Use Right Click / Change Function On A Datagrid In Flex

Jul 4, 2011

i have a datagrid which contained several items,when i click one row, a panel will show,however, if i have already selected one row and then click some blank place, this panel will also show because there is already a selecteditem,which will be a problem. Then i change this click event to change event, however, there will be another problem, which is if i click the same row, nothing will happend. so is there any better idea when i click a row, a panel shows and when i click the blank place, nothing happened.

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Jul 23, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Give Click And Double Click Together In Advanced Datagrid Flex?

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Oct 15, 2011

I have two datagrids:

- Division
- Members

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Flex :: DataGrid Add New Row Via Single Click Event

Apr 15, 2012

Flex data grid has 1 default row created. When user clicks on the second row, a new row needs to be created and made editable.

Here is what works already - user tabs over the columns and when the user tabs while in the last column, a new row is created with default values.

Here is also what already works - user click a button outside the grid, which adds a new row.

(itemEditBegin and itemEditEnd have been implemented)

Here is what does NOT work: When I "single click" on the second row (no data yet - row is null), how do I detect that the currently clicked row is the second row and make it editable? Can I figure out the rowIndex from MouseEvent and use this to add a new row?

Find code below:

<mx:DataGrid id="myGrid" editable="true" click="clickEvent(event)"
itemEditEnd="endEdit(event)" itemEditBegin="beginEdit(event)" variableRowHeight="true" >


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Flex :: Spark DataGrid Cell Click?

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Is there something like this in Flex 4.5, and how to get the data from the clicked cell ?

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Flex :: Click On A Row In A DataGrid And Highlight All Related Rows?

Jul 1, 2010

how I can select a row in a datagrid in flex and have it highlight that row plus any related rows.Let me give you can example:Let's say that I have a datagrid. In the grid I have two columns for each row. One column has what type of car they own, and the other column has the owners name. Let's say that an owner has two cars. So you have a datagrid that looks like this (4 rows, 2 columns):if you click on the Camery row, the Jaguar row and the Camery row are both highlighted.I have a datagrid that has items, and has related items to its parent.

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<mx:DataGridColumn textAlign="center" headerText="" dataField="col2">
<mx:HBox textAlign="center" paddingLeft="17">
<mx:Image source="@Embed(source='image/play_button.png')" click="currentState='Playsystem'"/>

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Flex :: Datagrid Sorting Only On Click Of Specific Part In HeaderRenderer

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I have a custom FilterColumnHeaderRenderer with an HBox, inside a Label for the Column Header, a Textinput for the filter text and Label to clear the filter. Now I want that the column sorting only takes place on clicking the title.Currently the I use the sortCompareFunction on HeaderRelease for the whole columnHeader.[code]

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Flex :: DataGrid Change Value Based On Another Value?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a DataGrid in Flex, with one column a checkbox and another a numeric value. When the checkbox is clicked, the numeric value should change, either to 0 if the checkbox is unselected, or to a pre-defined minimum value if the checkbox is selected. Here is the code I have:

<mx:DataGrid x="0" y="45" width="272" height="525" dataProvider="{dp}" variableRowHeight="true" editable="true" id="equipmentDG" verticalAlign="middle">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="" headerStyleName="gridheader" width="20" dataField="included" editorDataField="selected" rendererIsEditor="true">


The value updates in the data (I can see it when I close and open the dialog this is in), but it doesn't update instantly in the data grid. How can I make the value visibly change as soon as the checkbox is clicked?

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Actionscript :: Flex Edit DataGrid Cell On Click Only When Previously Selected?

Feb 27, 2010

I need to modify the behaviour of an editable datagrid to this:

-Single-click on a row, doesn't make the cell show a text input field (only selects the row)

-Double-click on a row, doesn't make the cell show a text input field either


-Clicking a cell in an already selected row, shows a text input field ready to be edited.

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Flex :: Disable Double Click On Advanced Datagrid Grouping Title?

Jan 20, 2011

I have an advanced datagrid that has a grouping on it. With the items inside of the grouping I have it setup where you double click on an item and it will create a popup that allows the user to edit that entry. The problem that I am having is that I can double click on the group title and the popup is activated with blank information.[code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Selection In Flex Datagrid Does Not Pass The ValueObject To SelectionChangeHandler Function

Aug 11, 2011

I have a TabNavigator, and each tab is a Module. One of the modules is labelled Units and the full code of the module is posted in this post. There are several problems:

1) Forms are not populated with data from the datagrid selection.
2) Selecting a row and clicking delete gives the very-common error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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import mx.controls.Alert;


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Flex :: Dynamically Change The Width Of Datagrid Column?

Jun 16, 2009

Can we change the width of the datagrid column dynamically by clicking on the border of the column in order to display the complete string which is too long to be displayed and needs to be scrolled ? If so, How ?

Also, how can we ensure that the column width changes dynamically based on the number of characters / length of string; since many a times the data is too long to be displayed. Can we set the column width to take the length of data into consideration before displaying onto the datagrid ?

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Flex :: Dynamically Change Background Colour Of Datagrid Row?

Mar 7, 2010

It seems like there are various hacks out there to change the background colour of the row of a datagrid but all of them seem to happen at render time.See: http:[url]....I have a datagrid where I need to change row colours to red then back to normal frequently based on changes to the bound ArrayCollection. So I'm looking for a way to change the row colours dynamically.Obviously as the changes are happening frequently it would be nice if changing the background colour of the row wasn't an expensive process.

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Flex :: Change Datagrid Cell's ItemRenderer Dynamically?

Mar 20, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex DataGrid Autoscroll On DataProvider Change?

Aug 9, 2011

My Flex datagrid automatically scrolls to the top when I update the dataProvider (ArrayCollection). I do not want this to happen, but I still want all of the objects to update. I am developing a semi-real time dashboard for a customer's management system, that will update often. If it scrolls to the top every time it updates, it will be very difficult and frustrating to use.I've attempted to use the following techniques to prevent this, none have worked.

dataProvider = updatedDataProvider;
dataProvider.source = updatedDataProvider.source;

I've attempted to dispatch a mouse event to hold the vertical scrollbar in place, I've attempted to lock the vertical scrollbar position value in place (saving and reassigning)..

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Flex :: CheckBoxes In DataGrid Not Updating After Change In Binded ArrayCollection?

Jul 14, 2009

I have extended CheckBox class to use it as itemRenderer to centered it in DataGrid cell and reflect ArrayCollection changes. Here is the .as:

package myComponents
import flash.display.DisplayObject;


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Flex :: Change The Data Of Line Chart On Datagrid Itemclick?

Jun 22, 2010

I have created a line chart and another datagrid.based on dataitem clicked nthe chart should be changed. For example I have datagrid for stocks with 3 stocks GOOGL,Yahoo and ADBE .On clicking upon the GOOGL the google data should be loaded in to line chart.

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Flex :: Mxml - Change The Margins Inside Cells Of A DataGrid?

Nov 17, 2010

I am using the following code to insert a DataGrid object into a basic Panel:

<mx:DataGrid borderThickness="0"
height="120" dataProvider="{collection}"
rowHeight="12" fontSize="9"
showHeaders="false" verticalGridLines="false">


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Flex :: Change Text Color Of A Datagrid Row On Particular Condition In AIR Application

May 27, 2011

I want to change the text color of the datagrid row on particular condition ie.i am checking on a condition.If that satisfies then I have to change the text color of each cell ie the whole row.[code]

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Actionscript :: Change The Style Of One Individual Cell In A Flex DataGrid?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a Flex DataGrid where one individual cell needs to be rendered in a different way from others. Specifically, for one row of the grid, one of its cells should be hidden.

The DataGridColumn is set out like this in my .mxml file:


but that doesn't work - in fact it messes up the display in a rather entertaining fashion (one of the other cells in the row gets an extra checkbox.. I suspect it may be possible by using a custom ItemRenderer class but that seems like a lot of code overhead for a fairly simple case.

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Flex :: Datagrid - AdvancedDatagrid Editable But Not Allowed To Change Data?

Jul 3, 2011

I have an advanced datagrid, but I want users to allow to copy some lines they want. when I use the property editable they are allowed to select the text they need, but they also are allowed to edit this. How can I prevent that?

I want users to be able to select any text in the datagrid, but they are not allowed to change the value of the grid. They should only be allowed to select and copy (ctrl + c).

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Flex :: Possible To Call Function By Using Datagrid Column?

May 17, 2010

Is it possible to call the function by using the datagrid column item?I want to call the function while the user click the particular column item in the datagrid?

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