ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Player - (Banner) Movie Not Uploading To Site

Dec 24, 2010

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Browsers: IE (64-bit),
Chrome & Safari Flash Player: 10 ActiveX & 10 Plugin
Coded in Action Script 2

I made a flash banner to my friend so he could upload it on his site. [URL]. Image:
The flash banner on top loads in Mac OS X in every browser I try. On Windows though it works only on Firefox & Internet Explorer Beta 9. I disabled the firewall to see if that work, but no result. There's an inconsistency issue. At my workplace it works as it should. It's also important to note that other .swf files on the net plays fine, so it's only this particular site.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Flv Player Movie To Flash+xml Site?

Dec 9, 2009

I have a flash+xml template . Unfortunately I can't add links to forum. But You can find that template at Flashden website, the name of that template is "Minimal xml template v1"

In the first panel AboutUs page with text I want modify it a little - I have a ready flash palyer and want change uploaded text to flv player movie (file preview.swf in the same folder)

Of course I need everything works tha same as default (when I'll click to close button - clear window with flv player, stop video and sound in flv player)

Now Aboutus text is loading to "Box1" movie clip in the text field "details_txt".
here you can see full AS code for xml text loading

//Load XML
//text instance name - details_txt
details_txt.html = true;


I've tried edit XML code (add preview.swf to content) and tried edeit AS in FLA source file. But it doesent work..

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Professional :: Uploading Flash Site?

Jul 10, 2011

First off, my main problem is that my company's website is loading slow and I'm not sure why. All of my images are small file sizes, but I do have 4 scenes that I'm using , maybe that causes slow loading?I've attached the website address below:I created my entire website out of flash  Is this not the best way to create and publish a website?Should I use Flash in conjunction with another website building software to create and publish my full website? If I only use Flash can someone please point me in the direction of how to successfully build and publish a website through Flash that doesn't load slow, i.e. loading things dynamically? What I've been doing is publishing my site onto my computer and then uploading the .html and .swf files to Godaddy for publishing.

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Flash Not Uploading And Show Up On The Live Site

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Dec 1, 2010

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To sum it looked fine yesterday, then after some edits to both the source .fla and an .xml file that provides the content, i have issues after uploading it to the web.

You can see what I am talking about here: [URL]

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Here is my code


but why am I getting 2 syntax errors on the URL line?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Some Flash Banner SWF Files Play Within The Portfolio Page Of Site

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I've been working on my first full blown flash site for a few weeks, tackling problems as I encounter them, and I've learned a lot...but sometimes the simplest things I cannot figure out for the life of me. All I am trying to do is have some flash banner SWF files play within the portfolio page of my site. I don't want them to open in a pop up or anything just play within the page when the link on my site is clicked. I figured it would act like a movie clip and I could just drop it onto the stage, but when I do that it doesn't look right, loops continuously, and is not interactive. How can I make this work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overlay Flash Banner Which Sits On Top Of A Flash Site?

Nov 17, 2011

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COuld anybody write me a piece of code that will duplicate/mirror the moveclip in the main flash site inside a movieclip within my flash banner so I can see the same image?

(From a creative perspective 'imageholder' is a smaller version of the image which is animated over the top of the main flash site) I am happy to pay for an hours work if somebody could help (via paypal if you like). I am in desperate need

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Professional :: Getting Flash Player Error When Uploading Flash CS5.5 Website?

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Actionscript:"http://" + _root.tdomain + "/");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adobe CS4: Uploading Random Image Generator To Remote Site?

Nov 5, 2009

i have a short swf that has two movie clips that act as holders for thumbnails to get loaded in a random fashion. it works fine when i test my movie, and even when i export the swf. the images load in the placeholder - no problems.when i upload the swf to the website, the thumbnails dont load and the holders stay blank.i experimented locally and moved my .swf file into a folder that didn't contain a folder containing all the thumbnails. this gave the same result as the website (blank holders).when i move the folder containing all the images into this new folder with the swf, the images load in the movie and no blank holders are seen.

easy solution i though, i upload the folder to the website in the same directory as the swf file. did that but the images still dont load. is it that the swf is attempting to read the folder that would be on the local drive and not go for the copy in the same containing folder on the remote area?here is my code,

MovieClip.prototype.setRandom = function() {
HIGH = 100;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Banner Won't Open Link In A New Tab On One Particular Site

Nov 11, 2011

I've gotten a complaint from one operator that my banner won't open in a new tab. Indeed on their site it opens the link on self. Its fine on other sites tho.Btw I noticed all the banners on their site open in self. Including an old banner I did for them with the same [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Audio Player - Uploading MP3 And Text

Jan 3, 2005

I made this player to be very extensible. The user just needs to upload his mp3's and a txt. When I debug there aren't any problems, but the sound doesn't come out. The text file needs to be called total_tracks.txt and the text inside that file is "totalTracks=2", where the 2 would be whatever number of files you have in your music directory. Instance names are playMusic, pauseMusic, nextTrack, and prevTrack. MP3 names are mp3-0, mp3-1, mp3-2, etc. and are stored in a directory/folder named "music."

This is my AS.
var musicFolderName:String = "music";
var curTrackNum:Number = 0;
var curPlaybackPos:Number;
var mySound:Sound;
var trackInfoArray:Array;
[Code] .....

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Can A Flash Site Function On DVD Player (to T.V.)?

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I work for an agency is South Africa and we have received a new brief to create a very Graphic intensive DVD presentation/site see: http:[url....html for an example of what the file is going to look like. I am just very concerned that the file needs to function both online and in A DVD player, and I am not even sure it is possible for a flash file to play on a DVD player as it won't be able to read the AS and in this case there is going to be XML and other files as-well..

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Flash Player Stopped Working On Web Site?

Aug 10, 2009

Flash player stopped working on web site Friday afternoon August 7th -
><object codebase=" rsion=6,0,29,0" height="105" width="803" align="left" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">


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IDE :: Add A Banner On Top Of One Flash Movie?

Jan 12, 2009

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User Interface - Continuous Flash Music Player While Navigating Site

Jun 16, 2010

I have a site that includes a Flash music player integrated into the layout. I want users to be able to navigate around the site without interrupting the music. I've done plenty of research and thinking and the following are the options I came up with (keeping in mind I want to be as SEO friendly as possible).

AJAX: I set up a version that changes the main content div to whatever nav link they click, thereby not interrupting the Flash player. I set it up in the proper search-engine-friendly manner with direct links and JQuery/Ajax functions. If someone goes to and clicks the Contact nav link, it loads what's in the main content div on into the main content div and changes the URL bar to The same goes for if they go to and click About in the nav, it loads the About content and changes the URL bar to Obviously this opens up a whole new can of worms with AJAX and hash navigation/history issues, and I would end up with people possibly linking to things like (which I think looks terrible and can't be too great for SEO). Store the Flash player vars somewhere and reload them with the page: I'm not sure how to go about this, but I thought about keeping my regular navigation without AJAX and have it so when a user clicks a nav link, before it changes pages it stores the Flash player vars (current song and song position) somewhere, then loads them into Flash when the new page loads. Something with an iframe? Good alternative to a Flash player that will work for this type of application?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 : PHP Streaming FLV Video Player Works Fine Standalone Not As Well In Flash Site?

Mar 2, 2009

I am using a flash website template (basically stripped of 95% of the code they provided, and just using their graphics) from [URL] I needed to add streaming video, and I elected to use PHP streaming found on; as modified by lance of courierwebcasts [URL].

The problem I have is that when I use the scrubber.swf to play a video, updating variables and addresses as appropriate, it works fine. However when I take it and recreate every element of the player in a movie on the timeline of my template site, everything but the time counter works fine. It plays fine, it scrubs fine, etc.; it just always displays 00:00/00:00. I am guessing it has to do with variable definition or somethingbut it is beyond me... any help?

Here is just the bit that I am pretty sure is the issue;

code: ns["onMetaData"] = function (obj) {
duration = obj.duration;
durationMinute = Math.floor(duration/60);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Simple Banner Ad Where The Mouse Hovers Over The Button And A Panel Shows Up Over Some Content Of The Site?

Aug 13, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple banner ad where the mouse hovers over the button and a panel shows up over some content of the site.[URL]I have two different .swfs: the container, which is the button and a loaded swf that has the animation that comes up when the button is clicked. The button is only 183 x 40px where as the loaded swf is 183 x 160px.When the loader swf is loaded, it takes the dimensions of the button.

Is there a way to have the loader swf be its original dimensions, so when the mouse hovers over the button, the loader swf covers some of the content on the Web site?Also, how can I change the MouseEvent to load the SWF when the mouse is only over the button and not clicking?

The simple code I have so far:

var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
open_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadBanner);


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Professional :: Convert A Movie Into A Flash Button/banner?

Mar 1, 2010

My boss needs me to create flash button 125px  x 125px. And when they click on the button it will open up to the company web page. Here is footage the would like to use for the button:

Home Symbol Made from Hands | Royalty Free Stock Video Footage |

I have only done static banners using Flash. There is a difference between a Flash banner or button? I am still a novice and need to get this done by Friday.

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Bring A Flash Banner / Movie In Front Of A Fullscreened?

Jun 23, 2011

I want to know if it is possible to bring a flash banner or movie in front of a fullscreened flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Site - Using DW For Ftp - Getting Flash Player?

Dec 20, 2010

I did a site in Flash CS4.  Using DW as my ftp.  When I upload my  index.html and go the domain it say i need to download the latest flash  player, which i already have downloaded.  Is something I am doing in DW  or Flash that won't allow for the swf to render in the browser? 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Uploading Image From Contents Of A Movie Clip?

Mar 4, 2010

wanting to upload an image (gif probably) from the dynamic content of a specific movie clip within a swf file.

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Embedding Font In Flash Movie On Site?

Nov 13, 2009

I've searched the web and tried a number of different approaches to embed a font in my Flash movie but each has ended in frustration. I have created several buttons with dynamic text fields that use the font I need. I have added the font to my library, given it a unique name, exported for actionscript and then used the unique name when selecting the font in my dynamic text fields. I am probably not using the right AS code to embed and use the font. What's the easiest way to embed the font? I am also using the same embedded font in a around 5 flash movies on the site.

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Non-XML Music Player For Web Site?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm a relatively experienced Web developer, but this is my first foray into playing (streaming) music. All of the music players I've run across either load MP3s from an XML file (which exposes the MP3s' URLs) or have code embedded in them that loads URL-accessible audio files. Due to copyright issues, this is not acceptable for my client's content.So, I'm looking for one of two things...(1) A music player that already exists that either plays music embedded into the FLA itself -or- can read the files from a non-public area on the file system, or(2) Sample code that generally approximates what I'm describing, from which I'll try to construct my own player.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External Movie Into Main Flash Site

Aug 31, 2004

[code]What I'm trying to do is load an external movie into my main flash site, but I want the main flash site to wait till the movie is loaded then the main time line starts to play again. I would told that the onClipEven(data) would give me this option. So I thought I said that when it's loaded go and play frame 6 of the main time line.My external movie works fine, and it has a preloader, just want the main timeline to wait till that movie is loaded to start to play again

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