IDE :: Add A Banner On Top Of One Flash Movie?

Jan 12, 2009

I need to add a banner on top of one Flash movie i made. For this i need to change the document size of my movie but, when i'm doing this, Flash add space starting from the bottom of my document, but i want it to add space from the top.

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Professional :: Convert A Movie Into A Flash Button/banner?

Mar 1, 2010

My boss needs me to create flash button 125px  x 125px. And when they click on the button it will open up to the company web page. Here is footage the would like to use for the button:

Home Symbol Made from Hands | Royalty Free Stock Video Footage |

I have only done static banners using Flash. There is a difference between a Flash banner or button? I am still a novice and need to get this done by Friday.

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Bring A Flash Banner / Movie In Front Of A Fullscreened?

Jun 23, 2011

I want to know if it is possible to bring a flash banner or movie in front of a fullscreened flash.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Player - (Banner) Movie Not Uploading To Site

Dec 24, 2010

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Browsers: IE (64-bit),
Chrome & Safari Flash Player: 10 ActiveX & 10 Plugin
Coded in Action Script 2

I made a flash banner to my friend so he could upload it on his site. [URL]. Image:
The flash banner on top loads in Mac OS X in every browser I try. On Windows though it works only on Firefox & Internet Explorer Beta 9. I disabled the firewall to see if that work, but no result. There's an inconsistency issue. At my workplace it works as it should. It's also important to note that other .swf files on the net plays fine, so it's only this particular site.

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CS4 Small Movie Banner For Website

Dec 21, 2009

It's pretty common on many Architectural and Engineering sites to have a small movie on the home page. For example: URL... I've made similar movies for my websites using flash, and there always seems to be a lag and an image icon while the movie to loads. Here is a site where the movie loads unnoticeably: hensonarchitect com. Is there a way to use flash and have the movie load without an image icon placeholder? The flash movie that I have in mind is only 90kb, so a preloader isn't needed.

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Banner AD - When Someone Clicks The Banner It Takes Them To The Page In A New Window

Oct 13, 2009

I am building a banner ad and I am using Flash CS4. I need it so when someone clicks the banner it takes them to the page in a new window. Its just a a simple URL and I keep getting syntax errors now and I dont know how to do this properly. I have tried these methods.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Wavy Banner Movie Clip

Oct 8, 2009

using flash 8 AS2. I was thinking if it was possible to create a waving moving banner, with some flags of countries moving across it. much like the example below. Is it possible I will create a simple rectangular banner, then animate it in the timeline with flowing flags of a few countries from left to right. then i wonder if actionscript can create a wavy perspective banner that flows from the left to right in a loop or full stop from the movieclip timeline looping forever in it? The red arrow shows how the banner will animate towards the right from the left.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Banner Ad Design Showing Text Outside Of Movie Dimensions?

Feb 10, 2011

I built a banner ad which works fine when I test it  in flash.  I then put it inside another flash movie in which it is loaded as an external swf ,my portfolio, and it it loads and only runs the 1st line of code animation and I can see the text that is waiting (outside the visual dimensions of the bannerI am also getting this error....what is going on?ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property cachedOrphan not found on com.greensock.TweenMax and there is no default value.

at com.greensock::TimelineLite/addChild()
at com.greensock::TimelineLite/insert()
at com.greensock::TimelineLite/insertMultiple()


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Professional :: Banner.fla Fail To Open In Test Movie Panel?

Aug 25, 2011

This is an example of a problem I'm having with some fla files not testing. I posted this problem earlier this week but didn't know how to upload the file to the server to be looked at. This is the link to the file that I figured out how to upload

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Movie Clip That Loops And On Each Loop It Loads A Random Little .jpg Banner From A Directory?

Aug 9, 2004

I am trying to create a movie clip that loops and on each loop it loads a random little .jpg banner from a directory. The banners are named 0.jpg, 1.jpg and so on, a script on the first frame of the loop saying

_root.randomnumber = random(_root.bannernumber);

"bannernumber" is a variable from an external text file specifying how many random numbers to cycle through (how many banners), This works just fine and loads up a new banner after each loop cycle. The problem lies in trying to make each banner go to its own url, I have another external text document with variables "click0=url, click1=url etc" where I want the number in each variable to equal the randomnumber variable in flash, then use an on(release){getURL(urlvariable)} function to have it retrieve the url that is somehow in the url variable. Basically, how would I make the urlvariable be equal to the "click0" variable to get the url of the click0 variable into the getURL function? while having the number in the "click0" variable be equal to the randomnum variable?

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Banner Ads Using Flash?

Sep 21, 2007

I am trying to create a flash banner ad that loads when a page loads and gives the user the option to minimize it. When the ad is minimized, I wanted to leave a box (that could also function as a mini version of the larger ad)that could be clicked and reload the ad if desired.

I have been struggling with how to do this. I tried creating two movies, one for the main ad and one for the smaller box that remains after the ad is minimized. I inserted the object code for the larger ad into my html and it loads and will load the smaller ad then the button (for minimizing the ad) is clicked but the smaller ad loads in the area defined by the object code for the larger ad. I am not sure how to work around this.

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Linking Flash Banner Ads?

May 2, 2006

Right I have created a flash banner ad and taken it into dreamweaver, I thought I could just link it to its website easily in DW but I can't.

Do I have to set the url in the flash doc, if so what do I do

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How To Use Flash And Make A Banner

Aug 12, 2009

i spend ages getting to know how to use flash, and make a banner and the bits that are animated have black boxes over them when i publish.


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Flash Banner Will Not Update?

Dec 30, 2009

We are moving to a new platform and will have a flash banner on the home page that will be changing frequently with new promos, etc. You can find the flash banner at http:[url].....I need to be able to update the swf file and have it immediately reflect on this new home page, but it only seems to be updating on the non-secure URL in Firefox and not at all in IE.

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CS3 Looping A Flash Banner

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to loop a Flash Banner ad. I added the code to the first and last frames on a separate action layer on the main timeline, but it's not working.

I'm using actionscript 2.0/CS4.

I have a stop action on the last frame of the last text movieclip that plays. And it seems to get hung up here. When I remove the stop action it just loops that movieclip and not the whole animation.

This is the code I'm using in the first frame of the main timeline.

> var counter:Number = 0

And this is the code I'm using in the last frame of the main timeline:

> // if its being used on the last frame use a stop(); action on the top line
> if (counter < 3) {
> gotoAndPlay(1)
> }

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Add Test To A Flash Banner?

May 31, 2011

I have flash as part of the adobe suite but am yet to have a real go at it. If I was to buy a third party flash banner say with a size of 100x250 and wanted to add text to it so it would then be 100x350, is this an easy process?

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Flash ::  XML Banner Path?

Nov 30, 2009

I have a banner I made which has an xml file that needs to be uploaded with the rest of the files. here is the code


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Use Xml And Flash To Make A Banner Like The One That

Dec 9, 2009

i want to use xml and flash to make a banner like the one that is using so when i want to change the image or the content of the banner, i can do that by changing the url of the image and some text in the xml file. what do i have to do with flash, actionscript, and xml? is there any open source that i can use?

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Professional :: Add Url To A Flash Banner ?

Jul 23, 2010

id like to know the action script code i need to add a url to my flash banner,ive found this and it works,but i need it to open as a self window and not as a blank
digilink_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myButtonFunction1);function myButtonFunction1(event: MouseEvent) { var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(" rch"); navigateToURL(request);}

 where abouts can i add the _self so it opens within the web page?

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Flash :: Loading An SWF Into Banner?

Aug 30, 2010

I am creating a banner for a website, and I need to load an external swf of scrolling images that sits behind the layers in my flash banner.  A similar example would be the website: [URL]..I have created managed to create everything in this banner except the scrolling images, so I have an external swf file that needs to load into my flash banner project.


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Flash :: Can Not Click On Ad Banner

Apr 20, 2011

i have a banner generate by my php code as below:[code] why i can not click to this flash to follow the adv link.

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Cannot Get SWF Flash Banner To Loop

Jul 3, 2011

All I want for this banner to do is loop and start back from the beginning after it finishes. What should be the proper code? What is wrong with this?

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IDE :: Create A Gif Web Banner Using Flash?

Apr 29, 2009

I have been trying to create a gif web banner using flash. Everything look great in flash, flash player and quicktime but when I export or publish as a gif my background image is grainy and pixelated. My document is saved as 500X90. My background image was saved out of photoshop as 72 dpi. 500X90. I tried saving the image as .tif, .png, .jpg, all with the same result.

I'm not sure if this is the problem or not as I'm a freshman user but I have the background image running on its own timeline that runs the length of the movie. Also the animated text/symbols created in flash look perfect when I save it as a gif the only thing effected is the background image. I'm stuck, I have looked all over the web for the answer. On a side note I'm using a Mac running os x 10.4.11

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Flash Banner(using Flash Cs4) - Make It Clickable?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a pretty simple flash banner(using flash cs4) that I want ot make clickable.I am assuming I have everything correct, because when I "test movie", everything works as expected.Now comes the odd part. When I export movie, the clickable portion no longer works. Along the same lines as soon as I save the .fla file, the "test movie" no longer works.I have recreated this about 10 times now and everytime the same result. now I have it open on my computer, because as soon as I save it will no longer work.
My actionscript(3.0) code is as follows:
link_btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sgurl);
function sgurl(Event:MouseEvent):void;

and yes I have a button with an instance name of link_btn1

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overlay Flash Banner Which Sits On Top Of A Flash Site?

Nov 17, 2011

I am doing an overlay flash banner which sits on top of a flash site. Within the overlay banner I have a moveclip called 'imageHolder' which needs to call the same image thats in the flash site.

I have this code which allows me to directly control the movieclip in the flash site from within the flash banner. var img:MovieClip = takeoverContainer.getImage();

img._scaleX = 0.25; (for example) The problem here is I only want to copy the movieclip so I can see the same image in my banner as I do the Flash site, I do not want to manipulate the main flash site in anyway.

COuld anybody write me a piece of code that will duplicate/mirror the moveclip in the main flash site inside a movieclip within my flash banner so I can see the same image?

(From a creative perspective 'imageholder' is a smaller version of the image which is animated over the top of the main flash site) I am happy to pay for an hours work if somebody could help (via paypal if you like). I am in desperate need

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CS3 Looking For A Non XML Driven Flash Banner Rotator

Aug 7, 2009

I am looking for a non XML driven Flash banner rotator, something where I can load my images into the FLA and publish. The only rotators I can seem to find have external XML/image files, etc. All I want to do is create simple SWF's that I can use to display rotating images preferably is a smooth and stylish manner. Does anyone know of any, or could point me in the right direction?

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Flash Banner Links Not Working?

Aug 20, 2009

i have created some flash banners with a url embedded in them, so when they are placed on a web page the banner links through to my website when clicked. Fairly simple.But, i tested them on a website on my server to link to another website on the server and they worked fine. When i gave them to a client to embed on their own website (the flash files are hosted on my server still), the links no longer work.

Is this a security issue to stop the links working? i also checked it in linux and the banners worked, but in windows they do not. I dont want the client to have their own local copy of the flash file, as i may update it in the future and dont want to chase up lots of different copies everywhere.

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Use This Effect For A Flash Image Banner?

Oct 23, 2009

I'm trying to use this effect for a flash image banner that I have, but something is missing from these instructions because when I test the movie, all I get are large white lines covering my images rather than the transparency of the mask over the image http:[url].....

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Creating Hyperlinks In A Flash Banner?

Jun 27, 2009

I am creating a flash banner ad with 5 images that will rotate in view. How do I place a hyperlink with each image that apperas? Is that through image maping or anchor tags? or is it a type of script i need to write?

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Display A Username In A Flash Banner?

Aug 26, 2009

I need to display a Username in a Flash Banner in my website. The Site is PHP and the header is made in Flash. My requirement is that, when a user Logs in, his name should be displayed in the Top of the site (in the Flash banner here) like "Welcome User". Is it possible ? I have the PHP file which displays username. All I need is that to merge it to the flash banner (through actionscript, isnt it ?)

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