Php :: Data For The Columns In Flex?

Jul 13, 2009

<local:CheckBoxDataGrid id="dg"
allowMultipleSelection="true" x="118" y="151" width="557">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="firstName" headerText="Select" width="50" sortable="false" itemRenderer="CheckBoxRenderer" >


I am getting the values as ArrayCollection, but when i bind it to my Datagrid, i am not getting any values.... though the objects returned from PHP are fine.

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ExternalInterface.addCallback("getGridData", getGridData);
public function getGridData():String

However, when I sort a column in the user interface, the encode method is failing throwing the following error

Property usingCustomCompareFunction not found on mx.collections.SortField and there is no default value.

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It seems there are lots of topics close to this, but none with answers. I have attempted to complete the Dinner Menu sample example in Flash 8. I finally got ti to work but the columns do not match the order of the items in the XML document. I cannot find an answer to this problem anywhere on the internet so far.

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Flex :: Sort Columns In AdvancedDataGrid?

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02/02/2011 | 10:42
03/02/2011 | 09:45
02/02/2011 | 11:45
03/02/2011 | 11:30


_currentDatosBusqueda is an arraycollection I receive from the Server (with the correct format of dates and datetime).

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<mx:DataGrid width="100%" dataProvider="{service}" id="dg1">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Location Origin" dataField="originLocation" visible="{data.originLocationExists}" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Location Destination" dataField="destinationLocation" visible="{data.destinationLocationExists}" />


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Flex :: Swapping Columns And Rows Of DataGrid Possible?

Jul 22, 2009

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I have an object like:

And I'd like a control that is visually similar to that. Currently the datagrid displays the object as:
x b o u w
y u p e p
Which is too horizontal for my case.

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Flex :: Creating A TreeGrid With Sortable Columns?

Aug 21, 2009

I'd like to put a TreeGrid in my application so that the columns can be sorted. If you refer to this sample application, you'll notice that if you

Open a branch node
Sort by one of the columns
Close that branch node

then the TreeGrid starts to get out of wack and duplicate columns start appearing and other columns start disappearing. What I would like is to have the columns sorted only by the outermost nodes.

One attempt I had was to run treeGrid.closeAllItems() before the sort occurred. However, this does not work, because a Sort Column event gets dispatched while closeAllItems is running, so the list gets messed up and listOutOfBounds exceptions get thrown.

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Flex :: Sending Entire Columns Of Datagrid To PHP?

Nov 4, 2009

My Main.MXML

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""
xmlns:mate="" width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:AdvancedDataGrid sortExpertMode="true" id="baselineGrid" dataProvider="


I need to send the entire datagrid columns to PHP. How to send all the values of the column 1 and column 2.

Note: COlumn 2 is an itemRenderer which has a combo box.

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Jun 10, 2010

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Flex :: Sort Grouped Columns In AdvancedDatagrid

Feb 1, 2011

I#m looking for a solution to sort all grouped colums in advancedDatagrid. It should be the same behavior like clicking in a columns head. i'm not looking for a solution to sort the fields IN a the grouping. There is working solution named compareFunction. But I'm not able to sort the two rows in my picture by column "Einnahmen". Sorry for the german word.

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Flex :: Entity Container Lookup Columns?

Feb 22, 2011

I am successfully using an Entity Container to allow users to enter a new contactIs there any way to control what columns are shown when the user searches for an Account Name? At the moment 5 columns are shown, but I would like to display different columns and change the display order.

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Flex :: Dynamically Creating Datagrid And Its Columns?

May 1, 2011

1) Using datefield as item renderer in flex.I am dynamically creating datagrid and its columns. like

dataGridColumn=new DataGridColumn();
dataGridColumn.dataField="invoiceDTO.invoiceDate";// I read this value from XML
dataGridColumn.itemRenderer=new ClassFactory(DateFieldRenderer);

But when UI is generated i get the error invoiceDTO.invoiceDate not found on the TestDTO

//Test DTO

public class TestDTO
public var invoiceDTO:InvoiceDTO;

My objective is my dataField should be binded with datafield inside the datagrid.How can i do it in actionscript

2) I need to present combobox as item renderer. (same like case 1). But how can i assign dataprovider in the combobox which is present inside the datagrid.

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Flex :: Multiple Datagrids With About 10-15 Columns Total?

Aug 30, 2011

I have multiple datagrids with about 10-15 columns total. I have a numeric sortCompareFunction for each column. At the moment, I have a separate function for each sort compare I do....each does the sorting numerically. I'm guessing I could condense functions sort1, sort2, sort3, etc into 1 function but I can't figure out how:

private function sort1(obj1:Object, obj2:Object):int{
var value1:Number=(''|| Number(;
var value2:Number=(''|| Number(;[code]...............

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Flex :: Get TileGroup To Auto-resize Columns?

Sep 14, 2011

Not sure if I am doing this the best way but I want to create a mobile app that has a home menu screen much like the facebook iphone application(with out all the fancy button moves etc). The FB app has a 3X3 set of buttons that allow you to access things like news feed or friends.In order to keep my layout consistent across different device screens I was trying to user the TileGroup with an image as a button for each tile.but while I can specify the tilegroup to use 100% width and height and set the number of rows and columns to 3. It does not appear to autosize the height of the rows and columns to fit the screen. and it won't let me specify the with/height as a percentage.

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Flash :: Dynamically Add Columns To Datagrid In Flex

Sep 22, 2011

I am trying to make a datagrid, that will dynamically add columns to it based on some condition. Now, I am able to add the columns, but I want the newly added column to have button using itemRenderer. I am unable to achieve this though. Getting this error on line 1


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Actionscript :: Sorting Columns In A Flex Datagrid

Oct 14, 2011

The datagrid gets its data from a back end database which has records like


I get errors like 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method refresh through a reference with static type mx.controls:DataGrid. for myRecords.refresh(); and Access of possibly undefined property sort through a reference with static type mx.controls:DataGrid. for myRecords.sort

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Flex :: Move/reorder Columns In A Spark DataGrid?

Apr 6, 2012

I am unable to find if the spark DataGrid supports moving / reordering the columns. If not what could be the best solution? Maybe using the mx version?

I want the user to be able to drag the columns and arrange them.

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Flex :: Add Columns Programmatically And Set Grouping On AdvancedDataGrid Control?

Aug 22, 2009

on advancedDataGridControl in flex3 , how to do the following:

1. Add Columns at runtime ( programmatically )

2. Specify the column grouping ( programmatically )

3. set method to be used to show summary row ( programmatically)

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Flex :: DataGrid Columns Missing Header Text?

Feb 25, 2010

I created a component that is multiple datagrids side by side that share the same columns (each datagrid is the same as the one before but with different data).ProblemThe header text only shows up on the last datagrid. How can I get the text to show up on all the datagrid headers?Here is how I instantiate the component.

<common:PageDataGrid width="100%" height="100%"
numGroups="5" numRows="9" dataProvider="{createData(5, 9)}">


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Flex :: One DataGrid Item Renderer For Multiple Columns?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm trying to create a Flex DataGrid where the firstname and lastname are shown under each other, but in the DataGridColumn

Ideally I would want to do something like

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 2" dataField="time"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 2" dataField="firstname,lastname" itemRenderer="renderers.FirstNameLastName"/>

so that both values get passed to the itemrenderer, is this possible?

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