Make The Text Move With A Tween And Fade With The Alpha?

Jun 4, 2009

i am trying to do is make a simple text animation, i need the text to go from small to large and fade. I figured how to make the text move with a tween and fade with the alpha, but i cannot get it to go from small to large and back to small.Here is an example of what i mean...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Tween - Movieclip Containing The FLV Component To Load The Right File - Fade In And When The Video Ends - Fade Out

Oct 13, 2008

I simply have one FLVPlayback component in the background and a movieclip on the layer above with an FLVPlayback component inside it. The first FLV component is constantly looping a five-second video. So all I need is for the movieclip containing the second FLV component to load the right file, fade in, and when the video ends, fade out. Absolutely all of that works... apart from the fading in. What I noticed was that my movieclip was fading in correctly, but the FLVPlayback component was empty and transparent until the fade had finished - then it played the clip. Here's my code, which gets called at random intervals:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Tween Fade In And Out?

Feb 24, 2012

I'm trying to find the most easiest way to fade in and out a movieclip in AS3. What I did is this:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade Alpha After Tween

Jul 8, 2008

I made the following AS tween that moves the MC from right to left. It should fade its alpha after the tween finishes. But it doesn't fade. Why not?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple Alpha Fade - How To Tween Instances

Dec 18, 2007

I'm learning how to tween instances using AS and not the timeline but I've run into a rather odd little problem regarding Alpha fades. It seems that the instance I'm fading in only remains on screen for a while (a minute or two) and then promptly disappears. Similarly in a simple slideshow I've made (where the images just fade in over the top of one another) the second rotation runs without a fade in/out.

Here's the code I'm using attached to the instance:-
On clipEvent (enterFrame);
instance = +10

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Alot Ball Endless Fade In And Fade Out By Using Tween Event Class?

Feb 11, 2012

my intention is to make alot ball endless fade in and fade out by using tween event class , but i got some problem see my code.

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;[code].....

but only 1 ball restart back,other 14 ball just stop at there , try paste on action and try you will see what i mean , how i going to make all ball restart back?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Tween - MC To Fade In On RollOut And Fade Out On RollOut

Sep 17, 2003

I know this question has been asked a thousand times already, but I simply can't get it to work. I've looked at various other threads posts, but none of them seem to work. Here's what I'm trying to do: I have a button (Instance name: "go") and a MC (instance name: "fader"). Now, I want the MC to fade in on rollOut and fade out on rollOut. Currently, I have this code: In frame 1 of my movie: (taken from this thread)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fade Alpha - Image To Appear And Move To The Front When The Thumbnail Is Clicked

Dec 30, 2008

I'm creating a portfolio site with a handful of thumbnails. I want a short description of each thumbnail to appear when I rollover the thumbnail. I've got it set up to appear, but I want them to fade in. I can't seem to figure that out. In addition, I want an image to appear and move to the front when the thumbnail is clicked. I can get it to appear, but if it's not on top, then it will just show under the other images visible. I'm thinking that a simple command would solve all these issues, but I cannot seem to figure it out. I've included the action script for one thumbnail.

Ideally, I'd like for the clicked image to fade out and the next clicked image to fade in, but I think that that is beyond my Actionscript understanding for now.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Alpha Fade For Images?

Mar 21, 2005

What im trying to achieve is an alpha effect with image transitions. I have some links that I want to make an alpha fade for images when the users passes over the buttons. The effect that im searching for is like this one:


But only, they should be triggered by rollovers not mousemovement. In addition i have some images connected to the buttons. for instance on productslink the product image should be "alpha 100%" and the previous image should animate from 100 to 0 % alpha.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha-fade Dynamic Text?

Feb 21, 2004

I have some text which was set up with an alpha fade-in motion tween (0-100%) and worked fine until the text was made dynamicaly loaded from a text file and variable. Now it still shows the fade-in in work mode, but during play it just pops directly to the final 100% state.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Tween Dynamic Text?

Aug 26, 2009

I've got a movieClip containing a background and 3 dynamic text inputs, that I'm trying to tween via the tween class.When I apply the alpha tween, the background within the movieClip does fade to 0 like it should, but the dynamic text inputs do NOT.I was wondering if anyone could explain how I could get this working, so that an alpha tween to a movieClip also alpha tween everything within it. It was my understanding that the point of putting things into a movieClip was so that you didn't have to apply to each element of the movieClip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Tween On A Text Field?

Sep 3, 2008

I have run into this problem multiple times and never been able to find an answer, but this time rather than doing a work around, I wanted to try once-and-for-all to see if anyone has an answer.With actionscript I'm creating a new movieclip, then having that movieclip create a text field. I'm populating this text field with content pulled from an XML file, and also controlling its color, size, ect. with the same XLM document.I'm trying to set its alpha to 0, then have Tweener tween it in to 100, but have never been successful.Has anyone run into this and found a way to do it?

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Text Won't Fade In With Motion Tween

Jul 19, 2009

do a simple fade in of text with a motion tween.  I have entered text, converted to graphic symbol, set alpha channel on frame 1 to 0% and on frame 30 to 100%, the add motion tween.  The text simply pops back in at frame 30 with no fade in between 0 and 30 at all.  I have text set as static.  Is this a Flash bug?  I am working with Flash CS3.  The same thing happened when I tried to do a zoom with a graphic and I had to break the two objects apart before I got any motion tween between them.  This is not working with text, however. Adobe Flash CS3  Mac Pro  Tiger 10.4.11

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Modify Fade In - Movie Image To Fade Back In From Alpha0 To Alpha 100 Before It Re-starts

Feb 4, 2010

I have a tweened movie which plays on a loop. A click on the image area stops the movie and the image fades nicely from alpha 100 to alpha 0. A second click brings the image back immediately to alpha 100 and the clip continues. I would like the movie image to fade back in from alpha0 to alpha 100 before it re-starts; (the reverse of the fade out). At the moment the re-appearence of the image is a crude jump. So far my ill informed tinkering has not worked.


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Motion Tween - Text To Decrease Size And Modify Alpha

May 28, 2009

I am new to flash but I have used motion tween before with Flash CS3. Now I need a text to decrease size and modify alpha so I wrote the text (one word), converted it to symbol (movie clip), create 2 key-frames (larger size, alpha 30% -> small size, alpha 100%) and "create motion tween" between. But it doesn't work i don't know why! This time I use Flash CS4 and I was wondering if there are some presets or something that I don't know. The arrow that suppose to appear between the frames doesn't ..only the frames change color.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Tween - Quality Of The Text Shown As The Movie Clip Is Not The Same As How It Looks In FLASH

Sep 8, 2006

1) In the attached file, I have a movie clip that quickly comes across the top of the screen (following a short distance). I want it to start out with 0 alpha and i want it to fade in to 100 alpha. However, I want to do this using Actionscript while I'm EASING the movie clip. I'm trying to NOT use the timeline and do automated tweens for this function. If I combine them, it compliles but the output gets all messed up.

2) The quality of the text shown as the movie clip is not the same as how it looks in FLASH. I jacked up the quality of the output to 100% and it's still the same. any reason why?

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Fade In / Fade Out Alpha Tweens Not Working?

Jul 10, 2009

I've got a function 'onIntroFinished' which starts two tweens (musicPlayerIntro and fullResetBtnIntro). After each tween, an eventlistener is added to that particular tween to see when it's ended, so it can call on another function to start a new tween. The first tweens complete within the 'onIntroFinished' function....however, they don't go on to start the second tween in the 'musicPlayerIntro2' and 'fullResetBtnIntro2' functions? The trace statements are getting called for the second tween functions, so they're getting through to that point, but why aren't the tweens starting?  Ocassionally when I test it, the second tweens half work, fading out to 50% alpha, but then stop and stay visible, rather than fully fading out. Is this necessarilly the best way to do a fade In/fade out alpha tween?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fade Tween, Only Works After Previous Fade Has Finished?

Aug 31, 2011

I have a movie clip (mc) with the alpha set to 0 (invisible). if you click on the stage it sets the mc's alpha to 0.4, before fading to alpha 0 again in 1.5 seconds. Here the code:

mc.alpha = 0.4;
tweenOut = new Tween(mc, "alpha", Regular.easeIn, mc.alpha, 0, 1.5, true );

Basically you click on the stage, the mc appears and then fades away within 1.5 seconds. Here's my problem...

If I click on the stage again before the fade has completed, nothing happens. I have to wait the full 1.5 seconds before I can do it again.

Anyone know how I can make this work irrespective if the previous fade out has finished or not?

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IDE :: Movie Clips Contents Alpha At Different Rate During Tween Class Tween

Mar 4, 2010

If i have a clip with a bunch of stuff inside it (on layers) like other clips, bitmaps, etc. and perform a tween on that clip (via tween class), the stuff inside the clip seems to alpha at different rates.

For instance, i have a clip with an empty movieclip which loads a bitmap image and on top of the bitmap image, i have a gradient feathered edge (.png) bitmap and on top of that I have some dynamic text (embedded fonts).

The bitmap is supposed to create a feathered edge on the photo but since they alpha at different rates, you always see the hard edge of the photo...

is there a solution like cacheAsBitmap which would let the whole clip alpha at once? If it's cacheAsBitmap, i must be using it incorrectly, b/c it's not working!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Text Fade In And Out

Aug 25, 2011

I'm trying to make a menu fade in using alpha motion tweens, and everything works when I just play the timeline, but when I test the scene or the movie the text just appears in any frames it's in even if it's alpha is set to zero percent. I'm using flash 8 in case that matters. Does anyone know how to fix this.

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IDE :: Make A Dynamic Text Field Fade In

Apr 22, 2009

I,m trying to make a dynamic text field fade in. I got the fade in part though. the dynamic text field contains a percentage loader. just before it fades in it shows a zero. this is my actionscript code it is as2


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Element To Function To Make Text Fade?

Feb 2, 2006

I'm looking to add an element to this function to make my text fade. On (release) of my 'biog' button this function starts. But also I need my text on the page to fade from 100 to 0 on release, before this function begins. I've tried applying code that I have but can't get it to wrk. Not sure how these functions work exactly and no matter how much reading I do I can't get this right.

scrollIt = function() {
this.onEnterFrame=function() {
if (_root.container1.SUB._x>440) {
_root.container1.SUB._x += -30;
} else if (_root.container1.SUB._x>-30) {
_root.container1.PAGE._x += (-40-_root.container1.PAGE._x)/8; _root.container1.SUB._x += (0-_root.container1.SUB._x) /2;
} else { delete this.onEnterFrame;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClips Overlaping - Make A Text Fade Off Slowly

Sep 23, 2006

I have to make a text fade off slowly, at the same time a text behind fading on at the same position, Can I do this with different MovieClips or I have to use a simngle text component... Ok, this what I want: (fading on) SomeText (fading off/fading on)Some other text (fading off)

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IDE :: Mouse Over Alpha Fade?

Sep 14, 2009

I am new to Flash and am using Flash CS4. Can someone send me the code to make a top picture fade out to reveal a photo underneath when hovering with a mouse and then fade back in after you move the mouse?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Modify This Script To Make Images Load Like A Fade In/fade Out Slideshow?

Mar 29, 2010

is it possible to modify this script to make images load like a fade in/fade out slideshow. It works with buttons to action the transition I want, but I want a similar script to play a simple slideshow with same transitions.

this.pathToPics = "images/";
this.pArray = ["home1.jpg", "home2.jpg", "home3.jpg", "home4.jpg", "home5.jpg" ];


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CS3 :: Pages - Make Each Page Movie Clip Have A Fade Start And Fade End

Apr 12, 2010

flash version: CS3 AS2 Im having trouble making the pages for a website im working on. I have a row of buttons, and I want each one to open its corrisponding page ie. contact_us_button to open contact_us movie clip. the thing is I want each page to transition in and out. so when I click contact us, the contact us movie clip fades in and stops. When I click about us, the contact us movie clip fades out and about us fades in.

Is the way to do this to make each page movie clip have a fade start and fade end, and have it stop before the fade end, and on another page click continue playing the current clip to get the fade out and then open the new page movie clip?

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Basic Fade In / Out Of Five Images Using Alpha

Oct 6, 2009

I am using Flash 8 - trying to get started by simply fading in/out using Alpha. I totally get on the first layer converting image to movie, inserting key frame and motion tween, selecting clip and changing alphato 0%. Where I am absolutely lost - is when it comes the second, third, fourth and fifth image. I have tried inserting new layers and repeating the steps - but for some reason 2-5 images do not transition like image one.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: As2 Set Timer Fade Out (alpha)

Feb 28, 2011

Im using the following bit of code to advance through frames at a set interval. Each frame consists of a different quote (text) and while this works fine I want to add in a fade effect so that for the last second of the frame the alpha of the frame reduces from 100 to 0.Here is the timer code im using:stop();function goNext(){gotoAndPlay(2);clearInterval(timer);}var timer = setInterval(goNext, 10000);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade Colour Instead Of Alpha

May 28, 2010

I want to be able to fade to a colour, rather than alpha as I'm loading movies into a holder, when the alpha fade function is used it shows the surface beneath the holder and I don't want this to happen, so I tried to use a setRgb but it didn't work, how to fade to a colour not to opacity.

Here is my code:

timer = setInterval(this, "fadeOut", 1500);
function fadeOut(){
this.onEnterFrame = function(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Fade In And Out When Rollover?

Jun 23, 2010

how to fade in / out the movieclip using actionscript with ease.. ?

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