Xml :: Create A Dynamic Xml Which Populates An Advanced Data Grid In Flex Air Application?
Dec 28, 2009
Is it possible to create a dynamic xml file which changes in some fields to populate an advanced data grid?I have to display continents, countries, society and its values but i want to change randomly only the value and not all toegether...The client side application call the database by an asynchronous httpservice.LCDS, Blaze or similar are not allowed.
I have to populate an Advanced Data Grid which have the following fields: Continent->State->Society-->Actual Value-->Estimate Value I want to simulate a financial market so i have to change some of the values by asynchronous request from an HTTPService; If necessary i'll post the .as file, but it is generated automatically by Flex Builder.
Here's the code of the client side Flex/Air application:
I am trying to drag and drop hierarchical data in the same advanced data grid, and I would like the data provider to updated when the ADG is updated. (I want to be able to save and load this tree, so it is important that drags and drops are saved.)
The sample app has an ADG showing hierarchical data as well as flat data. The first column of each datagrid shows the rowindex of the underlying data.
If you rearrange the items on the left ADG, the row indexes become unordered. If you click traceTree you see that the data provider is not in order.
On the other hand if you do the same on the right, the row numbers stay ordered even when the objects move around and if you click traceFlat, the data provider is in the order shown on ADG
My goal is to have the data provider order match the ADG order for the left grid which is displaying hierarchical data.
when we use an advanced data grid, only when we click on the parent element the children details get populated in the corresponding columns, right?..SO now i have made the empty columns invisible(at design) now how do i make them visible at run time when the parent element is expanded..similarly once the columns are visible, how can i make them invisible again when the parent element is closed.
How can I change the rollover color of AdvancedDataGrid 's header? It's light-blue by default.I tried using a HeaderRenderer, but it does not help. There is a 2 pixel color border on the top and bottom of the header that I can't control.
I am working on a grid example in flex using advanced grid control. I know we can easily group data by specifying the field name. At the group node level, other than the gorup name I want to be able to show data in the rest of the cells ( calculated data ) and I am looking for some dataRowBound event or similar to be able to hook some data in it.
Example: Grid displaying list of towns grouped by state. At the group level ( for each state) I want to show the total number of towns in each state. Here how can i show the total number in the town column.
The Following code seems to only be working when i have editable="true" on the Advanced Data Grid. But I don't want it it be editable.
The docs don't say anything about it needing to be editable, and i dont see why it should need to be.
a_data_list.addEventListener(AdvancedDataGridEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_IN, clickedRow); public function clickedRow(event:AdvancedDataGridEvent):void { trace("datagrid line was clicked"); }
I wish to have a standard row with string items except two items,no 1 there is a date field and I need a date selector for it.no 2 in another cell of the row I want to put a drop down list box containing text "40" and "20" or you can manually edit the cell so that it displays what ever input you decide (other than 40 and 20)
I'm running into an issue where I'm triggering the ItemFocusOut event on my adg. However, it seems to call this event twice for everytime that I tab out of the cell.When the second call is made not all the information is available to me. In the second code block below the cellbject comes back null after the fist tab. So, any ideas on why this gets call twice. The first code block is my event setup.
I want to render a very simple Flex data grid. How do I anchor the SWF flash file in the HTML? Do I need to compile a special .swf or can I use a 'standard' data grid .swf - and just pass the data to it?
I am trying to create a dynamic datagrid in Flex 3, I have a list of columns a list of objects which correspond to datapoints for those columns which I fetch from a url. While the grid works perfectly fine the problem is that sorting on the columns is done in lexical order.[code]...
I'm using FlashBuilder 4 and trying to create a dropdownlist that populates a datagrid. The functionality is fine but my data is being chopped up too much. Currently every since "nepName" tag in my XML file is showing up in my dropdownlist (which makes for many duplicates of the same names) and only shows the data associated with that nepName tag. I want each nepName (by name ex. Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program) to display only once in my dropdownlist and populate my datadgrid with ALL the data in the XML file that is associated with that name
I'm currently working with the OLAPDataGrid component and got stuck at a relatively simple task: I want to style the last row of the grid differently from the rest, so my cell item renderer needs to know whether he's rendering the last row with content in the overall grid, including those rows currently not rendered because they are outside the visible grid space. AdvancedGridListData's rowIndex property only gets me the row index of the renderer relative to the range of visible grid rows, i.e. when I scroll down the grid, a data item with an index greater than 0 gets the rpw index = 0.
I want to capture the header click event and on click , i want to split the columns ,by adding the AdvancedDatgridColumnGroup dynamicaly at each level. capturing the header click event. I want to explore the advanced datagrid option more.
I want to create a custom component library. the components are customize-able during creation time. means like Accordion or TabNavigator, when we drag and drop the Accordion in flash builder it
I have a radio button group within a data grid, whenever I attempt to change the selected radio button the web page crashes. Below is how I put together the radio button in the data grid.
My data grid is displaying stale data, rather than the real time data available in it's data provider (array collection). I've tried refeshing the data in the collection, but that has no effect. Below is my code, does anyone see what could be the problem?
I want to display the same data in a chart and a data grid. I want to use the same data provider for both of them to reduce the amount of SQL queries.How do I transform the database structure into the chart structure and into the table structure using ActionScript?*
Using php to declare a few Flashvars. No problems - they all arrive and behave. One of these populates a dynamic text field inside an MC. Simple enough stuff right? But.... when I try to test equality on that text field I get nothing. I've tried EVERYTHING I can think of. The MC is called "fake2". The text field inside it has a variable name of "choice_dyna" and an instance name of "fd2".
how can i delete storage directory instances or folder while uninstalling any air application. In my application when i first time run my application, application copy some data from application directory to application storage directory. now i want to delete all data and application directory folder also while uninstalling application.
I am doing that because when i launch any update then application is accessing old data which conflict with my application new features.
I want to read xml data to a mxml application from a xml file on my filesystem. The example I found was for AIR,link2, link3. But I want to target the Flash Player runtime. If I use the the tag, I can do it; however the xml compiles into my swf. How can I retain the xml file in my release build?