flash movie.
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Jan 23, 2010
I am working on a Flash app that is 900x700 pixels. When viewed in misc. browsers at 1024x768, the browser chrome causes robs too much of the vertical space and the app appears in a window with a vertical scrollbar. Unacceptable.
The flash app will be launched via a link emailed to the viewers.
I'd like to avoid resizing the flash app and am wondering if there's a way to do the following via javascript, with no clicks involved:maximize the current browser window remove current window address bar and tabs / switch browser to full screen view (equivalent to pressing F11).
An alternative would be to resize the flash app vertically to match the browser canvas height to avoid scrolling. This may cause the app to become unreadable, so not the best approach in my case.
UPDATE: Seems that browser resizing and autoswitch to full screen won't work and neither will the flash app auto resize. What is the best approach then? And, some users may have browsers with toolbars or open a small browser window.
The only idea I have is to use javascript and display a message to users with small browser windows to pres F11 manually. The audience is executes and some may not even know what an F11 means...
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