ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Tween - Quality Of The Text Shown As The Movie Clip Is Not The Same As How It Looks In FLASH

Sep 8, 2006

1) In the attached file, I have a movie clip that quickly comes across the top of the screen (following a short distance). I want it to start out with 0 alpha and i want it to fade in to 100 alpha. However, I want to do this using Actionscript while I'm EASING the movie clip. I'm trying to NOT use the timeline and do automated tweens for this function. If I combine them, it compliles but the output gets all messed up.

2) The quality of the text shown as the movie clip is not the same as how it looks in FLASH. I jacked up the quality of the output to 100% and it's still the same. any reason why?

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IDE :: Movie Clips Contents Alpha At Different Rate During Tween Class Tween

Mar 4, 2010

If i have a clip with a bunch of stuff inside it (on layers) like other clips, bitmaps, etc. and perform a tween on that clip (via tween class), the stuff inside the clip seems to alpha at different rates.

For instance, i have a clip with an empty movieclip which loads a bitmap image and on top of the bitmap image, i have a gradient feathered edge (.png) bitmap and on top of that I have some dynamic text (embedded fonts).

The bitmap is supposed to create a feathered edge on the photo but since they alpha at different rates, you always see the hard edge of the photo...

is there a solution like cacheAsBitmap which would let the whole clip alpha at once? If it's cacheAsBitmap, i must be using it incorrectly, b/c it's not working!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The Quality Of A Particular Movie Clip Rather Than The Entire Flash Movie?

Sep 18, 2002

Does anyone know if it is possible to set the quality of a particular movie clip rather than the entire flash movie?

For example, say i wanted to start a drag of a movie clip. So when it started, the quality of that particular movie clip would be set to 'low' then when the drag is stopped it is set back to 'best'

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Click On The Movie Clip That Is Shown As The Last One?

May 11, 2009

I have 3 images... I created 3 movie clips for each one (a_mc, b_mc, c_mc). It shows up as one behind the other, but what I want is to: click on the  movie clip that is shown as the last one (or the second one) and have it appear at the front (a swap with the first) with a nice transition.

var mcA:Array=[a_mc,b_mc,c_mc];
for(var i:uint=0;i<mcA.length;i++){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Quality Button Not Working - No Error Shown

Jun 22, 2009

I am trying to make a quality button, a single button that changes the quality to the next setting.

Right now I am using this code:
function changeQuality(event:MouseEvent):void {
}else if(stage.quality==StageQuality.HIGH){
}else if(stage.quality==StageQuality.MEDIUM){
}else if(stage.quality==StageQuality.LOW){

No errors come up, but it doesn't change the quality either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Tween Dynamic Text?

Aug 26, 2009

I've got a movieClip containing a background and 3 dynamic text inputs, that I'm trying to tween via the tween class.When I apply the alpha tween, the background within the movieClip does fade to 0 like it should, but the dynamic text inputs do NOT.I was wondering if anyone could explain how I could get this working, so that an alpha tween to a movieClip also alpha tween everything within it. It was my understanding that the point of putting things into a movieClip was so that you didn't have to apply to each element of the movieClip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Tween On A Text Field?

Sep 3, 2008

I have run into this problem multiple times and never been able to find an answer, but this time rather than doing a work around, I wanted to try once-and-for-all to see if anyone has an answer.With actionscript I'm creating a new movieclip, then having that movieclip create a text field. I'm populating this text field with content pulled from an XML file, and also controlling its color, size, ect. with the same XLM document.I'm trying to set its alpha to 0, then have Tweener tween it in to 100, but have never been successful.Has anyone run into this and found a way to do it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX - Movie Clip Quality?

Jan 9, 2004

I'm not sure if this is even possible but just in case. I'd like to make a movie clip's quality low without affecting the quality of the whole movie. Is that possible?My problem is that I have pixel fonts being used in dynamic fields and they get all fuzzy because of the stupid anti-aliasing.

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Make The Text Move With A Tween And Fade With The Alpha?

Jun 4, 2009

i am trying to do is make a simple text animation, i need the text to go from small to large and fade. I figured how to make the text move with a tween and fade with the alpha, but i cannot get it to go from small to large and back to small.Here is an example of what i mean...


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May 28, 2009

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Professional :: Exporting SWF Diminishes Quality Of Movie Clip

Mar 20, 2010

Im working on a Dragonball Z MMO. things are goin great so far utilizing Flash PHP and MySQL. but thats not the issue right now.Im running tests of the battle system. i have the enemy set up as Mr. Popo (character from the series) The quality of the sprite appears great and in good color.however, when i compile everything into the final .swf, the movie clip appears diminished, discolored, and just really crappy looking.[code]it only happens to this movie clip in particular, any insite would be grossly appricated.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash PNG Quality On Tween?

Sep 20, 2010

In Flash I have some PNG images, and I wish these images to become 50% larger on hover. However the tween I have used to make them larger distorts the quality of the images considerably.

For the tween I am not using any external libraries and I am using a standard scaleX tween.

Is there a way around this loss of quality?

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Actionscript 2 :: IDE - Reduce The Alpha Of A Movie Clip When Mouse Is RollOver The Movie

Apr 19, 2010

I want to reduce the alpha of a movie clip when mouse is rollOver the movie , the alpha will be continuously reducing over frames, i dont want to use tween.


i this code when i rollOver the mouse on a movie clip, it shows the alpha reducing over time , and at roll out alpha increases over time. but if i rollOver and rollOut in fractions of seconds , it flickers (like 60-100 instead of from the current alpha lvl), So i am looking for some code that can help me in fixing this problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Movie Clip Via Button Outside Same Movie Clip?

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to move a movie clip containing content via AS3 tween with a button outside of the movie clip. I have achieved this effect on another project by using the following code:

Actionscript Code:
var myxTween:Tween=new Tween(content_mc,"x",Regular.easeOut,content_mc.x,theXPosition,.8,true);

I set up a moveContent funtion using that tween, then used:

Actionscript Code:
content_mc.aboutBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, aboutClick);function aboutClick(e:MouseEvent):void { trace("aboutClick");; moveContent(588,-538,"about.swf");}

to move the content. I am just wondering how to achieve the same effect but use a button on a separate layer that will be static.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize Image Inside Movie Clip Proportionally Without Losing Quality

Mar 23, 2009

I've made a slide show and I've been successful so far. However, I'd like to add some thumbnails right below the original image (original size).Here are some specifications of the thumbnails:Size: 50 x 50 px.The image sources of the thumbnails and the original image are the same.Therefore, I'd like to resize only the movie clips for the thumbnails because the actual image file dimensions won't be changed.I tried simply setting the width and height of the movie clip to 50 but it lost quality and you get jagged lines in the image. Does anyone know a good algorithm to resize an image inside a movie clip proportionally and without losing quality?Btw, I'm using an XML files to store the images so you have to include the Loaders and stuff, what I really need to know is how to resize images without losing quality.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Alpha From A Different Movie Clip?

Apr 6, 2010

The thing should work like this: theres a movie clip in frame 10 of the timeline with two buttons inside, by clicking one of them the movie should jump to frame 15 and take the alpha of two Mc there (they are inside a different movie clip) to 0. This is what ie been trying (code on the button, btw):

on (release) {
McScene2.lettuce._alpha = 0;
McScene2.pumpkin._alpha = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Alpha Trail

Apr 6, 2004

I'm having trouble getting my movieclips to have trails that fade behind it. I'm having the dupilcate movieclips delete themselves once their alpha reaches a certain point. what's wrong with my code? I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the counters. You can view my fla here: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Alpha Trail?

Apr 6, 2004

I'm having trouble getting my movieclips to have trails that fade behind it. I'm having the dupilcate movieclips delete themselves once their alpha reaches a certain point.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Alpha Of Movie Clip OnMouseMove?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm new to action script and was wondering how to change the alpha of a movieclip from 0 to 100% gradually or instantly when the mouse is moved ( like the navigation bar on a media player) when the mouse is still i want the alpha to be at 0, i am totally new to actionscript but am familiar with code syntax.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Make A Box Which Is A Movie Clip To Ease Alpha Out

Feb 17, 2009

I have a button and when this button is clicked, I want it to make a box which is a movie clip to ease alpha out.

newsButton.onRelease = function() {

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Changing Alpha Of Movie Clip On Button Rollover

May 15, 2009

how to increase the alpha of a movie clip when you rollover a button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: On Click Move And Alpha A Movie Clip?

Feb 28, 2007

would like to know the AS code for getting a movieclip object to move to a specific x,y position on stage and change its alpha at the same time... would be nice if the movement was done with a nice tweening also.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control The Alpha Speed Of A Movie Clip?

Mar 1, 2008

When a movie clip is clicked on, another movie clip will fade out.The problem is that the clip that needs to fade out just disapears in a second, is there a way to controll the speed.I read a lot of info about this for complicated setups, is there a simple fix for this.I was hoping I could just do this designR_mc._alpha = 0/4;But that does not work.HERE IS THE CODE

design_mc.onRelease = function()
{ designR_mc._alpha =0;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Working With Movie Clip Alpha In For Each Loop?

Mar 20, 2010

How can i change movie clips apha property slowly one by one in for each loop? I can't undestand what's wrong((( From XML data i create for each loop, where my MC creates. But i can't chang their alpha property slowly. When i'm trying

mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, alphaShow)
function alphaShow(e:Event):void{ += mcAlphaPlus;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Access Alpha Property Of A Movie Clip

Mar 1, 2005

I can't seem to access the alpha property of a movie clip. I can change it's y x position but not the alpha....

This works great: loader2.lettercontainer.letter_mc1._y=50;

But this doesn't do anything: loader2.lettercontainer.letter_mc1._alpha=50;

The movieclip "letter_mc1" contains a createTextField with one letter in it. I'm completely lost why this isn't working....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Start 2 Motion Tween And End With Buttons Shown - Error 1009

Oct 27, 2009

I am making a webpage for class and i copied all the code from previous projects that i made that worked fine. I made a menu that once you go over the button it starts a 2 motion tweens that end with buttons appearing. i keep getting the message
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

The whole code is this
function back1(event:MouseEvent):void {
function pump_btn(event:MouseEvent):void {
MovieClip(parent).gotoAndPlay("pumpkin_frame", "pumpkin");}

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Movie Clip Alpha Tweens Stop Working When Published?

Nov 20, 2009

I have 3 mc's that I have placed a tween on that fades them from 0% - 100% Alpha (simple fade-in effect). The animations are fine if I test the movie within Flash. However, after publishing, I lose all those tweens in my swf, and all I see are abrupt changes from 0% - 100% alpha. What could I be doing wrong?

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Professional :: Gradually Fade In A Movie Clip Using Alpha Values?

Mar 22, 2011

I'd like to know how to gradually fade in a movie clip using alpha values? I'd like it to go from 0 to 1 in about 2 secondsish

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Child Movie Clip With Alpha Transition?

Sep 27, 2009

I've been trying to find this topic on the internet for what seems like forever but haven't had any luck. What I'm trying to do is remove a child movie clip and have an alpha transition when it is removed.

What I have so far can be found at: [URL]

Basically what I'm trying to do is when the video player is closed, instead of simply disappearing, I want it to fade to an alpha value of zero

this is the code I have so far:

ActionScript Code:
stop ();
MC_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vimeo_embed);
function vimeo_embed (e:MouseEvent):void {
var OpenEmbedPlayer:Vimeo_MC_PU = new Vimeo_MC_PU();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The Location Of The Mouse To Control The Alpha Of A Movie Clip?

Jun 20, 2009

how I can use the location of the mouse to control the alpha of a movie clip. I have 3 images that are the full stage width/height. One image will be in the background and does not need to be changed. However the other images I want to fade in when the mouse is moved from the middle to the left or the right. So I know I need to set a min and max value to be the range of the alpha, but I have never worked with mouse position before. I can't use the mouse over function like many tutorial's show due to images being full screen.

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