Php :: Casting From FLEX - Network Monitor Response Is NULL

Jan 31, 2012


so the problem is I can print the array but how to cast tht array to a known php type? After 5 days I finnaly figured out flex and mysql using amfphp

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Flex :: Limitations Of The Network Monitor?

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Flex :: SOAP Variables In Network Monitor But Not Making It To Event Handler

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I am querying a 3rd party web service and not all the data seems to be making it to the event handler. When I view the request/response in the Network Monitor I see a collection of data objects each containing two string variables (name, url) and two arrays (counts, breakdown). When the result handler receives the data and I view it in debug mode, the collection of data objects each only contains one string variable (name). What happened to the other string var (url) and both arrays (counts, breakdown)? what would cause this since it seems to becoming corrupt before it reaches the event handler but after it is received by the network? Is this most likely an IDE issue?

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Actionscript :: Flash Builder Network Monitor Not Recording File Uploads?

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Flex :: Intercepting Network Calls To Force Html Header Referrer To Null

Aug 16, 2011

I've been using the Flex "HTML" component in my AIR 2.7 project. It's a wrapper for the HtmlLoader class. The problem is that empty referers in HTML headers are automatically set to "app://[appname].swf". This is not standard as default referer behavior should be to not set any referer at all. The consequence is I'm getting denied access on certain websites using iframes (as location changes from an iframe set an empty referer). I have no control over those requests has no event is fired when changed the source of an iframe.

I have thought about the possibility of intercepting all network calls and setting the referer to empty when necessary before sending the message. My app is only a container in wich a module is loaded for easier updates so maybe I could set up a proxy on top or something like that. Is there any way to intercept network messages in Flex??


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I am trying to create a custom object in AS3 to pass information to and from a server, which in this case will be Red5. In the below screenshots you will see that I am able to send a request for an object from as3, and receive it successfully from the java server. However, when I try to cast the received object to my defined objectType using 'as', it takes the value of null. It is my understanding that that when using "as" you're checking to see if your variable is a member of the specified data type. If the variable is not, then null will be returned.

This screenshot illustrates that I am have successfully received my object 'o' from red5 and I am just about to cast it to the (supposedly) identical datatype testObject of LobbyData:


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Flex3 - Flex HTTPService SOAP Response Cannot Be Decoded Raw Response?

Feb 6, 2010

I am trying to connect my flex app to a CFC I have which calls a method. It's to test a login control, and when i put the correct credentials in, it comes back with the error: "SOAP Response cannot be decoded. Raw response: ".


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Actionscript 3 :: Casting A Retrieved Mediator With PureMVC As Its Proper Class Returns Null?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a mediator that I've registered for a navigation page:

facade.registerMediator(new NavPageMediator(viewComponent));

I'm trying to retrieve that mediator on another page like so:

var navPageMediator:NavPageMediator = facade.retrieveMediator(NavPageMediator.NAME) as NavPageMediator;

However, that statement returns null. If I try to cast it using the NavPageMediator(facade.retrieveMediator(NavPageMediator.NAME)) syntax instead, I get a TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert to`

I can't, for the life of me, understand why NavPageMediator@237560a1 would be unable to convert to NavPageMediator, nor what happened in between registering the mediator and retrieving it that caused this. Especially since trace(new NavPageMediator() as NavPageMediator); returns [object NavPageMediator].

Incidentally, and this may be part of my problem, I don't understand what the @hash at the end of the object is (@237560a1). Is it simply an internal identifier for that class instance?

Edit:Left a bit of important info: The SWF in which I instantiate and register the mediator is separate from the SWF in which I try to retrieve it.

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Java :: Flex 4 IFrame Open Url Internal Network To An External Network?

Sep 6, 2011

I have the following scenario:

One application JEE / Flex 4 running on a tomcat, inside my Flex layer I have a iFrame passing a url to an ip of my internal network (http:url....) which is another application running within an industrial PLC.When access this app from within my internal network works fine, but when I try to access this iFrame to an external network in my home for example have a timeout error onhttp:[url].........

I believe this error occurs because the flex client is trying to run this url as I was in a internal network.Is there any way to run this url from an external network?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Casting Object Into Array Results In Null Array?

Jun 18, 2009

I am trying to use the following code to convert an object read in from a ByteArray to an Array and store it:

var data:Object = ba.readObject();
var invObjects:Array = data as Array;

In debugging, I find that 'data' is indeed populated with the correct data and takes up memory and is in an Array friendly format. However, invObjects is NULL. How does merely saying 'data as Array' make the holding variable suddenly null?

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Flex :: Screen Casting Using 4.5

Jan 2, 2012

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Flex :: Casting Failed When Used Swf Loader?

Aug 18, 2011

Any class common between flash swf file, loaded in swfloader turns our to throw error ypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert edia::PlayerContentView@12babac1 to media.PlayerContentView.My main swf has same class, since its been used by appplication all over, but when swfloader creates object of same name class, it adds 12babac1 to class name. and doesn't work for simple access of array values

public function get Current():media.PlayerContentView
return contentItems[VZPlay.CurrentIndex] as PlayerContentView;


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Flex :: Casting Object From ArrayCollection To Instance Of Custom Class

Jan 28, 2011

I am using Flex 4 and for whatever reason I cannot get the following code to work which happens inside of a ListEvent handler for a dataGrid:
_tempRule = DataGrid(event.currentTarget).selectedItem as Rule;

Rule is a custom class, and the above code always returns null. The dataprovider for the datagrid is an ArrayCollection. If I try to wrap the above code to make it like the following:
DataGrid(event.currentTarget).selectedItem as Rule

I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@e15a971 to

Now I know I have done this before with native Flex classes like Button, etc, but it my case it will not work. Here is the Rule class:
package {
import flash.utils.describeType;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Type Coercion Error When Casting An Object Loaded In A Different Application Domain

Apr 28, 2011

My application currently contains a number of Widgets that are managed by a Widget Manager. When the user clicks on a widget (e.g. a Helper widget), the Widget Manager loads the widget into a separate sibling application domain with the following line of code:

wgtInfo.load(null, null, null, moduleFactory); //wgtInfo = IModuleInfo

However, I am unable to use the widget's variables and functions later on. I attempt to find the Helper widget from the Widget Manager's list of widgets, and I do successfully. But when I try to caste the Helper Widget from type IBaseWidget (the interface all widgets share) to type HelperWidget, I receive the following error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed.....

This is because the application domain of the class trying to use the Helper widget is different from the application domain of the Helper Widget. I tried to fix this by loading all widgets into the same application domain as the loader:

wgtInfo.load(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null, null, moduleFactory);

I now get the following error whenever I attempt to load the Helper widget:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

How can I load my Helper widget into a common application domain that is accessible by the other widgets?

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Flex :: Way To Monitor USB Port With Flash?

Feb 21, 2010

I want to write an application that monitor the USB port, and when something is connected should show the contents of the drive (image viewer) automatically.there is any way to do that with Flex/Flash directly?or i might program another application in C in order to monitor the USB port and then comunicate with the front-end application with sockets?

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Flex - Position AIR Window On A Second Monitor?

Dec 31, 2010

I'd like to open a window in my AIR/Flex application on a second monitor if it's available. Don't know how to go about it. Tried this:mySecondWindow.x = Capabilities.screenResolutionX;

But this only gets the size of the first monitor and if I try to assign a greater value, it switches to default 100px offset. Is there a proper approach to this? My native screen is maximized in "preinitialize" and then I open the second window on "applicationComplete".

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Flex :: MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null) Getting Null Pointer Exception?

Jun 12, 2010

I am creating Dynamic Destinations

MessageBroker broker = MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null);
MessageService service = (MessageService) broker.getService("message-service");
MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) service.createDestination("Group1");


But I am getting Null Pointer Exception

MessageBroker broker = MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null);

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Flex :: Clicking On Menu So That It Shows (null,null)"?

Aug 15, 2011

I have create a menu but when clicking on menu so that it shows, I get an error on the line because of the line ",null)". See function below:

private function createAndShowmyMenu():void {
myMenu = Menu.createMenu(null, myMenuDataProvider, false);

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Flex :: Datetime - Monitor The Date For A Change

Jul 9, 2009

In Flex/ActionScript 3, is there a better way to monitor the date/time to determine if the date has changed to the next day by creating a timer that dispatches every minute?

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Flex Application (SWF) Initialization Takes 25 Second To Load 1.6mb SWF In Widescreen Monitor

Mar 3, 2011

My Flex application (SWF) initialization takes 25 second to load 1.6mb SWF in widescreen monitor. The same SWF loads pretty fast (3 Sec) in Flat panel monitor 1024x768 resolution. What is the reason for +/- in rendering speed , +/- in CPU utilization on different monitors , screen resolution.

note: my internet sepped is 10+ mbps broadband.

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Flex :: View Available Network Shares?

Aug 23, 2011

I would like to list all network shares but have no idea where to even begin my search, I assume that it has something to do with Samba etc., but really some guidance would be very useful.

I will be using Adobe AIR 2.5 - so I assume I have access to that sort of information, though I will be using the PlayBook from BlackBerry to access the network which has a full AIR implementation.

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Flash:: Using Network In Flex Sdk 4.5 Gives Blank Swf

Jan 24, 2012

I developed a flash app and i need the functionality when I click on a sprite I want to open a web page in browser for example [URL]. I use flex sdk 4.5 and I changed the use-network tag from false to true in flex-config.xml. But when i compile my project and load the swf in browser I get everything blank. I tried also to use html page with swf embeded but same result

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ActionScript :: Flex - RemoteObject Response Headers?

Jun 16, 2009

I am in the process of writing an application in Flex 3.3, using the Cairngorm framework, for deployment as an AIR application. The application heavily utilizes RemoteObject services to get data from a web server.Each of my service delegates extends a common class which provides a method for calling service methods on the RemoteObject.So, where I previously usedServiceLocator.getInstance().getRemoteObject('myService').myOperation.send();I instead usethis.send('myOperation', 'myService');I use this method instead of calling the RemoteObject operations directly because this method adds another, global, responder to the operation call. This extra responder analyses data in the headers of reponse from the server.

Or at least it should -- this is where the problem is. In the result data (event as the headers property is always null despite the headers definitely being sent from the server.

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Flex :: Localization For Web Service Response Result?

Aug 22, 2009

In my Flex Application I am receiving Unicode result from back end ( web service) an displaying it in Flex Label component Eg. Response string = [u8868u7af9uff5eFulfillment

I am binding response to label component When I am displaying it in label its not showing me Japanese character .Storing this information in properties file works

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Flex :: Web Services - How To Handle SOAP Response In 3

May 29, 2010


I want to read SOAP response in flex,am some what new to FLEX

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Flex :: Get Extremely Slow Response Some Php Script

May 12, 2011

I am fixing up a php script to receive a byte64 encoded image and store it to database

Here is my problem the script takes very long time, sometimes up to 5 minutes, to respond when flash calls the script(via a post request)

(i test it with a very small image)

if i remove the byte64 encoded data from the request it loads fast, and if i call the script from the browser with no data it is fast

i tried removing all php script from the script file so no php is run, and with data it is still slow.

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Flex :: Get The Response From An HTTP Request On Error?

Jun 2, 2009

I tried using both HTTPService and URLRequest/URLLoader. But I can't figure out how to get either the response output or the response headers in case of a server error(like 500).

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Actionscript :: Creating Network Graph In Flex?

Jun 17, 2009

I need to create a network graph with nodes in flex. Once I give the input the nodes must get connected with each other if they have something in common.

The nodes must be click-able to show which other nodes it is connected to.

Can a bubble chart be modified to do this?

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