ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Tween Dynamic Text?

Aug 26, 2009

I've got a movieClip containing a background and 3 dynamic text inputs, that I'm trying to tween via the tween class.When I apply the alpha tween, the background within the movieClip does fade to 0 like it should, but the dynamic text inputs do NOT.I was wondering if anyone could explain how I could get this working, so that an alpha tween to a movieClip also alpha tween everything within it. It was my understanding that the point of putting things into a movieClip was so that you didn't have to apply to each element of the movieClip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Alpha - Find A Component That Allows Alpha Control With A Dynamic Text Box?

Feb 26, 2005

As far as I know theres in no way to cahnge the alpha of a dynamic text box. I put one in a movie clip and when i try to change the alpha of it everything else in it changes its alpha but the not the DT box. Could someone plz verify for me that u can't change alpha and help me find a component that allows alpha control with a dynamic text box. thx in advance.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Tween A Dynamic Textfield?

Jul 7, 2009

if i made a text field in as 3. like

var blah:TextField = new TextField();
blah.text = "hi ya";

then i used a tween class and tried to alpha it out (fade out) it doesn't alpha out that text field.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Alpha Of Dynamic Drawn Lines?

Mar 27, 2012

Im using the code bellow to draw a line:


How can I make the line to tween, from alpha 0 to 100 using AS2? I Tried TweenMax on "line" movieclip but it does not work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Tween On A Text Field?

Sep 3, 2008

I have run into this problem multiple times and never been able to find an answer, but this time rather than doing a work around, I wanted to try once-and-for-all to see if anyone has an answer.With actionscript I'm creating a new movieclip, then having that movieclip create a text field. I'm populating this text field with content pulled from an XML file, and also controlling its color, size, ect. with the same XLM document.I'm trying to set its alpha to 0, then have Tweener tween it in to 100, but have never been successful.Has anyone run into this and found a way to do it?

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Make The Text Move With A Tween And Fade With The Alpha?

Jun 4, 2009

i am trying to do is make a simple text animation, i need the text to go from small to large and fade. I figured how to make the text move with a tween and fade with the alpha, but i cannot get it to go from small to large and back to small.Here is an example of what i mean...


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Motion Tween - Text To Decrease Size And Modify Alpha

May 28, 2009

I am new to flash but I have used motion tween before with Flash CS3. Now I need a text to decrease size and modify alpha so I wrote the text (one word), converted it to symbol (movie clip), create 2 key-frames (larger size, alpha 30% -> small size, alpha 100%) and "create motion tween" between. But it doesn't work i don't know why! This time I use Flash CS4 and I was wondering if there are some presets or something that I don't know. The arrow that suppose to appear between the frames doesn't ..only the frames change color.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Tween - Quality Of The Text Shown As The Movie Clip Is Not The Same As How It Looks In FLASH

Sep 8, 2006

1) In the attached file, I have a movie clip that quickly comes across the top of the screen (following a short distance). I want it to start out with 0 alpha and i want it to fade in to 100 alpha. However, I want to do this using Actionscript while I'm EASING the movie clip. I'm trying to NOT use the timeline and do automated tweens for this function. If I combine them, it compliles but the output gets all messed up.

2) The quality of the text shown as the movie clip is not the same as how it looks in FLASH. I jacked up the quality of the output to 100% and it's still the same. any reason why?

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IDE :: Movie Clips Contents Alpha At Different Rate During Tween Class Tween

Mar 4, 2010

If i have a clip with a bunch of stuff inside it (on layers) like other clips, bitmaps, etc. and perform a tween on that clip (via tween class), the stuff inside the clip seems to alpha at different rates.

For instance, i have a clip with an empty movieclip which loads a bitmap image and on top of the bitmap image, i have a gradient feathered edge (.png) bitmap and on top of that I have some dynamic text (embedded fonts).

The bitmap is supposed to create a feathered edge on the photo but since they alpha at different rates, you always see the hard edge of the photo...

is there a solution like cacheAsBitmap which would let the whole clip alpha at once? If it's cacheAsBitmap, i must be using it incorrectly, b/c it's not working!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha A MC With Dynamic Text?

Apr 10, 2005

I wonder if i could alpha a MC with dynamic doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Property For Dynamic Text

Jan 20, 2009

How to apply alpha rpoperty for dynamic text.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Alpha Levels?

May 17, 2003

Movie clips containing dynamic text fields do not fade properly when _alpha is modified by AS. The text doesnt fade, but appears 100% at all alpha levels.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha-fade Dynamic Text?

Feb 21, 2004

I have some text which was set up with an alpha fade-in motion tween (0-100%) and worked fine until the text was made dynamicaly loaded from a text file and variable. Now it still shows the fade-in in work mode, but during play it just pops directly to the final 100% state.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Alpha Of A Dynamic Text Box?

Feb 26, 2005

As far as I know theres in no way to change the alpha of a dynamic text box. I put one in a movie clip and when i try to change the alpha of it everything else in it changes its alpha but the not the DT box. can't change alpha and find a component that allows alpha control with a dynamic text box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Bold Or Alpha On Dynamic Text - AS3

Apr 30, 2010

I have a grid of animated dynamic text boxes that are being pushed in from an array. This works great. I was wondering if it possible to have those randomly bolded? If that is not possible, than could their alpha's be random but not any lower than 50%. I know AS3 does 0-1 but how would you force it to not be lower than a certain number?

PHP Code:

import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;var myArray:Array=["Person1","Per2","theLongerPerson3","Person4","p5","p6","People1","Peep2","theLong


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Property On Dynamic Text Not Working?

Sep 25, 2008

I have generated several TextFields dynamically through a for loop. I would like all the text fields to have their alpha set to 0 so that each field can eventually fade in.

When I apply the alpha property by setting it to 0, or even .5 the text appears to still be at an alpha of 1. Does anyone know how to make the text appear with a low to 0 alpha?

I have attached the code from the function which runs the for loop to generate the text fields. Please not that the value of the text fields are stored in a global array, and the text format objects are also global and are declared in the main body of the class.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text And Alpha (title Edited)

Aug 12, 2003

I'm trying to make three text boxes each inside its own movie.Then I want them to each fade in.. not at the same time.. but like.. movie one starts fading in.. a few seconds later the second starts fading in.I've been working this code around but I'm having trouble with it.If I set it to embed fonts the text doesn't display.I also can't make the dynamically stuff be set to an alpha property.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Displaying Character Alpha?

May 4, 2009

I've been making a game in ActionScript 2.0 Flash CS3. Now I want to be able to display my characters alpha using dynamic text. The instance name for the character is char and the Var for the dynamic text is alpha. I want to be able to display the characters alpha and ALSO the characters current alpha in other levels for example.

Variable for lives in level 1:
_root.lives = 5;
Variable for lives in level 2:
_root.currentlives = lives;

I want to be able to do the exact thing but display the 'char' alpha instead.

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Professional :: Tween Changes Dynamic Text?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a dynamic text which is subject of a motion tween. Before the tween starts I assign it a new text value. Now I noticed that at both the first and last keyframe of the tween the text value is reset to its design time value. Is there a way to avoid this, so that it retains the newly assigned value?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Tween Be Applied To Dynamic Text In CS4

May 14, 2010

We have a flashcard application that loads the cards from an array (mysql database -> php -> flash), everything works fine when using a classic tween but when we try to apply a 3D tween to the cards we lose the dynamic text (font is embedded).

So before i spend weeks trying to find a solution i figured i would ask?

Can a 3D Tween be applied to dynamic text in CS4?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8]Dynamic Text Tween Does Not Animate When Stop() In Last KF?

Dec 4, 2010

I decided that this was okay but I wanted to change it so text/staff etc.would update dynamically from a text file. Got this working and moved on to simple alpha tween animation.I have several dynamic buttons that fade onto the stage perfectly. When the user selects a button a variable is loaded which updates the adjacent dynamic text box (within a MC). However, if I try to tween this text box, it goes to full alpha if I place stop() in the last keyframe.If I remove stop() it will loop and display correctly.

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Professional :: Should Alpha Tween Go 1 To 100 To 1 Or 1 To None To 1

Sep 27, 2010

I have a line that starts invisible then becomes solid then invisible again. First keyframe is alpha 1%, should the two keyframes that follow next in the timeline where it shows as full strength colour be left alone, showing still as colour>none in properties, or should I choose alpha and 100% ? Last keyframe again sees it given alpha 1%. ( I was told dont use 0% as it causes flash more work !)What is best practice here? I have many of these to do so leaving keyframes as 'none' for colour would make life much quicker.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Something To Alpha=0?

Aug 26, 2005

Does anyone know of a actionscript that can tween something to alpha=0. Id like to tween something to alpha 0% from alpha 100% rather then do every single one manually. I have a thumnail box that changes images just thought it would be easyer to put a action on the timeline to fade it out rather then tween it one at a time.

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Banner AD - Better Way To Alpha Tween Objects?

Aug 13, 2009

I'm doing alot of banner ad's at the mo. So I'm using the old motion tween effect quite a bit... mainly an alpha tween... on imported bitmaps, and text. While the banners end up the way I want them, I've used alot of layers and alot of the time line. Is there a better way to alpha tween objects. Basicly, I've a movie clip, with alot of bitmaps and text, and they all have alpha motion tweens....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Tween Fade In And Out?

Feb 24, 2012

I'm trying to find the most easiest way to fade in and out a movieclip in AS3. What I did is this:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Tween From One MovieClip To Another?

Jan 15, 2010

Using AS3, how do I create an alpha tween from one movie clip to another?
My thinking is that I can't use the timeline, because the fade is variable and event driven; e.g., the user clicks on one of many pics, and the stage alpha tweens from the current to the clicked.

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Professional :: Best Way To Tween Alpha In Code?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a complex window I'm designing in code. It starts as a button-like thing and once clicked, expands out to a window with text, links, and other misc. stuff. I'm designing it with all the objects to start inside the custom object (extending a MovieClip) and use tweening to expand it all out. The expansion works fine, although it's admittedly ugly..I'm running into an issue when alphaing from nothing (the button is placed over text, completely alpha'ed out to start) to 1.0. It will only start to alpha in if I have the alpha start at greater than 0, even then, when it reaches 1.0, it is NOT full alpha as it should be. Here's what I'm doing, trying to keep what I suspect to be unrelated code out:[code]the alpha of the bg (a shape) is originally set to 0, this code gives me no alpha, if I start it at 0.1, then it gives me some ...what looks like 0.3 at the most

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Alpha Of An Array?

Jun 3, 2008

I am using the Fuse class [URL] for most tweens that I do, but I can't seem to target an array with the class.

Regardless all I'm trying to do is take this array (it actually has way more strings but you get the idea):

var clipArray:Array = new Array("full01_07", "full02_07", "full03_07");

And when I click a btn it fades out everything in the array to alpha:0.

Here is the code I use for fuse:

var hideClips:Fuse = new Fuse();
hideClips.push({target: ????? , alpha:0, time:.25, ease:"easeInQuad"});

i did try target:clipArray[i], it doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade Alpha After Tween

Jul 8, 2008

I made the following AS tween that moves the MC from right to left. It should fade its alpha after the tween finishes. But it doesn't fade. Why not?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To Control Alpha Tween?

Jan 6, 2006


The links on the site above have a nice alpha tween effect. It looks like the rollover fades out the alpha so that the links appear brighter. When you rollout the alpha reduces.

What would be the best/most logical way to do this? I presume you create some AS that contols the alpha tween and keep this on the timeline as a function. Then for each button you call the function.

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