ActionScript 1/2 :: BitmapData.Draw With Masked Movie Clip?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm using BitmapData.Draw to draw a masked movieclip to a bitmap.Flash behaves very strangely in many different ways. To give a couple examples:1) Normally, the position of the mask is relative to the masked object. Ex. if I Draw() the movie clip at 10,10 and the mask's position is 20,20, then during the Draw() the mask will effectively be at 30,30. Weird, but consistent. However, if I Draw() the mask to another surface first, and then Draw() the movie clip, the mask position will be absolute (20,20 in the example)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Choose Where BitmapData.draw() Begins On A Movie Clip?

Feb 4, 2012

Im trying to use BitmapData.draw() on a movie clip, thing I noticed is that this method always draw from the top left of the movie clip, is there a way to "center" the draw method somewhere else on the mc?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using BitmapData.draw(stage) - Error #2123 Security Sandbox Violation: BitmapData.draw

Jan 9, 2012

I am having an issue with using BitmapData.draw(stage). I am getting the following error:

SecurityError: Error #2123: Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/bla...bla...bla.swf cannot access null. No policy files granted access. Here is a portion of my code:

var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(2800, 2100); bd.draw(stage);//this is where the error happens All of the files referenced (.xml/.jpg/.swf) are located in the same local folder as the main .swf. How do I get around this error? The main objective is to print the stage using PrintJob(). I am using Flash Professional CS5.5 and publishing to Flash 10.0/10.1. Let me know if I need to supply any more info.

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Actionscript 3 :: Quickly Rotate The Pixels That Make Up BitmapData Without Using BitmapData.draw()?

Dec 29, 2011

I've been using BitmapData.copyPixels() to draw graphics onto a canvas (Bitmap).I need to rotate the resulting graphics without the use of draw() because it's vastly slower.How can I rotate the target graphic? I'm assuming that there might be a formula or library that I can use which will first reorganize the pixels that make up a graphic based on an origin (point) and radians.I'm pretty certain that I'm not capable of creating such logic, so if there are any known libraries that do this, that would be awesome.I'd like to achieve something similar to XNA's SpriteBatch.Draw() method, which accepts rotation as its 5th argument.

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Flex :: AddChild A BitmapData Or Draw A BitmapData To Screen?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData Draw() Method - Draw The Bitmap On The Stage At Design Time?

Mar 18, 2009

I am using the draw() method of the BitmapData to encode a jpeg of part of the image. Now this should be easy enough given the object I want to draw to the bitmap is on the stage at design time so I know its location and dimetions exactly! Heres the code I have in place.

var myBitmapSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData ( street.width, street.height, false, 0x333333);
myBitmapSource.draw(street, null, null, null, new Rectangle( 96, 5, 571, 450 ), true );

I know for a FACT that no part of the street clip I am drawing out is in negative space, and it's registration is (0,0). However, it cuts off A lot of the top of my image. y=5 in the above rectangle is where I need the top to be, but it cuts the top off of the image... even if I change it to 0, it has no effect.

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AS3 :: Flash - BitmapData Of A Masked Image?

Dec 14, 2009

I am trying to take a snapshot of the masked region of an image... so, I load my image then perform the following functions:

private function manageLoadedImage(e:Event):void
_bitdata = e.currentTarget.content; // get the bitmap
_bithold.addChild( _bitdata ); // add the bitmap to a sprite on the stage


I have a movie, inside that movie I have a thumbnail editor name ThumbEdit.

ThumbEdit has a movieclip on its stage called "holder1". In the document class of ThumbEdit I create a sprite "_bithold" and place it on the stage at holder1.x and holder1.y. When the image loads, I add the image to _bithold and then mask _bithold with a shape. So, I want to grab a snapshot of the masked region of _bithold but I'm not sure how I should go about doing that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Youtube Api Draw - Error #2121: Security Sandbox Violation: BitmapData.draw

Jun 30, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData.draw() Failing To Draw Entire MovieClip?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm trying to do some lean blitting for an object that rotates by rotating it once at startup and capturing a BitmapData snapshot of each 5 degrees. The problem I'm having is that the draw() method of the BitmapData object is only picking up pixels in the MovieClip that are below and to the right of the registration point. If I change the MC so that the registration point is in the top left corner, I sometimes get what looks like most of the pixels, but the entire object rotates into and out of the frame, since it's rotating around the corner and not the center.

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ActionScript :: Draw A Border Around A Masked Image?

Jan 20, 2010

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For example, if my mask is a poorly drawn star, and my image is a bunch of flowers, I want the result to be a poorly drawn star with flowers inside it and a border around it. Something like this:

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Refer A Masked Button [submenu Button] Present Inside A Movie Clip?

Oct 27, 2010

how do we refer the submenubutton which hasbeen masked inside a movie clip.
In my code ,
mainBtn3 is present inside  "mm " movie clip . and on click of it I am able to move to another frame using below code . But, if there is a sub menu for the button , and if I am referring it as below [mm.btn3sub1] and trying to move to another frame . I am getting following error

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.    at sumiyatried12356_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


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Flex :: BitmapData Draw - Set Where To Draw?

Dec 16, 2010

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Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying to implement a multiple file uploader and expose and API for javascript. Even though I think I can handle urlrequests, I'm having a hard time making a SimpleButton.I want the button to have the size of the movieclip/sprite that I create. I'm trying without luck to make a movieclip of 130px x 30px, and have a simple button that fills the entire area. What I try to do in actionscript:

private var _button:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton();
private var _fileList:FileReferenceList = new FileReferenceList();
private var _buttonShape:Shape;[code].......

I'm using intelij to compile this. how to build it with the SDK alone.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw And Call A Simple Movie Clip?

May 7, 2010

I am new to actionscripts and I'm having some difficulty. I am creating a website that teaches kids about the about the brain and I am creating a website very familiar to this one,[URL]..So far I only know how to draw and call a simple movie clip such as what you see below. What I am trying to do is create the features that you see on the above website. I'll try to explain as best as possible what I have done so far:

I created one flash file and drew the background for where the text will display. Next I created several movie clips for each of the brain parts and I placed an invisible button over each of these movies. For example I told the button, "cerebellum_button" to play the movie "cerebellum_mc" and told it to go to the "turnon" label." Once it stopped at the label "turnoff" it displayed the text for what the cerebellum does.

I don't think that the below method is efficient, I feel that my code is redundant because I�m having to create a button for each animated movie clip, then each one of those movie clips displays text. It seems to me that I can somehow create a text in a centralized location and call it. However because I am new at this stuff I have had to create text in each of the movie clips. Is there a way that I can centralize all of the text then call it? My aim is to have the user roll over the brain part, have it animate, and have it display the text to explain what that brain part does. So far this is what I have working, I have one button and one animated movie that includes text.

cerebellum_button.onRollOver = function(){
cerebellum_button.onRollOut = function(){

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Jul 28, 2009

I am trying to create a gallery where the thumbnails scroll across the bottom and when you click on the thumb a new large image opens up on top of it from the same image.

What i would like to do is open up the large image but draw a box around this image so it blanks out the background of the site and all you see is that picture.

Its a similar function to the way this site works;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw A Line / Circle And Place A Movie Clip On It?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button RollOver - Draw And Call A Simple Movie Clip?

May 13, 2010

I am new to actionscripts and I'm having some difficulty. I am creating a website that teaches kids about the about the brain and I am creating a website very familiar to this one, http:[url].......

So far I know how to draw and call a simple movie clip such as what you see below. What I am trying to do is create the features that you see on the above website.I'll try to explain as best as possible what I have done so far:I created one flash file and drew the background for where the text will display. Next I created several movie clips for each of the brain parts and I placed an invisible button over each of these movies.For example I told the button,"cerebellum_button" to play the movie "cerebellum_mc" and told it to go to the"turnon" label."Once it stopped at the label "turnoff" it displayed the text to explain what the cerebellum does.

I feel that my code is redundant because I�m having to create a button for each animated movie clip and in each on of the movie clips I have text that will display. It seems to me that I can somehow create text for all of the movie clips in one centralized location and call each one of those text by using labels. Is there a way that I can centralize all of the text then call it? My aim is to have the user roll over the brain part, have it animate, and have it display the text to explain what that brain part does.I have one invisable

button and one animated movie that includes text.
cerebellum_button.onRollOver = function(){

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ActionScript 3 :: Draw Two Shapes On The Same Movie Clip's Graphics Avoiding Alpha Blending Between Them?

Dec 4, 2010

for example:

var mc:MovieClip=new MovieClip();,0.5);,0,100,100);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ScrollPane Component - Draw A Rectangle On A Movie Clip(board_mc) By Dragging Mouse Over It

Mar 15, 2010

I need t draw a rectangle on a movie clip(board_mc) by dragging mouse over it......It works fine till here but I want to put the movie clip(board_mc) in scrollpane.
but after doing so the code doesnot work....can u plz guide me how to make this code work after placing the movie clip (board_mc) in scrollpane(say board_scp).


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Flash :: BitmapData.draw Method Or Bug?

Oct 2, 2009

I have problem when drawing transparent png image on transparent bitmapData.

code of first frame:
stop();import flash.display.Bitmap;import flash.display.BitmapData;import flash.display.BlendMode;import flash.geom.ColorTransform;import flash.geom.Matrix;
var bmd: BitmapData = new BitmapData(500, 400, true, 0);var bitmap: Bitmap = new flash.display.Bitmap(bmd);addChildAt(bitmap, 1);


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Professional :: Draw A Bitmapdata From Flv Frame?

Nov 16, 2011

I want to extract a bitmapdata from one of the first frames of a video flv, and it works correctly in Flash debug with these statements[code]...

When i test this in [url].. not work, I've inserted trace statements before and after this, and only the first are displayed.

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Actionscript 3 :: Draw A String On BitmapData?

Aug 8, 2010

how can I draw strings onto BitmapData, is there something like Java´s Graphics.drawString()?

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Flex :: Draw Text On BitmapData?

May 20, 2011

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Jan 6, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData With Draw Not Working?

Nov 17, 2009

When is a Bitmap not a Bitmap ?I can apply (using Sandy) an image as a texture :

var material:BitmapMaterial = new BitmapMaterial(new myImage(1,1));
myCone.appearance = new Appearance( material );
I can trace an object and form a bitmap :


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Matrix & BitmapData.draw?

Apr 28, 2010

I am trying to copy an image.The green stuff on the first image is a mask(which is not set, its just there to show it)Everything works fine when I dont set a mask to an image (picture 1)But when I set the mask I get picture 2.What I want is to copy a part of the image which is visible when the mask is set. I know what size the mask and image are going to be so I can calculate the size of the area which i need to copy.This is the code I am using, image has registration point in the center, thats why i use matrix.translate (not sure if its the right way).Also there is no image scaling applied (there might be later), thats why I am using matrix.scale.

var _reflectionHolder:Sprite = new Sprite();
_reflectionHolder.y =_targetObject.y + _targetObject.height / 2 + 10;[code]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [FLEX] BitmapData.draw()?

Mar 25, 2008

I'm building a flickr application in flex at the moment but i keep getting sandbox errors when i invoke BitmapData.draw();.After doing some google research i found that the proper policyfile needs to be loaded.i do this using: Code:Now this still doesn't resolve the issues. Upon further research i found that i need to check the policy file first using checkPolicyFile = true;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Wikimedia And BitmapData.draw?

Nov 20, 2009

I'm trying to use images from wikimedia to tile a shape, but Wikimedia does not use crossdomain.xml files, so I get a security error whenever I try to do anything with BitmapData.draw().


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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData.draw() And Displayobject With 3D Transformations?

Dec 17, 2009

I have a sprite with some objects in it which are transformed in 3D (positioned and rotated). The objects form a coneshape in such a way that the objects that make up the back are hidden.When I use that sprite as a source for the bitmapData.draw() it is drawn from another viewpoint so it seems. In my case the copy is viewed slightly from the bottom and right.
Bottomline:Does anyone know of a way to duplicate the image of a sprite which contains 3D manipulated graphics?

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