2 Errors After Test Movie From A Mx 2004 File With Flash Pro 8?
Jul 21, 2009
I have 2 errors after test movie from a mx 2004 file with Flash Pro 8. Errors : as follows :
"Error" :Symbol=PuzzlePiece, layer=Layer 1; frame=1, Line 1: The class or interface 'PuzzlePiece' could not be loaded.
"Error": Symbol=DropZone,layer=Layer 1:The class or interface 'DropZone' could not be loaded.What cause the errors ?
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For my final project we have to make a flash video player with a custom skin to upload to our websites. We did something similar to this with our first project but this is supposed to be a youtube like flash player.We kind of got pressed for time and were not able to go into detail with this project so the teacher gave us the code and I put it in exactly how it should be but im pretty sure i have something misplaced or I am missing a step. I get about 9 different errors when I go to test the movie. and nothing works.I am doing wrong or can you point me in the direction of a tutorial on this as I have been searching for tutorials on this with no luck.
ActionScript Code:
import fl.video.FLVPlayback;
import fl.controls.List;
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OS: Windows 7 64
Flash CS4
I have performed the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Reset the configuration folder -> same issue
2. Reset the Registry Key -> same issue
3. Tested on Windows XP 32 (Same machine [dual-boot]) -> works
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on (release) {
second button takes you to frame 3
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What's the simplest way to see where warnings and errors come from, on vizzy?
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Warning: 'flash' has no property 'prototype'
Warning: 'StageVideo' has no property 'prototype'
Warning: 'AsBroadcaster' has no property 'addListener'
Warning: 'AsBroadcaster' has no property 'removeListener'
Warning: 'flash' has no property 'prototype'
I can now see VizzyTrace.swc is required for many vizzy functionality. But even after considering all that (and enabling debug flag on the FLA, replacing trace for trc, setting up the "extra options" and adding the SWC) I still see nothing.
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Dec 28, 2011
I downloaded the flashplayer 11.1 (playerglobal.swc,flashplayerDebugger.exe and etc ),and created a molehill project seccessfully. when I used Ctrl+Shift+Enter to debug my swf,everything is ok,Flash CS 5.5 opened flashplayer 11.1,but when I used Ctrl+Enter to test swf, a runtime error happen "can`t find flash.display::stage3D", I found that Flash CS5.5 opened an another flashplayer(not flashplayer11.1), maybe is flashplayer 10? I have replaced AdobeAdobe Flash CS5.5PlayersReleaseFlashPlayer.exe and AdobeAdobe Flash
CS5.5PlayersDebugFlashPlayerDebugger.exe to flashplayer 11.1,why when I used "Ctrl+Enter",Flash CS5.5 opened flashplayer 10? only when I used "Ctrl+Shift+Enter",Flash CS5.5 opened flashplayer11.1?
a runtime Error
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Sep 15, 2008
I want to "Test Movie" to get a feel for what my animation looks like as a SWF file but I want to test it from a specific frame. My reason for this is that normally if I go to Test movie, I have to watch my entire animation from the start when really, I might want to test it only to see if a certain part works. And I do realize there is the "play" option in the timeline using Enter but that doesn't have the same effect as Test movie.
Is there any way of testing a movie from a specific frame?
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Sep 18, 2009
I'm trying to get a JSON response from an API into Flash using a PHP proxy (and decoding in as3 using as3corelib), and I can't figure out how to test this.
If I run an html/js file that is using the proxy to get the same data, it works, so I know that there aren't errors in my php file.
If I use my as3 to directly call and parse data from a different API (not using a proxy), I can get the data ok.
But if I run my swf trying to connect to the proxy file and get results, nothing happens. I'm not really sure how to trace what's going wrong. I assume I have to test the swf on the server? Or does just the php file need to be on the server and I can test the swf locally (this would be WAY easier)?
Here's my code:
package com {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Mar 30, 2004
1.Load thumbnails from an XML file.
2.On click load the actual image which again is generated via XML file.
Now in the past I have used XML for a menu system, but I'm finding it hard to come up with this by myself from scratch. I can't seem to break the concept of how I would set this up. If anyone can lead me in the right direction with a link or example etc,
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Apr 23, 2009
whenever I try to test my flash movie my imported graphics appear as pure red... I've tried using a jpg,png,bmp, and even just importing the photoshop document...why won't it work?
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Jul 21, 2009
I can not get to any MC in _level0 (main swf) from an external swfs.Which you know, should be easy, something like _root.MenuMC._visible = false; should work
and it does, sort of.It works when I test my movie within flash (ctrl+enter or F12), but it does not workwhen I test in on the browser.tried many different ways to do it, like:
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Aug 13, 2010
Intermittently when I go to test a movie, Flash CS5 will crash. I usually get two this-program-is-messed-up boxes about the crash from windows before the program shuts down completely. If I try to open my .fla after this point, Flash tells me that it is an unexpected file format and refuses to load it. These are often projects I have been working on for several hours, and since it corrupts the .fla - all my work is wasted.
Flash CS5 from the Adobe Web Premium CS5 suite
Windows 7 64bit
.fla is on a network drive
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Jan 26, 2004
I have a button on my main time line root and I have a movie clip that performs an animation inside that I was wondering why I can't access the movie clip with this code I am using mx 2004 [AS]on (rollover) { _root.document.mc_button.gotoAndPlay("up"); }[/AS]
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Jun 26, 2007
create a variable that represents the number of frames in a movie clip? I thought maybe something like var = getProperty(my_mc, frames); might work, but it doesn't. I'm trying to make a "last" button for a template that goes to the last frame in a movie clip, and as we'll be updating and changing the number of frames in the movie clip quite often, I'd rather just have it find the last frame rather than have to update the actionscript every time.
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Jul 19, 2004
I need to make something that mimicks The Dancer over at[URL]I've created all the movie clips but I don't know where to start with the loading and unloading of the dancing bits The buttons at the bottom scroll through movie clips with different movement. So the "arms" button would load arms01, then when it's clicked again, it would load arms02, clicked again it would load arms03, and then repeat when it reached the end.
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