AS3 :: Jump To Certain Word In Multiline Textfield?

Nov 10, 2011

I want to search a word in a textfiled which is multi line , finding it is not a big deal but am i able to scroll to that position , like notepad when you click find next it will jump to that point

var textInput:String="String To Search";
txt.text=textInput; // txt is a dynamic textfield
var currentIndex:int = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic TextField With Multiline Without Word Wrap

Jan 19, 2009

Is there a way to show a long text in a dynamic text field with multiline attribute = on, without word wrapping? E.g., A dynamic text field contains 2 lines, and multiline is set to on. If I try to display a text in the text field, it is wrapping at the word, thereby losing some space in the text field (see code below):

my_fmt.size = 50;
this.createTextField("my_txt", 1, 100, 100, 280, 150);
my_txt.multiline = true;
my_txt.wordWrap = true;
my_txt.border = true;
my_txt.text = "One Hundredyears of solitude";

The display is showing only "One Hundredyear" in two lines, and the rest of characters are below the visible text area. The issue here is in the first line there is only "One" displayed, leaving a lot of space. If I can accommodate more characters in the first line, without word wrapping, the second line can accommodate the rest of the characters.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Vertical Centering Text In Multiline TextField?

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Does the TextField class support automatic vertical centering of multiline text? Any way to control vertical alignment other than "flush top"?

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Flash :: Dynamic Textfield Multiline And Wordwrap Acting Funky?

Apr 30, 2010

I have this weird thing happening with flash and a dynamic textfield. Basically, someone rolls over a marker on a map, and a tooltip pops up with a dynamic textfield. The textfield is set to multiline=true and wordwrap = true, and I defined a specific width of 160 pixels.

The problem is, some of my text is jumping to the next line, some of it is just getting cut off. So if I have a line like "The Cat Jumped Over the Box", On one line I will see "The Cat Jumped" and on the next line I would see "the Box". It looks like it is masking out the "over" line and not pushing it to the next line.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect Newlines In Dynamically Loaded Wrapped Multiline Textfield

Oct 4, 2008

I have the following composition from my designer:

So, I have to load these two HTML paragraphs from an XML file and put them in two actionscript created text fields. The text fields are multiline, wrapped and html and they are displayed just fine. Then I have to hilight one of the textfields just like in the image above so I must define a function that takes this textfield as an argument and creates a movieclip behind it. All I have to do further is draw some lines in this movieclip.

The problem is I just can't detect the newline characters in the text field so I can draw the hilights from the start of each line to the end of it.

Here is my function:

function hilight(sapou_txt){
var hilight_mc = sapou_txt._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("hilight_mc",-1);
hilight_mc._x = -5;
hilight_mc._y = sapou_txt._y;}

There would be .indexOf("") method of strings but if I use it after sapou_txt.text this has no result because, apparently, all I have there is a string without any special newline characters, just as I loaded it from the XML file, minus HTML tags.

If I use sapou_txt.htmlText apparently I get the original text including the HTML tags but, again, no special newline characters and, as you probably realised from my description above, I need both newlines from HTML (wich are not so hard to detect) and newlines caused by wrapping text in the textfield. Anyway, if I succeed in detcting newlines in the text field then I won't need the newlines in my original HTML.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Hide Or Show Scrollbar For Multiline INPUT Textfield

Feb 14, 2012

I use AS3 which I keep separate from my fla project.

I have a contact page and the textfield where you type your message is an Input textfield with multiline and textwrap enabled. The height of my textfield allows for 5 lines of text, then you will have to start scrolling after that.

I use a my own scroll bar nested in a movieclip with instance name "txtScroller"
The Input textfield instance name is "messageText"

What I want to do: I want to hide the "txtScroller" mc and show it when the user has typed more than 5 lines of text (using enter to break to a new line, etc).

Now for my problem: The first part of the code works, the "txtScroller" mc is hidden, and I have even tested it with the trace function (see code bellow).

I can for the life of me NOT get the the second part to work, the part where i want to show "txtScroller" mc again. I've treid with the trace function as well but it shows nothing in the 'output' pannel (see code bellow).

The Code:
This is all I have with regards to hiding or showing the "txtScroller" mc.

if (messageText.numLines <= 5) {
txtScroller.visible = false;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Automatically Jump From One Textfield To Another?

Nov 12, 2009

I have 3 input text boxes: dayNum,monthNum,yearNum. They each have a charater limit on them, below:

if (dayNum.text.length<2 | monthNum.text.length<2 | yearNum.text.length<4) {
trace(" Input Error");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Line Index From TextField Word?

Aug 23, 2010

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The width of the textField is fixed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Width Of Longest Word In TextField?

Oct 12, 2010

So I have this text field that I am able to transform, AND I want it to stop at a certain width. The width I want it to stop at is the longest word in a text field. Essentially stopping the text from wrapping around and cutting the words in half or splitting them up. In theory if you set the width of the text field to low enough it would have a word on each line, but would never cut the words up.

This text field has a TextFormat attached to it by the way. AND so far the only idea I can come up with is to create a second textfield hidden away and put the longest word (not sure how you'd get that) into that field and measure the width. What I'm wondering though is if there is anything in possibly the getBounds method or something simular that does this already!?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert Word Before Dynamic TextField?

Apr 24, 2009

I searched the forums and couldn't find anything relevant to my issue.I'm creating 3 textfields and loading XML into them. What i need is to add a "label" before each textfield on the stage. For instance i'm pulling a city name from the XML file,i want to insert the word, "Location" on the stage before the textfield with the city's name in it. Here's a snippet from my code where i'm loading one of the variables into one of the dynamic textfields.

var where:TextField = new TextField();
where.text = eventsXML.Event[0].City;
where.x = 85;
where.y = 81;

I want it to appear on the stage as: Location: Sydney, Australia

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Flash :: Make Word As Button Within Dynamic TextField In As3?

May 31, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Tooltip To A Specific Link / Word In A Dynamic Textfield?

Feb 25, 2010

I've been searching around the web for a very long time but I can't seem to find a good solution for this pickle:I have a dynamic textfield on AS3 and would like to add a tooltip to some words within the text. I already got the tooltip class, so the problem lies in fact on 'how to listen to mouse over events on specific texts inside a textfield'I've been trying to follow some methods from the livedocs but all I can get so far is a rectangle object of a single character using getCharIndexAtPoint and getCharBoundaries. It works if I just needed to add a tooltip to a single character (since it can detect which character I'm currently pointing at), but I need to search for actual words. It would be nice to have some sort of getMouseAt(text:String) but that doesn't seem to exist.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Type A Word In A Textfield And Have It Search For A Match Through A List Of Words In Xml

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Jump Forward And Jump Back Buttons?

Jun 15, 2010

I am brand new to scripting in Flash, and was hoping I could get some help on a question. I have an animation that is 300 frames long. The first 100 frames are an animated 'ad' (for lack of a better term), the second 100 frames are a different ad, and the third 100 frames are the last ad. This can be viewed straight from beginning to end (and is intended to loop if no action is taken), but I would also like to add some functionality to the animation, so that people can jump forward to the next ad, or back to the previous ad (hitting back from the first ad would take them to the third ad, and vice versa.)


This does not turn up any errors when I test the movie, but the functionality does not work. Am I anywhere near a working script, or am I attempting this in a completely wrong way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Selecting One Letter From A Word Array (to Start Off A Word Game)?

Jan 2, 2012

I have been building a simple word game. It is smple but works fine. I am now trying to enhance some of the features.I would like to see if I can display one letter of each word so the Player has a hint. Think of this as a beginners level.The words are random from a text list. Either I can make the letters invisible and the game starts without a hint or I am able to select a letter using charAt() or creating a new variable substring()from the word which is the displayed repeatedly on the stage(not what I want) I have not been able to find a way to display one letter and display it in the correct order within the word and keep the remaining letters invisible.
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag-the-word Quiz - Make The Word Fit Into The White Box?

Apr 1, 2003

I am doing drag-the-word quiz. When you match the word with correct part, the message pop out, saying Bingo! If the word is matched with wrong part, the "Sorry. Try Again" message pops out, says "Sorry. Try Again". I managed to make the "Sorry. Try Again" message disappear. However it dun work anymore after that. Sometimes it is quite funny. When I play it, the "Sorry. Try Again" message dun pop out at all.

Another problem - I am not sure how to make the word fit into the white box. I only know how to make the word drop on the white box. Can you tell me how to do it? I will be adding voiceovers to the quiz when the word is matched with the part. For e.g it will say "bingo" or "Sorry. Try Again". How to attach the voiceovers to it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create The Word Which Changing Many Time And In The End Become A Clear Word

Jan 22, 2005

create the word which changing many time and in the end become a clear word like what's happend exactly in horizintal menu in [URL] That's what i wanted the changing in words like that menu?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pick A Word From A Word List?

May 11, 2011

Ok so If I load a list of like 2000 words from a text file into a text box like this

ActionScript Code:
var url:String = "dictionaries/"aa.txt";
var loadit:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loadit.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);


how could I randomly choose a word from the list and have it as a variable

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Professional :: When Highlighted A Word In The Past Such As "null" It Use To Pull Up The Word And The Info In All The Books?

Feb 18, 2009

system to browse offline howeverthis doesn't work correctly for any less then ActionScript 3. Whenyou highlighted a word in the past such as "null" it use to pull upthe word and the info in all the books. Now all I see is a webbrowser that doesn't do this for me. I mean who sits there atadobe's end and thinks up of ways to slow someone down like this??How can you remove the corequick linking from the program.Number 1 not everyone is on AS3 and some of us still have to updateAS2 code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Text To Be Shown In Multiline?

Apr 12, 2012

I  created a comboBox(Using the one in Component/Flash). I am unable to make the texts in DropDown menu to be shown in MULTILINE. I have tried larger Row Heights and smaller texts so the issue is related to something else.
I found this piece of code searching in archive discussions "TextInput(aCb.getChildAt(1)).textField.multiline=true;"


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Set A Combobox Component To Multiline In Flash CS4 Using It?

Dec 23, 2009

Is there a way to set a combobox component to multiline in Flash CS4 using actionscript 3 ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Can't Realize Multiline Option?

Jul 15, 2011

I need to realize textbox autoresizing in actionscript3(IDE - adobe flash pro cs3). For example my textarea is in width 100 px, user has been wrote in it something, that is bigger than 100 px, then my textbox should become increasingly.Also I can't realize multiline option: when the text goes beyond the textbox, it starts to scroll. In line type I've chosen 'multiline'.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linebreaks In A Multiline Text?

Jan 15, 2009

When you want to have linebreaks in a multiline text in AS you should write this, right?

var mytext:String="This is
I want";

so you have a 3-line text. ok, so i have a textfield, and its content will be loaded from a xml file. in my xml i have something like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Multiline Statement?

Sep 9, 2011

I'm trying to make my code a little more readable by dividing a very long if statement in multiple sections.It looks something like:

if (a==2 || b == 1 || c == 3 || d == 6) {
// do something

And I want it to read something like:

if (a==2 || b == 1 ||
c == 3 || d == 6) {
// do something

how to group up the arguments, since that cannot be done in the original.

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Multiline And Changing Text Box Size?

May 13, 2010

I have some text pulled in from a db via cfm and remoted into flash - I'm trying to figure out a way to determine if whether or not a given string requires the vertical space of a multiline text box.Visually, two lines take up more space than a single line and when the string only takes up a single line, the second (empty) line creates to much whitespace and has everything below it too far away from that initial single line. When the string can fill both lines, it doesn't look bad at all - so, ultimately, I'm trying to get that whitespace gone.

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