Sql :: Learning Ruby To Use Serverside To Manage An Existing Database?

Mar 28, 2012

I am very much a beginner to rails and I have a specific need for it. I wish to connect it to a flex app, and also use it to call a database.

For example when the following web page is visited: ?User=bob&id=4&lic=234 Take 'bob' and 4 and add them to an existing database table if the license number is valid and not already used. I don't want to use the standard database stuff, I will need to write my own SQL queries as well as have logic for checking other stuff to do with registering users etc. It is already done with Coldfusion but I am having issues with it, and would like to have it work with Ruby instead.

But to start with, I just want the ability to call a web page (on localhost:3000) get the string after the URL "?User=bob&id=4&lic=234" in this case and output "User:bob id:4" to the screen. I want to learn what the code is doing rather than have the least lines of code solution. I would rather use as little of the rails framework to do this as this will help me learn the language. I won't be making the standard website so learning the rails framework won't be so useful to me.

looking for, however I am having problems connecting with databases, mysql in this case:


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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login: mxxx


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Oct 26, 2006

Is it possible to create a database driven website using these alone? Or do i need to learn any other technology? If i do then what should i learn? I know j2se for the desktop and oracle SQL/MySQL i finally got the feeling that i need to learn PHP anyway along with css and javascript. So it is fine. Also another query. Which CMS should i consider? Wordpress or Joomla?

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Sorry if this has been discussed somewhere else on stackoverflow (I could not find it), or if it is not a "programming" question (more like a discussion). Is it good to avoid using an IDE (Flash Builder, Visual Studio...) while first learning a new framework or language?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Learning To Use XML?

Jul 26, 2006

I've been Actionscripting for quite a while now, and a lot of the sources I see and books I read talk about something called XML. I understand that its a formatting language used to communicated with servers, and the syntax looks like html.

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So does anyone know a good way to learn about XML, and what is actually is and can do?

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