Test Flash Movie Imported Graphics Appear As Pure Red

Apr 23, 2009

whenever I try to test my flash movie my imported graphics appear as pure red... I've tried using a jpg,png,bmp, and even just importing the photoshop document...why won't it work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Works In Flash Test But Not Html Test?

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Did I miss a class that I have to load? What's wrong with it?

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Professional :: Buttons Don't Work When Test Movie/Test Scene?

Aug 4, 2011

My buttons only work when I click on them on the stage while having the "enable simple buttons" option on. They do not work if I try to "test movie," "test scene" and publish it to a SWF. Nothing responds whenever I am in these modes. I am using Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Actionscript 2.0.
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Test Movie Works But Test Scene Does Not

Mar 19, 2009

I have two scenes in my flash file and in scene 1, first button takes you to frame 2 where movie clip is -works

on (release) {
second button takes you to frame 3

but on scene 2 that performs same function as scene 1, the first button


instead of going to frame 2 goes to frame 3. and the second button goes correctly to frame 3.that happens when i test scene! when i test movie all buttons work properly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing A Captivate Movie That Has Been Imported Into Flash?

Jan 10, 2010

Basically I need to pause a Captivate movie (CP3) that is playing within a flash movie (CS4, AS3).
I have made a full motion recording with Captivate which I have imported into a flash movie. The flash movie is organised as a series of movieclips that play from the main timeline. My CP demo forms part of one of these movieclips (there are flash objects playing "on top" of it in different layers). I have a play/pause button on the main timeline that works to pause all of my movieclips EXCEPT for my captivate demo. This continues playing, while the movie clip is forms part of pauses, throwing everything out of sync.
how I can pause CP portion? My actionscript skills are minimal and I'm not even sure what object(s) to target.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1119: Access Of Possibly Undefined Property Graphics Through A Reference With Static Type Flash.display:Graphics.

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public static function makeRect( obj:DisplayObject, ...
var g:Graphics;
if(obj is Sprite){


//1119: Access of possibly undefined property graphics through a reference with static type flash.display:Graphics.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Images From A Subfolder In An Imported Flash Movie?

Jun 30, 2010

I have loaded an external swf in my main movie, the swf is a picture gallery which loads images from an XML file. The directory structure is as below[code]...

When i run the main movie, it is looking for the Thumbs folder in the root folder. How can i make the images load from the subfolder?

Do i need to change the relative path in the XML?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Custom Made Classes Imported To Flash Movie

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Professional :: Test The Movie In Flash?

Mar 8, 2011

I  am creating a 4 frame application demo which stops on the first frame and lets the user navigate to other frames using buttons. I've done something very similar before and didn't have this problem.  Now with this new project I've created the pages in photoshop and imported them onto the stage. The dimensions are  1024/768 px.   When I go to Control -> Test Movie -> In Flash professional.  The window pops up very small , but the page looks nomal size so i get the top left portion of the design. Then when i expand the window, instead of seeing the rest of the design the desing floats to the bottom right as I pull the window open leaving all this white space around the top and left margins. 

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Flash 10 :: CS5 Test Movie Bug / Corrupt?

Jan 20, 2011

The first test of any movie, after opening the Flash program (CS5 Pro) will work as expected. However, every test after thereafter will ignore the ActionScript completely and play on a continuos loop. After attempting to debug one of these instances, Flash gives me the error that the movie cannot be debugged because the .SWF contains no ActionScript.(I've tested several movies, with AS as basic as a single stop command and nothing else. I've tested the files on another machine. I've reinstalled Flash. Closing Flash and opening it again provides one more "fresh" test that works as expected. Finally this has not always been the case, the program was working fine for a few months (so I don't think the install CD is corrupt).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have To Keep Restarting Flash To Test Movie?

Oct 30, 2009

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FLASH :: Professional - Test Movie In CS4 Not Working

Aug 2, 2010

I created a graphic on one layer in my timeline in FLASH CS4 and then added a new layer above it with text to create a zoom out effect. When I click Control>Play the movie plays fine with the text zooming out as it is supposed to but when I click Control>Test Movie the movie shows white with the text constantly visible and the graphic flickering on (visible) and off (not visible) so fast that it's barely visible.

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Professional :: CS4 Flash Test Movie Won't Work?

May 11, 2011

I have been working on my final project for class all week. Suddenly tonight once I have finally worked through so many bugs in transfering things into the thing, I can't get the "Test Movie" option to work to view anything. I even tried to view just the scene. It keeps making these flashes and then basically stays where it's at

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Flash :: Test The Movie From The Working File?

Jul 12, 2011

So I've been having an issue with a SWF not work on a page and this is what I can seem to come up with after hours of messing with Dreamweaver and Flash trying to understand why it won't work. When i test the movie from the working Flash file, it works no problem.Something is going wrong when I export or publish the movie and it no longer works. Is this something that happens? .this site needs to go up in the next day or so and the SWF was working and then stopped working and I'm honestly not a Flash gal so I really have no business messing with it, but it was a specific request.

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Professional :: Test Movie Using Flashplayer11.1 In Flash CS 5.5?

Dec 28, 2011

I downloaded the flashplayer 11.1 (playerglobal.swc,flashplayerDebugger.exe and etc ),and created a molehill project seccessfully. when I used Ctrl+Shift+Enter to debug my swf,everything is ok,Flash CS 5.5 opened flashplayer 11.1,but when I used Ctrl+Enter to test swf, a runtime error happen "can`t find flash.display::stage3D", I found that Flash CS5.5 opened an another flashplayer(not flashplayer11.1), maybe is flashplayer 10? I have replaced AdobeAdobe Flash CS5.5PlayersReleaseFlashPlayer.exe and AdobeAdobe Flash

CS5.5PlayersDebugFlashPlayerDebugger.exe to flashplayer 11.1,why when I used "Ctrl+Enter",Flash CS5.5 opened flashplayer 10? only when I used "Ctrl+Shift+Enter",Flash CS5.5 opened flashplayer11.1?

a runtime Error

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Flash 9 :: Test Movie From Specific Frame?

Sep 15, 2008

I want to "Test Movie" to get a feel for what my animation looks like as a SWF file but I want to test it from a specific frame. My reason for this is that normally if I go to Test movie, I have to watch my entire animation from the start when really, I might want to test it only to see if a certain part works. And I do realize there is the "play" option in the timeline using Enter but that doesn't have the same effect as Test movie.

Is there any way of testing a movie from a specific frame?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Test A Flash Movie Using A Php Proxy?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm trying to get a JSON response from an API into Flash using a PHP proxy (and decoding in as3 using as3corelib), and I can't figure out how to test this.

If I run an html/js file that is using the proxy to get the same data, it works, so I know that there aren't errors in my php file.

If I use my as3 to directly call and parse data from a different API (not using a proxy), I can get the data ok.

But if I run my swf trying to connect to the proxy file and get results, nothing happens. I'm not really sure how to trace what's going wrong. I assume I have to test the swf on the server? Or does just the php file need to be on the server and I can test the swf locally (this would be WAY easier)?

Here's my code:

package com {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Within Flash Does Not Workwhen Test In On The Browser?

Jul 21, 2009

I can not get to any MC in _level0 (main swf) from an external swfs.Which you know, should be easy, something like _root.MenuMC._visible = false; should work
and it does, sort of.It works when I test my movie within flash (ctrl+enter or F12), but it does not workwhen I test in on the browser.tried many different ways to do it, like:



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2 Errors After Test Movie From A Mx 2004 File With Flash Pro 8?

Jul 21, 2009

I have 2 errors after test movie from a mx 2004 file with Flash Pro 8. Errors : as follows :

"Error" :Symbol=PuzzlePiece, layer=Layer 1; frame=1, Line 1: The class or interface 'PuzzlePiece' could not be loaded.

"Error": Symbol=DropZone,layer=Layer 1:The class or interface 'DropZone' could not be loaded.What cause the errors ?

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Crashes At Test Movie - Corrupts FLA

Aug 13, 2010

Intermittently when I go to test a movie, Flash CS5 will crash. I usually get two this-program-is-messed-up boxes about the crash from windows before the program shuts down completely. If I try to open my .fla after this point, Flash tells me that it is an unexpected file format and refuses to load it. These are often projects I have been working on for several hours, and since it corrupts the .fla - all my work is wasted.

Flash CS5 from the Adobe Web Premium CS5 suite
Windows 7 64bit
.fla is on a network drive

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Flash :: Cann't Preview - Publish - Test Debug Movie

May 25, 2009

I am using Adobe Flash CS3 and press CTRL + Enter to preview the movie , but now I Cann't do it , the movie isn't display anything ( but I can preview only one scene by press CTRL + ALT + Enter). I try to publish the movie, the error message is not display but when I test debug . Flash shows the message that "Error open file 'my flash file path'+.swf" How can I reslove this problem

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Authoring Environment Different Test Movie Behavior?

May 11, 2011

I add everything dynamically via actionscript.In the Flash authoring environment, when I test the movie, sometimes all of the movieclips on stage disappear and all I see is the color of the Stage.The strange thing is that I can still rollover/rollout (I added trace statements to my rollover/rollout handlers).

I'm also tracing out the 'visible' and the 'alpha' property and visible=true and alpha=1.0 !On thing that I am seeing is sometimes the rollover/rollout methods get called multiple times in quick succession. I.e. the method invocation order is rollover, rollout, rollover or rollout, rollover, rollout.

The actions that I have in my rollover and rollout methods are really simple. All they do is turn on/off other movieclips...imagine a map...when you rollover an icon, a path shows up on the map and when your rolloff, the path goes away.

However, if I adjust the window of the test movie window, everything appears again!The crazy thing is that when I publish it, this behavior doesn't happen in the browser or as an app! Could it be a memory thing with the authoring environment?

Posting some code here:

private function rollOverUserListener ( e:MouseEvent ) {
trace(">>>>>>>> rollOverUserListener() e.currentTarget.name : " + e.currentTarget.name);
trace("e.currentTarget.alpha: " + e.currentTarget.alpha);
trace("e.currentTarget.visible: " + e.currentTarget.visible);


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Flash :: Add ComboBox To A Project In Pure ActionScript 3.0

Apr 2, 2011

I'm trying to use a ComboBox control in an ActionScript 3.0 Project I've been tasked with making modifications to. I know I need to do import fl.controls.ComboBox; Now, the problem is that if I do this within the (unfamiliar) environment of FlashDevelop, I get an error. My understanding is that adding a control is a matter of feeing FlashDevelop the correct classpath, which I think I've done. Some other websites seem to indicate that if I add the control to my library this problem goes away because the act of putting it in the library links the required resources. So, how can I do the equivalent of adding to an .FLA library within FlashDevelop?

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Actionscript 3 :: Repeat A Pure Flash Animation?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a pure as3 animation which doesn't utilize the stage or the timeline. What is the best way to loop the animation with as3? To my surprise I removed the "stop();" at the end of the animation and it does not loop. I also have the HTML properties set to Loop;

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Flash :: Convert Bytearray To Pure String?

Sep 6, 2011

One trick shown me that I could use bytes+"" which convert into String but not a pure String. It is acceptable by any UI components except it won't accept when I throw bytes+"" into switch statement. How do I convert bytearray to pure string?

private function socketDataHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void {
try {
rsocket = event.target as Socket;[code]............

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Flash :: Access NativeWindow In Pure AIR Project?

Feb 7, 2012

I'm getting crazy because I can't access object NativeWindow in a "ActionScript Mobile Project", no matter what I do stage.nativeWindow is always null when I test on desktop. If I create a new NativeWindow then it's the stage property that is null. Oddly enough accessing stage.NativeWindow works when deploying on blackberry playbook but not when debugging configuration Launch Method on desktop.

Can't answer my own question but it seems the feature is just unsupported on the desktop I guess the workaround is use Stage.Resize when debugging desktop. reference: The window represents the native operating system window; the Stage represents the content contained by the window. This property is only valid for content running in AIR on platforms that support the NativeWindow class. On other platforms, this property will be null. In Flash Player (content running in a browser), this property will also be null.

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Flash :: Packet Loss Test Like In Ping Test From Flash Technologies?

Feb 22, 2012

Does any one have a idea about how to do a packet loss test like in ping test from flash technologies (Flash or Flex)?

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